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SterlingArcher.onload = eval;
@ssube so what should i search in google.plz i need whole information
@FastSnail We've given you plenty of AOL keywords.
Heeey, it works
@Cereal congrats, what was the issue?
Polling, facebook polling, data polling, ajax polling, really any kind of polling will send you in the right direction.
@akaRash I had to open the browser console, not the web inspector
Use some creativity.
anyone know how i can speed up the 'add to cart' process on my external webpage to match my my store? stackoverflow.com/questions/30581002/…
hamburger menu -> developer -> browser console
@Cereal ... what made you think the inspector will contain console.logs?
@ssube tnx i will search
@Cereal F12 -> Esc will open the split console as well ;)
(or close if already open)
@akaRash It wouldn't, the console would. I mean I can't use the console you get when you right click and inspect element
oh, yeah right
@ssube oh my god LOL
A: ECMAScript 6: what is WeakSet for?

Benjamin GruenbaumThis is a really hard question. To be completely honest I had no idea in the context of JavaScript so I asked in esdiscuss and got a convincing answer from Domenic. WeakSets are useful for security and validation reasons. If you want to be able to isolate a piece of JavaScript. They allow you to...

@DenysSéguret ping
Does anyone have experience working with Webpack? How do your provide it with an custom index.html file?
@Oleg what do you mean?
like for the webpack dev server?
Yes, the dev server. It seems to only want an existing index.html in ./build or root folder...
I'm not exactly sure about the workflow.
the webpack config gives it all the paths
cant you just change the index folder in your build directory?
yeah look at the entry setting
The entry setting points at a JavaScript file.
There's no configuration for index.html
And no documentation.
does it have the something like, 'webpack/hot/dev-server'
whats the output path have?
that should be the directory where the html file resides
I point output path to 'build/bundle.js'
yeah so build/index.html would be what the dev server uses
you want to point it to a totally different entry .html?
But isn't it weird to have index.html in build?
I wanted to have it in another folder, like src or app
But then webpack doesn't know how to fetch it.
yeah idk, thats how I have mine setup personally, however I don't have it part of our project so it doesn't ever go to the server (the index.html)
but its still in source control.
What is the ES6 way of creating an array with X length and filling it with equal values?
@BenjaminGruenbaum what was the lol
Oh, it's a reply to another post
@Catgocat .fill?
@Loktar Yup! Thanks.
Are arrow functions supported by Firefox? Are they ok for production?
[1,2].map(() => 2)
Array [ 2, 2 ]
@Catgocat use babeljs
In firefox? Yes, in other browsers? No.
@Oleg I mean client side
So unless you're making a firefox extension - no.
We use babel on the client.
^ same here.
Its amazing.
What's with V8 anyways? Why the trouble to bring arrow functions?
They're too busy deprecating products to work on chrome.
Want a real answer :P?
Or are you content with calling them lazy?
My question is not a rhetorical question.
I was talking to ssube
Really, I want to know.
v8's JIT is being rewritten (CrankShaft -> TurboFan), that's their primary focus right now, work on arrow functions happens but it's slow because the top priority is to get their new engine to work.
They've been at it for ±6 months now, major overhaul
Oh right, I remember that one kid who kept coming around asking us about turbofan.
is there anything public about performance of turbofan compared to before ?
You can fork and benchmark, currently it's still slower
Will ES6 be browser compatible? Will it be useful in legacy browsers at all?
I'm looking forward to being able to use it in production, but worried I won't be able to because legacy stuffs
In legacy browsers, you'll run into all the problems babel does today.
especially around extending native types
Question about libraries: should one worry about the type of arguments given to an utility function, where only certain types (Numbers for example) are meant to be given? If in the Docs we say the function takes 1 argument that is a number, should we handle invalid argument types within that function?
@Catgocat no
Excluding undefined, for default values.
@SterlingArcher Most of those are easy enough to work around, though.
@Catgocat I'd probably check and throw a nice customized Error for your users (devs)
Hmm, I wonder if there is a library focused purely on making cross browser methods standardized.
@jAndy Isn't that a pain in the ass? To do that in every function I write?
Like jQuery, but less overhead of course
@Catgocat no?
you typeof and throw
And what error type should I throw?
it's just an option I guess. In the case of a library I would find it useful in some cases
normal Error() ?
like "function x expects arguments y and was called with z"
but that's luxury
@jAndy back in my day, we had these "compilers" that would check stuff like that for you and give you exactly those warnings, before your code ever got to prod
that was back before venture capital funded test-in-prod companies
I still think I can be useful in libraries. Even tho you drop like 2 cpu ticks for type checking, it's nice for the dev who uses it
@ssube Something like expect("myfunction", arg === Number, "arg should be a number");
Or use arguments.caller.callee in the expect function to get the caller name?
@Pekka웃 that may be but, OTOH,it's another chance to downvote Bartek. — Martin James 1 hour ago
    onLoad: function() {
        if(someThing) this.go();
    go: function() {
Is there a reason this.go would be undefined in this context
If the context changed.
or am I just being slow again
@Catgocat they had arrow functions in between, but took it back due to bugs. same as classes.
@akaRash cool cool
No, nothing changes
@Cereal If you gave us the full code (or an example) it would help
Will pastie, sec
@Cereal if onload is called as copy, yes.
also @Cereal since you are developing for ff, use short object notation
Is that a new fangled feature in the upcoming update to ecmascript
!!> var x = {foo() { return this.bar; }, bar: 'lol' }; var y = x.foo; y();
@akaRash "SyntaxError: missing } after property list"
@Cereal yes
umm, newlines
@akaRash "TypeError: this is undefined"
@Cereal replace it with this.onload.bind(this)
@Cereal The context is not the object. gBrowser.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", this.onLoad,
@Cereal this is set depending on how onLoad is called
I'm fucking retarded
hurr durr, forget you're in a listener
and you really don't need to pass the false as the third param
oh god y u no use es6 :((
> You should provide this parameter for broadest compatibility.
The people who are going to be using this extension are.. old
I have no idea what browser they're gunna be using
ok :/
posted on June 02, 2015 by Alex R. Young

