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@BenjaminGruenbaum do you have any of your code I could look at
@dystroy is auto-welcome broken?
@Neoares no, this was welcoming someone not for the first time.
lol ok xD
@THE not really, read an HTML tutorial about tables
Try the html/css room.
Until I read @BenjaminGruenbaum comment I thought the welcome rooms feature in Miaou was broken ^^
(users being shown a list of welcome rooms)
Jade is so great.
mixin menuItem(link, name)
    li(class=(name==menu||name==subMenu) ? 'active' : '')
mixin multiMenu(name)
    li.treeview(class=name==menu ? 'active' : '')
        ul.treeview-menu(class=name==menu ? 'menu-open' : '')
            each menu in attributes.menus
                +menuItem(menu.link, menu.name)

    +menuItem('/', 'Dashboard')
    +menuItem('/products', 'Products')
Seriously, Bluetooth connections from your browser JS? Is the browser really going to be a "I can do anything!" environment? >_<
@BenFortune Ew
@BenFortune meh
@BenFortune doesn't seem very readable
@RoelvanUden yes
it's a bit clearer than HTML
but clear piss is still piss
@BenFortune I like it too
@Mosho I call BS. Have a look at Hogan.
Q: Github download

Anoop VaidyaI found some helpful code in github here Apple's WWDC 2012 demo FlightFinder, but I am not able to download the zip or clone itself. Could someone let me know how can I get it? EDIT: I downloaded the full zip file (350MBs) from here. But still want to know is there any better way to get a part...

Is this on topic for SO?
@BenFortune Ouch, a 32.8k rep that asks this?
@RoelvanUden My thoughts exactly.
Haha, I'm guessing this is in relation to the Android pissing on Apple incident
Even has a mustache
@BenjaminGruenbaum He's SIR @Zirak
Nono, Zirak has am mustache too, that's the funny part
Zirak, Magic Bus
15.2k 6 41 70
lol true
Just a different one
@Zirak has a french moustache
Has Zirak always had that moustache, because I never spotted it
Needs moar top hat.
For the last two years.
@BenjaminGruenbaum pushed
new GoT ep today, right? :D
Q: Too many connection errors MySQL

shyamal parikhI have a C# application which runs on LAN computers as client and accesses MySQL database present on the server. In my testing environment the application is running without any problems. However, in one of the client's place for some reason there are intermittent MySQL connections being termina...

best question title ever
> I unchecked the host-name-resolve and it seems that the problem is solved. However still early to conclude.
Started with C# a few days ago, really liking it. Made an OCR tool which scans a selection of an image yesterday
Windows 10 technical preview is - nice. They still need to look at drivers, though. But good improvements otherwise.
just "windows" now
@EnayetHussain Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I only tried the first release of the technical preview, I might try it again when the pre-release is out
The UI looked really nice
@BenFortune neat
So you have to wait for menus now ? I hope there isn't this effect in W10. Right ?
@dystroy the original version has these effects too, but they are smoother and faster
atleast for now
Menu should be instantly displayed in place...
I don't like these animations either. They are sprinkled everywhere.
Also, explorer still doesn't have tabbed browsing :/
the new chakra engine is included, and works cool.
it is behind a flag though
@AwalGarg What's the chakra engine?
Chakra engine is the JS engine in MS Edge
And IE9-10-11
An ECMAScript engine is a program that executes source code written in a version of the ECMAScript language standard, for example, JavaScript. These are new generation ECMAScript engines for web browsers, all implementing just-in-time compilation (JIT) or variations of that idea. The performance benefits for just-in-time compilation make it much more suitable for web applications written in JavaScript. Carakan: A JavaScript engine developed by Opera Software ASA, included in the 10.50 release of the Opera web browser, until switching to V8 with Opera 15 (released in 2013). Chakra: A JScript engine...
Anyone used AngelList (angel.co) before?
@NickDugger Ah, thanks
Does IE have userscript support already?
Do you agree this is too broad ?
Q: Is PHP inefficient compared to other server-side processors?

koljanepIs there any statistical performance data on PHP and/or other server-side languages? I myself have mainly developed in PHP -- now another developer told me in a recent meeting that I should switch to Go, for example, as PHP will bring about a heavy load on the server once the web traffic hits a ...

