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Why does react native not use V8 on iOS (optionally)?
while Titanium does ? that too since 2011
hi guys how can i access the facebook fan page details with angularjs?
Can you do it without Angular?
@Abhishrek God no
@FlorianMargaine just saw this on Monday or so, very impressive
@FlorianMargaine I've seen that before, can't remember where
Maybe HN
I just read my coursebook on web-engineering
i feel i should suicide, chrome was not mentioned -- all screenshots were from IE 5.5 or IE 6 something
@Abhishrek do you work for toptal? I've seen you've mentioned it a few times
inside of me feels tomorrow is not going to be fun
@BadgerCat nope.
fractals are asdafdafdasd
Oh, alright
I am supposed to write JSP and PERL :-/
@BadgerCat the test was more than what i could handle :-), And since then i have been trying to improve my knowledge of computer science
@Abhishrek hehe, have fun. at least with JSP, that stuff is horrible. PERL could prove useful (not that much fun) though
@GNi33 Well the book writes JAVASCRIPT is the SLOWEST LANGUAGE
because its interpreted, do you think i can handle this ?
when was the book published?
@GNi33 2015
@FlorianMargaine Neat!
@Abhishrek can you give a gist of the questions in the test?
they forgot to update their knowledge of the web.
@Abhishrek Yeah, the first one is pretty hard
python is interpreted too
@BadgerCat Heh i solved them but the other requirements were a lil bit too much
well, can't say a lot about language performance these days
@GNi33 lolz i want to ask the guy what has html done wrong to him
dude favors bgColor="#abcdef" over css
@Abhishrek what stage did you get to?
@BadgerCat the first test... my solutions lacked stuff i didn't consider
@Abhishrek okay, that is bad
Oh yeah, that's the one I found the hardest. After that, it gets easier.
@BadgerCat oh congrats :D
you cleared it o/
I will give it again, but only if this money thing i am trying fails
i have over 500 transactions per day on my system now \o/
and that with no advertising at all :D
For BatuaPay?
That's awesome!
@GNi33 its an app i made, allows peer to peer transactions in India.
google refuses to deliver
@SomeGuy :-D
@GNi33 it won't :P It still running in pilot :D
oh, okay
@GNi33 Batua means wallet in Hindi
That should explain the name :p
Are you building the next paypal?
@BadgerCat hell nope
@SomeGuy makes sense, yeah ;)
@Abhishrek that means there won't be any Abishek-Rockets shooting for Pluto in 2020?
Flash Survey : React or Angular ? (I'll remove the pin later)
if I'd have to start from scratch (which I actually do), probably React, yeah
Q: What are framesets ?
A: Framesets is a special functionality in Internet Explorer, It allows you to divide single Internet Explorer into multiple Internet Explorer.
@Abhishrek gooood
@Abhishrek wat?
Though Angular 2 is looking promising
The book i am reading, I can't take it anymore
if i am to fail tomorrow, i will ... i am not gonna write this shit, or well i will just troll in the exam they will give me an A.
haha, that sentence is pure gold actually
@Abhishrek Suck it up, man
@SomeGuy suck it up ?
Just try to sound as misinformed as you can
!!urban suck it up
@Abhishrek suck it up To endure a period of mental, physical, or emotional hardship with no complaining.
he should put a "Yo Dawg" - meme next to the sentence in that book
You'll probably ace it if you do that
"The <frameset> tag is not supported in HTML5."
@Abhishrek i.imgflip.com/lqyvx.jpg send him that for the next version of his book
IE8 feature
@Neoares marquee and blink are gone too for good
the sad part is the university's last year june exam asked about ALL THREE OF THEM
and that was my first and last encounter into the world of dank memes. the internet destroyed the fun of them
Perl is fun
@GNi33 Your dank memes can totally melt steel beams
@FlorianMargaine What are you doing with Perl?
@FlorianMargaine idk i doubt perl-cgi is fun anymore though ?
is that a common circlejerk?
9/11 related?
@SomeGuy not much, lisp is better. But Perl itself is fun.
Right again
perl looks suspiciously like php to me
hehe, alright
Php was inspired by Perl :)
My current goal: get the gold badge. And what will I do with the badge ? I'll close all those shitty regex questions like the ones I'm answering today to get the badge... Do I sound mad ?
$size = @names;
what ?
@Abhishrek You're casting from a vector context into a scalar context. That reduces the array to its length. Makes sense, doesn't it?
Q: regex for any digits mandatory and two decimal points

