@OliverSalzburg jsbin.com/bemima/1/edit What html do I need to make the animation run? I tried copying the div of teh animation ( inspect element) and add class animate to it on page load. But that didn't work. I don't know how CSS Animations work, so not sure what to do for markup.
Well all I really use is shell, chrome and text-editors so I guess it doesn't really matter. If I want to play games I boot to windows because I'm too lazy to make all that stuff work
@FlorianMargaine will do. Although I am gonna try doing the easy stuff first like renaming functions, trying to understand the source wrt to ircmaxell's blog posts on the internals etc. Then I'll come back to your fork.
@AwalGarg but basically, my branch is taking the existing getallheaders in fastcgi, and copy-pastes it for fpm. Except noone likes copy paste, so I refactored what I could in sapi/
@AwalGarg basically, there are 3 parts to php: Zend (the interpreter), SAPI (the connectors with the external world) and the standard lib (everything in ext/)
@FlorianMargaine abandoned. looked at the source for readline-sync to try to see how they do hidden inputs (passwords) -- they spawn their own tty. that is too much work for me.
not JS-related, but does anyone have any suggestions as to how to not expose SMTP credentials in my web.config if I want to make the project's github public?
@MajorWork Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@user3277743 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
just a quick one what is wrong with the syntax of this line of code ...... $("colorscreen").css('background-color', 'rgba(255, 255, 255, '+o+')'); $("colorscreen").addClass("fadeInUpBig");
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