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!!google string.prototype.lapd shim
My ipad broke :(
@Catgocat jsfiddle.net/4mHW9/52 here is one. implement the other yourself now.
quora people really need to stop spreading misinformation :/
@rlemon !!google is really passive-aggressive
@Catgocat the page I linked you to has the specification of each of the functions. implement them yourself.
@AwalGarg I know and thx
too often people come in here and post a question and I can literally google the question word for word and the first result is the one they need.
it is annoying when people don't do any research before asking the question
have a fantastic time reading what abrupt returning is
@rlemon we can hook up root access's clippy's regexp to cap :D
take @AwalGarg as a positive example, he asks a Q, gets a short reply, googles the fuck out of everything told to him, asks questions regarding what he doesn't understand from the resource he found and then understands the concept
and we all love him for it
@rlemon so true... i even wondered how they ended up here
I still hate @AwalGarg
Nah, he's the new @SomeGuy
Q: How to hide the privacy polity section forever?

xRobotIn the bottom of my website there is a little section that explains about the privacy policy. I want that when the user click on ACCEPT button, then the section will never be displayed in the future. How can I do this ?

A: Is there a JavaScript function that can pad a string to get to a determined length?

GussUsing the ECMAScript 6 method String#repeat, a pad function is as simple as: String.prototype.padLeft = function(char, length) { return char.repeat(Math.max(0, length - this.length)) + this; } String#repeat is currently supported in Firefox and Chrome only. for other implementation, one m...

^ this guy is clever
Twenty Two gold badges from vamping
@rlemon HE HAS 5K
@SomeKittens 400+ questions
1 answer
wish I could closevote a user
@rlemon young blankman :D
Q: The program can't start because libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll is missing

xRobotI have created a simple program in C++ with Code::Blocks. If I run it from Code::Blocks, it works correctly; but if I run it by doubleclicking on the executable file, a window pops up with this message: The program can't start because libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll is missing from your computer. Try r...

Someone tell me what the fuck this is. Look at the votes!! Look, it's protected!!
:23633337 "13" is max limit.
@Jhawins LMAO
@AwalGarg Nevermind I was blind
@Jhawins it's an old tool configuration problem
cool ;)
a very common tool configuration problem, tbh
not a good question, but a concise answer to a problem anyone writing native code will hit one day
still funny
lol he has 5K because he joined during the time that a total help vamp can get a ~+100 score question
wait. mine broke
Here, pair it with mine: ---F
@AwalGarg ---O you can have this one. we don't want you hurting yourself.
if you have 1 answer, then yes ...
@SterlingArcher so in your db.js what happens if the connection fails or the query throws an error? you handle those inside of the promise call?
@rlemon yeah, which in hindsight probably isn't the best idea. I should have used error handling inside the db file
@FlorianMargaine did I ever tell you about the phpepl I made?
@AwalGarg no
@FlorianMargaine see it, github.com/awalGarg/phpepl you might like it (I didn't write a single line of php code for it, though)
do everything in the browser because it is easy :/
@AwalGarg what is it?
the original phpepl with flexbox and dark theme. the original one didn't work for me :(
I'm on mobile
you know the original one right? (you told me about it ._.)
No, I'm not the one who told you about it. Never heard of that
Q: How to point WebEssentials plugin for VS to your other JS files (JSHint)?

JonathanWe all love Web-Essentials integrated JSHint but I get a lot of false W117 errors. JsHint (W117): 'keyDown' is not defined. JsHint (W117): 'KEYS' is not defined. The problem is these vars are in separate files (util.js). How do I make Web-Essentials evaluate all these files together? (withou...

