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Why doesn't this log anything? jsfiddle.net/8xnz10j4
Why would it?
wouldn't new Function() call the constructor? Or am I missing something?
it wouldn't
Object..constructor is the function which made the current object
.constructor is mostly just a hint for the debugger
new F just calls F
@SomeKittens you didn't override the constructor which is actually called
@SomeKittens jsfiddle.net/8xnz10j4/1 this is how you override it
(you should also be a good citizen and return oldFunction...
Awesome, really helped me + student
also, it is interesting to figure out what and why is returned when the new overridden constructor is called @SomeKittens
One more question: What exactly is happening with function a() {}? It's obviously not calling the constructor.
(without new)
@SomeKittens It's like using []
@SomeKittens looks like just a literal to me
So literal instantiation doesn't call the constructor
@ConnorLeech I see you!
You can also think of it this way: Engine has the "original" copy of Function, when you override window.Function the engine's copy isn't affected.
Ah, that makes sense
@BrandonBrown Hullo! (He's the student who prompted the questions above)
Huge thanks to you all for the responses.
@BrandonBrown Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
did some kittens tell you he loves php?
@AwalGarg He's coding php right now. Looking like a man in love.
if I die now, I feel sorry for whoever tries to take over my 98% coffee 2% es6 project.
@BrandonBrown np, enjoy. Throw something at Randall.
or throw randall at something
I just watched an apple "watch" review...
This question was closed for the wrong reason: stackoverflow.com/questions/30249710/…
@Donato Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix I am not asking for help here. I am pointing out that a user closed the questin for the wrong reason.
@Donato that's an autoresponse
Is there a library which adds .on and .off to .addEventListener and .removeEventListener
@Luggage i had to update an angular project with absolutely no background in angular (or javascript really)
end result works but the next guy is gonna shoot himself for sure
@darkyen00 jQuery
@SomeKittens bah heathen
I wrote one myself -_-
EventEmitter.prototype.on = function(){
   this.addEventListener.call(this, arguments);
oh god what crap is filled on youtube in the name of OOP in JS...
vid tuts, or codebase?
@JanDvorak A video tutorial states: "We are using OOP here and because this stuff is on the prototype, any subsequent calls we make on this function will be free and this is 100% better and faster than a simple function"
It is a private courseware video given to a student, and he is asking me how to make more use of this prototype object to make code more faster
class Kernel {...}; global.__proto__ = new Kernel // the Ruby way to make javascript faster
downvote and comment. That should do.
@JanDvorak > Comments disabled
does anyone know why with this ruby code i get an error expected 0 go nil
def sum(numbers)
sum = 0
numbers.each { |a| sum+=a }
puts sum
@lovetolearn Uh, Ruby isn't JS...
@lovetolearn what do you pass as numbers?
@aarman Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
look at this gem I found! stackoverflow.com/questions/4321227/… it's been around since 2010!
the question
1 hour later…
@royhowie your site isn't loading
@SomeKittens my website?
I temporarily nuked it
going to redo it then put it back online on the same server as my other website
@SomeKittens for now, you can look at csc401.zinc.cs.miami.edu/home/royhowie/index.html (which has the same background as my website had)
I flagged the comments under this question as obsolete, but my flags were declined. Why would this be?
yay, "Nice Answer" for Promisify XHR!
@SomeKittens I did it
@royhowie thanks!
my last vote for the day…now I have to wait 19 hours to vote on other stuff =/
I think the only type of vote I manage to run out of is close votes, that makes me a bit sad
@ivarni I downvote a lot of the things I vote to close.
