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@argentum47 lol
what's up btw, haven't seen you around here much these days
let While = true; // awesome js
@ircmaxell isn't that a good thing ?
@darkyen00 not saying it's good or bad, just didn't realize it
oh okay.
it surely simplifies my lexer construction :-)
oh, I know someone who could simplify your lexer all ::= (day / night / timespan) long
@AwalGarg I have my hands really full, Its like lot ofwork, one website , merayog.com , I am working on it, there are lots of features that are to be added, plus they have a weird idea of integrating angular with rails, not like angular as a single standalone app. So I am busy with that too and at the same time I have build the api too ... but the most annoying part is, when I put the exact same configurations into one of my sample rails project , it doesn't work ...
@ircmaxell you lost me at "PHP"
also the part where you're implementing a lexer as a routing table and I hate networking :P
is the lexer written in JS or C like languages
@argentum47 sounds fun :D
@ircmaxell my favorite language
> Generating the JavaScript lexer took 250,000 classes, 2.5GB of memory for PHP to compile the file, and another 2GB of memory to instantiate the objects.

But once running, it was extremely fast. About 2x faster than the Trie approach (so 10x faster than a single preg_match call).
@AwalGarg except for the part where I don't know why it doesn't work ..
@ircmaxell you wrote all of that ?
@argentum47 it doesn't work for the same reason as always when things don't work: bugs
@argentum47 think about it, when do we know why our code works or doesn't work?
- rarely
"Bugs" are a huge problem in software and the leading cause of it not working right, followed closely by "management"
:D well there are most bugs that I know where ti start looking from .. but this thing I have no idea. I tried the rails irc.freenode room as well, seems either no one is interested else, I am the first one to try tihs.. And the most terrible thing is both has nearly the exact same configurations ..
@MadaraUchiha halp
but both are likely too broad
do I close as too broad or dupe?
@darkyen00 s/wrote/generated/
@rlemon dupe, to link them
@ssube I guess your cv answered that :P
then it just informally inherits the broadity
I wrote a simple input format for token specification, then a lexer generator which generated a DAFSA, and then compiled that into classes directly
!!play vids or garden
@rlemon play vids
!!afk GTA
@ircmaxell thats even hard !
oh i thought u wrote a generator to generate javascript compiler from scratch
still way over my league
Anybody play GTA on XBox One?
Q: Im looking for a FULL LIST of every javascript command

Alex FischerIm looking for a full list of every javascript command. I just want to be able to ctrl f and find basic commands, like console.log, prompt, var, etc. Learning to program with aphasia, so the terms are never going to stick. Short of writing my own command list as I go, I figured there might be so...

@ssube devdocs.io/javascript is a valid answer
what a co incidence i just commented that
@taco you block me
@argentum47 upvoted your comment :)
I recommend devdocs since it doesn't include the DOM API part. Most stupid tutorials on the internet don't differentiate between the two.
@RyanKinal, @phenomnomnominal, I just heard that B. B. King died :( nytimes.com/2015/05/16/arts/music/…
Quite the loss for Blues music, but he was 89, so i can't be too sad about it
> Edit: thanks for the downvotes guys, but your links suck.
> Member for 2 years
@darkyen00 not the compiler, just the lexer
@rlemon for the rescue.
@darkyen00 rlemon is afk: GTA
oh savior of the kids.
now they know I'm not actually GTA'ing it
Sweet, that last one is the best one so far. Thanks for the link — Alex Fischer 24 secs ago
!!afk closing porn tabs before i can send a screenshot
@AwalGarg cool ... but that doesn't solve my problem .. I am just going to rm -rf the application
> still not quite what I need, but I don't think I'm going to find it.
Ungrateful bastard
@darkyen00 poor guy, I feel bad for him.
@argentum47 well... that is not going to help either :/
:D .. I think because he has aphasia, he can't express what he needs
Did you hear that some people forked Node.js? They called it iojs.
Q: How to create tree from JSON without recursion and any library javascript

GanibalKingI get JSON string: [ { "GROUPID": 185, "NAMEGROUP": "Гарниры*", "icon": null, "dropmenu": [ { "GROUPID": 186, "NAMEGROUP": "Горячие закуски", "icon": null }, { ...

