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@ElliotBonneville I set it on the canvas element itself. Let me fiddle this shit.
@Abhishrek Because I want to do programming full time. PCM is not for me.
What course is it?
@SomeGuy you talk sense. But this is difficult.
I know, I go through the same crap :p
@SomeGuy the same we gave last time, but better college (according to the place I live)
Well, won't you be doing Engineering there as well?
Yeah, but I don't want to. I don't like studying the science subjects.
Not with the academic model of education anyways.
You want to drop out, then?
/me slowly backs away :p
You are soulless.
Personally, I'd recommend against it
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
Coder Interview
Just suck it up and get the degree
That's exactly what I'm doing
I'm future-proofing for my worst case scenario
@AwalGarg do you live with your family
You don't think college hinders with your time for programming? @SomeGuy
@phenomnomnominal @ElliotBonneville jsfiddle.net/dzdvva59
@taco yes
i see
do what your family says then, I guess
It's probably for the best
@AwalGarg It definitely does
You can always go back to school. The downside is you may not be able to, or you may lose credits
@phenomnomnominal @ElliotBonneville Source img i.imgur.com/Cm5jnCi.png
@RoelvanUden Again, that's how drawImage works. The real question is, how do you draw with another scaling method
@copy Well then, how do I draw with another scaling method?
@SomeGuy so how do you deal with it?
@copy No that's not true
drawImage attempts to draw at original resolution
usually succeeds too
Q: HTML5 Canvas Image Scaling Issue

dagronlundI am trying to make a pixel art themed game in HTML5 canvas, and as part of that I take 10x20 or so sized images and draw them onto the canvas with the following code: ctx.drawImage(image, 20, 20, 100, 200); However the canvas uses bicubic image scaling and hence the pixel art images look terr...

there is no scaling happening
function Sprite(url, cellsize, callback) {
    this.cells = [];
    this.cellsize = cellsize;
    this.img = new Image();
    this.img.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
    this.img.src = url;
    this.img.onload = callback;
Sprite.prototype.draw = function (context, sx, sy, dx, dy, offset) {
    offset = offset || 0;
    sx * this.cellsize + offset,
    sy * this.cellsize + offset,
I don't know what the problem is, but this is what I use to manage simple sprites
Oh, I see. @copy you're onto something after all :-)
because the scaling is happening with the last two parameters being passed in, right, I didn't look closely enough at that part as I've seen it a million times and never tried to use it to scale my sprites
@rlemon problem is he wants to scale up the sprite 2x
how do people in the UK survive? Everything is blocked here!
I lasted like 30 minutes before getting TOR
Hola chrome extension, I hear
@copy Hah! That worked. I have no idea which line worked on which browser, but that is looking good now. Thanks for pointing this out.
!!urban hth
@copy you win again. :p
@rlemon HTH Acronym. "Hope that helps." or "Happy to help."
Here, take heroin
For Chrome it appears to be JUST context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
@copy has copied all of the internet in his brain.
Of course IE is still a piece of shit
@RoelvanUden dont say that around Jonathan Sampson. lol he will school you and you will end up loving IE
Plus I have new hopes for IE Edge
isn't it called Microsoft Edge or something?
Yeah, dunno why I said IE
I thought they started a whole new codebase / name or whatever
IE is dead
I asked Jonathan Sampson once if they took out prompt from IE for Xbox One as I was working on an app for it (they did...)
Seriously, follow Jonathan Sampson on twitter. He works for MS, and he tweets some awesome stuff
I was gonna say, best that chain broke early lol
Greg >=(
!!urban >=(
@AwalGarg >=] Evil scheming smiley usaully used in chats or online games
Well, that's a weird bug in Caprica
@ShotgunNinja no, that is the best match it could find
In the meantime...