Wallaby.js Sponsored Content Thanks to Wallaby.js for kindly sponsoring DailyJS. Wallaby.js, the continuous test runner that outputs results directly into your editor, currently has a 20% discount on IntelliJ Platform licenses until 7th of June 2015. There are also free betas available for Visual Studio, which usually

ff4 is like ie8 old (not bad like ie8)
you're a wallaby, feeds
@Feeds gulp is not a task runner, stupid
wallabye: strayan fuh beya
@akaRash uh, isn't it?
@ssube it is a streaming engine. grunt is a task runner.
@akaRash gulp is an async task runner that assumes things will be collections of streams, perhaps.
gulp is async grunt
@ssube That doesn't leave intermediary files
can JavaScript pass a boolean? i.e. setToolbar(true);
or setToolbar(false);
or is setToolbar('true'); required?
i am undecided on weather to use jquery or css for a simple opacity effect , my consideration is people might have javascript turned off , discuss
please don't tell use to discuss your issues, it comes off as rude.
Hahahaha 'con' is still a reserved word in Windows??
it wasn't an instruction , just an academic end of sentence
so in turn , don't tell me what to write
does that come off as rude hmmmm ?
Kicked him for being annoying.
@Loktar can true boolean values be passed as a param in JS?
If using academic wording at least spell whether right :/
@JoJo yes.
@Loktar ty, I will continue troubleshooting..
np, hope you figure it out!
@Loktar Works for me , good job hmmmm
Yeah I didn't see that going anywhere productive
Tbh I don't ever have anything JS related to talk about here now days :/
I like pickles
I uhh.... I typed some codez today
I do when people talk about webpack/gulp/some es6 stuff :P
otherwise lately I'm talking about keyboards.
aww I missed it
@havingagoatit flags are not toys, and are not there to satisfy personal vendettas
All I can see is goat tit when I read his name
Dammit now I lost my place in this book.
Polymorphism is hard enough to understand
@Cereal lol
!!afk reading and lunch
@SterlingArcher Haha hell yeah. I had missed that
I am downloading a custom recovery file for my android device from 4shared but its showing me a wait counter of 889 seconds. I inspected element the id assigned to that element is "downloadDelayTimeSec". I tried to fetch it using getElementById and then tried to modify the innerHTML but it reverts back to the original count. Is there any possible way? I am in kinda hurry.
it is determined by the server likely
@androidplusios.design Because the input only represents the remaining time on the timer lol
@SterlingArcher with js YEE with c++ NAHH ;)
Like there is a JS function setting that timer, and the developer wasn't stupid enough to do input.value-- and just check the input for 0 to end the wait time
@rlemon Read the lead. Murka, fuck yeah.
@Jhawins well, in fairness, that is possible... just unlikely that the dev was that stupid
@Jhawins yup it shows the remaining time. I that means there is not trick to fool the counter ?
Yup I not able to find that function....let me recheck
@rlemon As I said :P. Btw, the dev was that stupid on the Indiana approved Defensive Driving course.
@androidplusios.design even if you change the counter somehow, it is likely possible that the server won't allow you a download before a certain time.
@androidplusios.design no because the counter is VERY LIKELY driven from the server. there is probably a websocket or ajax request sending the remaining time to the client
that is what you see.
@rlemon I implemented it for a client (I'm sorry), and the way I was told to do it is store a token and a timestamp server side, send the token to the client, and ask the client to request for the download at that timestamp with that token. the timer is purely for UX.
