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friday is a sleep day ?
since everybody is sleeping in the room, i can troll & roll :D
@MajorWork Hi, @THE has a question for you
@THE (ask him)
@BenFortune I was making a salad. Also they tasted woody :P
@argentum47 I don't understand the question
ftr, @Zirak I have moved away from "omigood ubuntu" to "ubuntu is meh..."
What's the bestest distro these days then? I'm soon getting a new computer and I need something not-windows
@OliverSalzburg jsbin.com/bemima/1/edit What html do I need to make the animation run? I tried copying the div of teh animation ( inspect element) and add class animate to it on page load. But that didn't work. I don't know how CSS Animations work, so not sure what to do for markup.
I'm quite happy with Ubuntu for dev purposes tbh
@ivarni Of course, there's no such thing as bestest distro, there's what suits you best.
Well all I really use is shell, chrome and text-editors so I guess it doesn't really matter. If I want to play games I boot to windows because I'm too lazy to make all that stuff work
@doodla Sorry, I won't be of much help. CSS animations confuse me
how to get the response of emitted events ?
i want to do something like this
  async connect(proximityDevice){
        let peerInformation = proximityDevice.peerInformation;
        let socketStream = await this._peerFinder.connectAsync(peerInformation);
        this._socketStream  = socketStream;
        this._isConnected   = true;
        this.emit('connected', this);
        /* inject authorization handshake here, emit the authority event */
        return socketStream;
the authorization handshake is supposed to be completely custom
the object emits an event called 'authorize', on that event a number of custom authorizers can work
@OliverSalzburg I mean what is the utility of that codes, what does it do ?
@argentum47 It seems self-explaining to me. It resolves a promise if it wasn't already resolved
...unless I'm missing something
no ono, I understand that, but what is the utility . in the flow of the code :P
whats the best way to do routing in react
@OliverSalzburg Thought you'd worked with these animations before. Thanks anyway.
@doodla I tried, but that stuff is too crazy ;D
Neat, I got istanbul running. And I really don't understand what my problem was previously :P
if anybody wishes to join in\
@Mosho you seem to be a bit under the weather, with all those mutant brethren spawning on your face. Want a hacksaw?
we are legion
we are one
oh god c is horrible
What are you doing with C?
working on php-src
/me slowly backs away
@FlorianMargaine I seem to understand about ~0.000% of the code you wrote.
@darkyen00 So, that is supposed to provide device-to-device communication without a central server?
@AwalGarg lol
@AwalGarg do you know a bit of C?
@OliverSalzburg yep until unless you need ssl
it uses bluetooth / infrastructure / wifi direct whatever possible
@darkyen00 Why aren't you a RO anymore?
Room owner
@FlorianMargaine is it that you deliberately wrote ugly code in the hope that someday I will find it and cry, or is C just that horrible?
@FlorianMargaine yes, a bit
@SomeGuy remember the NSFW room ?
No idea what you're talking about.
@darkyen00 We also support BB10, if you need/want to test some code, we have devices ;D
@AwalGarg do you know about function pointers?
@OliverSalzburg o/ would love to !
@FlorianMargaine no. But I know about those two words separately: functions and pointers.
ok... this is not as easy as I thought. But well...
@OliverSalzburg I originally wanted to make a NFC based thing which moved to infrastructure later..
but then i ended up using bluetooth.
There's no fun in C if you don't play with function pointers...
and realized mdns/zeroconf will work better if the devices are in the same network.
@rlemon Looks good to me
<button id="ms-OKBtnDismissDlg" class="ms-ButtonHeightWidth" onclick="DismissErrDlg(this)">OK</button>

this button is injected, can i make sure it refreshes page when user clicks on OK
@rlemon Looks clickbait to me
@darkyen00, @THE Your avatars are too similar (a black splurb on some white background). Fight to the death and decide who changes his.
(also, override DismissErrDlg, and stop using asp)
@Zirak you need a pair of glasses
!!google js method override
Server error (status 500) occured (message probably too long)
my avatar is a face
his is text
but i'll change
no need for violence
@AwalGarg the code uses function pointers pretty much exclusively, look up what they mean
but it's basically passing a function reference in js
Dude, I'm almost 95. Your avatars are 16x16. There's no telling them apart.
the syntax for the typing is weird though
@Zirak it's sharepoint, can how can i overRide a injected function
not possible
@darkyen00 Wuss.
@THE Unlikely. Look into it some more. If you can inject arbitrary javascript, I'm sure you can do it.
