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You can seal it and freeze it though
I buy the cartons -- but I use them for everything
@rlemon @Loktar if he's telling the truth I want putine
instead of water in the rice cooker I use chicken stock.
@rlemon omg this
Need VM hostname
@copy chicken-fart
@ShotgunNinja Done
@ShotgunNinja can't top that
@copy hahaha
I'm so hungry now.. :(
lunch is an hour away
Aye. hungry too
ikr, it's 10am in best timezone
There's a city in Canada called "Medicine Hat"
What the shit
@ShotgunNinja 11am*
@rlemon ok, then it's 10am in second-best timezone
CST is where all the cool kids are
CST: The C stands for Cool
Fuck daylight savings.
Ruins my mood and productivity.
but yeah, I got a sandwich I made myself and a bowl of kimchi ramen.
!!googļe CST
That's twice...
stupid console.
jsfiddle.net is down?
best song ever
pats @rlemon on the back
just let someone find it naturally
you got rickrolled
rlemon i messed up big time and now i am trying to pieace it back together after i didn't save changes on my side i now have this $(this).removeClass("fadeInUpBig").addClass("fadeInUpBig");
which is wrong.
i created a var though in the previous version
yeah i thought as much as it wasn't what i did after we spoke
so scroll back up and see what was talked about
do you have that documentatino link again ..... hang on it will be ...
ok yes so this is from the bottom of that page $( "button" ).on( "click", function() {
var $container = $( "div.container" ).replaceWith(function() {
return $( this ).contents();

$( "p" ).append( $container.attr( "class" ) );
i didn't take the click top of the function as i already have it
i changed "class" to fadeInUpBig
and div.container is replaced with div.colorscreen
@rlemon lol still on this
you mean am i still buggin him yes , i wish i wasn't such a pain in the arse
this problem is driving me (more) crazy
I am not surprised .. it's a clusterfuck of badly written "jquery programming"
is it ?
such a small function
first of all, learn how to use formatting in chat
that would at least make your code readable
ctrl k before hand ?
I just punched an orphan due to your unformatted code. :)
Has anyone ever had issues with gulp-browserify sometimes not getting all modules, and you have to build twice just to make sure? I seem to have it happen all of the time
bless those orphans
$('.tile.bg-darkBlue').on('click', function () {

       $("#colorscreen").css('background-color', 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6)');
        $(".tile-group.one").css({ marginLeft:"-40px", width: "1080px"}).load("musability-musictherapy-company-overview.html");
    }, 1000);

is there a jsfiddle alternative that most ppl like?
yes but jsfiddle is down atm
jsbin, codepen
jsbin and codepen
dev tools
damn. i'm redundant
i will do one again , sign up for an account in jsbin and go from there
I do codepen for things that I want to show off. jsfiddle is more for getting help, imo
you guys are weirdos
i have nothing to show off
@AwalGarg no u
@user3504751 ok .. so .. what exactly is the point of $(this).removeClass("fadeInUpBig").addClass("fadeInUpBig"); ?
@tereško he is trying to replay a css animation :P
I already gave him working code
doesn't want to listen :/
no im listening
your jsfiddle was your example which was great but can't access it as jsfiddle is down
then here is your code: $(this).replaceWith($(this).clone());
remove that class drama and add this
and ofcourse replace $(this) with whatever element your screen was
didn't work , only the color change happened
.in front of the class name ?
yes, classname should be prefixed with dot
$('#' + $(this).attr('id'))
My friend was using this...
why is he still your friend.
@BenFortune -1. not. enough. JQUERYYYYY
that worked !
so am i right in saying that it turns out that jquery is incredibly lacking in a "reload" department so much so that it is correct to use a clone and replace
@user3504751 now troll @Zirak, as the deal was
$($('#' + $(this)[0].getAttribute('id'))[0])
Awal thanks muchly for your help
I will read the "how to do dumbass jquery" at some point but frankly based on my intellligence it will take around 5 1/4 years :p
@AwalGarg Stop calling this number, there's no Philip here.
Don't put yourself down
I used to do that
Well, still do sometimes
and thanks to rlemon for initiating the help
...even if he did rightly shout at me :)
@Zirak whacha mean? me and @user3504751 had a deal that if I make his thing work, he will troll you (@Zirak). You want me to break the deal?
that was the deal to be fair
@user3504751 I was patient for a long time before I internet-yelled
Good morning, guys and gals & automated systems
I think @rlemon has gone to do vodka shots to the eye after that.
lol @ internet-yelled
@user3504751 if you don't play fair this time, I won't be of help anymore ;)
@BenFortune no, but I've sent him my beer bill.
you do that
i will play as fair as you want no worries , i am going to talk to walls for a while to decompress
thanks again guys
Hey guys: Dev Ops question - how do you manage your SSL certificates? Do you roll them out with a point release? There has to be a better way
would you know if is possible to take this codepen.. (set the div to contenteditable='true') and make the click stop the text and align it left? codepen.io/aamirafridi/pen/oEnvk
clicking out of the div should start the marquee again
> marquee
think news and weather for a site like ESPN
marquee is trendy and sells all products
any ideas if it is possible?
"think news and weather for a site like ESPN in 1999"
Marquee is only useful for sports tickers financial data etc so it does have its uses
now if we can focus on the question please
not on the web, it doesn't
we do digital signage
Q: What are arguments against the usage of a ticker / marquee on websites?

