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@overexchange false
and any paradigm will only talk about, how abstractions are built
overexchange is just a troll... ignore him
@Cerbrus I just got an edit notification, by the way (but it may be because I favorited the question)
@SomeGuy @DenysSéguret the cool thing will be implementing leaseweblabs.com/2013/06/creating-custom-debian-packages to have questions at install
i.e. "for which user?" this way it'll install in the right user's $HOME
@FlorianMargaine Thanks, I pushed that link to my infinite TOREAD bookmark list
@DenysSéguret don't, it's a small part explaining how to have questions during a package install/dpkg-reconfigure
@FlorianMargaine anything else? I love feedback
@FlorianMargaine Fancy
(I'm totally going to switch to return a function; that's much more readable)
@royhowie there isn't much code, but it's nice as is, using DI and stuff
@FlorianMargaine can't I just return passport.authenticate?
@FlorianMargaine DI?
Dependency injection
@royhowie dunno, can you?
oh, okay, that's what I thought it meant
right, looks like passport.authenticate returns a function, so you totally could.
for those of you who use atom, what syntax highlighter do you use for ES6?
(I'm looking for whatever is closest to sublime text's)
Moved it.. I was already thrown out of Stack overflow. Its not my day. But at least you could have tried it. codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/92546/…Afaque 37 secs ago
oh dear
Hm, why does an Angular service get function calls without this context? I essentially pass in a constructor, Angular creates an object with the constructor (and injects arguments I requested) and then proceeds to call certain methods without this being the object. It's an HTTP interceptor if that matters.
Well, everything else, controllers/services do get their this scope correctly.
Bug in Angular?
any one know how to get all friend list using javascript [browser console]
friend list?
@ivarni yes their id list .
@FastSnail I am still not sure what friend list you're referring to
@ivarni i want to get all friend's id list using browser console not from app.is their a url for that.for example facebook.com/ajax/chat/buddy_list.php will return some friends ids those id use to show left hand friend list in json format
oh, facebook
@FastSnail Use the API...
@BenFortune their is a api .but we need permition from user to get friend list.i'mgoing to build a firefox addon .so i think api is not goodforthat.isn't it ?because i never want to get someone's friendlist
A: get client time zone from browser

Florian MargaineNo. There is no single reliable way and there will never be. Did you really think you could trust the client?

-1 for giving a potentially misleading answer and not clarifying. — Doug S May 14 '14 at 21:36
how is it misleading?
Yes, for my application I can trust the client. If the client has been mis-configured or has a bug, that's on my users. — Michael Cole Mar 23 at 9:15
did you see that the accepted answers leaks a global variable?
also seems like a waste to include a whole library for that
colorpicker.com/form I love when people home-brew their own captcha
got to love the fact that they named the images after the values they represent
timezone = jstz.determine_timezone()
return timezone.name();
why not return jstz.determine_timezone().name()
maybe they get paid per line of code?
@Neoares requires too much common sense
o.o it has sense
@FlorianMargaine this is really annoying
why can't I properly turn?
what happens if I close a tab while the PHP code is running?
stuff, I guess
the server has to do complex calculations
about 30mins.
but nothing to do with the client xD
GET /v2.3/100003102447840/friendlists HTTP/1.1
A 30 minute PHP script?
What the hell is it doing?
Any one has any higher order functions for jquery ajax calls? Lets say all the ajax calls uses POST, now i want to change them to GET for example, how do we handle? Need to go to all ajax call place and change them?
Guys, I pasted the wrong link when closing a question:
Q: Javascript regex with literals and single quotes

PaulBI came across this problem when trying to stop a single quote (') being matched in a string. Here is a snippet from a console session in Chrome. Params is the regex I'm trying to match (no single or double quotes should be allowed?). I would have expected the first two execs to find a match and...

could somebody fix that, maybe reopen ?