@rlemon oh, it's a "feature"
@SomeGuy i backed off completely and i agree with amaan
despite i have tried to quit degree many times
its just fucking bad.
to quit a degree in india
node-webkit packaging question - I'm trying to make a windows exe by copying app.nw and nw.exe together. I've put the relevant dll and .dat files in the same folder as the resulting app.exe. Running it doesn't seem to work, though. I just get the generic node-webkit window. Any ideas?
as he says "suck it up\"
@ElliotBonneville top comment xD
wow just got #abishrekt.
@phenomnomnominal that's false advertising. No woman is going to be interested after she realizes how much of a schlub you are for wearing a fake suit.
Oh, IE can scale pixels too. Wow, so great.
@ssube the right women would be impressed.
@phenomnomnominal no, the right woman would shake their heads and move on. The ones who would be impressed are probably on heroin.
@ssube you don't like heroin?
@phenomnomnominal haven't tried it, tbh. I can safely say I'm not a fan of the people who use it.
@phenomnomnominal I'd buy it
then when barney asks me to suit up I'll be prepared
Is the Barney costume a onesie?
also, you can get a decent suit for that same $350. Why not just get a suit?
I recently invested in my first couple of blazers
@ssube jacket, shirt, pants for $350?? I mean sure.. but they are not going to be very nice
@ssube i have a suit. I don't have a suitsy.
nearly all millionaires spend no more than $399 on their suits
@ElliotBonneville reference?
I've got a couple of two-piece suits.
I just bought a suit. $500 without shoes
@rlemon not great, no
and it is just a basic suit
$500-800 will get you a good suit
Jacket and slacks, and some nice shoes. (which reminds me, I need to dig the shoes out of storage...)
$300 will get you an ok, off-the-shelf, department store suit
I got two 2-pieces, in matte black and in grey sharkskin, for like $450
@phenomnomnominal okay so my memory was slightly off but here scroll up a page and see the table: goo.gl/S0LbIY
@ElliotBonneville there is no table
if you aren't familiar with The Millionaire Next Door it's the most comprehensive study of US millionaires ever done
no? let me see if I can find another link that's not broken for you. works for me but maybe there's a cookie or something
and if you have any real amount of money, you wouldn't buy a lousy $400 suit
that's a myth.
@ssube it says they pay $360 to $600 a suit
if you show up at a client meeting in one, you'll get laughed out
@ElliotBonneville [citation needed]
$600+ if they're trust fund kids, $360 if not
even just those people on TV wear nicer suits than that
Because everything you see on TV is true
I have a $3,000 suit but I need it tailored
Hugo ;3
@ElliotBonneville the people you see on TV are, generally, real
as are the sets and costumes
@ssube Yeah but that's not my point. You can't argue that they're representative of the general populace.
@ElliotBonneville you have yet to cite any sources besides some "study" on millionaires
studies kinda are sources
note the quotes
This is the book: amazon.com/The-Millionaire-Next-Door-Surprising/dp/1589795474 If you don't believe that no sources are good enough for you :p
where does that purport to be a study?
it looks like one of those "you'll never believe" books that are written to be best-sellers
if you read it you see.
the authors have spent twenty years studying millionaires.
if you don't want to read it you'll just have to take my word for it
that's not what the description says
> How can you join the ranks of America's wealthy (defined as people whose net worth is over one million dollars)? It's easy, say doctors Stanley and Danko, who have spent the last 20 years interviewing members of this elite club: you just have to follow seven simple rules.
does not encourage scientifical trust
if it did, we'd consider banner ads with the "one new secret to getting rich that millionaires don't want you to know!" to be legitimate studies :P
Jshitson sucks
@Thanasis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I mean that's an editorial review.
It's meant to be attention grabbing.
The actual book is a little more authoritative than that.
It is also on AUdiobook...
be nice
I have started listening to it but didn't maintain!
