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!!afk driving home then working on this some more. vanilla node is fun!
@FlorianMargaine you forgot the most important part
@Loktar you on Win8?
designing the syntax and semantics
@FlorianMargaine on your wishlist…the Little LISPer is $95
@SterlingArcher I got stuff done when my boss walked over to talk to my coworker... lol, but otherwise, I'm stuck playing with those balls, too
that's insane
Time to go home, though
!!afk It's not delivery, it's Digiorno
@NickDugger I'll ping you when I post the pics
(@FlorianMargaine shouldn't you ask for the Little Schemer anyway?)
@royhowie why?
@FlorianMargaine isn't that the 4th edition?
do you have an amazon link?
I'd rather avoid pirate links
oh, that one is pirated
I thought it was free
confused it with SICP
which is available online with mitpress.mit.edu/sicp
@royhowie thanks!
replaced the little lisper with it :)
the book is fantastic; it's unlike any other programming book I've seen
They push you to figure out the concept before they formally define it
so the learning experience feels somewhat Socratic, especially with the back-and-forth questions/dialogue
I heard about it, never read it, which is why it's on my amazon wishlist
@FlorianMargaine rlemon is afk: driving home then working on this some more. vanilla node is fun!
What's the easiest way to have my req.flash(messageType, message) calls automatically added to the local variables in my page rendering function?
@royhowie that book, is that about LISP ?
@KarelG sort of? LISP has three major dialects: Clojure, Common Lisp, and Scheme
The book provides (in footnotes) its solutions in Scheme and (I think Common) Lisp
(continuing previous question) res.render("login.ejs", { message : req.flash("loginMessage") }); I want to just be able to do res.render("login.ejs") and have loginMessage available as a local variable
@FlorianMargaine similar yea, but a little more verbose and split into multiple methods.
but the idea is the same
@Loktar @Luggage one of you has an example webpack project, yeah?
@royhowie reminds me of a professor whom said that people that didn't have learned LISP aren't true CS'ers :p
@KarelG it's really a matter of whether you can think recursively
and, if people mentions "LISP", does they not mean common lisp
no they mean "noteworthy lisp"
@KarelG *who
So I'm giving Atom editor another chance.
So far, not disappointed! They've come a long way since last I used it
@BenjaminGruenbaum My friend, have you see my question?
Man, oh man, I'm digging hard for this rep:
Q: XHR responseType "ms-stream" failing on IE Mobile/Windows Phone 8.1

Andy EI'm trying to stream a large amount of binary data in JavaScript, accessing the data before the download completes. In most mainstream browsers, I can use the charset=x-user-defined trick to manually get the raw byte data during the progress event. In Internet Explorer, however, this trick does...

it's way outside of my comfort zone, and it looks to be a really specific error.
function foo() {
  arguments[arguments.length++] = 'new value'; // is this terrible? I'm passing arguments to a function that then converts it to an array, so I don't wanna double work and convert it here to push a new value.
  console.log( [].slice.call(arguments) );
foo(1,2,3,4,5); // [1,2,3,4,5,'new value']
also, I just figured out if I pull out my desk drawer and put a cutting board on it I can use it to place my laptop on and I don't have to give up desk space to have my laptop on it (gaming desk)
I see nothing wrong with that. I see arguments used that way to implement splats.
@Luggage nice
i'd keep the slice.call() to convert to a normal array and drop the extra properties like 'callee' if you are going to return the value.
we're getting started on a rewrite of our admin app here, and the current stack is looking like: gulp, babel, bluebird, webpack, karma, mocha, backbone, handlebars, less, bootstrap, and maybe another thing or two
writing real code using promises is so nice
I have two methods, write and writeLine, I'm trying to make them efficient.
@FlorianMargaine : just heard a news about JM Le Pen (which is starting a new political movement) i had to laugh hard ....
this.write = function() {
  stdout.write( [].map.call(arguments, String).join(' ') ); // trying to emulate console.log type output.
this.writeLine = function() {
  arguments[arguments++] = '\n';
  this.write.apply(this, arguments);
ahh, yea.
Who approves tag wiki edits? 20kers?