stefan.sI was recently asked to add a ticker (with daily updates) to one of our HTML-based dashboards. (A ticker would be text scrolling through the screen. In the past you could achieve something like that with the marquee tag in HTML.) I personally don't like tickers and think they are a thing of th...

@JoJo to answer your question, yes that's possible. Good luck
anyone have any thoughts?
FTR, and one comment on the question says that, ESPN doesn't just implement a ticker - they put a lot of effort into it not sucking.
my thought is to ignore you :d
@JoJo teacher teacher! I have a thought, I have a thought!
@JoJo Sometimes I'm afraid I was artificially created in a lab and placed in my family for observation.
Anybody got a better way to debug scripts in IE9
@zirak it's possible..
@Jhawins k, go
It literally won't even open app.JS because its too big. And source maps are not supported :/
you can't up the memory limit somehow?
I'm supposed to fix this bug but I Dont even know how to find it lol. /me has never had to deal with IE
this CodePen site is awesome
@taco it wouldn't matter... Its minified
dont debug minified code
Source maps.
@taco we use webpack and other shit so its not really an option to just use the full files..
debugging anything in IE(any) is a painful process
I know its painful but I'm not even making progress.
Does webpack have options to compile as not minified? If so, you could temporarily change it
!!caniuse source maps
if that's the issue
we generally make it so gulp/whatever doesn't minify if env is dev
@NickDugger yeah that would be nice. But I can't test locally
It has to go through the build process before I can do anything
@Jhawins is @Loktar at work?
It would take me more time than this whole bug should if I set up WP and everything else locally and try to run it there
@rlemon no :( and he also isn't on my team anymore
Is nested ajax bad [mmkay]?
They put him on a diff project
I feel dirty doing a looped ajax call
@Jhawins Can't you add in an environment variable (DEV) and if it is set, to prevent the webpack minification?
@SterlingArcher you should
@SterlingArcher no, but you can write it poorly and it can be
@taco on the build server? I Dont have that access
Maybe talk to that guy and run it by him for ideas
This question is going to sound really dumb... but anyone know how to pretty-print JS objects in the console? (But not as JSON, which is why I don't think it's a dumb question)
@Retsam console.dir
or just dir
@rlemon Hmm... that's still giving me the accordian view... which is nice, but I want to copy and paste the entire object, which it's not good for.
@Retsam Example output?
you could console.table
but that no longer retains the object format
        foo: {
           bar: "baz"
        hodor: "hodor"
@Retsam why not as JSON?
@Retsam that's almost json
No, it's a JS Object, not JSON.
@Retsam blink blink but..uhm... looks at requirement but
he doesn't want the keys stringified.
hey guys. how do I check the tag JavaScript and how many percentage of answers were answered by users ?
which is irrelevant because it makes NO difference in like 99.9% of the cases
Because I'm copying it into documentation and I don't want JSON in my documentation.
No, in 100% of cases.
But...there's no difference
@Zirak I was giving the benefit of the doubt that there is some edge case I'm unaware of
JSON strings are js objects
@rlemon There isn't
@Retsam you know what JSON stands for?
Maaaybe cyclical objects, but that's because you can't textually represent them anyway
SEN is the shit anyway
@rlemon Yes.
@FlorianMargaine Maintainer is shit anyway
@Retsam if you can use FF, uneval is your friend
No, being less weird is his friend
({ "foo" : 1 }) and ({foo: 1}) are the same thing.
@Zirak what's wrong with uneval?
you can also write some regexp to filer out the "" if you are that anal about how it looks in the docs.
@AwalGarg Ah, see that's neat.
@AwalGarg Lots of stuff, but that's not the point
No, don't...AGH
I hate the internet
Guys, I get it, really, JSON and JS are the same thing, generally. But I want JS in my documentation, not JSON. It's abitrary, but, geez, guys.
but did you make the art?
@Retsam BUT IT IS JS
You make no sense
I don't need a lecture about how dumb I am for wanting my documentation to not have a bunch of unnecessary quotations.
And they're not the same ;-;
have to go to poland
as lemonyrobert said, {key:val} is the same as {"key":val}
@Zirak I know what is wrong, but he actually wants an unevaled string, so I ask you again, what is wrong in this case?
@NickDugger Except that the first one looks nicer, and I'm writing documentation that I want to look nice.
(0:45) and so on
@Retsam You want to copy/paste it? @Zirak was it you that send me that wonderful script for this?
It downloads a file but still
hrm? Which are you referring to?
I'm not good with regexp so I'm not even going to bother continuing this
!!> '({ "foo" : 1 })'.replace(/"(.*)" ?:/g, function($0) { return $0 + ":" })
@rlemon "ReferenceError: $0 is not defined"
@rlemon "({ \"foo\" :: 1 })"
!!urban lenny face
@Neoares [lenny face](http://lenny-face.urbanup.com/7607352) A unicode emoticon used when something might be edgy.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
$0 is the entire match, $n is the nth capturing group (n > 0)
i ran .replace
( ͡; ͜c ͡;)
does the callback still have $n
Hrm, now I have to figure out how to do a smooth ajax load
@SterlingArcher explain?
Yeah, the capturing groups are passed in
@rlemon tl;dr i have a panel that refreshes every 5 seconds to show new incoming text messages. But, since the whole panel reloads, it blinks
it is getting closer.. I am stopping it on click and floating the text left for edit... now I just need to click out and start the scroll again codepen.io/anon/pen/XbdvZp
@SterlingArcher onbeforesend -> fade it out -> onafterdata -> fade it in
or after you get the data fade it out, replace it, fade it in
@Zirak i need it for my project demonstration
And that will ensure that it's a smooth load, no blink?
elektor.com/red-pitaya-instrument wow this is a good price.
@SterlingArcher just do it
but i r confuzed
wouldn't fading the panel out make the panel go blank?
i may be misunderstanding you
Why not update the panel in memory (recreating it), and then straight up replacing the DOM element entirely? Unless that's what you're already doing that...
A: remove quotes from keys in a json string using jquery