Mahesh KodangalkarI would need your help in the Regex for creating an input mask for an attribute with 1 and 2 decimal numbers. Example of valid values: 1234.1 ( number can be of any digits before . but only 1 number after .) 1234.12 ( number can be of any digits before . but only 2 number after .)

this looks like one that deserves closing
@JanDvorak kinda, not really though
Unless it's Ruby, in which case you're merely exporting an instance variable to a global scope.
@GNi33 Yes. I've answered easier regex questions recently.
really? oh man. I should have a look at the regex - tag for that easy karma more often (and I'm very far away from being confident with regex)
i have a bit of code from a js page that opens and closes a sidebar menu and want to take the close part and use it as a part of another function how would i do this ? 	// close the menu
		_resetMenu : function() {
			this.level = 0;
			// remove class mp-pushed from main wrapper
			classie.remove( this.wrapper, 'mp-pushed' );
			this.open = false;
@GNi33 A good reason to do it: you can also improve your regex abilities by verifying you can answer those questions. Another reason: once you have the gold you'll clean them out!
@user3504751 stepy one: identify the part that does the closing
can i call the function_resetMenu from the index.html page in a jquery/javascript function elsewhere ?
apparently I went on reddit-mode on my last message, sorry for that
_settransform ?
Probably not, and even if you can, don't
_settransform should be declared somewhere, probably in the prototype of whatever this is in that case. It'll probably just set the CSS transform - property and thus should be done via a class anyways in my opinion
this part of the html opens and closes the menu
<div class="navbtn">
				<a href="#" id="trigger" class="menu-trigger">Menu</a>

but i just want close so it maybe irrelevent ,
HTML does nothing
or shouldn't
yeah, that's great. it doesn't do this on it's own though
i know
that's just markup
#trigger will have a click-handler bound to it
and if you don't use the exact same javascript - code as he page you're referring to, the function you posted will do absolutely nothing
seems like the menu itself is initialized as a JS-object and has certain properties and methods
i have a seperate function that i want to append to have the "close" part of the other function ...  $('.iconM-testimonials').on('click', function () {
     $("body").append('<div id="colorscreen" class="animated"></div>')
      $('.fadeInUpBig').css('background-color', 'rgba(164, 196, 0, 0.3)');
        $(".tile-group.main").css({ width: "720px"}).load("musability-musictherapy-company-overview.html");
as I guess this refers somehow to a object that resembles the menu
yes that is correct
its that bit _resetMenu that i need to harness in the other function(s) just posted
@user3504751 this looks bad
at the moment its raw i know but it will be better
@user3504751 you want to recreate the behaviour of that other page when closing the menu, right?
@dystroy I haven't used either as much as I might have wanted to. But with my limited perspective I'm going to say React.
well, I can only guess what it does
Although I still like doing things the old fashioned way with native JS and DOM.
I don't really feel the pain that either one tries to cure.
its a button click set of functions that enacts a css transtion effect and loads content from another html page into the index page
as said, _settransform probably just sets the CSS transform property (developer.mozilla.org/de/docs/Web/CSS/transform)
transform3d is a valid value of this property
yeah thought so , its resetMenu that i need to ref in the above code somehow
the function is already built and called that , so i am just trying to say to the other set of functions , "do that function again as well"
this.level = 0 seems like resetting the levels of the sub-navi. I'm guessing it has several accordions or something alike in the menu?
hmmm yes so maybe i should just add a line of code to that effect
I have a login page with Login Controller, and inside it in the view I have a Facebook login Controller, like gist.github.com/aghosh47/… , I am trying to convert that into a directive,but I am suddenly having errors like 10 digest iterations reached. why
this.level=0 in combination with this.toggleLevels() will probably just reset the menu to it's initial state = all items in it are closed
classie is a helper function or a library to add and remove classes I guess
so he removes the mp-pushed class from the wrapper
i think
so all i really am trying to do witht he corrct syntax is this $('.iconM-referrals').on('click', function () {
     $("body").append('<div id="colorscreen" class="animated"></div>')
      $('.fadeInUpBig').css('background-color', 'rgba(13,135,22,0.3)');
        $(".tile-group.main").css({ width: "720px"}).load("musability-musictherapy-company-overview.html");