Yaa there is no JS code for resetting the counter as far as I see it. Thanks anyways :(
still 55 seconds left
I think i have passed the counter already :)
Anyone have a link it a user here's vulgar explanation of native ajax?
and yes
merci beaucoup
mercy bow coop
You don't pronounce the p D=
And it's more like mare-see
just saw some of zirak's gists contain code i can copy paste ^^
I refuse to copy and paste code. I always write it out
@Cereal Good way to create unnecessaary erros;]}
great way to understand the implementation*
I also hand copy code.
@Cereal That's good
@Jhawins Usually results me me getting frustrated I don't understand all of it and spending the next 4 hours reading
lol you have to type it to understand it?
No, but it's easier
guess what? people learn differently. I know I know it is a shocker but it is true ;)
You should type to avoid making mistakes when adapting it
F8 -> f10 (repeat until you're done)
See context the whole way
probably works for some people, copying it by hand works for me
I have to put a breakpoint at every line and run it through the debugger inspecting the call stack, scope variables, stack frame and context at every line to understand it.
My way to learn™.
I'm at least moderately sure you only need one breakpoint and stepping
I just put it anyways to be quadruple sure.
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
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If one learns ES6, Does angular JS & extJS frameworks still fit? Because ES6 allows to write class based abstractions(type abstractions) unlike pre ES6(i dont know) which is object(function) based abstractions
am new to javascript
is = allows*
@overexchange all es5 strict code is valid es6 code, so yes.
except for some stupid naming
ES6 being backward compatible is a different aspect
@overexchange You're waaay overthinking it
If am not wrong ES5 does not have class keyword
learn whatever
@overexchange wrong
both let and class are reserved keywords in es5 as well
so are yield, export and import as well
hi guys
I am looking for some assistance in jquery
I want to select all links on page with class link1 and then extract href property from them :D
[].map.call(document.querySelectorAll('a.link1'), function (node) { return node.href; });
in jquery
$ ?
and with .each function
why does it need to be with jquery
it doesn't
i use cheerio in node.js for this. It's jquery based
if you knew JS converting it into "jQuery" is just checking the api docs. the logic is all the same
cheerio isn't jQuery based, it mimics the api (just to correct the wording)
$.map($('a.link1'), function(el) { return el[0].href; });
I do not see any class keyword in this link
because that is a terrible link
!!mdn class
@rlemon Class
!!tell over mdn lexical grammar
scroll down to reserved keywords
@rlemon ok is there a tutorial where I can read about this and learn how to "move" through DOM ?
@macroscripts their documentation
mdn has good stuff, what I want
@overexchange avoid w3schools, for all things web goto MDN or devdocs.io
they are better resources with more credible and accurate information
FTR, devdocs.io uses MDN, but it's easier to find things in it
What happened to that rude goat guy?
@Kitler ^
goat tit? He disappeared
From hereon out, @Kitler shall be known as "that rude goat guy"
Better than Kitler lol
My mainintention is to avoid proto paradigm and stick to class based paradigm.
@overexchange Bad news for you, classes are just sugar for prototypes
They're still prototype based under the hood
sugar you mean wrapper?

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