@SomeKittens 5k
try npm install --save-dev depd
@ThadBlankenship Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
royhowie:body-parser royhowie$ node server
    throw err;
Error: Cannot find module '/Users/royhowie/code/repo/tutoring2/node_modules/body-parser/server'
the problem is that it keeps saying another module is missing
I tried doing a clean install of all the modules, but that didn't work
delete node_modules folder and then npm install
oh u did that?
post ur package.json file
@ThadBlankenship Please spell things out here
What do you mean?
u => you
ur => your
this.write = function() {
  this.stdout.write( [].map.call(arguments, String).join(' ') );
this.writeLine = function() {
  arguments[arguments.length++] = '\n';
  this.write.apply(this, arguments);
@SomeKittens RFC?
primarily arguments[arguments.length++]..
before I go ahead with it I wanna make sure people don't rage later.
What's this for?
@SomeKittens I think you meant (ur => "your")("ur")
@SomeKittens I'm writing my own version of prompt.js (readline with commander) but without readline and commander
I know it doesn't matter for that small function but I would avoid modifying the arguments object directly.
@ThadBlankenship Why is that?
wanted to do a project that made me learn shit
Ah, fair enough.
V8 uses the arguments object for internal optimizations. I'm sure other interpreters do too.
It won't break anything, it's just not a great habit.
@ThadBlankenship And how does that work?
the other option is to convert it to an array, then call Array.prototype.map.call on that array again
that seems messy to me (read: redundant)
I don't know, but here is a quote from MDN:
You should not slice on arguments because it prevents optimizations in JavaScript engines (V8 for example). Instead, try constructing a new array by iterating through the arguments object.
i think it's fine here. he's specifically adding an argument. Also, i can't think of any optimizations this would be missing out on.
@ThadBlankenship he's not using .slice here
@Luggage this.writeLine will get deop'd, he should probably use Bluebird's inline slice
Yes I know he should be fine but getting comfortable with modifying the arguments object is not a good habit to form.
Just my 2 cents.
which is why I'm questioning it as much as I am :P
but thanks :D
your concerns are noted.
@ThadBlankenship I know quite a bit about how arguments work and where it goes wonky. I don't quite like cargo-culting "Oh, that's a bad practice" without understanding why. You follow?
Yes I follow; I didn't tell him not to do it, just to be careful about modifying it.
and I told him why he should be careful about modifying it.
so my main idea is to write a very robust 'engine' for making command line tools. then to test it out with my google music command line utilities.
jeez, get windows.
I'm on this new kick when I am going to try to recreate as many npm packages as I can from the ones I use without looking at their source (much) so I can learn more about node
then I'll feel less lost in the voodoo that some of the more 'intense' packages offer.
@ShotgunNinja you can probably ping @JonathanSampson for that on Twitter.
@Luggage I'm in the terminal half the day, why would I wanna switch windows to change songs?
I'd just do this.write.apply(this, arguments); this.stdout.write("\n");
@copy that is what I had actually.
I was thinking to only use one function to write to this.stdout would be cleaner
@rlemon Nice. Good learning
am I wrong to think that @copy (cc anyone else)
@rlemon I'm with copy on this one. Much clearer intent + no arguments deopt
I'll change it back.
but now I now how to force arguments into the end of arguments :D
@Thad I manually installed everything with npm i --save (to make sure I had the latest version of everything) after wiping all the node_modules and it seems to be fine now
Glad you were able to get it working!
  name: 'add',
  func: function add(args, finish) {
    .. do stuff
  help: 'help text'
for adding methods ... how does this sound? \
Here's my new apartment. Door behind kitchen is where the washer/dryer hookups are. m.imgur.com/a/IXrwj
Hey @rlemon have you looked at the npm library "commander"?
It seems to be right up your alley.
@rlemon @NickDugger ^ :P its 768 sq ft says my paperwork.
@Jhawins wow so furniture
very bed
@loktar too if you're curious ^ but you'll probably come over at some point anyway
@ThadBlankenship read up.
I know about these, I am purposely not using them
but looks great, would live in :D
That bed is also a couch! So shove it. And I have a green packing tote as a coffee table
Oh, ok. Good luck to you.
@Jhawins nice
And no lights in my room at all. I need to buy a floor lamp
how much is that
and where is it
@rlemon alias?
still bumfuk? :D
@SomeKittens good idea.
$813/month. Bellevue, Nebraska. Its like 9 minutes down the road from work
@Jhawins ...
@Mosho I work with loktar now in Nebraska, no more bumfuck for me :P
@SomeKittens over the price? XD
I'm mobile. No context on replies
@Jhawins oh cool!
@Jhawins yup. And distance from job
we should go double dating sometimes
you & loktar, me & benji
Yeah its pretty sweet. I absolutely love the area too tbh.