@James This is going to intercept my calls, but what I look for is global ajax set up. For example, say in a single file, set the ajax timeout to be 3000, its error fns. But at the same time, while user calls $.ajax with their own options, then it need to be overridden
@DenysSéguret Just nominated for re-opening .. that seems to have worked
@James Thanks
Now somebody should close it with the right QA...
while posting an image, what's the difference between using vm.profile.photos[0] = new FileReader().readAsBinaryString(data.photos[0]) vs new FormData().append("profile[photos][0]", data.photos[0]") in both cases the parameter is like photos"=>{"0"=>{"webkitRelativePath"=>"", "lastModified"=>1425465951000, "lastModifiedDate"=>"2015-03-04T10:45:51.000Z", "name"=>"brendy-eda-napitki-sneg-24696.jpg", "type"=>"image/jpeg", "size"=>5214},
@argentum47 FYI, Markdown doesn't work when there's new line
looks clumsy though
@James: Any idea for my situation ?
Hey guys, why is ng-bind-html not working here jsfiddle.net/k66Za/117 ?? It doesnt throw any error either.
2 hours ago, by Roel van Uden
Hm, why does an Angular service get function calls without this context? I essentially pass in a constructor, Angular creates an object with the constructor (and injects arguments I requested) and then proceeds to call certain methods without this being the object. It's an HTTP interceptor if that matters.
> Our magic 8 ball says try again later. Stupid 8 ball.
How providing a good solution to that answers /questions can encourage users? — Kasra 1 min ago
Can someone translate this to English?
@RoelvanUden do you have a jsfiddle? :-)
@Cerbrus Pretty sure it was meant to be in english
Yea, that's what's bothering me
@FlorianMargaine No. I have a pastebin pastebin.com/febdk4ki with the interceptor. It uses a pretty simple prototype, so, no this scope bound. When I register it in Angular I use app.service('HttpInterceptor', HttpInterceptor); which makes an instance for a singleton service.
Then just configure $httpProvider $httpProvider.interceptors.push('HttpInterceptor');
At this point I would imagine the $http service would call my intercept on MY object so it would have this scope properly
@RoelvanUden Looks like the interceptor is just passed to .then github.com/angular/angular.js/blob/master/src/ng/http.js#L894
well, not the interceptor itself but the functions on it
Ah. That explains it. Well that's just stupid.
send a bugfix :)
or ask @SomeKittens to do it
Hey guys i have the following node code:

            var decoded = jwt.decode(req.params.encodedString, require('../secret')());
            var mediaObject = decoded.mediaObject;

            res.header('content-disposition', 'filename="' + mediaObject.fileName + req.params.mediaType + '"');
            var stream = fs.createReadStream(mediaObject.targetDir + mediaObject.fileName + req.params.mediaType);
However when i try to stream my request is just pending
Accept-Encoding:identity;q=1, *;q=0
User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.76 Safari/537.36
@Retsam lol, someone reverted it
@Cerbrus I might go to The Netherlands tomorrow :)
@BadgerCat which city
Wherever @Cerbrus lives
Or Maastricht
Aah, this is closer to Germany and Belgium
Yeah, I don't really know where to go. I want it to be a one day trip.
Cerbrus is from The Netherlands?
Maybe he is.
Also, when did you change into a cat?
She's always been a cat
I've always been a cat
@Kippie are you from the Netherlands as well?
@BadgerCat Weren't you Badger Girl before?
@ziGi From belgium, but I'm currently working in Middelburg
@Kippie Yeah, but cats > girls
@BadgerCat Agreed. At least cats don't reject me :(
@Kippie I see, is it nice working in Zeeland?
@ziGi 's okay I guess. At least I'm not stuck in traffic like I was when I was working in Brussels
Though it's still 100km each morning and evening
Yeap, I'm from the Netherlands
Specifically: Holten, in the east
@BadgerCat: the nature around here is quite pretty, could be worth visiting. Other than that, I just realized I know very little about tourism in the Netherlands xD
You could of course go to Amsterdam
But I always go to Amsterdam
Yea, then something different would be nice
Can you ride horses in the Netherlands without having to take a course?
Not at the stables where I ride
But I'm sure there are some, somewhere
Well... Do you know how to ride?
I kind of do, in Mexico they just give you the horse and then you figure it out.
But I don't have proper training.
Hm, where I ride, they do take tourists (usually dutch people) on outdoor rides, but more often than not, they're people that ride at home.