so, that phpepl is a browser based PHP tool ?
@Jonathan Your very first assertion is wrong
@Jonathan ugh. Don't use web essentials.
It's a mess, even for a VS plugin.
@Jonathan also, that's not web essentials that's giving you these "false positives"
That's JSHint
Didn't expect the hate
hmm, transcript doesn't agree. maybe it was someone else from the php room iunno
JSHint looks at each file individually
You can configure jshint with a .jshintrc file or with /* global: keyDown, KEYS */ on the file.
@Jonathan use a JS build tool that can pick up all your files and lint them sanely.
Can I fix it?
What do you use if not web-essentials?
I would suggest gulp, because I like it for what I do.
@Jonathan gulp
gulp is boss
in fact, this gulpfile can do like 90% of the stuff
not so much testing, though
@MadaraUchiha fixed
@rlemon Thanks
Lol @ edit, I was about to
interwebz iz serious buznas
@AwalGarg so, what is it?
@FlorianMargaine multiline repl for php in browser
Anyone knows of a good, working text-to-speech engine for reading articles out loud?
Specifically interested in ones that can handle or can skip code block examples
@MadaraUchiha chrome integrated with the britsh woman.
Instead of trying to read it.
@MadaraUchiha neospeak with paul16k works OK
@rlemon Chrome has one built-in?
well, an API
@MadaraUchiha cough github.com/feross/standard cough
you're a programmer.
pop one off
@rlemon Too lazy.
@AwalGarg Will try
> :star2:
Stopped reading here
@MadaraUchiha but.. you just pass it the page text minus code blocks :P
@phenomnomnominal lolwut
@rlemon That smell
It's that smelly smell. It's a smelly smell that smells... smelly.
Smells of work
@MadaraUchiha webkit has a speech synthesis engine api
smells of I'm not clicking that bitly link
it goes to my stackoverflow question haha
smells like teen spirit
post the real link then
not a hidden one
1 message moved to Trash can
I think this is what @rlemon is referring to, I don't know of any other browser based speech engine
bitly links are like "ohhh I'm trying to hide something"
or track number of clicks
@chronotrigga you can check the console for the traffic. It could be that the server is progressing it too slow
so, check how long your server file is progressing the data
@FlorianMargaine got a minute to talk about Promises?
!!s/ P/ our lord and saviour P/
@phenomnomnominal @FlorianMargaine got a minute to talk about our lord and saviour Promises? (source)
well that was the joke, but apparently I didn't do it right
well I finally got to @SterlingArcher's code and need to handle rejection (which he does not) gist.github.com/rlemon/e6896995f431c891dd57 looking for insight on why I don't understand how spread rejection works.
or rather, how would you do this with mysql.
@KarelG hrm... this is what i am seeing i.imgur.com/fI4sqVm.png
@rlemon on mobile, but sure
Have you tried friendzoning the error instead of rejecting it?
@SterlingArcher that is what that code does
i think
still mulling over the bluebird docs to see if there is a better way about this
leave work in 15 minutes so not implementing anything right now. just research and ideas
it's just a woocommerce link on my same server, would i have to boost anything server side?
		// Find row with most elements
		cols = (function iterate(i, max){
				if (i < 0) return max;
				return iterate(--i, Math.max(arr[i + 1].length, max))
		})(arr.length - 1);
Tail recursion ^ ?
What you guys think
@Catgocat Yes, but use a loop or reduce or Math.max.apply
--- ^^
@rlemon hold on. But yes, your code is wrong
while is ugly ;s
@FlorianMargaine yes ofc :P I wrote it
@chronotrigga you can see that it's taking 10 sec for getting a reply.
let's see reduce
Ok, for this gulp thing... I've installed Node.JS but when I type $ npm install --global gulp I get unexpected identifier error
no rush, if you would be so kind as to (at some point this evening) explain to me how to set this up with mysql proper. I've only done promise with postgres (for db stuff)
@Jonathan npm install gulp -g
@Jonathan you need to be root to install globally iirc
rather, a super user
won't be an unexpected identifier error then
it would be E_ACCESS or something
cols = arr.reduce(function(p, c) {
if (c.length > p) p = c.length;
}, 0);
True ^ @copy thanks
@rlemon now using your theme, i wasn't logged into my chrome
