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@rlemon what's voodoo there
it monitors the folder itself?
I am scared my jsx is compiling too fast :?
maybe gulp is caching or something
Yes I have the jQuery injector chrome addon.
@AwalGarg it doesn't really do that
@ssube babel?
caching how?
wait, I am not using gulp -_-
jspm, sorry
@ssube I dunno, incremental jsx compilation seems too fast suddenly
oh. That's brand new and untested.
nobody knows
this is why we don't use weird new tools
Maybe it is just skipping it all together thinking I wouldn't notice.
that's often true. Javascript and its developers are very lazy, but in the consultant style where they pretend to do work while actually not touching anything.
Hooray I saw my first flag!
@SterlingArcher just wait till bartek and lrio go at it in the c++ room. You'll get a dozen within a minute and they'll both get banned for the day. :P
I want to reject a flag once :(
@AwalGarg get your grade 10
pftt. you sheep. You don't reject a flag you invalidate it.
... Since when does `cd D:\Projects\SomeProject` not change the dir in cmd?
you can't cd to both a drive and a path at the same time
... Since when does one expect cmd to work sanely?
@ssube iirc you cant cd a drive at all
arent you supposed to do D: instead of cd D: ?
wth, I can't change my drive letter.
C:\Users\Abhishek>cd D:

@Jonathan just do D:
it will work.
Anyone know why my Ubuntu 14 login screen used to look like this:
but now looks like:
@Abhishrek Ah, that was it...
cmd is balls --- who the heck even makes that ?
must have been 10 years ago
@Abhishrek nobody actually knows who made cmd or even what company published it
@Abhishrek please tell me it is not the same in powersheel?
@AwalGarg it's not
@m59 it's now Ubuntu 14.04
I like the reason why cmd uses \ instead of /,
or both in fact
@m59 did you remove any libgtk-* lib recently?
@m59 Your toolbar ran away
@ssube must be led by some guy whose last name starts with ball
@FlorianMargaine 14.04 login screen is same as 14.10
It's been that way a bit. I can't remember. Maybe I was doing evil things.
People installing themes.. and poof toolbar is gone
Still. His background changed.
no it didn't
the blur effect got removed
He changed his version somehow
yeah thats that.
and username
The first shot is just from google. It's the input that I've noticed is different. Dunno about the rest.
even the DM selector is not there
"use strict"
let CLI = {};
CLI.table = function(arr, obj) {

	let rows = obj.rows,
		cols = obj.cols,
		padLeft = obj.padLeft;

	if (rows === undefined) {
		// Find number of rows by size
		rows = arr.length;

	if (padLeft === undefined) {
		// Default padding
		padLeft = 2;

	if (cols === undefined) {
		// Find row with most elements
		cols = arr.reduce(function(len, val) {
			return Math.max(len, val.length);
		}, 0);

	return arr.map(function(row, r) {
		return row.map(function(col, c) {
@m59 dude are you sure you boot in the right os ? wait are you drunk ?
Should I make a CLI table utility like that ?
(I am not using ES6 features, yet)
lol what? I'm just saying the input for the password lost its design. Everything else is the same afaik.
@m59 no
@m59 scratches head
you don't have a DM selector
if the second shot is yours you sir have been using 14.04 not 14.10
this is not ok
@Catgocat let rows = obj.rows || arr.length;
@MadaraUchiha I want it to be able to handle 0
Fair enough.
isSet(obj.rows) ? obj.rows : arr.length;
implement isSet yourself :->
@Abhishrek Too much work
@Abhishrek It was just a random screenshot to demonstrate what my old one looked like.
lol snake_case @Abhishrek
Are you suggesting that I somehow unknowingly changed ubuntu versions and that the input box is styled differently between them?
I think it looks good ^
Q: ~~~!!!!@@###$$%%^^^^&&&****((())))))(((()) 1-855-709-2847 ~~~!!!@@###$$%%%^^^&&&Dell printer driver support number Dell printer toll free number

dhvaj kasana‘‘~~~!!!@@@##$$$%%%^^^&&&((()))))++====1-855-709-2847 ~~!!!!@@##$^^&&*(()))Dell printer driver support number Dell printer toll free number Dell printer customer care toll free number Dell printer support toll free number Dell printer customer care toll free number Dell printer support toll fre...