Yeah, I would like something like that... just a guided tourist thing.
They don't lend out the horses without a instructor present during the ride ;-)
Not even to customers that have been riding there for years.... Insurance restrictions.
I don't mind having an instructor
maybe you could tag alongwith a group that's going outdoors, but you'd have to call them...
I don't know how well they speak english though. (Their german may be better)
The stable's called "manege Snorrewind" in Markelo
It might be too rushed for tomorrow, but I will consider it for the future. Thanks :)
Yea, that's true. Np!
Just one thing: they might say you don't have the required experience, should you want to ride outdoors there. If you've had a couple of lessons, though...
@BadgerCat Do know that in mexico they probably have american saddles and reins, instead of english ones we use here
It's a bit different in steering, but you should get the hang of it pretty quickly
I'd take lessons in Germany, but I hate interacting with people.
True... Western saddles provide much more support. And riding western is completely different.
@BadgerCat Ignore people, interact with horses instead!
@BadgerCat Why is that?
They can't really take people along outdoors that have little to no experience, that wouldn't be fair to other customers. Not to mention pretty darn unsafe...
Because my German is not perfect
What languages do you speak?
English, Spanish and German
@Kippie yeah, that tend to be kind of tiresome. Btw do you find difficulties when speaking Belgium Dutch with Dutch colleagues?
Tbh, most people would find an accent rather interesting and a good way to start a conversation
@BadgerCat Why does it matter as long as you're communicating what you need to?
Oh, does it just feel really annoying to have to try so hard to explain something?
Riding lessons are very practical any ways, especially the beginning
@SomeGuy Yeah, that
Are you still studying German, then?
I am, yeah
@ziGi Sometimes, but mostly it's just fun to notice the differences. Earlier today a colleague told me one of the female project managers was doing 'afrijden', which has a rather... sexual connotation in Flemish.
A decent instructor shouldn't have a problem communicating what you should do :-)
does it depend on what kind of people you interact with, or just bringing your point across, no matter who you're talking to?
@Cerbrus Heck, I went riding in cuba last week without knowing a single word of spanish, while the guide/instructor knew no english at all. We did okay in gesturing to eachother.
It depends on the people, the weather, my mood...
@Kippie haha, yeah, differences cause funny situations sometimes. I also know that 'poepen' also means something different in Flemish than in Dutch
@Kippie: same for me and a italian instructor, 2 years ago
@BadgerCat: so, language isn't an excuse! Go ride :D
@Cerbrus I think I will, there's a place near @copy's parents
It's crazy how much I like to talk to english speaking people, just to get the chance to actually speak English sometimes
I don't get to do that as much as I want to and it takes some time to get comfortable
I have a horrible Dutch accent xD lack of practice...
@GNi33 You should go play vidya games, then. Tons of people you can call a "faggot" and "bitch", there
@GNi33 Aw! I wish you guys lived closer
always shows how flawed my English is, I don't get enough practice
There's also a very slight chance you'll actually meet nice people on there
@Cerbrus what kind of accent, from which city?
I myself mostly practice my English by singing along to the radio in the car
@Kippie eh, my cursing is good enough
my spoken english is pretty curse-word - ridden after all, something I might work on
@ziGi: dutch accent when speaking english.
@BadgerCat, where are you from originally anyway? Spain?
@Cerbrus ah yes, I also start getting Dutch accent when speaking English although I barely speak Dutch since I speak with Dutch people in English constantly, so Dutch people think I am Dutch because I speak English with Dutch accent...
That doesn't make any sense.
Fuck, that reminds me I really need to book my flight to Mexico :O
how the hell do I keep forgetting this?
By getting distracted
crap, I should have done this a month ago now
I've been in Mexico 1 month
@Kippie Mexico
fucking tacos
they burned my stomach
Everyone make time to go to Mexico in 4-5 years.
Haha why?
Wedding, obviously.
Where do you guys plan on living, Germany or Mexico?
No idea yet.
Somewhere in the middle -> the Atlantic Ocean
@ziGi St. Helena would make most sense, since copy's website TLD is sh
How I can globally set some properties for jquery ajax fn calls?
