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Im disapointed to see SO didnt do anything in protest of sopa/pipa
even I added the simple banners to my sites
What's the order of key events again? keypress -> keydown -> (on repeat, more keydown) -> keyup?
You're mixing keypress and keydown
(I think. Not completely sure)
keypress repeats
keydown fires only once
keypress is useless and stupid :p
oh, so for some reason I thought there was an event that fired only once. Thanks
Time to set flags, I guess
Function was so short, so simple...if a given key is pressed, flip a boolean value.
ie keyup
Yeah. keydown, let it set it repeatedly. Reset it on keyup.
keydown, it's doing something like what the Shift key does
Yeah, but it was nice to bind only one event :(
if i m writing like this var obj1 = eval("document.mytimeForm." + formField);
and i alert(obj1)
then i got undefined
if i m writing like this var obj='document.mytimeForm.' + formField;
then i got document.mytimeForm.start
lol wikipedias SOPA protest is just a div overlay
fixes it
Yeah? I haven't seen the blackout page
It was accessible normally to me earlier
Ooh, it's there now
you can even see the flicker
Yeah, I saw reports of that on Twitter
google's is barely noticeable
I wonder if anyone even reads that
@Esailija Should really have noted that jQuery was available when I wrote that, but hey it was 7am :D
yeah wiki dropped everything and used jQuery
they literally didn't blackout but used jQuery instead
lol yeah
Step away from the keyboard
Before you harm yourself further
@Zirak what why? Isn't eval() the so-called God-Method?
Using eval() instead of an array-style accessor is way more pro, right?
If not then my code has failed me :(
you're swedish? no wonder your girlfriend is hot but annoying
js has something called subscript notation obj[ keyNameVariable ], where keyNameVariable gets coerced into a string
@rudivisser Not only your code, but your brain has also failed you.
@Zirak I thought you were a fan of sarcasm
@Esailija haha I'm not Swedish no, just lived there for a while
var o = {
    mofo : 42
var keyName = 'mofo';
o[ keyName ] === o.mofo;
oh ok... just saw .se :P
@Esailija Huge fan. But even sarcasm has limits!
@Zirak eval('o[' + keyName +'] === o.mofo'); is so much more elegant
Specifically, the part where people start doing eval jokes near people who might take them seriously and actually do things like that ^
can you eval your eval ? dawg ?
eval('if(eval(\'eval(\'true\')\')) { eval(\'alert(\'I win\');\'); }');
o shit
eval( eval( "String.fromCharCode(101,118,97,108);") );
Is that even possible?
hmm, it doesn't work when I copypaste from chat
it should return function eval() { [native code] }
ok now it works
That's beautiful
you can even stack them like this
eval() is definitely the future
eval( eval( "String.fromCharCode(101,118,97,108);") )( eval( eval( "String.fromCharCode(101,118,97,108);") ) )(eval( eval( "String.fromCharCode(101,118,97,108);") ))
I'm going to blog about it
to obfuscate, write 500kb of that and in the final call pass your code to be evaled
You cannot star your own messages :(
you can't even upvote your own answers
    f=e('('+g+'(a,b){'+r+' e("("+g+"("+a+"){"+b+"})")})')