@ssube good to say that
That sounds like unmitigated BS. It entirely ignores the reality that very few people have any chance of economic class mobility; it is an exceptional case when a person raises just a single economic class above the station of their birth. Saving wisely, not accumulating debt, and other strategies are effective for managing your money, but it isn't going to take a person born to a family of non-college graduates and catapult them to the top 0.1% of income.
If it were that simple, more than 0.1% of people would be wealthy.
This is the perfect place to discuss that
I didn't even mean to click into this room
@ChrisBaker Well, I won't say much but you should check out Dave Ramsey's talks
and his general ideology. cheers
Bin Laden's bookshelf in the compound released by CIA dni.gov/index.php/resources/bin-laden-bookshelf?start=3
^ without looking, i bet a PHP tutorial book is in there
It sounds like he was trying to find ways to mess up our economy
of note to me: "Black Box Voting, Ballot Tampering in the 21st Century by Bev Harris"
lol @ Delta Force Extreme 2 Videogame Guide
Game Spot Videogame Guide
Grappler’s Guide to Sports Nutrition by John Berardi and Michael Fry
Guinness Book of World Records Children’s Edition 2008 (scans of several pages from)
Counterstrike: Source Videogame Guide
I also expect that there somewhere
was that on there
No, but sometimes the guy just wanted to hear "terrorists win"
I liked Delta Force 2, but it was hacked to shit
I still have my CS license from 97 or so but I don't play it anymore
I have it, don't play
"Delta Force Extreme": for when jumping out of a helicopter holding a boat then eating snakes for a month while crawling around under the skirts of terrorists isn't already extreme enough
I was stationed at Fort Campbell when the book Black Hawk Down became popular and people started reading about Delta Force. I was stationed on the same base with them and had no idea
just watched terminator 2 for the first time... good experience
They were allowed "shaving profiles" so they could grow beards and they didnt have to wear uniforms
and, just saying, why the hell did Skynet put a machine-learning switch (always supposed to turn off) on highperformance robots?
I mean, dahelll???
Ebay seller accidentally delivered my PC to 160th who flies them... it was gated with cameras everywhere... a base in the base
other than that it was cool
@AwalGarg By making time when I can, and just dealing when I can't
James Cameron is one of my favorite directors
Nolan is first :d
@Abhishrek You probably meant to ping @AwalGarg there
@towc what do you mean
so, the re-programmed terminator got his cpu removed so that the learning switch could be toggled
why would he ever need that switch if he precisely said that skynet never allows for that thing to be toggled?
Just not putting the option in in the first place would have been a whole lot smarter, right?
you need to train the machines initially, so they have to have some learning functionality
they probably adapt over time, so that needs to be included in the final software
I'm thinking about it as a high-performance library which has a function that never gets called and it's not accessible by the user. There's no point, just makes the library file bigger
@ssube I think that it says that everything is hardcoded into them
subtle differences between bodies needs to be handled by the learning algorithm
@ssube ?
you can't just image each bot and expect it to work perfectly. They'll always have slightly different weights and balances, so that needs accounted for.
not to mention on-the-fly learning, like accounting for objects they're carrying when they jump
on top of all that, they had physical access to the machine, so security is no longer a real thing
Why spend $500+ on a suit when you can spend $200 on 4 pairs of nice jeans and $150 on shirts. And wear them in different combinations for the next 10+ years...
@ssube well, just calibration. And that should always be one. Otherwise how could he figure out how to move without legs?
@ssube so that means that the switch is always on? They just said it wasn't
@towc they probably disable most of the learning for performance, but there's no reason you can't turn it back on with physical access
Oh and you can throw them in the washer... Then in the dryer... And when you feel like being a real person and get a little dirty you have nothing to worry about. Also you don't get baked (you can get baked in jeans and a tshirt though ;))
finally and most importantly, it helped move the plot forward :P
I wear suits on my arms
> skynet doesn't want us to know too much
@ssube oh, I guess that counts XD
lol sometimes I wonder how my life would be if I dressed up nice for shit. Probably the same but more constrained and more things to worry about.
quick angular question... in $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function (evt, absNewUrl, absOldUrl) { }, absOldUrl is a string of the absolute url. is there any way to either extract the path from an absolute url or change the $location to an absolute url?
