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that was the first one
these sites that are "blacked out" are doing it all wrong
oh .. and wikipedia is down .. kinda
they're adding styling on top of markup instead of serving a particular page
so if you have a quick "escape" finger or a web inspector, you can get around it
well, reddit is doing it right
@MattMcDonald From the wikipedia faq:
> Is it still possible to access Wikipedia in any way? Yes. During the blackout, Wikipedia is accessible on mobile devices and smart phones. You can also view Wikipedia normally by disabling JavaScript in your browser, as explained on this Technical FAQ page. Our purpose here isn't to make it completely impossible for people to read Wikipedia, and it's okay for you to circumvent the blackout. We just want to make sure you see our message.
mm interesting
@MattMcDonald I'm having a hard time with vim code-folding on a JS file, ever run into foldmethod=indent issues like that?
I mean foldmethod=syntax *
I don't know what you're talking about
I've never really played with vimrc
Oh, I thought you used vim code folding =/
@Zirak I've looked through John Resig's code as well. Its very good stuff. I have no idea why you would say that. That's why I gave you no credibility and thought you were just a peanut gallery typical moron like a jerk that kicks your seat in the theatre behind you. No worries. You at least looked at his code and have an opinion based on that which is more respectable than not.
Ah, no worries. I'll figure it out after lunch.
@Incognito I find :set fdm=marker fmr={,} works best for me.
oooooo That's SLICK.
I just use split buffers
@kitguicom did you remember my protip from yesterday of ensuring all ALT tags are different
@kitguicom his code is spaghetti
your prototype for all alt tags being different?
oh the @@
What do you mean "looked at his code" and "its very good stuff" ?
well i don't get paid to do this so its not technically pro but ok
I went through it line by line
saw how he made encapsulation and boot strapping and all that
I had a similar issue i needed to resolve and I used his style to figure it out along with Douglas Crockford
and how he tends to code extremely long methods
@kitguicom: did you talk about any code from Resig in particular or generally ?
@kitguicom What do you mean "it" ?
and how he insufferably uses spaces everywhere to bloat code
I don't remember you guys being there to help me in anything on the web
maybe you should put some stuff up to enlighten
Did you look at other stuff he did, besides his book? As in, stuff he did just by himself, and were not polished by hundreds of developers who tried to give a shit about code readability?
I had my shit rewritten and trampled on at Microsoft with the 3 layers of dev teams and 10 testers, that happens in the real world
its part of the process
@kitguicom if your code was trampled on, did it make you improve?
of course
Honest question
I have no idea whats going on
How then, does your very website kitgui.com contain such gems as this: <img src="//d34ic8my8k87as.cloudfront.net/img/web/script2-icon.png" />
@MattMcDonald I like how wikipedia just uses js hackery
whats the topic exactly? :p
what's your point?
considers dropping out of discussion due to inability to receive actual answers, but just self-praising and evasion
Not so much a point as, you claim to have worked for 6-figure (and more?!) salaries, for many fortune 500 companies
@kitguicom but it's not ... It's really fragile.
Yet, you still can't complete the requirements of a basic HTML tag :/
@kitguicom this is just an example of you not knowing what "good code" is.
are you kidding?
you probably put <script type="text/javascript" too right?
@jAndy Yesterday I said avoid learning real js from John Resig, his code is fragile and mostly lumpy. kitgui took this as personal offence, so we're here again.
@kitguicom Um, no, because <script> implies a type of text/javascript by default in HTML5(!)... alt on the other hand does not imply default alternative text, surprisingly
ok, thanks for the introduction
the standards body is completely subjective based on a group agreement, not about reason
@kitguicom True, that's enough reason to deviate - PLease ignore me
there is no alternative text to this
its not supporting blind people in edit mode
So you have nothing of value to show if the image doesn't render?
I'm selling ragetrain tickets for half-price today...
@jAndy :DDDD
not really
so not even a description of the icon?
it loses its purpose, if it can't be loaded, there would be no purpose to use the editing feature
it would mean the CDN is down and you are screwed anyway, better to not have them use it at that point
@kitguicom dude, dude, dude - <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="controls prev">Previous</a>
I love it
Sorry I'm shutting up now I need to go home
well the website itself was taken from a $12 theme forest template, i didn't go through simple things like that
Thank you for today's entertainment people ;D
some things are of more concern such as generating revenue
javascript:void(0); LOLOLOLOLOLOL
does Resig do that too ??
In my own code, I attach things at runtime
this is a theme forest template, do I care? not really
besides, i don't think you have anything to show anyways to critique would be good if you did, at least it would be respectable
If you have no respect for the code you produce, then I have no respect for you.
theme forest
its quite nice, but sometimes its not as pretty as it should be
in the code
And when you do, do it properly with a github issue so I'll fix it
@Zirak meh it depends. I can see value in hacking together a wordpress + theme site.
Doesn't matter. You put your name on it, it's your code.
<html><div><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="location.href='http://google.com/'//this is the pro way of going to google (c) RV">gugles</a></div></body>
my sopa game so far!
lol just a menu
itll be about spreading awareness
youll have to spread awareness to all the people in business suits
@Raynos Yes, but if you know it's crap, then fine.
you have to admit its crap :D
@Loktar dude I got 40FPS of grass
@Raynos give your headers anchors
even before hitting start
a in ids for url fragments?
ex: <h1 id="title"></h1>
<h1 id="title">
	<a href="#title"
		title="Site Title">Site Title</a>
