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@RyanKinal damn right, and it will. Look at ES5. the only part of ES5 you need to shim on modern browsers is Function#bind because safari sucks
Thus, I find it hard to get motivated to write shim code
It's actually fun to write these shims.
@RyanKinal the thing is, you dont have to write shim code. You just have to use the shim
@Raynos That's true, of course
Geeks like me and @Zirak write shims
ES<5 "just say no"
What client-side MVC frameworks have people in here used? I'm interested in seeing what they're all about, and if they're worth my time (or whether I should just continue with my OO/modular approach).
It's not very hard to decode.
no, I'm not gonna help you make that shorter...
Client side MVC? lol
That's what she said!
@rudi_visser It exists
so does client-side templating
that doesn't mean it's a good idea
And that's what I want to test. Whether client-side MVC is worth anything.
I want to see it in action, and see why I might use it over a simpler approach.
@RyanKinal Backbone, there not really worth it
well they are worth it if you dont know how to architecture javascript
they give you a base line architecture that is hard to mess up
It is worth while to think in terms of "client side MVC"
that's kind of the conclusion I came to with PHP MVC frameworks too.
The concept is good, but the frameworks are rather unnecessary.
hi, does anyone knows how can I represent a javascript mixin in UML ?
SOPA blackout on BBC news at the moment
@abernier trololololol.
@Alnitak ?
ooo nm
silly me
@RyanKinal Yes PHP MVC Frameworks are 150,000% unnecessary
That's my personal MVC pattern.
My personal architecture relies on mediators and I use Fragment as my "templating engine"
Seems reasonable.
Q: Change ground detection statement to no-ground / air detection

elias94xxI'm struggeling this problem for hours now. I can't get my 2d jump 'n' run collision detection to recognize when the player doesn't have ground below his feet. I did manage to scan if he will hit the ground though, which looks like this: if (this.x + this.width > cxi * 32 && this.x &l...

but the main point is that MVC is not something that requires a framework, it's an architecture pattern you implement
but then some people will say "backbone makes a good baseline architecture library"
Just to nitpick your pattern... should the model really be emitting a render event?
@RyanKinal I don't know.
maybe it should be emitting a change event
@Raynos Agreed. MVC isn't a library, it's an idea about decoupling.
Changed to a .created event
get rid of that assignment in the while loop, you heathen
To be honest I havn't gotten my head around a sensible naming convention for MVC style events
@MattMcDonald :( but its pwetty
it's the inverse
while (child = div.firstChild) {
// versus
child = div.firstChild;
while (child) {
    child = div.firstChild;
you might as well be plopping that filth in if blocks too
whats wrong with assignment in if >_>
nothing IMHO
@RyanKinal An implementation of Smalltalk I once used had the method updateUserInterfaces implemented for models. I think that's the same thing.
but I'd probably go for the C/C++ convention of wrapping an extra pair of parens around the assigment as a hint to the reader that the assignment is intentional
(Sorry, talking to the boss)
Anyway, it's been my understanding that the model represents the data and the functions that act on that data, the view is the rendering, and the controller kind of joins the two.
in my model you have user input routers that let controllers know something happened
controllers then do something with that normalized input. In this case they tell models something has changed
models then emit some form of event that views can react to
This allows controllers to be disjoint from types of user input, whether its UI events or HTTP or whatever
controllers and models are competely abstract
and you can place as many views in the system as you want since they can all react to changes the model makes
its not conventianel MVC but its close enough
In my understanding, the router would let the controller know something happened, and then the controller would notify the appropriate model and the appropriate view. Thus, the model is separated from the view.
In my model no-one talks to each other anyway
Well, right. But where I've written "notify", I could very well be emitting an event.
In an abstract sense, the router is really a part of the controller. It's just another means of input.
MVC is just 'input, process, output' optimised for a GUI environment.
@adscriven its best to have the controller to be input-type agnostic
@Raynos Absolutely.
Although argueably that's not neccessary
Arguably you cant re-use the same controller for different types of input, although I'm not sure.
It's a translation layer between the input and the model.
It normalises input into abstract shit that the model can understand.
Input, process, output. At its extreme a model is simply a function with arguments and a return. MVC is all about decoupling.
So, a controller takes input (or the output of a router), determines which data and which view is necessary, and outputs the combination of the two. (Again, in my understanding)
I might be wrong on the output, though
Controllers just send inputs to models. It's up to views to register an interest with a model (although in practice controllers often set up the love triangle).
@RyanKinal Yeah you could do that, but I choose to change the links around
Agh I see what you mean though in a classic server environment
gah annoying
Raynos: not really trolling, just wondering a way of representing graphically JS objects
@adscriven not really possible with servers
because views need a reference to the output channel for a particular user
in the client you can optimize because their is only one user
@Raynos I agree, I was thinking of a more classical environment.
@abernier there is no standard I know of
@abernier What for?
@abernier JSON?
@abernier Boxes and arrows?
@Raynos simply put, it's tricky code
I like to think that simple boolean logic is all that should be evaluated in the "logic" portion of a block
Ok fine
while ( (child = node.firstChild) !== null )
@MattMcDonald @Alnitak's suggestion of wrapping in extra parens is a good one. I'd like JSLint to support that, but I doubt that would ever happen.
I could refactor it I guess
is that extra line that much of a pain?
@MattMcDonald its two extra lines
Anyone have a script / snippet that will let me display a pretty version of what browser someone is using? I'm not using it for feature detection.
@MattMcDonald It's a common idiom if you know C however. (Although you have to exercise responsibility and not go crazy with it.)
child = node.firstChild;
while (child) {
  child = node.firstChild;
if it was extra line I wouldn't care.
adscriven: no, for example, I'd like to model how the jQuery's widget factory build a new constructor with its $.widget() function (github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/blob/1.8.17/ui/…)
@abernier May God be with you.
I'd like to be able to "draw it" in order to better explain it to a team
@abernier Use a whiteboard.
Q: How to properly pass url parameters in jquery mobile

