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01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

hi anyone know how i can use fancybox with autoscale?
i want to resize its window based on big image size
@Basit Shouldn't it do that automatically?
i tried.. didnt work
it opens it in fixed size window
i think i have to write it in inline.. the width and height.. but not sure what code or tags should i use
been trying to look for example.. cant find it
'titlePosition' : 'inside',
Does that work?
i have images width and height.. like 1024 x 700 up
How about:
'width': '75%',
'height': '75%',
hmm ok gonna try it
i have this
padding: 12,
overlayOpacity: 0.2,
overlayColor: overlayColor,
onComplete: modalStart,
wdith: '75%',
height: '75%'
didnt work
Well because fancybox wouldn't handle the width and height properties of the settings object.
You will have to use CSS to apply the widths and heights
I've never used fancybox but I assume how it's coded, what you want to apply may be tricky, since it will resize the lightbox based on the size of the image in Javascript.
1 hour later…
Gyar, i thought swarm AI was meant to be simple to code :( jsfiddle.net/LEuSn
6 hours later…
@IvoWetzel, you idiot, when I asked you to use ul for the navigation I didn't mean this:
@YiJiang Oh! I blame the build script :P
hm, yes the stupid markdown converter puts everything in its own list
@YiJiang make script updated
as well as the site
I should add some unit tests
You know, some regex for checking the HTML
Eh... why? It's not that complex
@YiJiang But the Markdown thingy is stupid :P
A check for HTML validity would probably be enough
A: javascript object variables and functions

Ivo Wetzelvar obj = function() { // function expression, while obj is created before head // it's only assigned the anonymous function at runtime var a = 0; // variable local to the scope of this function this.b = 0; // sets a property on 'this' } Now what this is depends...

and now I'm away for an hour or so, and if I don't have +10 there I'll be a very sad panda when I come back :(
@IvoWetzel You're creating invalid HTML there in the JavaScript garden
<h3 id="objects" class="section">Objects <a href="#top">^</a></h3 id="objects" class="section">
Are you sure whatever templating tool you're using you're doing it correctly?
(dang, it worked)
@ClemDesm Hahaha
Just wait till @IvoWetzel returns, and I'll bash this giant <h3> tag on his head for using regex to parse HTML
In a month, my grand-mother sent me 400Mo of PPS files. (just flushed my gmail's trash)
@ClemDesm PPS?
ppt and pps files
But meh, your Grand mother knows how to use email
My mother can't even write a complete formal email properly
She just bought her first computer 6 months ago XD
What methods are there for opening new tabs through javascript?
@IvoWetzel there a good reason for using the function constructor!
@Raynos window.open I think would open in new tabs for modern browsers
Watch out for popup blockers though
@YiJiang it's intranet so its ok.
Whats the correct URL to pass to window.open for a blank page
about:blank ?
Are there any gotchas to using about:blank
@YiJiang Bla! I don't care about invalid HTML, HTML can't be helped anymore :P
@Raynos Example?
var g = new Function;
g.prototype = o; // or g.prototype = new o; dependant on what o is
var inherited = new g;
var g = function(){} ?
@IvoWetzel new Function is more elegant :)
@Raynos ...
@Raynos Writing everything on one line is more elegant :P
@IvoWetzel I mean using new Function is valid there.
@Raynos Well, yes it has no side effects, but still, it wouldn't use it because of consistency
Mind you thats the only time I would use new Function
an empty anonymous function is less readable to me. The use of new Function suggests to me that I'm creating a new constructor
@Raynos Gnah, looks less "wtf" to me though
If I were to encounter new Function somewhere I would think "Uh why they're doing this? Are they probably using it somewhere else too?"
Both syntaxes are valid, new Function just shows the meaning of the code better. Of course only new Function is valid, passing in any paramaters uses global eval which is evil.
@IvoWetzel of course using new Function as a global version of eval is also valid but is black magic.
Well comes down to style and consistency then I guess (and that's a holy war after all)
Speaking of holy wars: 4 spaces(!!!)
@IvoWetzel tab character
@CodingKitten Support me
@IvoWetzel Yep... voting Mafia at 6:28, by Tek I don't care for me, all of the critiria changed subtly and broke the world ...
@IvoWetzel I blocked the kitten
@Raynos I know, still I want it to say stupid things
@IvoWetzel whats the best way to open a documentFragment in a new tab
@Raynos Uh, open a window and append the fragment to its DOM? Can't think of anything better right now...
hm my name + javascript = SO profile :)
Hello @Every1
Hello @Raynos
Hello @IvoWetzel
I need help
can any body
@IvoWetzel smacks Ivo with giant <h3>
Hello @YiJiang
can anybody look @ dis code
@NiteshKatare You don't have to keep reposting that, I can see it just fine
@NiteshKatare <input type="reset">
@YiJiang I didn't care about validity, I just wanted to have the HTML done :P
@NiteshKatare You're using .each wrongly here. Look at the documentation for that at api.jquery.com/each
@IvoWetzel Meh, simple change to the make file - h3> to <h3 to not match the closing tag
@ClemDesm I have to clear the 3 textbox on the button click
But still,
!kitten regex
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