@FlorianMargaine will do. Although I am gonna try doing the easy stuff first like renaming functions, trying to understand the source wrt to ircmaxell's blog posts on the internals etc. Then I'll come back to your fork.
@Zirak going to add click on body then button then id
@Zirak .avatar-16 { zoom: 3; }
this is fun, weird, terrible, and not a weekend project by any chance
@AwalGarg but basically, my branch is taking the existing getallheaders in fastcgi, and copy-pastes it for fpm. Except noone likes copy paste, so I refactored what I could in sapi/
my new avatar thanks to kendall ^
abishek is life?
@Mosho abhishrek is life :P
but no ... sadly life is not so miserable
@FlorianMargaine by fastcgi you mean the original fastcgi module used in all cgi managers?
well, that makes sense then.
@AwalGarg no, only the fastcgi sapi
each sapi has to reimplement this kind of function
because it's dependent on them
good evening ! guys !
@rlemon are the lorempizza images copyright free?
how are you all doing ?
oh right. got it. sounds scary to mess with something at that low level but ok.
@AlexanderSolonik good morning!
@AlexanderSolonik I'm going fine. What about you?
@Neoares sure
@FlorianMargaine that nice :) i am fine too .
@AwalGarg basically, there are 3 parts to php: Zend (the interpreter), SAPI (the connectors with the external world) and the standard lib (everything in ext/)
@darkyen00 ^
@rlemon wow
I sampled your actual skintone and hair color :P
so color
@FlorianMargaine , where are you from ?
much beauty
What hair ? @rlemon
               so fail
                         very user
such pro
@AlexanderSolonik planet earth, galaxy milky way. You?
oh wiat you kept my balding intact
@darkyen00 the stuff on your back.
@FlorianMargaine so for the functions etc. I have to poke in ext, and for the getallheaders thing I have to poke at sapi, right?
@AlexanderSolonik Demacia
@AwalGarg right
@FlorianMargaine , thats great !
I am from milky way tooo :D
cool! we're basically neighbors then
knock knock
except if you're a zorg. I hate zorgs. Yeah, I'm that kind of racist.
@FlorianMargaine @AlexanderSolonik you are both basically mortals then.
@FlorianMargaine is actually a very advanced shell script.
@FlorianMargaine but did you know that the world was devided into contenents and countried and further sub-devided into states ?
neibours* LOOL
no states where I'm from
@AlexanderSolonik only in USA are there states
@FlorianMargaine MANY places have states
jquery :(
just not all
i am irritated of these messages now
@rlemon NO.
codementor you so silly
@FlorianMargaine India has states too
javascript is absolutely object-oriented
@SomeGuy no
new meta
Oh, you're right!
My bad
@SomeGuy but... but... they are not "UNITED!!!"
I know I'm right
I always am
I'm surprised you didn't give up, honestly.
where i am from there are states !
You know, being French and all :P
say hammertime caprica
that AI
is sentient..
I can't wait to put her on a server so @rlemon will stop groping her
@AwalGarg Command burned learned
@Zirak shhhhhhh
Hahaha I was just about to say that
we'll need command line tools to force her to speak
I'm sure @rlemon will add an interface to let him do that anyway
(don't tell him that there'll still be a way)
I'll be all up in Capricas back door.
who got burnt ?
Remember the lube
or he knows her account details so he will just login from the browser and speak :P
@AwalGarg shhhhh
@rlemon Watch out for the oil leak
guys i had a question !
She also recently had a fuse...err...blown
@Zirak please make caprica change her password herself in a secret way?
@Zirak Hahaha, nice
whats the easiest way to learn Regular expressions
@Zirak Can't she talk from the REPL?
@AlexanderSolonik what is that. I am not clicking that link
YES i don't like w3 schools tooo
try here
@AlexanderSolonik regex101.com
that was just an example !
@AlexanderSolonik go here: regex101.com
just testing :D
we'll use @rlemon recent nodejs-fu to make an REPL for cap
@rlemon what should i name the lib
!!tell AlexanderSolonik MDN Regex
@AlexanderSolonik Regular Expressions
borg.js vs swarm.js
I am extremely willing to make it Borg.js
@FlorianMargaine @Zirak already made one, IIRC
oh nice :)
@FlorianMargaine abandoned. looked at the source for readline-sync to try to see how they do hidden inputs (passwords) -- they spawn their own tty. that is too much work for me.
so I'm just going to use readline-sync now :D
@BenFortune sssshhhhh
Ok thanks guys !!
can we host her on my vps?
