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:) cheers
hey guys
@MattMcDonald @Raynos hey man hows things?
so close to having the game done
just need to add a timer, and awareness % bar
hey @MylesGray
hopes hes the only lundum dare submitter to use canvas today
@Loktar hows things man?
pretty good
how about where your at?
still crazy busy?
Haha awesome game!
yeah just trying to get stuck into RoR
decided i'd had enough of wordpress and joomla and want to make a properly bespoke webapp for myself
ok, back to extensions - @Raynos I was that dumb.. I needed jsonp to use the api..
busy as I can be though, which is good but would like more time for my own projects
I can include <script type="text/javascript" src="http://api.stackexchange.com/2.0/sites?callback=run_ss_background&pagesize=‌​999"></script> in options or popup and have it execute - but i'm uncertain of the relationship between background.html and the browser.. I cannot seem to get the callback to execute from the background page.
yeah Ive been playing too many games at home, I need to play them less and develop more.
I did a test! Huzzah!
@Loktar Im guessing judging by the sidebar SOPA has driven SO mental?
@GGG This is my code.... not passing between pages.
<script type="text/javascript">
function run_ss_background(json) {
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://api.stackexchange.com/2.0/sites?callback=run_ss_background&pagesize=999"></script>
lol a little
that is the contents of background.html
@rlemon still gotta do this to pass between background page and normal page
Q: Could not find a valid gem 'rails' (= 3.2.0) in any repository

Myles GrayI'm installing ruby on rails on my OS X 10.7 machine and trying to follow along with this book: http://pragprog.com/book/rails4/agile-web-development-with-rails (probably still blocked with SOPA). Anyway I have installed Ruby 1.9.3 and then ran gem install rails and it pulled down rails 3.1.3, n...

@MylesGray ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇?
so for my code up there to work I need to pass it from itself to itself?
@GGG ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇!!!▇▇▇▇ :)
@rlemon oh nm i need sleep :p
Hi guys. I just got privilege to chat. I feel better . hahahaha
lol oh man our new dev I think is looking for a job
he asked me about recursion
Did you tell him that to understand recursion he must understand recursion?
said hes helping a "friend", and I said wow that sounds like an interview question, he responded "it is"
lol I tried to help him understand, then he said its dumb and when would anyone use it.
You get asked about recursion in interviews?
"Ive never used it!" thats what he said
@Loktar then push him to get a new job.. you don't need that kind of dead weight.
unless of course you like being the big fish.
Hmmmmz, must do stuffs. var origArray = [1,2,3,4]; var newArray = []; newArray[0] = origArray[0]; newArray[1] = origArray[1]; newArray[2] = origArray[2]; ..
LOL. I ever use recursion once in my life.
yeah @rlemon I should..
yeah if he's never written a single function that calls itself he's very green
instead I didnt really help him because I was irritated by his comment about recursion
actually recursion can usually be refactored to uglier but better-performing solutions
but if that what he meant he'd probably have said that
@Loktar good, use that saved mental capacity to help me understand the relationship between chrome extension pages and the browser and why (imo) simple things are not working for me.
Im using my mental power to finish a game in a day!