@NiteshKatare Exactly what the build-in html <input type="reset"> does w/o JS ! \o/
@YiJiang @ClemDesm What code i have to write to clear the Textbox on the button click
@ClemDesm But i have many controls on my page and i want to clear only these 3 textbox on the page
wat code i need to write for it
@NiteshKatare Three things: 1) You're HTML is wrong - <br /> not </br>
sorry i just typed it in hurry
@NiteshKatare jsfiddle.net/2Fpc9/3 to correct it. (added <form>, modify </br> to <br/>)
without validating it
2) It's best to use all lowercase HTML id and class names. Your selector is also wrong: #MainDiv :text should select all text input elements
text isn't a selector so you need to use input[type='text'] as per my rewrite jsfiddle.net/2Fpc9/4
@Koorb @ClemDesm Thanks a lot
3) each takes a function which is executed on each of the elements in the set. In this case it's not necessary here. @Koorb's example is correct
@Koorb i saw ur code thanks for helping
No problem :)
@NiteshKatare Or if you have other type="text" you don't want to reset, use class, like this jsfiddle.net/2Fpc9/6
@IvoWetzel So... about the HTML
@Koorb Which is the best book to refer jQuery
@NiteshKatare one named the Internet.
@NiteshKatare If you only need a reference, api.jquery.com
@ClemDesm @YiJiang I wont get time to learn jQuery in my office so i thght to learn it in my spare time bt in my home i dont have net connection so any good book to refer jquery
There should be an offline version of the reference somewhere, lemme see if I can find it
Oh look, SO has the answer
Q: Where can I download the jQuery API documentation?

Chris ConwaySince I pound API docs pretty hard when I'm coding, I like to have them on my local disk. jQuery.com lists a lot of sources for browsing the API documentation online, but I haven't found anywhere I can download an HTML bundle as a TAR or ZIP file. Is such a bundle available? EDIT: I should have ...

@NiteshKatare jQuery is evolving fast.
Not sure how up to date the answers are though, the question is from '08
:238661 Tab to autocomplete
Oops haha thank you @NiteshKatare I have to admit I am brand new to jQuery, I'm from the mootools side.
jqapi.com has a downloadable HTML version for 1.4.4, which should suffice
@ClemDesm Yes ur right i recently joined for job and im eager to learn it
I have brought books in the past but normaly find I never refer to them nearly as much as online references
@NiteshKatare Just taking a look at other peoples tutorials, examples and sites like learningjquery.com and indeed stackoverflow are invaluable
@Koorb I prefer to visit Stackoverflow to my frnds
I like it very much
@YiJiang fixed the h3, what call does invoke prettify?
@IvoWetzel I'm not entirely sure how gh-pages works, but I think you'll need to rerun the make script and add the css and js file to the gh-pages script branches
I've modified the script so that it'll run on all pre elements instead of only those with the correct className
@YiJiang Well it's basically just a plain "http server thingy"
So I have to call the prettify thing from the html
Eh... actually, just including the js file should be fine I think. But from the page currently I don't see the link to the prettify css and js file
@YiJiang I did include the file, but nothing changed
I've modified the template.html file, so you'd have to run make again I think
@YiJiang Hm, commits don't show any change to the template
That's... odd. I'd have sworn I'd pushed the changes to template.html.
Anyway, it's just adding two lines. I'll edit it in place right now then.
I'll rewrite the HTML/CSS anyways, gonna do that now to clean up the mess it is at the moment
I'm playing around with the CSS, but there really isn't a lot to do there
has anyone had a problem in ie8 where supplying "debug=1" in a url gives you javascript errors?
in particular, I'm seeing this using extjs
window.open and its options is the most retarded thing ever. Why do they all default to false when I supply one but all default to true when i supply none.
Nice, I did my template generator. Zip file are easier than I thought to handle with php
Chrome... you suck
inspecting an HTML5 document makes it crash -.-
@IvoWetzel o_o
No idea why :/
Firebug works
Anyways, it's now a nice and semantic HTML5 thingy... now back to the CSS
Some more color would be nice
Also I god rid of all classes only some ids for the linking
Even looks reasonably well without any CSS
For those of you who are not behind the GFW: dl.dropbox.com/u/2332843/garden/index.html
I'll also make it work in plan md form again
(I favor the md version...)
Q: How does the Price Trends feature in eBay work in IE?