I like that style
oh a href around the entire h1
<h1 id="title">
	Site Title <a href="#title"
		title="Site Title">#</a>
no, just one around the text
Curious why would you be doing that
it allows users to link to specific parts of the page
this style is very helpful for articles
you can use a table of contents to point to them
No sure anchor-available headers are obvious, but having the link in the same place?
Hi There!
right, that allows users to copy the link and paste it elsewhere
Ah I see now
Still don't see that happening so much but
I have a quick question about the best practice here at stack overflow: I've asked a question and someone correctly answer it.. it happens I still have some question about the same example but not really inherent to the original question. Should I edit the question and ask? or should I ask a new one?
@Raynos you know I've never touched HTML 5
@MattMcDonald :(
@MattMcDonald jsfiddle.net/Raynos/9VBQj How do I work with accesskey?
@nick2k3: I guess you have to decide there. If the new question is a pure follow-up which requires the previous question+answer as context, edit the current question and note the answer-guy about the update. If its a question which can exist as stand-alone very well, open a new question
@Raynos press ALT+accesskey
@Raynos Alt+accesskey
oh alt, thank you
(Command key on Apple keyboards)
why google it when it's completely intuitive
probably not too clever to use uppercase letters, I need to press cmd+shift+A
Because it isn't completely intuitive? :P
@jAndy Case doesn't matter
I am joking, dunno somehow alt+ was the first thing I tried :D
@Amaan: firefox9 thinks different then I guess
Oh. I never knew any browser bothered with the case
doesnt mention alt anywhere
I tried shift and ctrl :P
In a web browser, an access key or accesskey allows a computer user immediately to jump to a specific part of a web page via the keyboard. They were introduced in 1999 and quickly achieved near-universal browser support. In the summer of 2002, a Canadian Web Accessibility consultancy did an informal survey to see if implementing accesskeys caused issues for users of adaptive technology, especially screen reading technology used by blind and low vision users. These users require numerous keyboard shortcuts to access web pages, as “pointing and clicking” a mouse is not an option for them. T...
Opera is shift + esc
(which shows a cool list of all the bound access keys on the page)
somethinghitme.com/projects/sopa < so proud of my lil dudes!
now I need to make guys in suits.
the "uninformed"
I want to pull a previous commit back... but when I (from the repo dir) git pull it says i'm upto date.
cherry pick?
no, I f'd up some code in a few files and want to revert to a working state.
I can edit them by hand with the repo online but i'm lazy and would rather pull the entire thing again.
delete all files and pull?
wouldn't that be a git checkout [commit]?
Apparently you can use VB to emulate getters and setters in IE
lol, possibly. I am very new to git and know only the most basic of commands.
thank you jAndy... I'm already writing a new question:D
just keeps listing the files with D next to them
but doesn't download anything
Why do you have to download?
pretty sure D means they were deleted in that commit
yea, it is all f'd up now.. I was blindly trying to guess as to the function of some git commands.
rm [dir]
mkdir [dir]
cd [dir]
git init
git pull [repo]
problem solved.
Starting over isn't a terrible idea :-P
why are you doing that instead of just cloning it?
as mentioned there were issues with my local git repo - and i don't know enough about git to correct them.
just git clone repo, it makes a new directory for it and everything
fresh start is much easier solution.
yeah clone is a fresh start =/
where were you 28 seconds ago?
if you want to reset the checkout to the last commit use: git reset --hard
not here, i guess i missed something
@Loktar You making your own Game Engine or something?
Lots of JS source files
I use it for everything now pretty much it evolves with me
some filenames are a little odd because Im bastardizing this space game Im making
just copied the source and ripped everything out
Looks good to me
I'd like git die --hard better
We all would :D
git die --hard 2.0
haha - troll post of the (young) year so far
what in the world is the point of that post?
to show us that we're wrong, that JS sucks and we should stop using it NOW
"do as good as" ... does grammatical stuff like this deter anyone else from reading anymore, or is that just me
to spark discussion amongst angry js fanboys (who are not wrong in their assumption that flash is dying)
js is so yucky, AS is so <3 you should totally use Flash cuz Adobe is liek da best.
is this lost soul serious ?
Whos got an actionscript 3 vs v8 benchmark?
I think the underlying feeling that ActionScript and JavaScript are different languages and not just different flavours of ECMA was enough to make me ALT+F4
but he won't show us
beside the fact he talks ultimate bullshit there, he should wait for es.next
The good news: On the Anti-SOPA Day, hardly anybody will notice his post anyways
so adobe's AS compiler just got type inference? haxe has had this for a long time
Troll commented \o/
btw: I request SO to black out the chat!
▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇
I agree @IvoWetzel, they should of done something :?
▇▇ ▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇ ▇▇▇▇ ??
@jAndy ▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇!
how I black box? :(
copy the unicode char :P
I mean... ▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇
@Raynos ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇
Otherwise I might get ▇▇▇▇ for ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ characters and then land in ▇▇▇▇ like a ▇▇▇▇▇
At least we can black out the starred list
▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇
The ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ SOPA act was made by the ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ media industry made for ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ the ▇▇▇▇ internet!
String.prototype.blacken = function () {
    var whitelist = {};
    [ ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t' ].forEach(function ( whitey ) {
        whitelist[ whitey.charCodeAt(0) ] = true;

