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!!> var arr = []; arr[-1] = "a"; arr;
@Abhishrek []
Any idea how can i make a 2d infinite background composed purely of images ?
My creative director just discovered the awesomeness of flexbox. Me thinks our browser support policy is gonna get an overhaul pretty soon :P
lol - @monners make sure you don't show him the dying css-grid spec.
I don't get it though why the heck the css grid spec died :-/
Because everything it offered can be achieved through flexbox (plus a lot more)
@monners how can you make a 2d grid infinitely repeating with flex box ?
compared to -ms-cols: 1fr 200px 1fr 300px 1fr 400px[10]; -ms-rows: 1fr 200px 1fr 300px 1fr 400px[10];
@monners can you educate me by converting that to flex ?
Is that even possible ?
That's what, one flex column, one 200px column, 1 flex column, 1 200px column?
(I haven't used the grid not-so-standard)
@monners it will create a 2d grid
What do you mean by that?
so there will be squares of growing size diagonally
Ummm, yeah. Just put two flex containers inside two flex columns.
no not that simple
it will also make the elements with 200px x 300px size, 200px x 400px and 300px x 400 px size for free
I don't really have time at the moment to give it a crack, maybe later
The problem is you will need IE :P
Oh, well no thanks then
anyone want to help me write an es4 to es6 transpiler? :P
Do it
anyone know how to disable a button in javascript/jquery? i tried $(..).prop('disabled',true) and it isn't working for some strange reason.
i'm running into some weird type of issue where using a jQuery promise chain prevents adding the disabled property to an html5 button
@php_purest I wasn't
@phenomnomnominal for real?
haha probably not.
I mean, isn't es4 a subset of es6?
There was some cray shit in there
@phenomnomnominal example of what is now invalid?
different numbers?
oh, meta functions
this is disgusting
different language
Can somebody try to answer a question I have about variable reference?
@user2800382 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@user2800382 which is?
I can't help but think that the function is crying
var foo = 7; var bar = foo;

bar is supposed to reference foo right?

which means that if I change the value of foo, then the value of bar should also change?
Firefox have been working hard to implement ES4, and is now trying hard to migrate from ES4 to ES6.
@user2800382 no; that assignment is by value, not by reference
people's scores on golfjs.com is fake right?
@royhowie I've had that happen to me. Sucks.
@monners the copied answer doesn't even look nice. I don't get why the OP accepted it.
Who knows...
is atom worth switching to from sublime? the only problem so far (that I've run into) is that, when indenting with spaces, it doesn't let you actually move through the spaces, even if they're actually in the document
That's odd, it totally lets me do that
I think there's an option for that somewhere in the preferences
Actually, it's funny you should ask that, as I just had to open Sublime because atom gets very sluggish when working with really, really big files
my main qualm with ST3 is syntax highlighting for ES6
I'm sure there's a plugin that'll fix that
That being said, I've found atom to be a lot better at a lot of other things than sublime
there is a plugin for es6 syntax, but it doesn't work
I keep getting burned out
stackoverflow.com/questions/15856524/… please delete this question
But he even called his brother! In another country!
hey guys,my manager is suggesting that we use dojo for structuring the web application,is that a good idea,my main concern is module loading and being able to write good tests
in other words,I am not interested in using dijit
@monners Like what? I was considering switching, but didn't really have any compelling reasons
They seemed basically at par to me
I hate when I run out of close votes/votes
@SomeGuy Very easy to customise pretty much everything.
there's so much crap I want to destroy
Oh, yeah, of course
and it gets deleted if its score goes negative
ANYWAY! I managed to untag 180 questions from
stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/blank-page someone should finish the job; I don't like sifting through old content if I can't down-vote/flag/close
@BenjaminGruenbaum Have you considered talking about some interesting Math concepts or Machine Learning ones for the Room Talks?
anyone got a reference on the built-in error types in node? for the life of me I can't find the right combination of keywords to find it
!!google default error types in nodejs
@SomeGuy I can do something about ML (something basic probably), everything has to wait until next week though, super busy.
@SomeGuy like what type of math?
@royhowie I don't have anything specific in mind. I was only suggesting those because I know Benji's generally good with explaining concepts in those areas
speaking of math, I keep getting sucked back into project euler
Is ES6 now called ES2015?
@monners - all the links are purple and none list the error types :-\
@Madd0g trying to think of all the error types…
I know there's Error, SyntaxError, ReferenceError, TypeError
@royhowie It's fun, isn't it?
@SomeGuy yeah, but such a waste of time
I haven't solved any in a very long time, though
I have work/jobs to do
Haha, that's why
Answer a meta question, and link to the "post comments (50 rep)" privilege in that post... Some guy comes in and edits that post, changing the link to some vague "Why can't I comment" question.
@Cerbrus link?
mostly because I did continued fractions in the fall in one of my seminars
@Cerbrus haha, that was pretty sneaky
@Cerbrus and that edit is by a 5k rep user?
I honestly can't think of 1 reason a edit like that was warranted. Like... wut.
eh, that's why you can rollback
and why edits push posts to the front page—so others can check their veracity/utility
Strangely enough, I didn't get a edit notification
is there reason why autofocus="false" doesn't work on mobile browsers for search input?
@Cerbrus you get edit notifications?
On SO posts I do. "User <x> edited <y>"
Or maybe that's only for suggestions
That wasn't a suggested edit.
@royhowie - I saw the MDN page, it was very useful but I wanted a reference for node and the list doesn't seem to exist anywhere
@Madd0g I think they might be the same
It's easy to check if they exist I guess
I saw a cool lib called node-common-errors
but it lists its own cool errors but doesn't say what node has
im using visual studio 2008 and my framework is 3.5 i cannot use modern things here.@connexo — coder 46 secs ago
Poor web dev
.NET is nothing but pain and suffering bottled, branded, shipped, and abused.
@Cerbrus I feel so bad for him; it must be so horrible—oh, the drudgery!
You'd think when someone is on 10 year old tech they'd mention that in the question
@ivarni but then it'd be old news
@royhowie there's nospace for such jokes here — m0sa ♦ 1 min ago
Actually, reading that error list of error in javascript on MDN made me realize how utterly useless the built-in errors are. I bet there's like 3 projects that use anything but Error.
@Madd0g pretty much
My project uses both SyntaxError and TypeError
... in included libraries
can anyone help me?
Really? what is it?
Q: Why doesn't stack exchange pass the Joel Test with flying colors?