@Zirak Nein
this way I'll be the only one able to make her sentient
@FlorianMargaine the lemon is too eager to put her at his server
lemon is actually in love with caprica, so can't let her sit on someone else's server
Only if you give me your personal private key, and full ssh access. And a lap dance.
she's the only woman who lets me touch her private bits. but I have to share with kittens and goat-boy
Kittens and Goat-Boy would be a buddy cop movie I'd watch
not JS-related, but does anyone have any suggestions as to how to not expose SMTP credentials in my web.config if I want to make the project's github public?
have two files.
Yes! Remove them, commit, tell git to not track that file going forward.
web.config which is not uploaded
For such repos I also have a pre-commit hook which looks for password fields and warns me if I accidentally put them in
@neoares how what did @the want?
ah ok. so just have one web.config with everything but the creds and then remove any trace of the web.config with the creds
@MajorWork Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
thanks guys
@MajorWork the meaning of "mamma mia"
here we go again..
@MajorWork then I said him "ask mario bros" and then you connected
hmm , its similar to "oh my god"
its ambiguous meaning but usage is clear
that's what I said xD
signifies distress and shock
I just needed a profile pic and had the mario png handy from a test case
nice to find out theres chat rooms in stack overflow but i'm quite invested in using IRC now
stackoverflow >> all
Is the chat room ajax?
yes it is

200 OK
It's a mix of websockets and ajax
hmm i know very little about websockets
they are fun
all you need to know
I have used a socket in android applications to setup gps i think
You think?
@MajorWork you forgot to paste the request headers
    let offerAccepted = await Promise.all(this.emit('device.request', requestingPeer));
Didn't knew it was this easy.
I don't know much , but i know love you
And he treats you like potato.
He ?
Zirak I have your face on a keycap
I don't know what to assign it to do
be awesome?
@MajorWork obviously, he is the inventor of keyboard
wtf? What did I ever do to you, you barbaric piece of shit?
I wondered where my face was!
a child knows
Hangouts in T-5 hours?
Maybe in T-5.5, I'll join when I can
@user3277743 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon i am in.
if you yell ONCE I mute your ass ;)
i won't
back then i had a terrible mic, now i have apple headphones
my ears still hurt
@rlemon well i am "AbhiSHREK" remember ?
was on Team Speak with Darkyen and as soon as he joins he fucking screams into the mic .. I almost pooped myself.
you play league ?
call of duty zombies ?
can i talk about jquery here ?
Zombies and Jquery are fair game
lol just saw above comment , cool
DOTA here
but no DLCs or Plugins
just a quick one what is wrong with the syntax of this line of code ...... $("colorscreen").css('background-color', 'rgba(255, 255, 255, '+o+')');
@rlemon unlike Florian, who doesn't say a word and just draws dicks on people's faces
and laughs the entire time
missing the hash or dot for class
he's so happy every time he's on hangouts
@rkrara Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ah DOTA I respect the whole ethical argument for not playing league, but i was a late comer and leant towards lol
is wrong
unless you have a tag <colorscreen>
doesn't everybody do?
@user3504751 selector is missing a # or .
@rkrara or many many other valid selector combinations, but those are the likely candidates.
ihave a di called colorscreen
show us the html
<div id="colorscreen" class="fadeInUpBig"> </div>
and the css for colorscreen is this ....
@user3504751 so it should be $("#colorscreen")
#colorscreen <- id selector
.fadeInUpBig <- className selector
!!mdn selectors
ah so i have to put the hashtag in fron tof it then
@user3504751 the id selector "#" is missing
@user3504751 read this also ^^
@rlemon it works if you have defined it as DBGI shorthand without using jQuery :)
can i combine these two lines into one ?
$("#colorscreen").css('background-color', 'rgba(255, 255, 255, '+o+')');
!!tell user3504751 google jQuery chaining
read the second link
.fadeInUpBig {
    background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, '+o+');
if the bg color stays same for the entire time, then i would add it in the css stylesheet
looks like opacity changes
hit up arrow, ctrl + K, then enter
sorry ctrl k on the way
inb4 bin
just paste it into jsfiddle
that is too much code for here
fair enough understood , sorry
i will do that now
no problem. just letting you know
I'm more patient because I loved third rock from the sun.
much appreciatd , this is a first time , #totalnoob
Lookit my extremely unfinished game engine that is currently just a camera system (move with WSAD) codepen.io/ndugger/pen/GJZbKj
lol ! isn't he the best good old lithgow

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