<script type="text/javascript">
function run_ss_background(json) {
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://api.stackexchange.com/2.0/sites?callback=run_ss_background&pagesize=999"></script>
Y U NO ALERT?!?!?!
pls use your mental power to figure out why VideoLan's x264 encoder thingy doesn't do shit -> x264 -o test_enc.avi --preset faster 20120118_1926_29.avi
@rlemon console.log?
console does not function from the background.html pages in a chrome extension.
run_ss_background is never hit
but if I move this to popup.html or options.html it works fine.
what are you sure, i'm almost positive i've opened the console on background pages
there's some weird way to do it
Shit I just used CamStudio to do a screen recording and all along I had Expression Encoder 4 Screen Capture just sat in my start menu :(
<3 recursion
@GGG yea well aside from that - alert has always functioned in the past.
<script type="text/javascript">
alert('I FIRE'); // I really do
function run_ss_background(json) {
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://api.stackexchange.com/2.0/sites?callback=run_ss_background&pagesize=999"></script>
It's so... elegant. "In order to solve this big problem, solve this smaller problem until the big problem is solved."
so this stopped working after a chrome update or something?
ohh nm ok i see
alert works
any MooTools user here?
A headhunter told me about a month ago that I should learn MooTools.
I still haven't.
ugh!. why it's so hard to get unique values from an array and put it in another array? any simple solution guys?
@rlemon there's a way to get the console for a background page, i'm like 99.9% sure. Get it open and check the network tab and make sure the request is going through
ugh.... @GGG apparently there was a problem with the api call - I took out the pagesize and it works.
hahah yeah figured it was smtn like that
lol glad to see we're on the same page.
yeah i seriously need sleep
Sleep is for the weak.
... by which I mean, if you don't sleep, you will be weak.
@under5hell loop de loop
How Effing misleading is that.
I look at that and see "999" is max value.
maybe I need sleep as well
@rudi_visser OK. I'll try it. thanks :-)
wtf is 999
it's to indicate the field takes numeric input only
That's ridiculous what browser?
or is it a custom thing ie. not a HTML5 type
@under5hell My attempt at unique(arr) (uses ES5 array functions)
woop woop, dats the sound of da police, woop woop, dats the sound of da beeeeast ;D
This is an awesome song
Wait I need chips
makes chips
@rudi_visser ugh i was at a dance studio the other day and the dj in the other room kept playing this sample of a police siren loud as fuck... BWOOOOO... first time he did that i nearly had a shit
yesterday actually
you know the "rave horn" thing... he was doing that except with a police siren... annoying as fuck
@RyanKinal wohoo.... it work great dude! thanks.
@under5hell It is not cross browser. Just so's you know.
I believe it's shimmable, though
OH MY GOD this is hillarious - youtube.com/watch?v=LJ-KxVjDGGc&at=1m08s especially after like 2:20, WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE
ES5 shim (I don't now if that's a good one, though - @Raynos would probably know better)
@RyanKinal what browsers that support this method?
Chrome is the only one I've tested :-P
lol wtf
girl look at that body
Haha, caniuse.com has gone dark
wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle UNNNNNHHHH
@GGG hahaha awesome right? :P
@RyanKinal hahaha.... you must be kidding me. So, what about other browsers? any method to support this kinda action?
@rudivisser hilarious
@under5hell I don't know. Test it. Find out.
@RyanKinal do you know good js console for chrome
@under5hell Uh, Chrome's?
the built in one sucks. :-(
@under5hell O_O
You're wrong
@GGG Have you seen the original vid for that track? Only just seen it, kinda disturbing
@RyanKinal yeah, I mean a js console for google chrome..like firebug for firefox...
@under5hell Yeah, like WebKit's Web Inspector I guess
@under5hell Only reason Firefox has Firebug is because Firefox out of the box (well, and when extension-ised up) is shit
@under5hell Menu -> Tools -> JavaScript Console
Or ctrl+shift+J
@rudi_visser nah heard part of the track tho
@rudivisser i'll check it out
@RyanKinal whoaaa.. i couldn't believe i didn't see it before.... lol I think i need to sleep hahaa
thank you guys... see yaa...:-)
@under5hell But that is the built in console that you said sux ;|
@rudivisser yeahthis is a terrible track, i think i actually like the vid better.
@RyanKinal ES5 shim is good
horrible drum programming
@GGG watching that guy again - I GOT PASSION IN MY PANTS.... hahahah
ohh yeah , your right... i revoked it with ctrl+shift+j before... but i did'nt see it there hahaha
and that 303 is monotonous as fuck, probably just a sample of a 303 anyway
@rudivisser ohh yeah , your right... i revoked it with ctrl+shift+j before... but i did'nt see it there hahaha
I seriously need to sleep hahahaha
Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep then
@RyanKinal for future reference (github.com/kriskowal/es5-shim/blob/master/es5-shim.js#L17) my name is in the list ;) so it's reputable
@Raynos It is now one of the few that I'm watching. So I'll have it available.
@Loktar omg awareness is 200% and I didn't even do anything!
yeah it doesnt change levels properly yet
once its > 60% you win
but i need to remove the entities from the last level and reset some vars
There's like 1 top hat dude in between 20 protestors and he keeps avoiding them ;DDD
WSJ. You suck.
@Loktar Nice! :D
@Raynos Re: es5-shim. There are a whole load of shims that are 'dubious' or 'fail silently'. In that case, should they be shimmed at all?
@adscriven they should be.
@adscriven by dubious they mean "not fully compliant but kind of work"
it basically means they only implement a subset of the functionality
@Raynos Ah, thanks for that! I was just thinking that maybe there should be two separate downloads: es5-safe.js and es5-experimental.js.
so if anyone cares - the Chrome Extension 'bug' I had was that the API limits you to 100 items pagesize (but doesn't document this )
Q: Increase the pagesize limit from 100

rlemonCan we increase this limit to something more reasonable (other than 100). The cap of 100 for posts seems reasonable, however I cannot return the entire site list in one request. Due to the rapid growth of the network I now have to use two requests to grab the entire site list. Furthermore, th...