the animation is probably done in CSS, so removing this class will trigger the animation by resetting the CSS values of the menu in combination with some set transformations
also correct
and then he just sets the open state of his menu to "false"
that's all that function does, now that you know how your current menu is built, you can rebuild it this way
Hello guys
@HiDayurieDave Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@user3504751 $(_resetMenu).load ... what are you trying to do here?
agreed so basically how do i load that function from the click function i just posted ?
you don't load it, you call it
just trying to assist with showing what i am trying to do which is load that function from the js file that i have included in my index.html where the set of functions are
sorry (call) it
#limited understanding
you know how to call a defined function, right?
i am looking , hang on then
.addClass("fadeInUpBig"); what exactly do you think you are doing here?
@MadaraUchiha how pretty
hi all!
Please help :)
calling a function ... stackoverflow.com/questions/7498361/… seems straight forward just actually call it , no .load just ; after it
fadeinupbig is a css animation class that does some cool effects on a page
yes, but you call a function there
that's all I wanted to say
whilst other attributes of the site are changed such as rgba's the class is required to be repeated in its original form from time to time so the class needs to be removed and re-added so-to-seak
.addClass is part of the jQuery-object prototype so you call it directly on a jQuery - object, other functions are just defined and called, like _resetMenu()
yes thanks GNi33 it can be done i just need to sort out my syntax
of course how you can call a function depends on where you actually defined it
yup so essentially then if i do this .... $('.iconM-testimonials').on('click', function () {
$("body").append('<div id="colorscreen" class="animated"></div>')
$('.fadeInUpBig').css('background-color', 'rgba(164, 196, 0, 0.3)');
$(".tile-group.main").css({ width: "720px"}).load("musability-musictherapy-company-overview.html");
I have a nodejs server configured to work with http (ws://) queries, listening to port 9001. Now my website (apache) is goin in https, can anybody tell me what I have to change in the nodejs server configuration to make it work with https ?
but add in .... _resetMenu();
I have said this a ton of times, and I am saying this again. Please, please learn ECMAScript before working with the DOM API. You can not work with any API with any language without knowing the language.
ok, what is .iconM-testimonials and what should a click on it do exactly? I have no idea about the behaviour you're trying to achieve here
How can I prevent double data show when scroll position at bottom?
if($settings.scroll == true) {
$(window).scroll(function() {
if($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() > $this.height() && !busy) {
busy = true;
$this.find('.loading-bar').html('<img src="../assets/img/processing.gif"/>');

setTimeout(function() {
}, $settings.delay);
yeah so that din't work :p
!!tell HiDayurieDave format
@HiDayurieDave Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
oh thats just part of the defined button
@user3504751 do you have basic JS knowledge?
well , ish
I'd suggest getting some before then
good idea , see you in 5 years :o)
because we can't possibly help you out with the information you're giving us
didn't want to plop loads of code in here
learn how to work with functions, define them, call them, what objects and object properties are
yes that makes sense looking on W3Schools now
@user3504751 gist
Or jsfiddle
its not that i'm a chancer but i am not entirely certain on the complexity of my question so appreciate the direction
to much dependencies for a jsfiddle
to the extent that if i did a jsfiddle i might as well just sort out my problem that i have
anyways , lunchtime , thanks for the advice
if($settings.scroll == true) {
    $(window).scroll(function() {
     if($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() > $this.height() && !busy) {
          busy = true;
          $this.find('.loading-bar').html('<img src="../assets/img/processing.gif"/>');

          setTimeout(function() {
          }, $settings.delay);
When I put scroll position at bottom, it will always show double data. How can I prevent it?
A: jQuery Load More Data When Scroll Position at Bottom