    add=f('a,b',r+' a+b')
    add(2,3) // 5

    addx=f('x',r+' f("y","'+r+' "+x+"+y")')
    add3(12) // 15
Can you downvote your own answer?
@Esailija It's ridiculous
We should go on a strike. WWF - We Want Favouritism
so the only legit way to fix sleep cycle is all nighter?
it never works for me
STFU - STars For U!
STARS = Special Tactics And Rescue Service
Fyi, wikipedia blackout is a simple js paywall.
they did that to not lose rank I bet
incognito and it even flickers
How many times is this going to be discussed :D
I considered doing a full page div
I haxxed it 7 HOURS AGO
but idk, my sites not big enough
I just woke up.
@rudivisser 7
I guess they want to keep information available to those who can use computers
so I just did a top banner
oh also you guys see newgrounds?
@Zirak 7
not kongregate though.. figures
prob because gamestop owns them
euwehugh newgrounds is still serving a 200 :/
Lynx motherfsckers, do you use it?
no, just disable js
@rudi_visser But lynx is 1337.
We sh0uld 411 pr373nd th15 1$ 1998.
I hacked the internet with Lynx
@rudi_visser Hack the planet!!!
@Incognito You need Lynx 2 for that :/
Whatever, I'm still leet.
> JavaScript ist eine Skriptsprache, die hauptsächlich für das DOM-Scripting in Web-Browsern eingesetzt wird. Der als ECMAScript (ECMA 262) standardisierte Sprachkern von JavaScript beschreibt eine dynamisch typisierte, objektorientierte, aber klassenlose Skriptsprache. Sie wird allen objektorientierten Programmierparadigmen unter anderem auf der Basis von Prototypen gerecht. In JavaScript lässt sich objektorientiert und sowohl prozedural als auch funktional programmieren.
aha sehr gut!
@Incognito Cygwin :D
@Zirak Oh yeah. "Because if you're not using windows you might become out of touch with the office tools everyone uses"
/ongoing list of reasons I applied elsewhere.
w00t i have a hack to remove the wiki block :-P (if you need it)
Nah, lets not spread it around much.
I'm fine browsing the german page, or lynx.
Or just disable the script, block it with a firewall, whatever.
@Incognito hehe or just show all divs :-P
@Neal you are so far behind
Anyone who's technologically competent should have a workaround, but I don't feel like we should share that work around.
@rudi_visser :-P I just got to work
@Neal When I woke up mofo :P rudiv.se/Blog/general/…
@rudivisser By 7, I meant "We're going to discuss this 7 times today." This is time #3
Someone before the end of the hour will go to every non-downed site and brag about how cool they are with whatever hack.
I've decided everyone that comes in here and says "I GOT A JS FIX 4 WIKIPEDIA" I'm gonna shamelessly link my blog
I'm going to lose.
@Zirak Ah, I doubt it. I demand 7 opportunities for advertisement
I think some people are missing the point
if you can move the wikipedia thing its no big deal
the point is they got your attention
and spread awareness already
@Loktar No kidding. But which senator do I call from Ontario?
True, I might go read the message that it pops up, should've done that first :/
haha yeah, good point.
~meme show "all the things" "CALL" "ALL THE SENATORS!"
@Esailija glare
if thats a command in your bot..
It's funny that I goto the german page to read wikipedia, given that canada is a french/english country. I don't know french.
It's Esailjia's meme-bot, which chooses to ignore me
Is it just me or is Wikipedia sometimes actually not responding to requests
~meme show "all the things" "CALL" "ALL THE SENATORS!"
@Esailija Generating image
@Zirak You should totally make it work with a LSIP parser so you can generate really complex things.
wtf @Esailija thats awesome
@Zirak it's not ignoring you, it was turned off
Also, my firewall blocks memegenerator.
@Esailija Same thing </3
Your firewall sux balls
your firewall has no sense of humor
its a mini sopa!
SOPA - Embedded Edition
@Incognito LISP is for little girls, I'm gonna write the server with Assembly
@rudi_visser I wrote a 10 line PHP file that breaks my firewall and gets me whatever I want. I simply can't be bothered to evolve it.
@Zirak Haah, I meant your command syntax.
@Incognito pr0.
@rudi_visser Like a bau5.
That's just ridiculous
Stop being ridiculous
Nope, it's called fsck with the packets.
A: How to use the javascript call method in jQuery?

EsailijaYes you can .call jQuerys function with whatever, but that only affects that function. The function you pass is a separate callback function with this controlled by jQuery. You can use $.proxy to force a context of the callback. $('#image_id').bind( "load", $.proxy( console.log, console, this )...