Alan McCloudWhen looking at a listing for eBay, for example: http://catalog.ebay.com/Apple-iPod-classic-5th-Generation-Black-30-GB-/60655662?_pcatid=39&_refkw=ipod&_trkparms=65%253A12%257C66%253A2%257C39%253A1%257C72%253A4030&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 The Price Trends chart shows up as iframe appare...

^ Request to reopen
@YiJiang Uh that got closed? votes
<button> isn't valid html right?
Thats hideous, why does it exist? Also if given no type <button> defaults to sumbit -.-
@Raynos Lolwut?
Duh, that's how it's written in the specs
@YiJiang why do we have <button> instead of <input type="button">
@Raynos <button> can contain other inline elements
@YiJiang your right. It is in the spec. It just seems annoying that it defaults to submit.
... I hate SO sometimes.
@ClemDesm Hear hear!
Well, tell us why!
A: jquery flash plugin is showing nothing

ClemDesmFirst, your fiddle got bad markup. Anyway, you don't use the plugin as it is shown on its examples and docs. You don't link to the mp3, but to a swf reading that mp3! From http://jquery.lukelutman.com/plugins/flash/example-mp3.html, Javascript: $(document).ready(function(){ $('a[@hre...

Tried to make him understand something easy : RTFM. Ended as doing his job.
no +1.
Q: php regular form and input

cj333I want to get the search box from this site, I use php regular the form part, but there still has many other html code in it. So how to remove them and just get a pure search box? Thanks. <?php $str = file_get_contents('http://bingphp.codeplex.com'); preg_match_all('~<form.+</form>~i...