@BadgerCat haha I don't even know where that is
In the middle :)
well, Napoleon lived there
more or less out of his own will, but he lived there...
s/lived/plotted to take over the world/
nah, I think his "take over the world" - plot was off the table by that time
Oh, must've been elba, then
yeah, he definitely had that in mind on Elba
Barcelona best place to live
@Neoares if you have money
I don't think so
I live near Barcelona, and it's fine
10km away only
so why is it the best place to live?
Like a year ago I wrote a script to remove all the vowels from ziGi's messages. Completely forgot about it
great food, great weather, beach and bitches
@Cereal :D :D :D
@Cereal haha seriously :D
Barcelona has one of the most fun pubs I've been to, L'Ovella Negra.
yes :D
it means black sheep
black @Sheepy
good parties here xD
@Cereal how is the script working every time you open the JS chat?
uhh.. How is the script working every time you open the JS chat?
@Cereal s0 y0u c0uld und3rst4nd, h0w 1s th3 scr1pt w0rk1ng
I can send it
@ziGi pl5 570p wr171n6 1337
@Cereal th4nks, 1 4m n0t sur3 1f y0u c4n r34d
@Neoares I am cause otherwise Cereal doesn't see what I am saying, sorry for that
Don't write l33t, I can work it out
¿uʍop ǝpᴉsdn ǝdʎʇ I uɐɔ
@Cereal to be honest, I am flattered that people wrote code because of me. For example florian with the kicking system
@ivarni how u do dat!?!?! :(
@Neoares The lazy way, I used upsidedowntext.com
Whyy is my disk usage 100% at like 1MB/s
bad sectors?
ƃuᴉpoldxǝ sᴉ uᴉɐɹq ʎɯ
@Cereal defrag!
@ivarni @ziGi Why does nobody use input event anymore?
@MadaraUchiha the whatnow?
I'm an idiot. I should just move the catch up.
@RoelvanUden or use typed catch
What's that?
Ah yes, well, I'm using Angular's built-in Q.
@RoelvanUden well, you can drop bluebird and it'll still work :P
I need the last commits for all files ending in .scss in git. Any ideas?
@Kippie the last commits? you mean a list of commits?
@FlorianMargaine Well, I'd like a table with file names, and the commit names (or hash-string)
Newish person was given a project, completely ignored all scss and started working on the generated css files instead. Now I need to know when those files were last generated so I can force him to redo his work in scss :s
It's not even my project, but I got called in to take a look at his work. It's... not good
Isn't CSS valid SCSS syntax? Just rename the files :p
@ivarni yeah... no.
I mean, it's valid, sure. But there was a reason we were using sass
how can I get started with flash
@MadaraUchiha what are you talking about
sorry sass
find . -name '*.scss' -exec echo {} \; -exec git log -n1 --oneline -- {} \;
@Neoares Gets defragged every monday :/
@FlorianMargaine Thanks, man
hello what is the easy andbest way to get xxxxx part from given url facebook.com/xxxxx?fref=pb&hc_location=friends_tab
 find . -name '*.scss' -exec echo -n {} \; -exec echo "" \; -exec git log -n1 --pretty="%h" -- {} \; -exec echo "" \;
@Kippie you might like this one better ^
more flexible
I have a problem though. I'm a windows user. :p
@FastSnail window.location.pathName or something
@Kippie use linux, problem solved
@Cereal no no no i mean using regex get xxxxx part
Do you need to use regex?
I don't think you need to use regex
@Cereal https://www.facebook.com/xxxxx?fref=pb&hc_location=friends_tab
need xxxxx part.text between / and ?
well you never need to use regex
sometimes you can just reimplement a regex engine and be done with it
So I just painted my nails with the cutest owls
@FlorianMargaine what is the best way if i don't need regex
I'm not answering that
you can play around with the string, look up split() for example
e.g. new Anchor()
@GNi33 in this case, I'd just use an url parser
or new URL() of course if he supports it
he just needs the pathname property
yeah, it depends on what he really needs, but if it's just the pathname, totally go with a URL parser
You can mix split and regex if you want to be completely unintuitive!