royhowieI was randomly browsing through the job offerings page on stackoverflow careers and noticed THIS monstrosity: How can stack exchange, the company created by Joel Spolsky, not pass his own test? Is it just me or is there something off about this?

!!welcome Steve
@Steve Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@royhowie - not having testers is not a bad thing
expect that reply
@Madd0g it was half meant as a joke
although not having an up-to-date schedule is =/
It does, maybe... I don't really know what that means
I'm a dev and I don't have any schedule lol
and I would know if the companies I worked for had anything called schedule
// is this a bad idea?

but why?
Just asking. Is it readable enough?
I'd say it's not
oh, it's readable... it reads like a mystery novel, the kind where you say "WTF" when you finish it
Maybe if you'd rename the parameters
At the moment, it reads like a mathematical expression you've got to solve for f, b, and a
function(fn, delay, callback)
more like delayer, delay, callback
There we go, already switching up parameters xD
I want to avoid having the delay after the callback (who ever thought it was a good idea?) and I though I'd do with an inline expression.
this is fucking brilliant, internal IT just remotely wiped all installed extensions from Chrome and then blocked us from installing extensions.
you guys are answering like you understand all this.
function interval(delay, callback){
    return setInterval(callback, delay);
Just use a wrapper, I'd say
will do then, thanks
@ivarni so no adblock?
For me, the problem with the inline expression is that it isn't really re-usable.
reusability is not an issue if your whole body is an interval callback
@royhowie no adblock, no disconnect, no tampermonkey, no postman, no accessibility devtools, no nothing :(
Good point
@ivarni what happens when you try to install an extension?
@royhowie It say it's blocked
@ivarni just install a new version of chrome
like the test version
Under chrome://policy/ ExtensionInstallBlacklist is basically set to *
I don't think reinstalling will fix that
@ivarni what if you edit that back?
see if that guide works
portable version?
in firefox extensions are just files in a directory, with a portable version no IT admin can do anything
don't know about chrome
@JanDvorak Can't edit it, and my users don't have administrator access (I basically have to log in with a different user for that)
@royhowie I'll have a look, but that seems to be mainly about updates
is anyone familiar with autofocus?
switch to browsing from a cellphone anytime your boss is nearby?
@Steve just hold the trigger a while. Your camera should tell you when it's done focusing.
@JanDvorak i'm talking about search input autofcus it doesn't work
oh. No idea what plugin you're talking about then.
or how you managed to break it
i don't want the blinking line to be there
var obj = {};