The question/answer API is also buggy, returns a 500 error when trying to use date ranges
@adscriven both are safe :\
@adscriven it's simply that some edge case features wont work in legacy browsers
@Raynos An alternative would be to have an ES5 object as the API entry point. So you'd write ES5.create(...). I realise this is defeating the point somewhat.
Look here noobcake
every part ES5-shim is safe apart from get/set in legacy browsers
and I plan to make get/set work in legacy browsers
that way all of ES5 shim is safe
Define 'legacy browser'!
22. Rudi Visser 117 587 Yeahhhh I'm faaaaast (without cheating :D)
!!/get answer between "Dec 1, 2011" "Jan 10, 2012"
@Zirak Retrieving answer
@Zirak A generic error has occurred on the server; developers have been notified.
@adscriven IE<9
yep, still buggy
@Raynos Heh, fair enough! Is this explicitly stated in the readme?
@adscriven meh it needs some work to be honest, the README is really negative
When i get time I will clean it up
@Raynos The tagline is 'ECMAScript 5 compatibility shims for legacy JavaScript engines'. Maybe that needs rewording.
@adscriven that's what it does
The only part of ES5 it cant shim is getter/setters
the rest either works or is a no-op and you don't care
@Raynos Well Object.create doesn't work in IE<9 for a start.
it does
Object.create(proto) works
@Raynos With one arg.
Object.create(proto, propsThatDoNotHaveGetters) works
Object.defineProperty(o, name, { value: ... }) works
The only thing of Object.create that doesn't work is non-enumerability and getter/setters
@Raynos Well if that works, then a dev might reasonably expect the rest to work. That's the problem.
@adscriven a dev needs to read the fucking readme and understand that it has limitations
the ES5 shim shims the shimmable subset of ES5.
If you dont what the shimmable subset is then L2BROWSERS
@Raynos I totally agree. However in the real world ...
@Raynos The problem for me is not failure, but silent failure. Those bugs are nasty.
@adscriven its not really a silent failure
get/set throws an error
@Raynos Don't get me wrong here, I wish IE<10 would die, horribly and quickly.
The only silent failure you care about is non-enumerability
non-writable and non-configurable dont matter
@Raynos Well, mostly ...
because they fail inother browsers
so its ok
@Raynos It's 99.9% okay. But then there's Murphy's Law ...
Why you worry about this
why dont you solve the real problem. The real problem is incompetent developers touching your code
@Raynos Now that's an intractable problem :-)
@Raynos Everyone is incompetent to some degree.
@adscriven yes, I am incompetent aswell
@Raynos I still think having two separate downloads sounds like a reasonble compromise. Or at least a table of what works where.
But I'm competent enough to what the shimmable subset of ES5 is and how browsers work
@adscriven thats the plan. But it never was implemented
@Raynos you've made me have the urge to punch someone that says 'shim'
Whats wrong with the word shim
I use it for "DOM-shim"
@Raynos Well, I'm still in a world where IE7 support is required :-(
I prefer "shiv"
@adscriven why not use a shim
to have IE7 emulate ES5 compliance
I plan to have IE7 emulate "full" DOM4 compliance
IE-shiv: Tracks down IE users, and stabs them with a shiv.
@Raynos "full"?
@adscriven "full" as in the subset of DOM4 compliance you care about
you cant be fully DOM4 compliant because thats silly / waste of time.
@Raynos Sure
var page = ++json.page || 2;
var page = json.page || 1;
@Raynos Maybe I've been burnt too many times by jQuery bugs.
@rlemon Those are two completely different things. var page = ( json.page || 1 ) + 1;
The former increments json.page
@Raynos Maybe I don't trust other developers enough.
@adscriven lol. But jQuery is a piece of shit
ES5 shim is not.
If ES5 shim was a piece of shit, I would be raging
and it had some bad bits in the past, and I helped fix them
@Raynos Maybe I could use a ES5-shim and put a big frickin notice at the top of each source file linking to the readme.
@adscriven just put it on your project documentation
@Raynos but then the onus is still on the developer to remember what is safe and what is not. I'd prefer the non-safe stuff to be a separate download.
your project does have a readme everyone reads, right?
@adscriven the onus is on the developer to not be a piece of shit
@Raynos Ah, the land of dreams!
That's like saying "herp derp, developer has to remember that elem.appendChild(jQueryobject) does not work"
Grow some fucking balls
@Zirak ohh I realize what they do. that wasn't the question - both ultimately set page to json.page + 1
@Raynos Simple the world isn't, young Jedi
json.page is never used after that check.
I'm just very tired - probably should go home and go to bed.
@adscriven See, this is why my "team is competent" criteria is important for my job searching
@Raynos Definitely!
@Raynos No they don't. If json.page isn't set, then there's a default of one. The former has a side-effect as well, something which isn't good for the future
@Zirak you meant to @rlemon that
I set the url... so I was coding JUST INCASE i forget to add the page number
Sorry, auto-completed from @R
Well, if you're the 100% boss, then do as you wish. It's just an arithmetic operation
after realizing that setting it to a variable is dumb.. and the existence check is un-needed - i just func( json.page + 1 );
json.page will not exist if json.items does not exist. and I check for items previous to this.
Q: is it possible to emulate non-enumerable properties

RaynosES5 has a enumerable flag. Example Example var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor , pd = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.prototype, "toString"); console.log(pd.enumerable === false); // true Introduction This allows for properties to be non enumerable. This clearly ...

Anyone know the solution?
not using IE ? ;-)
Wait until IE has support for ES5?
> @Incognito "Let's poison the water supply because criminals drink water"
Fucking, genious.
Actually, that's one of the reasons I find it hard to get excited about shims (and, more specifically, developing to them)
@RyanKinal it does, shit works in IE9, but IE8 is the new IE6
is that supposed to be a SOPA analogy?
@Alnitak yes
You're writing code in hopes that it becomes obsolete.

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