I hate the idea of not having the ability to upvote something good I find because I downvoted something crap, but I guess since I never hit the limit I could be more liberal with DVs
Speaking of which, what is the limit?
40 per day
(well, it's apparently sort of complicated, and hovers between 30 and 40, depending on whether you vote on questions or answers)
oh, you get a warning when you're down to 5? That's handy I guess
I can reserve the last 5 for the off chance I see a good question
I guess commenting "RTFM" is going to far... stackoverflow.com/questions/30244877/…
@ivarni you get a badge for using all 40
@ivarni I'm out of down votes
a speshul prize for me?
damn i think the most votes i've cast in a day is like 3
okay…officially annoyed that I ran out of votes
@royhowie As a recovering Wowaholic I try to avoid paying attention to badges, achievements and their likes :)
since I keep trying to down vote crap I come across
@ivarni oh, I know the pain…
@Feeds i asked how will I die and I got a a small bowl of food and the earth
Well I told OP to at least open the bundle and see if there's been any minification at all
sometimes I reminisce and say to myself, "maybe I'll just get a month of membership. You know, just to see how my characters are doing/what they look like…" (I heard the models were updated since I quitted however many years ago)
i'll die of being fatass?
I do miss flying around on my Heroic Rag mount (and heroic raiding in general)
Browserify doesn't minify out of the box, there might be a flag for it but I never heard about one and it wouldn't be substack's style to make a module that does two things I think
@ivarni ha you've come to the wrong site buddy
@royhowie I did that... my best advice is don't. Not sure when you quit but the game is completely ruined
@ivarni right at the beginning of MoP—I didn't even raid
I stopped halfway into WLK, picked it up again with Pandaria or whatever and wow did they dumb it down
Cataclysm was a lot of fun
When did they change the talent trees? That's what ruined it for me
@ivarni you mean to the every 15 levels thing?
@royhowie Yeah
Left very little room to play around with builds
I think that was going into MoP, since I remember doing 31-point talent trees in cata
@ivarni twitter.com/mraleph/status/598194301474996225 I love deceptive graphs…
retweeted that yesterday :)
The worrying part about that is that the people who made it most likely knew exactly what they were doing
75% of statistics are just lies
I started using io.js
except it's been sort of useless (feckless) since I'm not going to just switch over to all ES6 stuff in the projects I'm currently working on
anyone here who can help me with small issue?
@royhowie I installed it pretty much the day they released their first version, but to be honest since I too don't use ES6 much I haven't really felt any difference
@Steve just post your question
im using videojs im trying to set width and height to 100% width works fine but on height it shows up all weight unless i set specific size
@Steve oh…I've gone to the Galapagos and seen blue-footed boobies before
but i need full page video
@royhowie huh?
@Steve the birds in the movie
i need the video to be full page covered
i probably have watched the same video like 1000 times
I think it's because you put the paragraph inside the video tag
which paragraph?
@Steve actually, it's because <video id="MY_VIDEO_1" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" preload="auto" poster="MY_VIDEO_POSTER.jpg" data-setup="{width:100%;height:auto;}" controls>
see data-setup? That's where you need to style the video
@Steve jsfiddle.net/Luxelin/rwhbvstn/2 does this work?
you should read the docs on how to further configure the video setup
thanks for your help @royhowie
<h:commandButton id="corc" value="corc" onclick="opt.getRange.editsummarybutton()" image="/resources/images/corrections.png" styleClass="imagebutton"/>
IN JSF while using onclick in "<:hcommand" button. my pages are reloaded automatically
How can i avoid this?
Q: Fetch the call back function's return value