LenapA realy nice 1 it also have an option that you can make it as an elevator with a elevator music and at the ending a ding :P http://tholman.com/elevator.js/

this guy knows what's up
@GNi33 Please read my question, that is not what I asking.
I know, I know
what happens if you set the initial offset to 10?
oh, I see, you're loading the first items over that fn too
@GNi33 tried, and still duplicate data show when I put scroll position at bottom
Yes... so any idea to prevent that?
why is it that in javascript you define a function like " function myfunction()...." but i have seen "something : function"
try adding busy = true; right in front of the single getData() call you make
sorry --- something :function();
whats the colon for ?
@user3504751 For adding a method to an object.
the problem is, the scroll-handler gets triggered while the initial content is getting loaded
and because of that, the offset isn't set correctly
@GNi33 that worked. Thanks man :)
@HiDayurieDave do you know what call im talking about?
I got it @GNi33 just now tried
if you want the second page still being loaded when you load the page with the scroll set to bottom you'd need a little different workaround
@HiDayurieDave it would probably not be a bad idea to set busy=true; right at the start of your getData() function and get rid of that anywhere else
as you're basically always setting it before you call getData() now, would make sense
@BenFortune so when you listen a song, it pops out of the array?
wait but it's a link to spotify
`grunt-contrib-connect` related question:

I installed it and configured my Gruntfile.js just now but its showing me the list of files and directories instead of the actual website.
Here is my Gruntfile.js: https://gist.github.com/rahul-desai3/706ba13452e28f719fa2
I am running it using `grunt connect:target:keepalive`

What am I missing here?
I want to hear the song in that page
@Neoares You need to be logged into spotify.
@BenFortune I'm logged and I have spotify premium :/
@BenFortune ok now it works
btw it needs autoplay
and if you hit "next", the song continues playing xD
Lawdy, so glad I use gulp.
ok nvm, I need to have spotify OPENED
fuck it :d
@dystroy react.
@AwalGarg lol
i had a feeling you'd feel so :3
why I insta-got a downvote?
A: jQuery val() equalent to javascript

Neoaresdocument.getElementById("abc").value; You forgot quotes... :)

wtf... xD
lol nvm i'm stupid
@Neoares Because it's wrong. You can see in the OP that it's a variable :)
just deleting xDDDD
Those two other answers though, jesus christ
people are lost without jquery
@Neoares It's not that which bothers me.
What really bothers me was that 3 people answered that and all 3 were wrong to different levels of "horribly"
I'm one of them :D
just deleted my answer xD
if i just want to state a line to close the menu from this code

// open (or close) the menu
			this.trigger.addEventListener( this.eventtype, function( ev ) {
				if( self.open ) {
				else {
					// the menu should close if clicking somewhere on the body (excluding clicks on the menu)
					document.addEventListener( self.eventtype, function( ev ) {
						if( self.open && !hasParent( ev.target, self.el.id ) ) {
@user3504751 We know chat is broken, but for that reason, please don't have code in the same message you have an actual message
Split code into its own message.
so sorry
i wont do it again
wow look at this badge
"Provide an answer of +20 score to a question of -5 score"
only 210 awarded
@Neoares Reversal
It's extremely hard to get on Stack Overflow
Does anyone have experience authenticating against google analytics here? I need to fetch data in code and for some reason it's failing :/
It's just a basic oauth-rest thingie
@BenjaminGruenbaum not google analytics, but I know oauth pretty well
what's your requests workflow?
@MadaraUchiha of course you awarded it :D
@GNi33 Yeah, but if I qualify for another one now, I won't get it
Because the question it was awarded for originally doesn't qualify anymore
A: HTML script constantly running?

Madara UchihaJavaScript features what's called events. Any DOM element may emit events in response to user interaction. For example: var button2 = document.querySelector('#btn2'); // what event function to be called // vvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv...

It was -5 or lower when I got my +2
Can anyone please help me with this?
Q: grunt connect showing the list of files & directories instead of the website itself

Rahul DesaiI installed grunt-contrib-connect and configured my Gruntfile.js so as to keep my frontend alive even after I close the terminal. However, its showing me the list of files and directories instead of the actual website. Here is my Gruntfile.js: // Generated on 2015-05-04 using generator-angular ...

300 rep left for 20k
let's see how long until it gets there without answering
30000 ref left for 200k

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