@MadaraUchiha WAT ?
@MadaraUchiha i.sstatic.net/UCAte.png shall never die
Have you ever thought that pandas are both black, white and asian?
To be fair, dell printer drivers are a HUGE pain in the ass
@Catgocat now compare this version to your original one :D
@AwalGarg Yes it looks and feels better
@MadaraUchiha To be fair, printer are a HUGE pain in the ass (source)
There, now it's accurate.
Well, almost
but grammatically incorrect
motion passes, it's accurate
!!s/dell printer drivers/dell hardware/
@Abhishrek To be fair, dell hardware are a HUGE pain in the ass (source)
I use Linux... Printers are not a pain for me
Also, I don't use printers :D
@FlorianMargaine I don't use printers
@FlorianMargaine I don't use printers. Printers are not a pain for me.
I don't use printers because ink is expensive (at least where I live you racist)
@Abhishrek hey I have dell hardware and it works ok ;)
This is the only valid reason for why printers are not a PITA :P
I use printers sometimes
To print train tickets
C:\Users\Abhishek>~~~!!!!@@###$$%%^^^^&&&****((())))))(((()) 1-855-709-2847 ~~~!!!@@###$$%%%^^^&&&Dell printer driver support number Dell printer toll free number
& was unexpected at this time.
@FlorianMargaine wow you must live in an ancient country :->
When I use printers, I print money.
over here you can just take any ID no tickets required :D
Because why not.
!!why not?
@Abhishrek all civilized countries require train passes of some sort
@AwalGarg because you touch yourself at night
I don't know where you live, but it isn't real life.
@ssube India, you can travel with any Govt. Issued ID
@FlorianMargaine printers are a pain for everyone. :(
@CapricaSix how... how do you know? :O
the ticket checker will have a document with whose riding, they merely ask for the id :-)
Or we can show the ticket snapshot on mobile as well @Abhishrek
@AwalGarg well you don't need to anymore.
Which I find really nice.
What do you guys use to run ES6 code on node / iojs ? Still babel ?
Or to convert to ES5 whatever
Pain in the ass to write ... === undefined) variable = default;
Only iojs
^ + staged feature flags
One of the top things I love on ES6 is the default arguments.
function (arg = default, )
I think the syntax is like that oO
@Catgocat I just went through a codebase and swapped a bunch of params = params || {} for those, since somebody chose to ignore ES6.
but yeah, we all use babel
except for @Abhishrek and @RoelvanUden
corrupt TS people
@AwalGarg I use both, on seperate projects
TS and Babel are not mutually exclusive.
Babel more than TS though
TS can output ES6 which Babel turns into ES5 for the ES5 polyfills to run on ES3 browsers and then you have ES2015 on IE6.
Except for it will be interpreted
All JS is interpreted.
and likely slow as hell
wait for it
fix the whitespace in your OCD joke
first introduce a real joke in your joke

Catgocats attempt to create a joke

1 min ago, 1 minute total – 7 messages, 4 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 10 secs ago by Abhishrek