Q: How to run a modern userscript on Internet Explorer?

mixI've found it's pretty easy to take a Greasemonkey-type userscript and turn it into extensions/addons for Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. And of course one can run them natively in Chrome, and simply in Firefox using the Greasemonkey addon. I'm now exploring whether I can run my userscript on IE at...

I don't think they support anything natively, though
Does TrixIE still work?
@dystroy heh, 3 close votes, 3 different reasons
More than one apply in my opinion too.
But I think the most important is that a real useful answer would look at various facets of the problem and would be too large
Does someone have a Firefox version >= 39? I've some code that works on Firefox 37, but not on Firefox developper edition (version 39.0a2)
39 has a good bit of changes
How do you call a function accepting various types of arguments ?
(other than a mess or $ ?)
polysomething ? or omnisomotherthing ?
@JanDvorak yes, thanks
heavily overloaded
"omniscient" is also good
@NickDugger I see that :/
Q: JavaScript: what does Object(variable)?

user1271930I ran into a boolean test variable === Object(variable) but couldn't find anything that describes it. Is it testing that variable is the same as Object(variable) and does Object(variable) cast this variable into object? Or what it tests? If it matches it will loop for (var key in variable) and ...

@JanDvorak "heavily overloaded" sounds like "a mess" ;)
My next life goal is to use the word "omnimorphic"
Many functions in the js world are probably omnimorphic, like the usual clone functions
(assuming you don't give too much sense to omni)
@JanDvorak I like omniscient :D
BTW I find this variable === Object(variable) smart. Is that a common pattern (I personally would have no use for it but it is pretty) ?
I may have never seen it before but I like it.
I think PHP is inefficient because it forks a new process for each incoming request. A multi-threaded non-blocking IO approach will use server resources more efficiently and be more scalable. — duffymo 54 secs ago
Doesn't that exist with some PHP engines ?
You can buy a compiler from the language author
@JanDvorak TBH it's probably not the most efficient in the case of a non object entry
I still consider Object.prototype.toString.call( variable ); for most viable
@jAndy I don't get it. For what use ?
@jAndy {}.toString.call(variable)?
@MadaraUchiha parens missing ?
for general type definition
@dystroy Object.prototype to {}
@MadaraUchiha but you need parens
@MadaraUchiha if that's too verbose, you also can just use "" + variable;
@dystroy Ah, right
or create a shortcut