@mosho If you guys come to Nebraska sure hahaha. I Dont think Israel is in my budget tho
that's a high hiring value
Nebraska still pretty boring though
but meh, it depends of places
Iowa is on the other side of town... This area is definitely not stereotypical Nebraska.
Also, I've already been offroading in the state moreso than is available in Indiana. "Minimum maintnence roads"
@Mosho its not though in Omaha
I mean its not what most people imagine
maybe omaha beach
@Jhawins Studio ~same distance from my work: $3,490/463 SQ. FT
I would probably like it better than most "tourist" locations
but I'm boring :D
thats more than double my mortgage per month
@SomeKittens dayum
though expected
That's how tabs should work in a text editor!
really? looks terrible
and why use tabs when you have fuzzy open
Forget the colors, it's the dropdown. Makes it much easier to find shit when you've got lots of files open
not talking about colors
@Mosho Because I can't always remember the name of what I'm looking for
I usually do, but when I don't I have the folder tree
sublime text provides you with a quick open files overview
@KarelG I know, not the same thing
but doesn't that obscure too much of the screen
@jhawins that may just be the thinnest door that they could have found
I assume you limit that to latest N
@Mosho Again, big projects, big tree
It's cheaper per square foot to own an iPad 2 Air 128GB for the expected lifetime (2 years) than that apartment.
@Mosho I threw this together in five minutes. But if you're changing files then why do you care what's underneath it?
@somekittens have ipad air as the floor tile?
fucking infrastructure at my place - power cut for ~8hrs.
@awal yeah i came to thailand and they have brownouts like every week for 10 minutes at a time or so.... every friggin week. I hadn't had the power go out on me in the states for something like 5 years?
@HatterisMad this is blackout. It happens every summer for like 2 complete fucking months.
@awal you get a blackout for two months straight each summer? dafuq
high energy consumption then the network can weight. (maybe too much airco users)
= blackout
@monners I guess I don't D:
@HatterisMad not a regular power cut for 2 straight months, but for those 2 months, we expect to have powercuts of that long periods everyday.
@Mosho To each there own I guess. The real take away of this experiment is just how ridiculously easy it is to hack Atom's interface. Loving it.
@monners yeah that's cool
wanted to do shit in ST, cba to learn python
@NickDugger I got to rank 3 before some noob shot matter into the green fuzzy thing and split me up, and a shark ate me :(
@SterlingArcher NickDugger is afk: It's not delivery, it's Digiorno
On the bright side, once I enable the ability to send txt messages from my application, I will have made a rest API based texting app from phone <--> browser
in real time too :O
@HatterisMad what door is thin...? What doors can you even see the thickness of
You mean my closet? Left of the kitchen counter? That's a closet door...
@SterlingArcher Probably much cheaper than buying your own cellular modem
@jhawins i meant thin as in not wide
@jhawins thin width not thin depth
@taco well, it's for the peace corps, not me lol
@SomeKittens even knowing my salary is the equivalent of $161K on SF that's crazy expensive. Why would you live there?
@SterlingArcher Ah okay, well you could get a cellular modem and server, too. I used to support a couple phone trees and SMS apps. It's a pain to do though if you want to do it on an enterprise level, and still expensive for a small app
@Jhawins I don't, I live in Alameda and commute
Yeah we just do our sms/voice stuff through twilio. They have a great API and their XML is very simple
@SomeKittens I grew up there in the 80's. I miss Alameda
SF needs to fall into the ocean already. Seriously lol
@SomeKittens Is the Velvet Creamery still in the mall? They had some amazing au jus roast beef sandwiches
$3,400 gets you 500sq ft and you should bring your own water.
@Jhawins lol
well i gotta go. wifey set up some dinner party thing bleh
see ya taco
cya boyfriend
i guess i just rub him the right way
@Jhawins What's your job title? (If you don't mind)
user image
I made a thing: gist.github.com/Zirak/9999e97e01a7bd0a76f6 (list of editors). Please add stuff.
A lot of room people are mentioned there, so obviously tell me if it's slanderous.
@Zirak Atom
oh, you're right, forgot about it
Can you give a one-liner on why you'd recommend it?
@Zirak Build on web tech, incredibly easy to customize, extend, hack.
Thanks, added
Cross-platform (Win/Mac) - Not sure if there's a linux version in the works
Snap! There is a linux build
I had to compile it, but it works. Just no pre-baked binaries.
oh, then they've improved

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