Hm, why does an Angular service get function calls without this context? I essentially pass in a constructor, Angular creates an object with the constructor (and injects arguments I requested) and then proceeds to call certain methods without this being the object. It's an HTTP interceptor if that matters.
@ivarni i want to get all friend's id list using browser console not from their a url for that.for example will return some friends ids those id use to show left hand friend list in json format
@BenFortune their is a api .but we need permition from user to get friend list.i'mgoing to build a firefox addon .so i think api is not goodforthat.isn't it ?because i never want to get someone's friendlist
Any one has any higher order functions for jquery ajax calls? Lets say all the ajax calls uses POST, now i want to change them to GET for example, how do we handle? Need to go to all ajax call place and change them?
I came across this problem when trying to stop a single quote (') being matched in a string.
Here is a snippet from a console session in Chrome. Params is the regex I'm trying to match (no single or double quotes should be allowed?). I would have expected the first two execs to find a match and...
@James This is going to intercept my calls, but what I look for is global ajax set up. For example, say in a single file, set the ajax timeout to be 3000, its error fns. But at the same time, while user calls $.ajax with their own options, then it need to be overridden
while posting an image, what's the difference between using[0] = new FileReader().readAsBinaryString([0]) vs new FormData().append("profile[photos][0]",[0]") in both cases the parameter is like photos"=>{"0"=>{"webkitRelativePath"=>"", "lastModified"=>1425465951000, "lastModifiedDate"=>"2015-03-04T10:45:51.000Z", "name"=>"brendy-eda-napitki-sneg-24696.jpg", "type"=>"image/jpeg", "size"=>5214},
Hm, why does an Angular service get function calls without this context? I essentially pass in a constructor, Angular creates an object with the constructor (and injects arguments I requested) and then proceeds to call certain methods without this being the object. It's an HTTP interceptor if that matters.
@FlorianMargaine No. I have a pastebin with the interceptor. It uses a pretty simple prototype, so, no this scope bound. When I register it in Angular I use app.service('HttpInterceptor', HttpInterceptor); which makes an instance for a singleton service.
Then just configure $httpProvider $httpProvider.interceptors.push('HttpInterceptor');
At this point I would imagine the $http service would call my intercept on MY object so it would have this scope properly
Hey guys i have the following node code:
var decoded = jwt.decode(req.params.encodedString, require('../secret')());
var mediaObject = decoded.mediaObject;
res.header('content-disposition', 'filename="' + mediaObject.fileName + req.params.mediaType + '"');
var stream = fs.createReadStream(mediaObject.targetDir + mediaObject.fileName + req.params.mediaType);
However when i try to stream my request is just pending
Accept-Encoding:identity;q=1, *;q=0
User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.76 Safari/537.36
@BadgerCat: the nature around here is quite pretty, could be worth visiting. Other than that, I just realized I know very little about tourism in the Netherlands xD
Yea, that's true. Np! Just one thing: they might say you don't have the required experience, should you want to ride outdoors there. If you've had a couple of lessons, though...
They can't really take people along outdoors that have little to no experience, that wouldn't be fair to other customers. Not to mention pretty darn unsafe...
@ziGi Sometimes, but mostly it's just fun to notice the differences. Earlier today a colleague told me one of the female project managers was doing 'afrijden', which has a rather... sexual connotation in Flemish.
@Cerbrus Heck, I went riding in cuba last week without knowing a single word of spanish, while the guide/instructor knew no english at all. We did okay in gesturing to eachother.
@Cerbrus ah yes, I also start getting Dutch accent when speaking English although I barely speak Dutch since I speak with Dutch people in English constantly, so Dutch people think I am Dutch because I speak English with Dutch accent...
@FlorianMargaine Well, I'd like a table with file names, and the commit names (or hash-string)
Newish person was given a project, completely ignored all scss and started working on the generated css files instead. Now I need to know when those files were last generated so I can force him to redo his work in scss :s
It's not even my project, but I got called in to take a look at his work. It's... not good
@Thinker Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Kippie It's actually pretty awesome, I was sceptic at first but then I went back and played ufo defence and I think the combat works much better in the new one
anyone has an interesting project idea which utilizes the project itself? like writing a compile-to-js language written in the compile-to language itself?
@Kippie I occasionally play GW2 (still 6 80s full decked and weekly playing). It's pretty meh. Way, way, way too easy. I recently (as in, this week) got into TERA and that's so much more fun (at the moment, anyway). It can actually challenge you!
@BenFortune That's... a lot. I might start playing again once the expansion hits, but for now I'm done with the game, even though I made some great friends there