@BrandonBrown Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Donato Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JanDvorak A video tutorial states: "We are using OOP here and because this stuff is on the prototype, any subsequent calls we make on this function will be free and this is 100% better and faster than a simple function"
@aarman Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I hate the idea of not having the ability to upvote something good I find because I downvoted something crap, but I guess since I never hit the limit I could be more liberal with DVs
sometimes I reminisce and say to myself, "maybe I'll just get a month of membership. You know, just to see how my characters are doing/what they look like…" (I heard the models were updated since I quitted however many years ago)
Browserify doesn't minify out of the box, there might be a flag for it but I never heard about one and it wouldn't be substack's style to make a module that does two things I think
@royhowie I installed it pretty much the day they released their first version, but to be honest since I too don't use ES6 much I haven't really felt any difference
I have a common function something similar to this:
var callAjax = function(data){
url: data.url,
data: data.data,
success: function(response){
var textBox = new textBox(response.data, {
disabled: data.disabled,
is there any way i can prevent focus on an input text element when clicked? disabled prevents an onclick event and readonly bugs out in iOS ( Phonegap ) and blur() bugs out in android sometimes, and doesn't close the keyboard.
This is the code I use now. http://jsfiddle.net/necf8a70/ The main idea is to create an one page scroll function. So you click on `#about` it scroll to the about section.
@JanDvorak I want to load the player, I control if is the first song (isfirst = 0), if it is, I call parent.startPlayerNow(soundid); then I want to keep adding songs to the playlist, and is in else statement, the problem is that I want to control if the player is ready using parent.checkInitPlayer. and I want to wait till the player is loaded before keep adding songs.
@Neoares And I have one other single page for the contact form. It's a new page where I changed the links to "index.html#about". So than it should redirect you to index.html and scroll down to the about section, if this is possible?
@MGE Maybe creating an if statement, and when that one is true, load the content of the element you want?
@Neoares Have been a long time working to solve this problem, but unfortunately I still can not make the correct code to realize this. Its frustrating haha
How do I scroll a window or webpage down using Javascript? Basically, I want to move the web page down by certain number of pixels, using Javascript is there any way of doing that?
@doodla :\ Well, I remember we had several problems with sweetalert as well. And the author hardly cares about PRs at all. Very disappointing. We're using an internal fork :P
Analyzing the animations was one of the first things I got into upon discovering the project. I briefly scrolled through the CSS and then decided that I'll never look under the hood again ;P
how can i keep li with iconsrc="/_layouts/15/images/delitem.gif" image hidden as this div is injected by first party and I am third party trying to hide it
how can i keep li with iconsrc="/_layouts/15/images/delitem.gif" image hidden as this div is injected by first party and I am third party trying to hide it.
$("<style> what will go here ???? { display: none; }</style>").appendTo(document.documentElement);
How can I select list item with icon...
req.session.cookie.expires = new Date(Date.now() + 30*24*60*60*1000; //the cookie will expire in 30 days. Why do I have to set req.session.cookie.maxAge on top of expires?