MatthewI was wondering if you could give me some insight on what I can do when it comes to passing url parameters in the url to a specific page on my jquery mobile run site. So I have a link living on site A that look like this: http://www.m.mysite.org/donate?s_src=1234&s_subsrc=12345 And if s...

@abernier easy solution, dont use jquery :D
@adscriven yes, that could be a quite decent solution, was just wondering if there was tools for this
it's one extra line at minimum
@MattMcDonald how can I do it with one line?
keep it on the line you initialize the variable
@Raynos Glad you liked that. Tomorrow: Damn kids need to stay off my DOM.
@abernier Water-based marker pens are my preference.
Raynos: why not?
Raynos: I like their solution of stateful widgets, what do you use for this?
Should I log an issue with JSLint about allowing assignment within a conditional if it's wrapped in extra parens?
@abernier I dont like jQuery or any of their implementations
their architecture may be sound though
That's how JSLint likes IIFEs after all.
So I read and annotated the first few lines you linked me
that is the exact reason I dont use bullshit like that.
I'm sad to say that I have solved countless bugs in colleagues' JS by simply removing '$' symbols.
posted on January 18, 2012 by Vasilis

Em Calculator I’m not sure why we keep having this conversation but there are still people on this planet who for some weird reason prefer pixels over ems. On the internet! Yes I know, it’s crazy. For those people: here’s a tool that will help you with building solid, flexible things for the internet. units, best-practices Effects for the Web! | @drublic Here’s a