=_= seriously....
@Raynos Think about it. A <button> is a Button. An input type="button" is a input element told to behave like a button. But then again I think is kinda strange the the default type for a button is submit. It's all about the semantics of your code
@fredrik Tab to autocomplete
(We should get kittenbot to do the reminding :P)
@YiJiang, oh yes :)
Trail and error fail .
I just saw the new tag popup :D neat
@CodingKitten What do you think?
@YiJiang Hm, found that in question wants to transfer a sec, I'll show you get that character...
@ClemDesm Finally, those tag wikis get the exposure they deserve
I hate Chrome for crashing all the time -.-
@IvoWetzel Explain open source licencing to me. I can't use MIT licenced 3rd party libraries in closed source commercial work right?
@fredrik Interesting.
> It is a permissive license, meaning that it permits reuse within proprietary software on the condition that the license is distributed with that software.
@Raynos I take it that means you should be able to use it
You can pretty much do whatever you want with it, as long as you leave the original copyright notice
@ClemDesm, I personally like <button> better (when it's a button visually) but the idea of be able to send a value of the input you click one could come really usefull when dealing with webforms
@YiJiang I'ts ambigious. It could mean that the entire product that uses a single piece of MIT 3rd party code should entirely by under the MIT licence.
@IvoWetzel But do I have to put the MIT licence on anything using it? (and thus spreading to the entire project)
@Raynos No.
You only need to keep the MIT license on the original code that did use it, not your entire project
Is it just me, or does have one else have a standard library for communicating to a web-service over ajax? (hence extending or wrapping jquery ajax)
@YiJiang Guess I'll use pygments to generate the syntax highlighting via make
@fredrik Why won't jQuery's ajax functions work for you?
@IvoWetzel Might be ugly though, I'd usually prefer client-side solutions
@YiJiang can you try getting that work again? :P It broke with the new template
Just committed the major cleanup
Okay, hang on...
make script now looks like Python and not... uh... spaghetties
@YiJiang, it doesn't support queueing with different callbacks and invoking more then 1 ajax call at document.ready can result in in-proper call order since the second ajax call can get completed faster the the first one
@fredrik Sounds like you need this: protofunc.com/scripts/jquery/ajaxManager
Say the call 2 and 3 is depended on call 1, resulting in a js error
@IvoWetzel How long till gh-pages update?
@YiJiang Oh sry, did not push yet, gonna do that now
@YiJiang Although it might be better to just build it locally, since the current version has no styling and I already spreaded a ton of links to it
@YiJiang Or I create a subdirectory for the new version
@IvoWetzel Eh? Ah, you shouldn't...
@YiJiang, thanks look's nice. But it seems that is triggers the newly added request (even if queue) once added. I want it to wait until I've filled a pre-defined queue the send's the request.
Why not transfer the original styles first, then do the update later?
@fredrik I'm sure the plugin has option for that, lemme see...
A hoy hoy...
I've build one, but look to improve it. And are curios how other's have done it
@YiJiang The HTML is completely different, but gimme 10 minutes to reapply the old style
@fredrik Initialize it with queue: true? The description of it sounds like what you need
@IvoWetzel ^ WTH!? Why does Firebug think a link called hasOwnProperty is erm... I don't know
Why is it trying to decompose the function into it's native code source in the HTML tab?
@YiJiang But already looks way better than mine :D
@YiJiang Indeed, Firebugs does crazy things there
@YiJiang I'll focus on the HTML semantics and the markdown then
Let's make this a good example why unobtrusiveness is a good thing ;)
yes, unobtrusive JS is the only JS (unless your site is based upon JS)...
html5 question, article -> section ?
I know what I mean.
Well in the Garden, articles is something like "Objects"
But that still has sub topics
like "Best Practices" or "Objects as a Datatype"
would it be a good idea to put those into sections?
they have a h4 after all
which reminds me I should change those headings to h1 h2 h3
right now it's h1 h3 h4 which doesn't make sense
Nobody knows
So, should I open a question?
the spec is pretty weak
Headings should go in that order, yes. Better semantics
HTML5 specs are still vague as hell. Use your own judgement should be the correct answer
Although I don't think the article element is used correctly here
Well then I gonna plop sections in there makes for sense to me
@YiJiang What would you use? Section?
Well, in order for it to be useful there needs to be some kind of consensus. For consensus, someone just needs to make an authoritative guide to it, and maintain it...
Hang on, let me go through the specs again
Yay: 1301 views on the bowling question. Oh, and someone on the XKCD forum said they are building a genetic algorythm to do it :-D
@ircmaxell O_O Genetic algo for that? That's... wow, that must be the very definition of overkill
@ircmaxell I hope they screw up the skynetcost
Like a subtle Java error...
long skynetcost = 999999999999999;
(let's see who's good at Java)
@IvoWetzel What's wrong with that?
@YiJiang it's missing and L
Malbolge is a public domain esoteric programming language invented by Ben Olmstead in 1998, named after the eighth circle of hell in Dante's Inferno, the Malebolge. The peculiarity of Malbolge is that it was designed to be the most difficult and esoteric programming language. However, several of the tricks used to make understanding it difficult can be simplified away. Programming in Malbolge Malbolge was so difficult to understand when it arrived that it took two years for the first Malbolge program to appear. The program was not even written by a human being: it was generated by a be...
Java will parse the number literal as an int....
That's Hello World! in Malbolge...
@ircmaxell Don't encrypt your messages with RSA
That's the plain-text source...
@ircmaxell Now the question, can one write a brainfuck program that generates Malbolge?
Of course the Malbolge has to be a genetic algorithm that generates the brainfuck in the first place
Oh god. Recursion warning
Dude, that'd be awesome though. If you had a LanguageX program that generated the source for LanguageY. Running LanguageY generates the source for LanguageX. Ad infinium...
In the end it's turtles all the way down...
@YiJiang Found anything in the spec?
> The article element represents a self-contained composition in a document, page, application, or site and that is, in principle, independently distributable or reusable, e.g. in syndication. This could be a forum post, a magazine or newspaper article, a blog entry, a user-submitted comment, an interactive widget or gadget, or any other independent item of content.
Hm, so does that match our "topics"?
Hmmm... hard to say
They have some linking, but they are mostly written independent from each other
Has anyone here used Head js?
Q: Son of Suckerfish Menu in IE8 closes before links can be selected

N. AliSo, I've managed to get a "Son of Suckerfish" menu to work in IE8, great. However, there is a problem with the menu in which it doesn't stay "open" long enough for users to click the revealed links. As soon as a user's cursor leaves the link triggering the menu, even if they move below the trigge...