    return [].reduce.call( this, function ( ret, ch ) {
        var codez = ch.charCodeAt(0);
        if ( whitelist[codez] ) {
            return ret + ch;
        return ret + '▇';
    }, '' );
@Zirak Make it $.blacken()
@IvoWetzel ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇?
@Zirak ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇!
@IvoWetzel ▇ ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇!!!!!!!!
$( ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ )
haha someone flagged the oatmeal gif over in the android chat :D
$(".content").each(function (el) {
    var $el = $(this),
        text = $el.text().blacken();

javascript:$(".content").each(function(){var a=$(this),b=a.text().replace(/\S/g,"\u2587");a.text(b)});;
^ Paste me into the address bar!
hahah first time i noticed "raging vagina tractors greatest hits"
@rlemon hurr durr, you and your regular expressions @_@
I mean...▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ @_@
They are all ▇▇▇▇ to me at this point.
I have a Blackout Chat Bookmarklet
▇ ▇▇▇'▇ ▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇'▇ ▇ ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇!
gist: StackExchange Chat Blackout Bookmarklet - STOP SOPA, 2012-01-18 18:29:18Z
// Copy and paste this into the address bar or create a bookmark with this as the location.
javascript:$(".content").each(function(){var a=$(this),b=a.text().replace(/\S/g,"\u2587");a.text(b)});;
there - show your support - stop reading chat messages.
hahah nice
document.body.textContent = document.body.textContent.replace(/\S/g, '▇')
@Loktar DUDE I GOT 100FPS GRASS IN YOUR GAME NOW :)))) Significant improvement!
you see the gentlemen?
Although that could be the difference between my work / home laptop
added the "enemy" graphics
I did yes they are very smart :D
yeah working on the actual game now
hoping I can get it done by tonight
That's exactly how I dress on a daily basis, perhaps I am the uninformed :(
My top hat gives me ultimate power :D
document.body.textContent = document.body.textContent.replace(/\w+/g, 'CENSORED');
Eugh I have to take an ability test in 10 minutes, I was giving my freaking developers tests today IT SHOULD NOT BE REVERSED >_>
@rlemon I just made a wayyy better version with jQuery, check it out bro. jsfiddle.net/syayU
Best of all it's only one line!!!11
Well, that's what minifiers do, right? They must make everything one line?
If you can write one line yourself, why use a minifier?
lol for something that simple - yea
:( Nobody noticed all the closures I used.
I don't think anyone was seriously looking at it.
Q: JQuery Tooltip Plugin

RobI've been getting into plugin development for jquery and my first creation is a tooltip plugin. I've been reading a lot about plugin development especially with the use of javascript prototyping. I'm just looking for any tips to further improve my plugin development (only 144 lines of code). T...

frown town.
it might help :-)
@KeesCBakker ok
@KeesCBakker you do realize that was posted by @Feeds and has nothing to do with me.
ooooow... sorry ;-)
no I didn't realize that :P
xD no worries.
A: Building a chat system with Javascript

RaynosYes/No. You can implement a chat system using JavaScript and HTML alone using one of three things P2P cross browser communication (only works in opera) CORS/JSONP remote server to relay chat messages (requires a third party service) your own server to relay chat messages Note that chat mess...