@adscriven ... why people no learn jquery === piece of shit
@Raynos I wouldn't mind if the architecture were saner and it were actually possible to debug.
@Raynos Without wasting months of my life I mean.
use DOM-shim
The browser normalization layer that doesnt get in your fucking way
@Raynos I'm seriously considering es5-shim and DOM-shim. I need to spend more time analysing the code before using it in production (govt job) but at least that shit is actually readable and the time-sink is my own understanding. jQuery is a lost cause in that regard.
you can take my word for it that es5-shim is production ready
I'm the author of the DOM-shim and you can take my word for that shit is not production ready
Note the DOM-shim does not fix IE7 at all
@Raynos I might fork DOM-shim for certain IE7 use cases. How much thought has been put into making es5-shim work with IE7?
ES5 shim works ie6/7
like I said only two things dont work, non-enumerability and getter/setters
Well, that has a knock-on effect for Object.create for example. But that's definitely the only stuff that doesn'twork with IE7?
That one is a DOM-shim that works in IE6 using htc files
I have no clue about its quality though
@adscriven well there are other things like read only and configurability and strict mode, but they dont cause errors
An error that doesn't cause an error is still an error.
Actually, it's a worse error.
well things like
makeReadOnly(o, "foo");
o.foo = 42;
console.log(o.foo === 42);
That would fail in chrome but succeed in IE
as long as you test on one non-IE browser that bug will be caught
so it doesn't matter
Well, we only support IE7 here, but nobody uses it for development.
oh ...
note .getPrototypeOf fails if you destroy the constructor property on the prototype
this again doesn't matter but because no-one destroys that property. Because that would be bad code. And surely you dont have bad code
getOwnPropertyNames wont work on non-enumerable host objects in ES3 which can cause issues
but theres little you can do about that
isX is "accurate" because X cannot be such in ES3
I have no bad code. Only jQuery.
seal/freeze/preventExtensions is ok because that's just a no-op
the only one that is dodgy is getOwnPropertyDescriptor which has a known bug in IE8
that no-one has pulled my request on yet ¬_¬
No-ops aren't okay. If they fail they should fail.
but they dont fail
its just that freezing an object doesnt change the object in a non compliant browser
Silent failure is failure.
but its not a failure
it allows you to freeze objects in compliant browsers and it allows you to run that same code without it throwing a "herp derp cant freeze in this browser" error in legacy browsers
That's failure.
Anyone familiar with maths?
In fact, not freezing and saying nowt about it is worse than failure.
@adscriven so you would prefer to not use the method at all?
i prefer to have it be a no-op
I don't mind, I just need to know about it so I can add patches to dev code that highlight failure.
@adscriven but you cant patch it
all you can do is not use Object.freeze
Why not?
// option 1
Object.freeze = function (it) { return it; }
// option 2
Object.freeze = function () { throw Error("can never be implemented"); }
Those are your only two options
option 2 is stupid, because you added a function that just throws an error, thats a waste of space
its either option 1 or dont ever use Object.freeze
@Raynos Yep, option 2. We must support IE7 so freeze mustn't be used. But I'd still like to include es5-shim.
then dont use object.freeze
what damage does a no-op do?
@Raynos I won't.
@Raynos Are you serious?
if you really care, then edit the es5 shim source and remove that shim
@adscriven yes I am
Look Object.freeze is a compile time tool
it's an early error tool
To be useful it has to trigger an early error in one browser you test, not all browsers
It's like compiler flags
Its the same as strict mode
use strict mode, test it in a strict mode compliant browser
then don't give a fuck about strict mode not working in IE7
@Raynos var foo = {}; foo.bar(); // you want silent failure?
@adscriven no I don't
I want to fail in a single browser that I test
it needs to be caught in one browser, not all browsers
@Raynos Which browser?
Also :3 Object.prototype = new Proxy(); var foo = {}; foo.bar(); // no error
@adscriven doesn't matter, any browser on my testing list
@Raynos Catching that error is likely, but still hopeful. That's not good enough for me. I'd have to patch it.
patch what? There's nothing you can do.
@Raynos Noisy failure instead of silent.
but a noisy failure is useless to me
I want a bloody no-op
so the code can run
I want the same code on all platforms
option 2 is a waste of space
How is it the same code if it does different things on different platforms?
Object.freeze = function () {
  throw new Error("this doesn't work on platforms, so your not allowed to use this feature. I'm going to hold your fucking hand and throw an error to make sure you never use this feature");
@adscriven it doesnt matter if it does different things on different platforms :\
It's the same reason I have var console = {}; console.log = function () {}; for IE6/7
@Raynos That's pretty much right; it needs to work correctly on IE7.
so that I don't have to do if (console && console.log) around every bloody invocation to the method
I could if (Object.freeze) do double check it works, but that's useless bloat, so I'm just shimming it with a harmless no-op.

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