Now my question, what is "Son of Suckerfish" Menu?!?!?!
@IvoWetzel Search for it
It's an improved version of the original ALA suckerfish menu
Does anyone know how to put an image into a jgrid cell?
Didnt realize jslint was updated a few days ago
Date.prototype.toUTCString = function() {
  return this.toGMTString().replace('GMT', 'UTC');
Interesting. .toUTCString() will return what you want, but it says GMT instead of UTC.
@YiJiang Added in the section stuff now
Just a little comparsion:
MS-DOS wildcards: *.*
JS RegExp: /.\../
> The arguments pseudo array becomes a little bit more array-like in ES5. In strict mode, it loses its callee and caller properties.
NO!!! We lose arguments.callee()! (yep, I know, only in strict mode)
Loosing that is a good thing
Oh, I've just read now that I can do something like this: $('.obj').click(function foo() { ... });
> In strict mode, duplicate keys in a function literal will produce a syntax error.
Please explain it to me, I don't understand this.
function(foo, foo)
Oh, thanks.
function foo foo hahaha
¬_¬ I'm tired.
'abcd'.slice(-1); // 'd'
'abcd'.slice(-2); // 'cd'
'abcd'.slice(-3); // 'bcd'
'abcd'.slice(-4); // 'abcd'
> /(.)(.)(.)(.)/.exec('abcd')
["abcd", "a", "b", "c", "d"]
Oh, yeah...
nevermind (I'm an idiot)
But what if I don't know the string's length?
Can I reliably test Windows/Safari and assert OSX/Safari will work?
@Raynos No
@ClemDesm what differences must I be aware of. A user has submitted a fault for OSX/Safari and we can only test Windows/Safari.
Is there any way to return a string x times? Like this:
function multiString(str, cnt) {
  return str * cnt;
multiString('*', 4); // '****'
new Array(x-1).join(str)
@Raynos And do you have the same error on w$/safari ?
@ClemDesm havn't checked yet. But even fixing said same issue doesnt resolve the issue if said same issue was caused by a different problem
@IvoWetzel It returns 2 less.
What if x is -1?
> multiString('*', 4)
> multiString('*', 5)
@Raynos Last time I checked some CSS wasn't the same on mac/w$. (but it was 2 years ago)
@Nyuszika7H Oh yeah should be +1
@IvoWetzel Thanks!
> ('foo').multi(100)
Is there any way to make width, height etc. x times smaller or larger relative to the current value, with CSS only?
does JS support do { } while (condition)?
@ircmaxell Yep.
How do I test if a dom node is a text node? Any thoughts?
would this work on a text node?
var callback = function(node) {
        var text = node.nodeValue;
        text = text.replace(/(someString)/gi, '<a href="http://domain.com/$1">$1</a>');
        var div = document.createElement('div');
        div.innerHTML = text;
        node.parentNode.replaceChild(div.childNodes, node);
The question is can I pass a nodelist (the result of div.childNodes to replaceChild)?
I think you should ask this as a question on SO.
What's the point of Array.prototype.isArray? An array is always an array. :P
it's for an answer:
A: Matching a string only if it is not in <script> or <a> tags.

ircmaxellWell, You can use XPath with Mozilla (assuming you're writing the plugin for FireFox). The call is document.evaluate. Or you can use an XPath library to do it (there are a few out there)... var matches = document.evaluate( '//*[not(name() = "a") and not(name() = "script") and contains(., "...

@Nyuszika7H You can pass Array.isArray any variable
Wouldn't that be to enable Array.isArray(variable)?
@YiJiang Then I've misunderstood that.
if (new Array(5).isArray(new Array(5).isArray(new Array(5)))) { alert('Evil Stuff is happening!'); }
> Hi I have a website html embadded with java script, the website uploaded into apache tomcat,
Pro-Tip: If you see extract($HTTP_POST_VARS); do not stop. Do not pass go. Go directly to a place of worship and pray that you don't ever have to touch that code again!
ouch PHP3?
well, it was introduced in 2 I think, and deprecated in 4, but somehow is still valid
@ircmaxell Yes
Moving the mouse over the error "scene" does a little parallax effect
The fail-pus!
Actually it's the Octocat
Wait, wasn't that actually a languge definition?
@IvoWetzel nerdmeritbadges.com bottom left.
@IvoWetzel Similarly for 404 pages
The parallex-like effect is pretty cool
@YiJiang The 404 is nicer
Still.. I'd like to search the issues now...
Just one more reason why GitHub is awesome
All, that's OCAML: made by attaching 4 legs to a cat...
01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

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