@Jhawins because jeans are not always acceptable dress and because you can wear a jacket with jeans and look awesome
trying to use absOldUrl to re-route to the previous page post login
and also 4 pairs of jeans and 3 shirts won't last very long
@ssube really? I'm wearing jeans I bought 4 years ago right now. Shirt is from the ame time
And ask @Loktar my ass looks scrumptious
I'll say <3
most nice shirts are supposed to last something like 50 wears. Cheaper ones probably last longer, since they're made of plastic.
found that out the other day while looking for a tailor near my hosue
@ssube hahaha that's a joke. You got salesmanned
> You keep wearing your shirts after 50 wears?! No one does that! Here I have some new shirts for you to buy right over here
nah, it's in the right ballpark. Think about how gross the collar and pits on a shirt get after you wear it for a year or two
Clothes can last longer than you.
50 is probably low, but a light-colored suit shirt isn't going to last super long
Eww your collars get nasty?
Do you sweat the whole day? Probably because you're wearing a fricken suit...
Collars get nasty from neck dirt. Just wash them regularilly so they can't stain
necks get nasty from neck dirt, just wash those regularly instead
why not both?
any ideas on my JS question?
I only wear clothes once before they get washed... Doesn't matter what kind
even if you wash everything, a dress shirt is not going to last 10 years
I can't imagine a normal button-down would either
hell, tshirts don't, but mostly because they get torn up before then
You live in a clothing fantasy world
You live in a fantasy if you think I'm not gonna wear my jeans at least 3 times before washing them
never wash jeans!
jeans were not designed to be washed
@NickAlexeev I lied... totally lied
sometimes jeans need to be washed
deal with it
jeans absolutely are supposed to be washed
never washing your clothes is disgusting
But I usually can't go a day without getting pretty damn dirty.
do you need sources? the CEO of Levi's recommends not washing them
@Jhawins then stop being a red neck and mudding and shit
Already today I've laid on my back under my truck in the lot and I've only gone to work and lunch so far
Well my exhaust hanger came off and it was sloppin around lol I needed to :P
I hope @Jhawins and @ElliotBonneville send samples of their clothes to the CDC every year. With that longevity and lack of washing, I imagine they'll find some interesting new germs.
Yesterday I was like meh I don't need a new truck. Today I'm like ready to drive mine over a cliff
I wash my undershirts after every wear and my button-ups slightly less
but jeans, rarely.
@ssube I actually said I wash everything after wearing it once... Except for jeans after @NickDugger pointed it out. So if you're trying to insinuate that I am a dirty person, well, you're a dirty person!
@Jhawins you're probably less dirty than @ElliotBonneville, but keeping clothes for 10 years could still probably come up with some interesting results
I am not dirty, as I wash my jeans and button-downs every other wear and everything else every time
@ssube You clearly know more about jeans than the founder of one of the biggest jean companies ^_^
plus showering every day, except on weekends and when I'm hungover
@Jhawins sweat shirts too?
I guess it's really a matter of personal preference though so I'll lay off
I shower every day period
I wear underwear for a week straight
did not need to know that.
jeans get washed when they are dirty, not before. undies get washed after use, undershirts as well. hoodies when they are dirty (read: 2-3 wears or if I get something on them or sweat in them)
is there a built in way to extract a path from an absolute URL?
in angular
anyway, i'm staring at that page
yes, it gives you .path()
well i have an absolute URL (absOldUrl) which is supplied by $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function (evt, absNewUrl, absOldUrl) { }
so i can't just use $location.path()
i'm trying to convert that absOldUrl to a path, though
A: Parsing url in javascript or angularjs

Bas DirksDon't create a DOMObject, use URL. Use hostname instead of host. > new URL("http://TLVS0015:3000/cti/YTest").hostname tlvs0015 The port is 80. Port 80 is default, so it is redundant, hence "". > new URL("http://ctmwe:80/ReportServer/ReportService2010.asmx").port "" port = URL.port === "" ? 8...