nobody is upvoting
it needs a bump to get started
the most upvoted answer is terribad
Nobody upvoted my answer for something either!!!
that's cos your answer uses variables
mine doesn't
look ma, no variables!
Variables are beautiful
@rudi_visser Literally:
 header('Content-type: text/plain');$
 13     header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="'.$fn.'"');$
 14     $filePath = $_GET["r"];$
 15     $chunking = (isset($_GET["c"]) ? $_GET["c"] : 2048);$
 16     $file_handle = fopen($filePath, "r"); $
 17     while (!feof($file_handle)) {$
 18        $line = fgets($file_handle,$chunking);$
 19        echo $line;$
 20     }    $
 21     $
 22     fclose($file_handle);$
Cut+paste from vim = ugly.
Using vim = ugly person
+ that is funky
My compiler thinks I'm good looking.
Saying stuff like that equates to the same thing
@Incognito Punishment for using the mouse.
12 mins ago, by Incognito
@Zirak Oh yeah. "Because if you're not using windows you might become out of touch with the office tools everyone uses"
See above.
Cygwin SSHing into a box so I can use linux.
the fuck
@Incognito In Normal mode, ggVG, <Ctrl>-C and then <Ctrl>-V ;)
See also: I apply for new jobs because of this shit.
:set nu! list!
Cywgin hosted within Windows CMD?
Actually, you can just go VG
@Zirak Doesn't integrate with windows clipboard.
Use PuTTy!!!!!!!
@rudi_visser I did for a time, but then I don't have linux CLI on my windows workstation.
Then VGy
You don't with Cygwin either?
PuTTy into your cygwin instance that's what I mean..
owait, nvm
But using Cygwin's shell for SSHing into something else? wtf
@rudi_visser You can putty into localhost cygwin?
I don't know cygwin, it's one of those "you got no choice this is something that lets you use linux" black boxes to me.
Why not just use a VM?
and yes look at PuTTYcyg..
Well that's a nice message from Virgin Media +1
They joined KKK
It's a white-out.
I see what you did there
Anyone else's SO profile page totally messed up?
yeah my avatar is messed up wtf
has some crazy sexy guy now..
holy shit I am probably losing fastest in the west because jsfiddle takes so frigging long
so unfair
My avatar is sexiest
Nothing turns people on like a curly-brace moustache
has it always had the mustache?
I just noticed that lol
Hey guys - bit of a noob question here - I set up an object by doing - Namespace.ObjectName = function(options){} - but jslint doesn't like it.
Problem at line 1 character 1: 'Namespace' was used before it was defined.
is that a problem, should I do it another way?
is Namespace defined anywhere?
@Finnnn Has namespace been defined?
Define 'Namespace' as an array (var Namespace = []) and push your method onto it
You don't need to name it 'ObjectName' cos you can access it by index 0
@adscriven yes it is defined and initialised earlier in another file.
@Finnnn If you're working cross-file then how do you expect JSLint to successfully validate it
I think jsfiddle can no longer handle its server load, with page timeouts and endless loading, time to find a replacement
In the predefined box at the bottom of the page, put in Namespace
@Finnn Use the pre.................... Yeah what @Zirak said
There was also another way to do it, some sort of comment at the top
ahh, thanks Zirak - will do
Ah yes. /*global varName0 : false, varName1 : false, ...*/
jsfiddle's new slogan: 504 Gateway Time-out
write less load moar!
@Zirak so are you going to do a sopa game for the lundum dare?
Im trying to think of an idea really quick
It's a two day thing, right? If it is, then there's no way I have enough time to make a game for it.
@Zirak the default is false, so you can do /*global Namespace */
@Loktar I love that slogan we should petition to JResig to change it to that
haha I was saying that should be jsfiddles slogan
but it could apply to jQuery for sure
@Zirak oh I thought it was only today
Even more so
~meme show "y u no" "jsfiddle" "y u no scale"
@Esailija Generating image
Started working on something awesome-er. It's a secret so far, so that when I fail and give up I won't feel as bad :P
lol yeah
I give up too much on my stuff
something else shiny comes along
Common developer trait
But nobody cares about GNU :<
I don't get the page title. It just spells "DIGITAL"
GNU Emacs is awesome :D
@Esailija I just mentioned in here 20 minutes ago that jsfiddle was taking forever and was looking for an alternative
I want SOPA to be technology agnostic.
It should apply to phone books, newspapers, books, libraries, radiostations, college lectures...
Remove a URL from a search engine because the link hosts content you don't like? Okay, lets remove phone numbers from the phone book too.
After all, you can't call someone who isn't in the phone book.
/me adds copyright info to his phone number to get it out of phone books
@Loktar Really, you only need to claim that it's an infringement, not prove it.
ah very good point forgot about that part.
Furthermore, how AWESOME is it that this bill for search engines only applies to the web family of protocols?
We should incinerate all philosophy books because they quote Plato or Ecclesiastes or Aristotle.
> means a service made available via the Internet that searches, crawls, categorizes, or indexes information or Web sites available elsewhere on the Internet and on the basis of a user query or selection that consists of terms, concepts, categories, questions, or other data returns to the user a means, such as a hyperlinked list of Uniform Resource Locators, of locating, viewing, or downloading such information or data available on the Internet relating to such query or selection.
Remove the words internet and websites, think how this would apply anywhere else that we categorize and index information.
Also, my keychain needs to be arrested; it has a Nietzsche quote on it
Web site isn't defined anywhere in the bill.
This is a long shot but... anyone ever use one of these phone? support.avaya.com/css/P8/documents/100010557
Americans are fun
> or within such time as the court may order, designed to prevent the foreign infringing site that is subject to the order, or a portion of such site specified in the order, from being served as a direct hypertext link.
So we can just have all search engines use a referral page.
What I like the most is that they specify the URL to a website, when torrent URLs link to something that isn't a websites at all.
hi guys someone good with backbone.js + native html5 drag n drop ?
Also, Mexicans against #SOPA: http://bit.ly/yxLD7o #slightlyracist
off topic - but does anyone here use Qt Creator?
A: JavaScript class and invocation context