var type = Function.prototype.call.bind(Object.prototype.toString);
!!>Object.prototype.toString.call("[Object object]")
@JanDvorak "[object String]"
that internal cclass property is pretty useful tho
@jAndy This doesn't make the distinction between a number and an instance of Number
@SomeGuy lol
(or any primitive, as call involves promotion)
why would you need to know that difference @dystroy
@SomeGuy Some people got so butthurt over that, calling it unprofessional
@jAndy well, if I don't need a type function, I don't need it of course
@BenFortune Haha, did they?
@BenFortune It is unprofessional. But who cares? :D
Do they realize it's a game?
@dystroy I was saying, it makes no difference in terms what you can do, apply and use those for
And it's their game
@jAndy Well, it can make a difference
for instance ?
given that number and instance of Number example
@jAndy This one is contrived but it's a theoretical example:
var a = new Number(2); // try without the "new" here
a.two = "three";
I mean.. if( type( variable ) === '[object Number]' ) variable.toPrecision(4) like examples
where it really makes sense to check the type
I never had a use for a function like your "type" one, so I think those should be very related to the precise use case and not use a generic looking function. Because it's not generic.
I use type checks like that very commonly
I never do
if you're dealing with lots of json data for instance, I like to check and not just let it throw
I do deal with a lot of JSON data but it's not garbage
Properties values in my JSON data are optional, not freely typed. I don't personally think this would be long term viable for my program.
well then, I just like to keep flow control doing checks like this
especially because I don't usually do a lot of backend stuff in my company, so lots of coders parse data in json, some mess it up or forget stuff and whatnot. I'm just more on the failsafe side
but we had that argument before I guess.
I don't know if it's really an argument as we both know how to code and this is very dependent of the precise problem. I'm not judging your general coding.
@jAndy nope, we didn't
all your arguments are about vegans and world corruption and religion
@FlorianMargaine on those I'm sure we differ :)
I can recall a debate in this room, where some people were on the side "let it crash and fix the data input" vs. "be graceful, check and keep control"
Oh, this one. Not exactly the same. My point and grip is really against error hiding or error fixing offputting
@FlorianMargaine do we you have any problem ?
not really
very inappropriate line imo
just telling you what you've been rambling about for the last year or so; it's refreshing to have an actual technical discussion with you
well uhm... I recall a lot of technical/js based text I wrote in this channel tho
and to be fair.. I never started discussions on veganism and or world corruption really, I usually get pulled into it
@jAndy I don't remember them, it must be my fault
just telling you my feeling, sorry if it comes off as rude
well, if I say to you straight in the eye "all your arguments are off-topic", I don't see the "non-rude" part
@BenFortune And rightfully so.
Most, if not all, points he raised there are valid.
Although he did it extra-crankily.
but I understand the hard feelings. Most people I give a heads-up on certain topics, don't like me that much afterwards. :P
ignorance and truth is stronkk
@jAndy I never involve myself in the debates in this room
@jAndy Well. If you take as given that anybody not agreeing is wrong, a debate can't end well...
@dystroy You're wrong.
@BenFortune I agree with this rant; It's why I'm a fan of having a front end, and a back end (not doing everything on the front end simply because you can [with angular, react, god-knows-what-else])
Hi All
I have some small question because I cant ask it on the Q/A site
@NickDugger I've been in the same shoes plenty of times with shitty UX, Google Photos being one of them
@NickDugger You know? I don't even mind if everything is done frontend
Given that it's done well
Basically I have pretty much of the backend code exposed via API and I am looking for front-end
Material Design can suck a fat one.
I think it would be OK to completely disconnect it from the code and use pure javascript to do all front-end code
What an answer...
A: How do I get the current time in a div in jQuery

steves165This is how i have done it on my site: function updateClock() { var currentTime = new Date(); var hours = currentTime.getHours(); var minutes = currentTime.getMinutes(); var seconds = currentTime.getSeconds(); minutes = ( minutes < 10 ? "0" : "" ) + minut...

@dystroy I certainly don't. I'm just a strong advocate of result-oriented consideration, honest discussions on any imaginable topic. Most people in my experience, don't have this kind of behavior.
Is this common technique? Or should I still generate some of the html in java?
things like 9/11, nutrition veganism etc.
@Andrew It is a common technique, and it's fine.
are just too hard branded in most heads
1 min ago, by Madara Uchiha
Given that it's done well
^ @Andrew
ok many thanks, that's ok
veganism isn't branded... I mean, sure, we laugh at you, but we all know deep down that you're doing what we all should be doing...
Yes I see that it will require hefty of javascript investemnet
but I know javascript already, but last time I used it it was ECMA 4
@Andrew If you're taking too long in your javascript, or don't know how the browser rendering path works, don't try to do everything with JavaScript.
like Action Script, and MSIE 8 :-)
This question is a magnet for stupid answers:
Q: How do I get the current time in a div in jQuery

Clay HI need the time to be displayed in the div .time. I can see the time when I use alert(), but not when I try to put it in the div with .html(). I've have googled it and tryed to find an answer. Here's what the code looks like:: jQuery: function date() { var now = new Date(), now = now.get...