Mr_GreenI have a common function something similar to this: var callAjax = function(data){ me.ajax({ url: data.url, data: data.data, success: function(response){ var textBox = new textBox(response.data, { disabled: data.disabled, placehol...

^ Another stupid question.. any help?
@AwalGarg I just listen to music
I can't even hear them when they're trying to get my attention
@SomeGuy Or get a sign like this: wtfgag.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/…
Hahahaha, I love the FAQ
I hate when people ask me what I'm working on when they don't really want to know
gatesnotes.com/Books/… this is the most confusing comment ever
1 hour later…
@SomeGuy what are you working on?
Hello, I have a question
Im loading a player with startplayer(id); custom function and its working
the problem is that, I need to call to this function when dom is loading
it doesn't work once the DOM is loaded, calling to this function
for example
<script type="text/javascript">
it works properly
    function() {
    }, 1500);
it doesnt work
no one in the ruby room so i am asking it here
what am ia doing wrong here
def number_property(n)
arr = array.new
if n.even? arr.append
elsif n % 10 == 0 arr.append
i want to have an array with bolleon values
@lovetolearn boolean*
@lovetolearn you don't append anything
@SomeGuy "what are you working on?" .... i need to know
Omg that is hilarious
didn't get the joke
@Mr_Green relates to their name
ohh so literally in oven
!! google element is not in document but injected automatically, i must need to hide it when it's injected Javascript
!! google add event to object that doesn't exists in dom yet
@THE how about you just use Google's own search form?
@JanDvorak LOL
That was a stern suggestion, not a joke
hahaha, you are funny
Didn't "lol" but I appreciated it, as often with Zirak pieces of literature.
1 question, why do you use the word "FIN"?
I mean, is a spanish word xD
shouldn't it be END?
It's French
And used at the end of many movies
Not sure why though
well, it is spanish too
fin in spanish means end xD
it's weird
@dystroy Think I found a Miaou bug
@BenFortune Which one ?
When I click to hide French and Italian rooms it hides them, but then when I move away from and back to public rooms, they are shown again
is there any way i can prevent focus on an input text element when clicked? disabled prevents an onclick event and readonly bugs out in iOS ( Phonegap ) and blur() bugs out in android sometimes, and doesn't close the keyboard.
invisible overlay element? Messes with tabbing, but that can be accounted for
so I put the onclick on the overlay element?
Cool. How do I put an invisible overlay element now?
display: inline-block might be useful here.
Maybe also z-index: -1
hello, how can I pause an each() function till an element exists?
I want to wait to $(element).lenght return true in order to keep with the each() function, how can I controll it?
You can't pause in javascript. You can set up a timeout, but the way it interacts with loops might not be what you're after
I'm in an each function and I want to wait to parent.checkInitPlayer() returns TRUE
you can poll for the element with a while or set up a callback that fires once the element exists, which would probably be the better way
parent should provide an event for that opportunity
@aioobe an unfortunate effect of stackrating: I've just upvoted another answer, because it's good. My whole answer now is downrating me ^^
@GNi33 @FlorianMargaine Check the FAQ! :D
@SomeGuy which FAQ?
@SomeGuy nah, I don't care as much as I'd do that
4 hours ago, by ivarni
@SomeGuy Or get a sign like this: http://www.wtfgag.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/do-not-disturb-the-developer.pn‌​g
but how do dolphins sleep?
@JanDvorak That question is totally unclear, that's why I voted to close it. Parsing isn't the goal of OP.
@dystroy the OP has an XY problem, the solution to which is to use a proper parser. I very well agree with the closure, though
@GNi33 Sleeping pills
now that's just crazy talk
Anyone interested in taking this course with me?
one more vote needed
Oh, crap, I read the dates wrong.
Nevermind, I guess
except you have a time machine
> It is very convinient to install whole-npm instead of all real dependencies every time!
So it's more convenient to download 150k packages, than to just download the ones you need
it's a one-time download
just lol
Does anyone know what the error will tell me in Safari? Syntax error, unrecognized expression: a[href="#organisation"
close bracket?
@GNi33 @JanDvorak The problem of using while is that browser become frozen
            if (isfirst == 0) {
                isfirst = 1;
            else {
                 while (!parent.checkInitPlayer()) {
exactly, that's why you should use a callback
@Neoares No, the anchor link is absolute closed in my code... In chrome it does its work, but Safari is the only that will give me an error
@MGE this literally won't work, unless checkinitPlayer does something to initialise the player
@Caspert jsfiddle
hey, I got double ping
@JanDvorak startPlayerNow initialise the player
@Neoares get used to it
why??? xD
I'll disable it
@Caspert Which version of Safari? It might not support attribute selectors
@Zirak 8.0.6
@Neoares One moment!
@Caspert ok!
This is the code I use now. http://jsfiddle.net/necf8a70/
The main idea is to create an one page scroll function. So you click on `#about` it scroll to the about section.
@JanDvorak I want to load the player, I control if is the first song (isfirst = 0), if it is, I call parent.startPlayerNow(soundid); then I want to keep adding songs to the playlist, and is in else statement, the problem is that I want to control if the player is ready using parent.checkInitPlayer. and I want to wait till the player is loaded before keep adding songs.
@MGE this won't work. Javascript is single-threaded
How can I wait to an element is ready?
putting the script below
@MGE Ideally it should provide you with a way to attach a callback
@Neoares And I have one other single page for the contact form. It's a new page where I changed the links to "index.html#about". So than it should redirect you to index.html and scroll down to the about section, if this is possible?
@MGE Maybe creating an if statement, and when that one is true, load the content of the element you want?
@Caspert if you redirect to "index.html#about" it should do the scroll
how do you create an if statement?
I control the element ready or not with this
function checkInitPlayer() {
    if( $('#fap-meta-wrapper').length ) return true;
Who puts the fap-meta-wrapper there?
is the content where the player will load, it works
if(...) return true; else return false; is an abomination
@JanDvorak I saw foo ? true : false in a code review today
@Neoares Yeah. But I forget to mention that I am using a fixed header, that should be minus the position of the section..
@FlorianMargaine still horrible
@JanDvorak yep.
@JanDvorak side question: would you prefer foo ? true : false or !!foo?
@Caspert here I have the same problem :)
@Caspert my mate is trying to find a solution
@FlorianMargaine the latter, anytime. or use Boolean(foo)
(i.e. if foo returns a truthey or falsey value and not a boolean)
@JanDvorak hmmm I like Boolean(foo). I think !!foo can look a little too "clever"
@Neoares Have been a long time working to solve this problem, but unfortunately I still can not make the correct code to realize this. Its frustrating haha
@FlorianMargaine Only topped by ()?false:!false;
@Neoares Oh that's nice!
if you know the size of the top menu, it's easy
I'm not afraid to use !! in my code. But if noobproofness is desired, Boolean seems fine.
@Neoares don't ever use w3schools!
@JanDvorak WHY?!?!?! :c
Q: How to move the window by x number of pixels using Javascript