@ssube except we have intermediate compilation
Is there something like ionic for react @Loktar @Shmiddty
@Abhishrek What part (what is ionic)
the ui components
@Loktar nope it looks terrible as hell compared to ionics
react-foundation I think is the other
@Jhawins their amazing ui.
react-bootstraps are ugly
however its bootstraps default style, not react-bs teams
@Loktar oh terrible, react-winjs looks lightyears better
but winjs uses winjs inside react and fucks up the whole point of react :-/
@ssube note that those aren't the same, default arguments work only if the argument is undefined
Find a way to use polymer, it looks cool.
react-bs -> react-bullshit
@Jhawins you mean material design?
@Jhawins And 1.0 is out
@Luggage funny enough react-bootstrap does not have a JQ dependency
@MadaraUchiha Yeah @Loktar posted it last week
@MadaraUchiha also doesn't support IE9 :/
@Loktar i hope you aren't thinking about callemall material ui
polymer is also a libary for using custom elements. you don't need you use the material design part of it
Polymer has Cordova stuff built in too
Yeahhhhh it has absolutely nothing to do with this...
There really needs to be a pure css library
@MadaraUchiha unfortunately lots of people do :(
which just gives you the styles, do the rest yourself -_-
@Jhawins what do you mean?
@Luggage so is react:P
why is winjs not written in React T_T
dude that winjs repo looks kind of ugly imo
@Abhishrek Bootstrap
yea, i use bootstrap-based css and skip the jquery and the bootstrap js. I just apply the right classes through knockout
yeah react-bootstrap is definitely the furthest along
@MadaraUchiha pure is better than react imho
I use npm install bootstrap and use the less mixins in my own classes
@Loktar Don't look at their repo... they probably are almost aghasting with july 29 date
in Lounge<C++>, 36 mins ago, by Sterling Archer
I came for the flags. Stahp. D:
I don't use bootstrap's classes or default styles directly
cough and goodnight
@Loktar the new winjs design looks more like android than windows itself
yea, that works, too. unfortunately not all thier useful css is in mixin form.
you can use the classes as mixins but then you get duplicate code in the output
and works with very smooth animations :-) except for the fact everything that is JS in WiNJS is messed up
@Loktar PhoneGap/Cordova. Native device features
"Cannot find module 'gulp-concat'" How do I install modules?
@sehe oh look at you
react-bootstrap is nice from what little I have used of it.
@Jhawins still not sure what you mean, I know what cordova/phonegap are
@Jonathan ... did you really just ask that?
however I wasn't aware of any polymer native bindings or anything to either one
@Loktar Polymer provides access to those features...
Good night everyone happy coding
Oh it's ngCordova
what features?
@MadaraUchiha Yes, I'm a noob
haha ok
polymer doesnt though
@Jonathan Have you tried asking Google that exact same question?
Push notifications
does it?
Hahaha dude I am on the Ionic page not Polymer xD
Yes, it redirected me to SO :)
I had no idea.
@Jonathan And?
Nice call out
@Jhawins polymer is extremely neat with its animations
and transitions
Leave it to @Loktar to call out my bullshit lol
@NickDugger new world record. Went from 0-3 in agar FFA in literally 30 seconds
haha well I've made webcomponents using polymer
so I had no idea wtf you were talking about
rm -rf node_modules/
npm install
Ok, so I have no idea what Polymer does. Or Ionic for that matter, apparently I got really confused and mixed their features together in my head.
Which brings me to: Ionymer
polymer allows you to make "native" webcomponents
by shimming whats not supported yet in browsers
@Loktar Ahh I googled more. Wait I thought this was a different framework..
Is there one that's ridiculously similar?
I think polymer is the smallest when it comes to any sort of webcomponents, but idk
there was another one around a while back..
it was smaller, but not sure if its maintained anymore
Oh well
polymer is really damn cool though
if it supported IE9 id be using it at work
shadow dom is so damn nice when styling elements
@Loktar polymer has a flaw though
a slightly different one :P
google? :P
no -_- its almost vanilla js
Polymer is such a worse abstraction than virtual doms :P Just saying
how is it better than react?
React Components are much better
I like the flow of react components
^ and flux too i guess ;-)
but I like the shadow dom as well
merge and become one!
@Loktar there is reactive components
react = shadow dom
React != Shadow DOM
@Mosho react = virtual dom :P
Holy shit if react implements shadow dom
I mean they can do the same shit
it'd be-come Virtual Shadow Dom !
not entirely stuff bleeds through, shadow dom is completely contained
@Mosho eh ?
Yeah lots "bleeds through" in react
Virtual Dom == all the good things like diff and performance optimizations of react
Shadow DOM == browser api for keeping things contained, and allowing web-components :P
but you can keep them contained in react as well
not styles
you can
using the jscss ?
eh yeah, I'm still not 100% sold on inline styles yet.
why not
I like my preprocessor
think of js as your preprocessor
I haven't tried doing too much like that
but it has potential
just like jsx
i'm up for cssx
^ yeah that definitely
like where your styles will still "cascade"
you can still make higher level styles that pass props down or something idk
@Loktar You don't have to do all of your component styles inline, just the ones that make functional sense
but idk, web components are nice and the shadow dom with it because you can throw a component on your page, and not worry about it affecting anything
you don't have to use react-*package
I used to work at a company called Reactive
@monners sure, but now a dev has to look in two spots for css again
I hate react for animations, react animations are nothing compared to Polymers
oh man.. yeah i hope they figure out a sane way to do animations
the csstransitiongroup sucks imo
well in their opinion too lol
@Loktar Well that just comes down to organisation. Plenty of ways to fuck up a scss project by incorrect division of styles (resulting in the same problem)
@Loktar React-Canvas has a much much much much better chance with animations though :P
you get it ;-) ;-) ?
@monners yeah thats true
@Loktar I'm not entirely sold on it either BTW, just playing Devil's advocate

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