aularonUse Regular Expressions: var a='{"Table" : [{"userid" : "11","name" : "KumarP","designation" : "Business Head","phone" : "9789234793","email" : "[email protected]","role" : "Admin", "empId" : "EI003","reportingto" : "KumarP"}]}'; a=a.replace(/"(\w+)"\s*:/g, '$1:'); alert(a); The string...

> using jquery
^ Found an answer that works. But thanks for all the condescension about how dumb I am for wanting my documentation to look a certain way, guys.
that question has nothing to do with jquery
May you have a wonderful life
@NickDugger that's what I'm doing currently, the load causes a blink
I'll try the lemons fadeload though
^ inb4 weird out of context star
@NickDugger I'll try the lemons load though (source)
if you are using jQuery I can make a better demo
@Retsam btw, jsbin has an implementation of console printing, and jsbin is open-source, so I think you can copy it from there. It is actually better than replacing quotes from json
also, see this:
I am, but I think I see what you're doing there
the CSS transition stops the blink
@AwalGarg "{\"foo\":\"\\\"bar\\\"\"}"
Thanks @rlemon enjoy your poutine :D
^ you probably don't want all those backslashes
Okay, the verdict is in. Symlink privileges on Windows are completely insane
github.com/jsbin/jsbin/blob/… uses the stringify function, I dunno where it is defined :/
@AwalGarg Cool, I'll take a look, thanks.
sure :)
Over the past year and 2 months, I've learned more about programming that I've learned about anything before now
Hi all, I have a question regarding where I should put Bing Maps API stuff in Backbone.js ?