daveHow do I scroll a window or webpage down using Javascript? Basically, I want to move the web page down by certain number of pixels, using Javascript is there any way of doing that?

@Neoares I know, but the site is also responsive and all. And I am not a fan of fixed position...
yes but you have it fixed, so...
How can I try a callback here? pastebin.com/d7FX6hR0
@Neoares terrible code practices, consistently inconsistent indentation, missing information, frequently misleading information
@JanDvorak but it works!
If anyone has worked with Sweet Alert before, I'm having some trouble with it.
I'm setting AllowOutsideClick to false, but the modal is being dismissed by clicking outside.
@doodla Well, then tell them to stop!
@Neoares In my code? I thought not..
@Neoares Driving a nail with your forehead also works, and isn't even that dangerous if you use a helmet.
@OliverSalzburg You didn't make sense. What? ( I think you made a joke, but not what....)
@MGE this["soundid"] is ugly. why not this.soundid?
I read a couple of tickets relating to that flag, we don't use it ourselves
@OliverSalzburg Let me check and confirm. Thanks.
@MGE the code that inits the player should also provide you with a callback
@MGE isFirst = 1 is horrible. Javascript has booleans, so use them
@MGE dat code duplication at lines 13/17. Pass it a boolean, such as !isFirst
@MGE and yeah... L28 not only locks up the browser, it never lets go
@MGE var data = JSON.parse('<?php echo addslashes($this->categoryInfo); ?>'); - what is this abomination?
the problem is that there are some problems with charsets
and I solve them using parse solution
didn't know return didn't need a space
this is valid js ^
@MGE Sure you can just use json_encode on the server side...
@FlorianMargaine depends. Do you need it to pass a code review?
@JanDvorak that was an information, not a question
of course it shouldn't pass code review
seeing this in a codebase I have to audit...
I was like "wtf is this even valid js"
@OliverSalzburg Didn't work. Changed it and Ctrl F5'd my application. Still gets dismissed.
checked the file in chrome dev and confirmed that the change was reflected
@OliverSalzburg Although this might be the problem : github.com/t4t5/sweetalert/issues/349
@doodla :\ Well, I remember we had several problems with sweetalert as well. And the author hardly cares about PRs at all. Very disappointing. We're using an internal fork :P
Are you gonna offer me access? @OliverSalzburg
@doodla We probably did not fix the problem you're having. But you could check our sweetalert2
I saw sweetalert2, didn't see anything different. What's different?
@doodla It has some new features, like input boxes. But I never really looked into it
"our" swal2.
@doodla Oh, that was a typo. Sorry
no probs. It made sense in the sentence, so I didn't automatically correct it to "out".
That said, could you be kind enough to extract the damned success and error animations from the CSS? I wouldn't need swal if I had those. :/