var foo = function(){
	this.boo = "boo!"
how do I call foo in context obj without using apply and call methods of function object pointed by foo
@MadaraUchiha how am i rude? o.O
@overexchange obj.foo = foo
Don't think I v ever spoken to dutchess
foo.apply(obj); or foo.call(obj); how do I do llike this in foo() style?
@Steve then remove the attribute?
@overexchange that will work
i tried. blur
no luck any work around?
@overexchange function objFoo(){foo.call(obj)}
for my code, when I say foo() under which context does funtion get called?
I mean what is this as a context there?
outside strict mode, the global scope
!!>(function(){"use strict"; return this})()
@JanDvorak "undefined"
So, I repeat my question, In foo() style, how would I call the function in context of obj.
foo=foo.bind(obj); foo()
@monners >:(
@JanDvorak ¯_(ツ)_/¯
So, What I get from all this is, we are doing something like, binding an object of type class <'function'> to an object objto make it an object of type class <'method'>
what is the syntac to find type of foo?
@overexchange ... ?
what is the syntax to find type of foo? i would liek to answer in better way
!!> typeof (function(){})
@JanDvorak "function"
Fixed it,
this is weird in javascript..
apply is not function, it is method
@monners Just a reminder - goodreads.com/poll/show/…
there is a huge difference between method and function
It is a function. what is a method?
does anybody knows how to listen to meteor shutdown? like the opposite of Meteor.startup ?
@kroe Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeGuy I've already read Ready Player One
But I'ma vote for it because you guys should definitely read it
You never reread a book?
I don't think I've re-read a book yet
I have some that I wouldn't mind re-reading, but not yet
I don't have time to read anything else at the moment anyway, still got 7 books left in the series I just started
>>> def f():
	return None

>>> type(f.__call__)
<class 'method-wrapper'>
>>> type(f.__ge__)
<class 'method-wrapper'>
>>> type(f)
<class 'function'>
>>> this is python
hi everybody,should i read the source code of framework if i want to improve my skills?
Can't hurt
@overexchange this isn't python
@JanDvorak I don't know why I'm trolling you today, but I can't help it
why?some company always the source code implements when i look for the job
my point is language agnostic
@monners well, you're hurting the room, not me, by undermining the importance of not being lazy in grammar
@overexchange What do you mean? JavaScript has no such thing as a 'method', so how would it be language-agnostic?
@overexchange then yes, they are methods of the function
@JanDvorak I'm not undermining the importance of grammar, I'm demonstrating the comedic powers afforded to those who take the time to truly master it
@Kitler Not sure. But you're the only goat guy I know.
when i interview,some company ask me the underlying code under the framework
@monners Isn't that the same thing?
I m pretty sure there's more goat people around
@JanDvorak bar = foo.bind(obj) I would read this as, one would like to call bar() which is in context with obj, I mean foo function is bind with obj
@JanDvorak Y So Srsly?
@wangyiran they're probably asking for the concepts, i.e. do you how such or such thing is actually done, conceptually.
But this style of binding object to functions is really wierd
@JanDvorak @monners You guys might enjoy this book called "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves"
I've read excerpts from it and they were amusing
For example, how is DI done in angular?
Does it have any Batman? I don't read anything that doesn't pay homage to Batman
because object has identity or existence, function is just an imaginery abstraction concept
@FlorianMargaine yes not the details,just the idea
@overexchange a function is an object in javascript
@overexchange You are an imaginary abstraction concept
so how can you allow foo.bind(obj), obj.bind(foo) make sense to me
I know dear, function is an object
@overexchange A function is an object like any other
@FlorianMargaine when i read these code,i always lost in the large code,,,not catch the concept,how to deal with it?
@overexchange if both are functions, you can bind both to each other for w/e reason
Now you just tell me the mechanics of JS, that I have to accept all these possibilities. Without ever thinking of what the level of meaning or usage you have except saying that fuction is an object
If obj = {}, why would I prefer saying foo.bind(obj) instead of obj.bind(foo), because when you map to real worrl application, obj may that behaviour foo. In python function is an object, but it does not allow such stuff foo.bind(obj)
@overexchange Because bind is a method that exists on a function object.
Consider the following (pretty bad) example:
you again talk about the mechanics of JS
function doSomething() {
    return this.x + this.y;
doSomething.call({x: 5, y: 10});
On same lines, I could ask you, what a big deal for guido to include bind method in python for function object? this type of discussion goes no where
A function's this keyword may have different contexts depending on how the function is called.
@overexchange ok... anytime you mention Python, I'm going to just stare at you silently
I feel, JS syntax has given function type object its own identity, this is why foo.bind() kind of syntax is being allowed. I feel this is weird. There are hell lot of methods in function type objects which canot be so controversial lile eq ne etc...
uh, what?
but not bind
@wangyiran nice book on your list: "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie


Room rules: sopython.com/chatroom Code formatting guide: tinyu...
am not supporting python
@overexchange "big deal for guido" >> are you a part of the mafia?
foo.bind(obj) does not make sense to me. thats it
such concepts pollute your programming sense
@overexchange just because it doesn't make sense to you doesn't mean it doesn't make sense to others
would you prefer Function.bind(obj, foo)?
ok enjoy JS
I do enjoy JS, actually
When I say, JS syntax has given function type object its own identity, despite everything being an object, is a wrong idea. so how can you think of Function.bind(bhahblah)
functions are objects, too
I bet you this thought process will not match your design strategies from real world
@overexchange .post(r.accounts.localSignup.bind(null, passport)); I use that in my routes.js file in every project that uses passport for authentication
am not good at JS sysntax, are you binding window object to localSignup function? Is that what you are doing?
@overexchange Are you debating that JS is a bad language in the JS room?
That's like going to a concert of Coldplay saying "Coldplay sucks, right?!".
@overexchange No. I require("routes.js")(app, passport) in my server.js file. In routes.js, I have access to passport. However, I also need passport in other files, namely, routes/accounts.js, so I bind passport as the first parameter to the r.accounts.localSignup function, which was exported from routes/accounts.js
tazer rollout research complete. Be careful bro.
null is first param which I think is nothing but window and I see that localSignup is already bind to some other object may be r or accounts.Is that correct?
@overexchange no
var r = require("routing.js"). I require all my sub-routing files within routing.js and expose this to my routes.js file. If I want to access my accounts.js file within routes.js, then all I need to do is r.accounts.functionNameHere
in this case, localSignup is the post request for when a user logs in (it does the authentication)
.bind(null, passport) returns a new copy of localSignup where the function's this === null and the first parameter is passport, followed by whatever parameters it is normally passed (in this case, req, res, and next)
and this function localSignup is already bind to accounts object? because you say r.accounts.localSignup
@copy @Zirak mildly interesting: I'm building a debian package to install everything I need when I get a new computer. I should be able to handle my updates this way too.
accounts.localSignup is like obj.behaviour? and accounts.localSignup.bind(obj,arg1) is like I dont know? how to describe this
@FlorianMargaine I'm midly interested to.
@DenysSéguret heh. Follow the link then :P
@FlorianMargaine I did
Are you writing and maintaining this by hand ?
except the changelog
In non JS languages, when you say, obj.behaviour() behaviour always works in context of obj. For me, it does not make sense to say obj.behaviour.bind(obj2, arg) . here behaviour is function object as per JS
that I write using dch
@FlorianMargaine That's pretty cool
@DenysSéguret there's not much to write tbh. Some of it is just magic numbers, like github.com/Ralt/ralt-dotfiles/blob/master/debian/compat
What's that ?
@overexchange I'll make you a gist
@DenysSéguret the build package version
!!afk I must release this morning...
@SomeGuy right
@royhowie Firstly, are you doing the same as obj1.behaviour.bind(obj2, arg) except you pass obj2 as null?
@overexchange I guess?
then you are screwing your programming skills, trust me!! I dont care if JS allows this or dosen't or whether your passport app earns you revenue
@FlorianMargaine There was a service for Windows that did that too
@SomeGuy except my .deb is integrated in the package manager
@overexchange gist.github.com/royhowie/3894041b40ffffab6e5b this is basically how I set up my node projects
(and if anyone has input/things I should fix to better follow convention, I'd love to hear it)
@royhowie I'd just have localSignup return a function tbh
localSignup: function(passport) {
    return function(req, res, next) {};
that makes sense
  // to login (as an admin)
yeah, since it'll just make a closure
convention are not driven by language, conventions are driven by programming paradigms. First decide what paradigm you would like to stick to for any app you write and think according to that paradigm, when you design and code

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