wait for it...
@KarelG that is correct, however when i use the woocommerce store to add products it only takes 1 second
> Windows has actually had API support for virtual desktops since Windows NT 4, but there’s no user interface around it. You need a tool to enable it, like Microsoft’s Virtual Desktops PowerToy for Windows XP once did.
@Zirak y no trash?
as a finisher of our talks :-/ wtf
@Catgocat That's incorrect, please use a for loop
@karelG even though my external is located on the same server
@copy why is that incorrect
@rlemon needs 4 lines minimum
that is a bad requirement
@Zirak ^^
should be 3
@Catgocat Check reduce on mdn
yeah, agreed
3 would be optimum
Whenever I see reduce, I think of cooking
@chronotrigga the only thing to speed it up is to look at the file. Test it. If it replies fast, then the problem is at the routes
@AwalGarg I will comment on the (now closed) issue
now i'm off. g'night
@rlemon can't find it and my PC is upstairs... Remind me tomorrow ok?
@karelG i see, thank you for your help i will try and troubleshoot
Or ask @BenjaminGruenbaum
@BenjaminGruenbaum will just mock my intelligence then post es9 code I don't understand
then leave to the pub
		cols = arr.reduce(function(p, c) {
			return Math.max(p, c.length);
		}, 0);
@copy ^
@BenjaminGruenbaum :P @SterlingArcher gave me some code for bluebird wrapped mysql bindings in node, but he doesn't handle rejection cases.
show me the code
@Catgocat Neat
Just give him the gist... @BenjaminGruenbaum can't find the link where you handle Promise.using without using Promise.using, for a single resource
I've been reading the spread docs, and there is a second argument fn I can pass for rejection
just not sure exactly how I would go about that
So i am done with my desktop customization
That code looks like it handles rejections already
@rlemon the 2nd arg should rarely be used
@BenjaminGruenbaum even if the query or connection fails?
I haven't used the code yet, just questioned it and now we are here.
@rlemon if the query or connection fails it'll return a rejected promise
Imagine you have synchronous code - if one bit throws and no other bit } catch(e){s it, it'll propagate.
Like, 50% of why promises are useful is this property - they're throw safe and have exceptions that behave like synchronous code.
so I can just .catch and it will pick up the rejection magically?
Not magically, it propagates.
{} <- interesting, that didn't trigger. /me reads code
When you .then a promise and don't pass a second argument, it forwards it.
magically === I don't understand how, but it does it.
That's all there is to it, it just forwards.
Ok, and now for the finisher. How do I make Gulp useful for me? I can't integrate it in VS or anything right?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yea that makes sense. I suppose I still don't have as good a handle on how promises actually work as I should. fuck. bluebird is voodoo.
for now*
That's really all there is to it, if you .then a promise it'll wait for the return value of the function, if you throw or return a rejected promise it'll also pick up on that and use it.
The first argument of then is how to continue normally, the second (or .catch) is how to continue on error.
If you don't handle errors they propagate, like synchronous cases
so query(sql).then(..).catch(..) I don't have to actually handle the reject? promisifyAll and spread pass that along to the .catch if there is a rejection? (just trying to ensure I understand)
I've only every wrapped with promises by hand. promisifyAll intimidates me
yes yes I know I know
still does.
@rlemon Yes
less magic, more logic :P
All rejections (and errors thrown) will be passed to the closest .catch in the chain
promisifyAll isn't that magical really
keyword: "that"
@rlemon promisify is basically for each method, add methodAsync = function() { return new Promise (function(r, e) { method(function(err, result) { if (err) e(err) else r(result); }) }) };
Do I need to run run the install --save-dev gulp in every directory with a gulp file?
@Jonathan at the top level of each project
you shouldn't have terribly many gulpfiles
No, one for each proj
@FlorianMargaine voodoo
do you use a .bat file to run gulp?
!!afk running with scissors

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