Struggling since yesterday and I can't seem to find out what does what.
I have some JS, I need to make sure whenever it's injected option with image "x" stays hidden
Ugh, there is still a 3 months old PR of mine open on sweetalert. Which fixes a reported issue with IE11. That is just annoying
PR ? Pay rise ?
Pull Request @THE
pay request ?
Analyzing the animations was one of the first things I got into upon discovering the project. I briefly scrolled through the CSS and then decided that I'll never look under the hood again ;P
    <div class="ms-core-menu-box ms-core-menu-hasIcons ms-core-defaultFont ms-shadow" title="" dir="ltr" contenteditable="false" style="top: 0px; position: absolute; visibility: visible; left: -129px; width: 127px;" flipped="false">

    <ul class="ms-core-menu-list">
    <li type="option" text="Delete" onmenuclick="spgridcontainer_WPQ2_rowcontextmenu_onclick(0);" iconsrc="/_layouts/15/images/delitem.gif" iconalttext="Delete" enabled="true" checked="undefined" id="mp43_0_0" class="ms-core-menu-item">
@OliverSalzburg I was browsing through teh CSS, never even saw that.
how can i keep li with  iconsrc="/_layouts/15/images/delitem.gif"  image hidden as this div is injected by first party and I am third party trying to hide it
And CSS is a minefield of potato bombs..
*and the
$("<style> what will go here ???? { display: none; }</style>").appendTo(document.documentElement);
how can i select list item with iconsrc="/_layouts/15/images/delitem.gif" from document
@doodla you can always press ctrl and "up" to edit you message for around a minute or so after sending it
@THE TIL. Thanks.
@doodla But note that editing a message where you @pinged someone will @ping them again
It's awesomely annoying
@OliverSalzburg Okay Thanks.
@OliverSalzburg for on mse?
I can bare it on SO, on the Super User chat it's torture
Due to the horrible notification sound, that is
@OliverSalzburg just click on button up there to mute it then
and everyone sleeps >><<
@THE Yeah, but I want to be notified
Damn, I bought olives with stones :\ Back to the shop!
@OliverSalzburg Just chew around them like a normal person :D
Eat them like a man
But they're bitter!
you only have to use the fluid... not these stones
olives with stones xD
@OliverSalzburg stones are expensive then olives, eat them
question: "stone" is how you call the seed inside the olive? xD
didn't know
in spanish the literal translation would be "bone"
Seed works too, bone is something completely different
@Neoares are you spanish ?
@THE yes
@Neoares what does mamaMIA means in spanish ?
that's italian
but means literally "my mom"
but it's like omg
@Neoares yes but i asked you what it means in Spanish though :P
mama is mom
and mia is... my
or mine
!!google body event on injection
dunno, we don't use this expression
google sometimes gives me funny results
just ask mario bros
!!google body event on injection javascript
Q: How to select injected HTML's li and keep it hidden

THEhow can i keep li with iconsrc="/_layouts/15/images/delitem.gif" image hidden as this div is injected by first party and I am third party trying to hide it. $("<style> what will go here ???? { display: none; }</style>").appendTo(document.documentElement); How can I select list item with icon...

req.session.cookie.expires = new Date(Date.now() + 30*24*60*60*1000; //the cookie will expire in 30 days. Why do I have to set req.session.cookie.maxAge on top of expires?
Oh, so it's an IE thing
Seriously? Why was that flag worthy?
What did I miss?
@Zirak who flaged what
meh, it blew over. nvm.
nvm is such a deep word, would be my company's name

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