We should totally build a CORS service which you can use to relay chat messages
Just add a login form that POST to "chatservice.com"
and then just POST messages to "chatservice.com/your_room"
I'm warning up to writing third party web services you can use over CORS
use WebSchmockets!
can we webschmockets CORS?
Hater's gonna hate. Downvote brigade started. meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/119511/…
WebSockets don't have any domain restrictions
In that case, having the need of a WebSocket server at the other end is enough for them
Chrome Extensions + console.log() doesn't work???
correction: console.log from background pages do not work.
@Incognito wait... editing out SOPA, but correcting SOAP typos?
Background pages are pages, they have their own console in their own page. chrome://extensions, expand yours, Inspect active views: blahblah.html
do you correct the typo, then immediately edit it out?
You're seeing two things. People type sopa instead of soap request. We also have a lot of noise in questions where people go "lol sopa day!!1"
Sweet, I joined the 1930 with the Strunk&White badge.
lol wow look at this - youtube.com/watch?v=pMUW4yi1-vA
couple of scheisters
Firewall. What's the gist?
@Incognito ooh, I see. that's a pretty lol typo to make
Also, it's some kind of Spanish word, I think.
im not even sure where they're going with this yet shits crazy though
A: jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact

Raynos[Edit] 7 months later Quoting from the github project jQuery is no good, and jQuery plugins is not how do modular code. Seriously "jQuery plugins" are not a sound architecture strategy. Writing code with a hard dependency on jQuery is also silly. [Original] Since I gave critique about th...

I feel ashamed for writing that piece of shit :(
live and learn
@Raynos I'm glad you put the note up, but maybe link to your blog post on why jquery is bad.
You have a habit of saying "bad because I said so."
It's hard for others to learn why.
I dont have a blog post of why jquery is bad
I only have you dont need it and critique
Chrome extension... trying to get xhr working from background page... not getting nothing.
			function xhr(url, callback) {
				var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
				req.open('GET', url, true);
				if( req.status === 200 ) {
					callback.apply(this, [req.responseText]);
I am going insane... what am I doing wrong
you're not checking the readyState
@rlemon Y U TROLL
@Raynos no trolling, if you want we can open a new chat and you can flame my bad code - for now I am actually looking for a solution.
the readyState needs to be 4
@MattMcDonald Damn, I knew I forgot something important! duhhh
function (xhr, callback) {
  var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
  xhr.open('GET', url);
  xhr.addEventListener('load', callback);
didn't look right but couldnt see it.
@rlemon ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇ ▇ ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇▇▇
@Zirak stopped being funny 8 stars ago.
Whitelist should also include dots and stuff...
@rlemon alos the whole xhr is async
y u no listten on readystatechange or load event
@Raynos because I forgot too. hence why i'm here asking what i forgot to do..
Damn, why does everyone in this room feel the need to kick a dead horse.
posted on January 18, 2012

Given the rising importance of JavaScript both in the development of web applications and as an all-purpose language, the Italian PHP user group GrUSP decided in 2010 to organize a conference fully dedicated to JavaScript, alongside the traditional phpDay conference. Much beyond any expectaion, the first edition has been incredibly successful, with over 300 visitors coming from all around Europ

@MattMcDonald thankyou for the answer and no sarcasm.
@rlemon because I dont expect you to make the "itss asynchronous" missttake
@Raynos we all have brain farts.
@rlemon I assume your trolling before I assume your stupid
nahhh, brain is mush after two days of trying to wrap my head around Qt
No, Ryan. Bad Ryan. DO NOT install git on your work computer. You'll never do any work.
install git :3
@RyanKinal hows that xhr thing coming along?
I might do it myself soon
It's not. I've been on vacation, and busy with work (and other side projects).
thats cool. I have plans to rework the DOM-shim so its production ready
I'm about to submit a side project to our SMS provider for compliance testing. We might be getting grants from the local small business development bureau for it. We're registering for an LLC.
It's pretty exciting.
And there's another, less complicated side project that I'm hopefully going to finish up within a few weeks, and then hopefully release into the wild.
Maybe slap some Google Ads on it
A "donate" button, also
That one may include the message "Oh look! A visitor from 2001! See you in 10 years..." for IE6 users.
Something similar for IE7 users... probably even IE8 users.
anyone here write chrome extensions??? I have read you can use the console from popup and options pages just not the background page - however I cannot seem to get console.log to produce anything from any of the three pages.
Each is their own page. Did you inspect them as such? IIRC, popup pages have no right-click menu, so there's probably a chrome://extensions link to popup window
inspect popup

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