so split on the hashbang and the ?
the middle is the path information
i understand how to manually do it. was just wondering if there was something built into angular i didn't know about
@rlemon no, use an url parser
@FlorianMargaine no, do what the url parser would do so you can get by without external libs.
then use external libs
by hashbang, do you mean a hash, with or without a bang?
@rlemon urls are one of the few things I use parsers for, like html
oh la la. thanks @Florian
@JanDvorak doesn't angular always hashbang?
(I don't use angular)
Dunno, sorry
@user3658585 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
lets go!
Does anybody here use OSX Automator regularly?
lol any socket.io/ node webscoket minds? for node what websocket mod is recommended and why if I were to build a chat like this one
I used to use it to watermark photos with photoshop but haven't used it much since I quit shooting at night clubs
@user3658585 I'd recommend Express
ok why?
because it's good
what makes it good
I'd take it a step further and use express.io
handles routing, io, rooms, etc.
never heard of express.io
it's express with socket.io and a bit of extra fluff added in
is it like socket.io + express?
1:1 with express, so you can replace express with express.io and your app won't break
express.io rocks
i know pretty much 0 about socket.io so where does socket.io fall short and how, what kinda of failuers if any
time to go google then
express helps with the routes. socket.io helps with the websockets
ok...getting somewhere
it sounds like express.io combines the two... looking at the docs, the code looks the same as express+sockets.io
That's exactly it
@user3658585 because you're in the wrong place
I use express.io at work
I should post mine to github. It's a dead project
app.io.route("disconnect", function(req) {
	req.session.disconnection = setTimeout(function() {
		console.log("User timed out!");
		db.query("UPDATE player_data SET online=0 WHERE id="+mysql.escape(req.session.user));
		app.io.broadcast("event", {msg:req.session.username+" has logged out!"});
I tied it into a desktop app for windows & osx for titanfall parties
Example of routing and broadcasting sockets
See Question 1 ?
no because my neck doesn't bend that far
rotate the damn image before you upload it
200 point bounty up for grabs on Meta (meta.stackexchange.com/questions/234029/…)
We get marks to write about IE !
@rlemon uploaded off camera
Why do Indians put a space before punctuation?
@Ste tell me if you get this Sterling
please !
I got pinged
how can I call a method once, then replace it with another method.
so I can call foo -> returns 123, then I replace foo with another method. foo=bar; and bar returns 456, but I wanna call foo and have it return 456
without introducing globals or flags or anything..
there u are mr lemon
@Abhishrek are you taught that in English, punctuation needs to have a space before it?
I see that most Indians do it
function foo() {
  foo = bar;
function bar() {
foo(); // 1
foo(); // 2
foo(); // 2
this is what I want
this doesn't work ofc.
omg I forgot I get to see chat flags now!
still no nodejs/nginx/https pro in here yet? :D
@SterlingArcher you got your grade 10?
Yeah buddy!
@NickDugger gave me a bounty :)
whoo! you should have a little drinky poo to celebrate
@ssube lol
I did lol last night, the night before, the night before..
To be honest I'm drinking a lot lately
@NickDugger lol
is "grade 10" a common term in canada or did trailer park boys just make it up? @rlemon @canada
You should get two birds stoned at once to celebrate
Where did you come from where did you go?! cc @America
@taco water under the fridge
it is a thing, but we don't celebrate it. in grade 10 you pass your ontario literacy exam.
@ssube let guy bonds be guy bonds
@ssube you have taco water under your fridge? ew
taco water sounds gross
@NickDugger yeah, my friend with benedicts spilled it

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