aphasia all around :(
Anyone knows how I can use es6 module syntax when using in browser compilation described here? I am getting a require not defined error when using es6 modules :( Including the babel polyfill doesn't help, including es6-module-loader doesn't help, etc.
@AwalGarg Have you tried browserify?
@Jhawins that's pretty much my day, but times it by 20x
deleted comment? Can't see
oh, mayhaps.
isn't Alex Fischer a russian spy ?
@argentum47 aren't you a russian spy?
am I a prussian sy?
no, I think I might have mistaken with movie character
@Zirak we are magicians
god damn you fridays. Had to leave this comment on a merge someone opened today:
> :-1: reads localized strings from DOM to control program flow. :cry:
must've been a good tree
Can anybody think of a reason why String.replace might cause a stack overflow? I tried searching for it but all I got back was unrelated String.replace-related answers on Stack Overflow. >.<
@ElliotBonneville what are you replacing it with?
An empty string.
In fact, here's the line for reference: href = href.replace(/href=|("|')/ig, "");
posted on May 15, 2015 by CommitStrip

Today, CommitStrip welcomes Docker, the now famous containers platform! If you don’t know Docker yet, you can’t miss it, so check it out! Docker is organizing their annual DockerCon conference on June 22-23 in San Francisco. We’re happy to announce that we’ll be there as a Creative Partner! All attendees will receive CommitStrip posters and stickers, and we’re also