Anyone used here $ ajaxPrefilter method?
no one
but we're used to answer about technologies we never used
I can feel a migraine coming on. Reaaallllyy not looking forward to it
hi....anyone used fixedcolumn in highcharts?
@Thinker Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
does anyone look forward to a migraine?
I look forward to a migraine hurting @Cereal, yes, why ?
ibiblio.org/harris/500milemail.html bestestest thing I have read in a while.
slowest site I've tried opening in a while
It might be dead, in fact.
fallout.bethsoft.com Anyone else excited?
Nah, fallout is meh
thx i'm done .
var url="https://www.facebook.com/xxxxx?fref=pb&hc_location=friends_tab";
var eurl = url.replace("https://www.facebook.com/","");
I'm sorry, that was uncalled for.
!!google fallout
But still, how can you not like skyrim with guns?
Luke: your father is meh!
hey cerbrus
@Kippie XCOM2 was just announced so I find it hard to be excited about anything else
@Cerbrus not bad
@ivarni I've never played the new one. Just didn't seem very "ufo defence" like
@Kippie It's actually pretty awesome, I was sceptic at first but then I went back and played ufo defence and I think the combat works much better in the new one
stfu guys
best game atm is splatoon
@ivarni I heard that "Invisible Inc." is pretty much alike to the combat system in EU
Have yet to play it myself, though
Weird that I didn't see anything being said about it in this room. Seems like the kind of game lemon would play
@Kippie Fallout 4?
anyone has an interesting project idea which utilizes the project itself? like writing a compile-to-js language written in the compile-to language itself?
@RoelvanUden Most likely. Let's hope they're not making an mmo like TESO, because that would probably suck
like gcc is written in c and compiles c :/
@Kippie Yeah.. I bought TESO, played it for a whooping 5 hours, then quit.
It should either be offline or MMORPG in a true action kind of sense.
I was playing GW2 pretty hardcore about 6 months back, but it lacked challenging end-game content
@Kippie I don't play nearly as much
I eventually quit playing when I used the /time command and noticed I've been playing for about 5h on average each day for the last 200 days :(
when I say foo = {} , foo points to an empty dictionary, but my console shows as Object {} How do I understand this syntax Object {}?
Most of the time I just log on to do my dailies and to charge crystals
I have about 10k hours in gw1 on my monk :p
@overexchange console gives a representation, not actual data
@Kippie I occasionally play GW2 (still 6 80s full decked and weekly playing). It's pretty meh. Way, way, way too easy. I recently (as in, this week) got into TERA and that's so much more fun (at the moment, anyway). It can actually challenge you!
@BenFortune That's... a lot. I might start playing again once the expansion hits, but for now I'm done with the game, even though I made some great friends there
@RoelvanUden Tera also has boobies!
I play Elin so whatever LOLI FOR THE WIN\
Never heard of Tera, I mostly play Archeage now
Still, we all know the killer mmo of 2015 will be Maplestory 2.
I will be trying Blade and Soul end of the year :-)
Maplestory 2 actually looks not bad.
Well, if the grind is less than in the first game, I'll most definitely give it a try
Oh I didn't like 2D :P The move to 3D makes it semi interesting to watch it.
I'm okay with a 'grind' so long as it's challenging/fun.
I mean, why doesn't console say {} when I say foo instead of Object {}? How do I interpret Object {}?
Have you played the 2D one? It was great. Combat was fun, and exploring vertically was awesome
foo = {}
    Object {}
     Object {}
Because foo is an empty object.
@overexchange it means that foo is an object inheriting from the global Object constructor
@Kippie I did for a little bit. It's a defect of mine I suppose. Side-scroller that isn't Mario gets on my nerves.
Top-down 2D is just fine
What? There's tons of great side-scrollers that aren't mario
Go play shovel knight right now.
terraria, nuff said
@Kippie Like I said, it's a defect of mine. I can't enjoy them
Contra > Mario
but only because Contra > all
Wth is a contra?
That looks like a shitty version of metal slug
Ah fuck side scrollers
Which mario game is your favorite anyway?
@Kippie metal slug is a shitty version of Contra you mean
Super Mario World from the SNES :P
Hmm, okay-ish choice, I guess. At least it didn't have the wonky jumping physics from SMB3

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