Is it a Model, Collection or should I just have it in my main javascript file?
@AwalGarg ding ding
Does anyone know if there is another web services provider that offers free virtual virtual servers like AWS does (for micro instances)?
@argentum47 o/
:( I wanted to signup for amazon aws they charge me.
they charged you?
@AwalGarg long time no see. where do you go
@argentum47 I have enrolled in hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry where they teach me how to irritate teachers
they're offering 1 year free micro instances. the problem is none of their free AMIs are really suitable
Why must it be free? Why not pay a little and get something decent?
!!afk dinner, may all your npm deps fail
@RoelvanUden: Hmm let me take a look at their pricing model for the next instance size up...
@AwalGarg its simple, ask questions you know the answers to and you know they don't know and then make them know that they don't ..
@RoelvanUden: So it looks like the next step up from micro is a small instance which would go from free to $300/year
Find a decent host. Not the whatever-you-are-looking-at.
I just read something called double buffering to avoid ajax blinking
I'm venturing into high level mathematics
what does that code do? i find javascript's logic very different to that of C# when it comes to thinks like this... thanks for your post — Crezzer7 7 mins ago
I get it, but the part i don't get is how to position a buffer panel below another element
the truncated method name really does throw you a curve ball though — Sterling Archer 12 secs ago
codepen.io/anon/pen/XbdvZp is there a way to check that your div is not currently clicked and then only then start scrolling on mouseout?
I'd really like people to stop upvoting as soon as they understand the answer... This is ridiculous
sorta like if !clicked in jquery?
sorta like !clicked in javascript
@RoelvanUden are you happy to pay for azure ?
oh god, is that an input-marque textbox?
oh god what have you done
@SterlingArcher this is a proof that there is no god
its awesome fun though
haven't seen a marquee since like 2003
@Baruch Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
This is INCREDIBLY useful for teaching AJAX/REST: pokeapi.co
(it's also a lot of fun)
@Baruch We thought we killed it. It liiiiiiives!
I was wondering if anyone could give an example of detecting if the div is currently clicked please
Holy jQuery, Batman!
:focus maybe?
ok I can look at that
ty @Baruch
@Jhawins you just need an if/else to fix it I'm pretty sure
you just need to check for either of those pages
if state.route !== search, or state.route !== sessionSearch, then transition (right now it just checks for the first one)
otherwise stay on the page (which will stop the IE9 transition which is causing it to lose state/props)
was thinking about it last night, should fix it
also you don't need the whole environment setup, all you need is a static html with an anchor tag thats localhost:port/searchresults/sessionID and thats enough to test it
/me goes back to watching TV :P
@loktar wait where is it?
    Promise.all(this.emit('authorize', this)).then((values) => values.every( value => !! value  ));
in searchContainer.jsx I believe, somewhere like that, just do a search for transitionTo
this is just wrong isn't it ?
sorry for talking shop in the chat, just saw pings/messages so wanted to answer them
Search container ah
I think that will work, not 100% but I thought of it last night before falling asleep lol
@Loktar i started using just the link yeah same way you suggested and that just confused me more...
Cause none of the search functions are even firing (in Chrome also)
@Loktar That'll be $1.12 billion
But yeah I'll figure it out. You take the day off?
yeah I msged Dan and Senthil, I already had this day off planned
msged them just to remind them
Oh nice. Yeah Dan said something aboutn you not being in and it sounded like he already knew why
oh nothing huge Jacob is graduating from 6th grade today
having a little ceremony so Im going
Oh yeah you told me about that lol nice man
nobody finds that wrong ?
nobody wishes that i was impaled ?
Are you looking for people to impale you?
@BenCraig I was afraid I would be, I have been abusing fat arrows a lot
the more the better.
no one? anyone? alright... stackoverflow.com/questions/30230591/…
What happened to the hangout.
@Loktar I tried with no check even and it stil does the same thing lol. They really should't have given me this bug, I'm not up to speed on what the hell is happening in this sessionSearch. Have fun being home :P I'm gonna go bash my head into the table at lunch
TIL all keywords in JS are case-sensitive. I thought it was only value keywords (true/false/null)
@Jhawins just let them know you're having trouble with it
@ircmaxell huh?
var While = 1; // valid JS
Oh, yes

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