Hm, I'm doing it in a loop; I guess I should really cache the RegEx.
In this function, where does serializeUser get the user object from to pass it to the callback?
    passport.serializeUser(function (user, done) {
        //saved to session req.session.passport.user = {id:'..'}
        done(null, user.id);
Hey all, in Angular, if I have some property on the controller referenced on the page ('{{myProp}}') this sets up a $watch, is that correct? If I explicitly setup a watch to that same property in the controller does this break that functionality some how?
cough I should've read your question more thoroughly. My bad.
My explicit watch only ever fires once no matter the changes thereafter.
@ElliotBonneville I know it's "produced" by the passport.authenticate function but still can't figure it out
passport.authenticate calls the local strategy and not the serialization function. How does the object end up there?
@Feeds your sponsored comics are bad and you should feel bad
Not an expert, just peering through some documentation real quick.
@StevensHaen Looks like you pass it back to the middleware at some point, if this article is to be believed: toon.io/understanding-passportjs-authentication-flow
> passport.serializeUser method ... can access the user object we passed back to the middleware.
!!slack off for 4 hours and be painfully bored or rename all the build scripts in the last 4 hours of friday
@ssube slack off for 4 hours and be painfully bored
YouTube has kitten videos with your name on them, @ssube. And slow-mo exploding things, too.
Play some games
I'm at work and have a bunch of script to rename and organize.
I guess I can make and stage the changes and not push them till monday.
That's no fun
Spend 3:45 hours writing a script to rename them automagically.
@ElliotBonneville it'd take 5 minutes with gulp :\
or bash, tbh
Yeah but that's not the point is it?
our build scripts used to be named build_*, deploy_*, but then we added lint_* and find_* and sync_* and tar_*
so it's a mess
I'm sorry
needs to follow a convention
not sorry
cause then I can pull a bunch of shit out of TC and put it in scripts and make everything nice and neat
the code must be neat
@NickDugger that's cold, man
@NickDugger, @ElliotBonneville The shrunken versions of your avatars are too similar, one of you change or sure death awaits us.
Are you saying that he looks like a dog?
I'm flattered
--cpu_profiler_sampling_interval=10 nice
@AwalGarg \o/ resolved the problem after 2 days. turns out it was dependency problem ... :cry:
Whoa, anybody seen this before? hastebin.com/yuleqelihi.cs
cough sorry for the chat log spam, let me move that to a paste
Ew, coffeescript
v8, go home, you're drunk
coffeescript? No sir
@argentum47 \o/ CONGRATS BRO!
Node actually
v8 engine had a heart attack apparently
what's worse is, there's nothing to trace. that's all there is
no line numbers, nothing. :< node-webkit.
@copy Coffee goes into developers, it doesn't come out.
@ElliotBonneville that's cause you've got a release build
release builds never have line numbers baked in, unless you're Bethsoft and legitimately do not know what you're doing
lol, but no, this is the only thing that doesn't have line numbers attached
it's like v8 died before it got a chance to trace or something
have you gotten other failed assertions?
unless you're saying that node-webkit has a release build of v8 baked in?
not like that.
Stack overflow
> # Fatal error in ../../v8/src/api.cc, line 5414
> # CHECK(!result.is_null()) failed
just regular errors with regular stack traces
an assertion in the C code failed
@ElliotBonneville from your JS code or from V8's C code?
Doesn't have line numbers because the stack was overwritten
@ssube from my JS code
ah, okay, that makes sense.
this error is not from your code, it's from the C code, and C release builds don't have that kind of info baked in usually
right. ah.
if you were to get a stack trace, it would probably be function offsets in virtual memory
which aren't any good to me.
I'm surprised it has any info at all
so I just need to track down the leak, then. I wonder if this has anything to do with that error I mentioned earlier, about String.replace.
it's hard to repro. :(
how bout you just look at the v8 source?
don't know enough about it to dive in, so I'm hoping the error is in my code
I wouldn't even know what to look for. I'm not super familiar with C#.
oh no, V8 isn't written in C#. They didn't bitch out.
It's written in Real Code.
C++ mostly, with some C and ASM
Ah, interesting. I'm more familiar with C++
though that's still not saying much
well, I'll take a look
@ElliotBonneville give v8 a try
its enlightening
246 rep to go
though, that does tell me the error is likely related to String.replace. That was raising stack overflow exceptions actually.
I just [cough] may have been ignoring them
@SterlingArcher you'll get your JS silver around the same time you get your grade 10
Is that good or bad?
who knows?
Actually, I think I got the silver coming today. I've gotten 5 JS upvotes today I think
It just needs to register
I just need one upvote
@ElliotBonneville Well you aren't going to get one, not with that collar.
@ElliotBonneville Can we trust you ?
@NickDugger did you just D:
gave you some rep
@dystroy depends on your definition of the word "trust"
Yeah man
@ElliotBonneville on your shirt
@NickDugger but that's your rep D:
> I keep trying to write a scripting language every few months,
And I just posted from MDN
@SterlingArcher I don't use my rep
@ssube As in, write a new language?
@Zirak yeah
@NickDugger well, thanks buddy :) I appreciate the boost
Means a lot
@ElliotBonneville done
@ssube Now I'm looking really hard for a collar
@ssube i jelly. Been wanting to write a language ever since I started programming. Got any examples?
@darkyen00 Hey, thanks
@ElliotBonneville your profile picture, in which you have a shirt, on which there is a collar
oh, as in shirt collar. right.
in my defense that picture was taken over a year ago
Yeah, I saw a Promise question while Ben was away :)
@Zirak I have a spec written up somewhere. Gonna be somewhere between ES6 and Scala, with explicit application of functions (foo _ (param1, param2)).
@Zirak and an template project here you can fuck around on: github.com/ssube/babel-peg
oh it also appears I need 1 upvote for the jquery gold badge. how about that
@ElliotBonneville What about waiting ?
DOM is a GREEK GOD, React is the best priest in the town.
@darkyen00 Stop drugs
@dystroy what are you implying? e.e
@darkyen00 stop lying
stop not giving me your drugs
why do i get hasAttribute is not a function with this code
if (d.hasAttribute("id")) {
  d.setAttribute("id", "stars");
@darkyen00 Of course it is. Can you blow this whistle please?
@dystroy s/ /, /
@lovetolearn is d an HTMLElement?
d = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
@lovetolearn d is a NodeList, then
You need to access the item you want from that list, so. d[0] will give you an actual element
Array.prototype.forEach.call(document.getElementsByTagName("a"), function (elem) {
   elem.setAttribute('stuff', 'things');
@lovetolearn do that, except not with IDs. Don't change IDs.
@dystroy but but it was just 25 kilos of meth
You can't take all anchors and change their ID to 'stars', that's like not legal at all
@ssube babysteps
what about this
if (d[0].hasAttribute("id")) {
	d[0].setAttribute("id", "stars")
That will work, yes. You should consider doing it differently, though. Changing ID's is a bad idea, generally
to be more simple, you could just do something like
d[0].id = 'stars'
can someone test this jsfiddle in firefox and tell me if the onchange is firing? steps : click open dialog,enter random user and pass,click button. Now when the "remember my password" prompt shows up, try selecting the second value of the dropdown. jsfiddle.net/xpkFf/330
but since d is a nodelist, I would suggest looping through all possible elements in that nodelist
Anyone know how to execute controller method on input debounce in Angular?
that code i wrote gives an undefined error
@lovetolearn why are you changing IDs? That's bad.
@ssube maybe he is trying to spoof identity
I tried putting a $watch on the property to which the control is bound, and I have tried modifying an AsyncValidator but it gets angry that I am not using it correctly (not returning a promise).
no reason - just learning
+= bad things
@lovetolearn here is how you do it: if (d[0].id) d[o].id = 'stars';
You have a couple of issues.
- If you're targeting a specific 'a' element, use getElementByID (and set an ID on the a)
- If you're trying to set an attribute on all 'a' elements, loop through them
- Do not try setting/changing id's. Use the classList instead

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