jAndyMany answer, all with useful information, but none of them explains the behavior correctly. In your first example, it only logs Hello foo both times, because you're creating a variable self which references the this object. That self variable is then closured in your greeting function. Hence, yo...

@jAndy no mention of Function#bind? :P
I just found it quite funny that no one answered the actual question
I always find those questions hard to answer, because the op obviously has no clue whatsoever so is he really gonna learn anything
just yesterday a question had code so beyond help it didn't really get a helpful answer at all
though I suppose after reading that the OP might have a clue
in this case :P
I wish there was really an answer to this:
Q: Google Visualization in a new window

AllanI have a system that needs to be able to open a new window and load (from main windows scope) a google visualization (piechart to be exact) into a target element in that newly opened window. For some reason it does not work - It appends an iFrame into the proper element, but the visualization it...

im trying to open up a google visualization in a new window too
I blame SOPA
I blame Robot Raptor Zombie Jesus
window.open().document.getElementById('chartarea'); 4win
@Zirak y u pong
@Raynos y u ping
> It is an irresponsible response and a disservice to people who rely on them for information and use their services. It is also an abuse of power given the freedoms these companies enjoy in the marketplace today. It’s a dangerous and troubling development when the platforms that serve as gateways to information intentionally skew the facts to incite their users in order to further their corporate interests.
(MPAA stooge on today's actions)
it's funny, isn't it?
Whatever. I hope SOPA passes, unlimited trolling can take place. Every government site likely can be connected to a violation of the bill in some form.
@MattMcDonald Gotta love the irony, same could be said about them with their piracy propeganda they put at the start of movies
I haven't read up on SOPA much, so SOPA can only take down a domain from the registrar, right?
If we've got the IP Address all is good?
sure, let's just break DNS
@MattMcDonald lol :3
I've got a hosts file from Reddit that has the IP addresses of pretty much every website I visit.
I srsly want McDonalds
It's all this @MattMcDonald stuff
Haven't had McDonalds since last year, holy shit :<
@Amaan you really should read up on it
I'm officially offended
@Amaan , this might help : youtube.com/watch?v=JhwuXNv8fJM
I know I should. Thanks!
@Incognito well .. i would agree , but for different reasons , because USA supreme court would take that bill down , just like 2 previous attempts
you might have forgot , but there were 2 bills before SOPA
@tereško I try to ignore most american politics.
The Communications Decency Act of 1996 (CDA) was the first notable attempt by the United States Congress to regulate pornographic material on the Internet. In 1997, in the landmark cyberlaw case of Reno v. ACLU, the United States Supreme Court struck the anti-indecency provisions of the Act. The Act was Title V of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. It was introduced to the Senate Committee of Commerce, Science, and Transportation by Senators James Exon (D-NE) and Slade Gorton (R-WA) in 1995. The amendment that became the CDA was added to the Telecommunications Act in the Senate by an 84...

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