@NickDugger what does that say about your personality ? Laughing about someone then
ecma script 4? back when, instead of semi-colons, you just hit the and of the line with a club.
@Andrew To save yourself some trouble, you might want to look into some MV* JavaScript frameworks
@jAndy What does it say about yours that you take me seriously?
or rather ECMA3 I think
Loosen up, learn how to have a laugh
@Kippie I just generated project in eclipse and angular
it works with my api and I was able to make login box
How do you know if someone is a vegan?
@BenFortune Yeah, my answer was stupid too, but at least I deleted it :)
Inb4 flagged
there's all security already I just need gui
@BenFortune They tell you?
ask them?
for a login box fiest
@Kippie Ayyy
I'm not the type of troll-ready guy to be honest, just feel it out of context if there is a serious topic in my mind
Do vegans have a radar like gaydar, but it detects how many vegetables someone eats?
throw them in the river with a rock. if they sink, they are vegan
@dystroy I'm curious what you put but there's no edit history :p
@BenFortune good
@Luggage Is that because they have a protein defficiency and can't push the rock away?
I may have been thinking of witches
@Luggage I fail to see the difference.
please tell me that is also trolling about protein defficiency :P
@Kippie @jAndy definitely does not have a protein deficiency. He's ripped to high hell
@NickDugger Well, I wouldn't know anything about that.
this is so addictive! agar.io
@towc I spent a couple hours playing that last night xD
Reminds me of Spore
s/Spore/The first 10 minutes of Spore/
s/The first 10 minutes of Spore/the fun part of spore/
hi guys!
Nice try, ssube. But we all know there were no fun parts of spore
The first stage was fun and the space stage was fun for a while, if you like playing economist.
I'm pretty sure Will Wright made other games for that, like Sim City?
To be fair, the only time I actually spent playing Mount & Blade was as a traveling merchant. :P
Oh, that kind of economist
Sim City is for when you want to watch a small part of the world burn.
@towc A bit laggy
Anyone ever play Impossible Creatures?
@BenFortune fuckin love that game
I bought it from a second hand shop last weekend for a bit of nostalgia
my housemates and I wanted to play it the other day, but apparently it's not for sale anywhere, so we had to yarr it
!urban yarr
Paid all of 99p for it :)
Is caprica dead again?
@Kippie it involves peg legs and parrots
And the occasional raid
@ssube Oh, you mean bootlegging!
Yes. Only because we couldn't find a legitimate copy to purchase.
Isn't it considered abandonware at that moment, though?
@towc How do you do skins there? :|
@Kippie it's still well worth paying for. That game is a ton of fun.
^ runs ubuntu snappy core
Everybody at the house got into it, because we were making viper skunks and other crazy stuff.
I have snappy core on one of my Pi's
It's pretty good
@MadaraUchiha some names just give you skins
try naming yourself a nation
Nancy ate me (javascript) :(
@AwalGarg XD
@MadaraUchiha wait, you were nancy?
@AwalGarg Do I look like a nancy to you?
@MadaraUchiha who the fuck are you? XD
@MadaraUchiha your avatar is one of those animes
Wait what?
You guys are weird
YOU ALL ARE JUST STUPIDS. I am not playing :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum IS USSR! GET HIM!
I'm always lost in here...
Although, if particles and mass keep getting added to the game magically,
Wouldn't that create infinitely sized cells?
@dystroy Is it the dementia?
@SomeGuy yes. LSD : Location Specific Dementia
(it always happens here)
cc: @Zirak @BenjaminGruenbaum @rlemon
Has anyone used AngelList (angel.com)?
@SomeGuy It just keeps falling off :(
@MadaraUchiha did you see how fat your mother became :D
@NickDugger I sometimes receive an unfit proposal thanks to them, yes
@SomeGuy dude that is hilarious
the hacker being killed
@AwalGarg I'm not ingame for quite a while now lol
oops, I forgot to answer the good proposal I received this morning
@BenFortune Usually manages to balance fine when you don't mess with it for me
@dystroy unfit proposal, like for a job that simply amtached keywords?
@Loktar Haha, right? I think that's how all of them should be handled :D
@NickDugger Most often from people not willing to understand what "remote" means
@dystroy Ah, that can be irritating
I ask, because I just got matched to an employer
Well, good.
Whats the difference between these three?

//a is intentionally left out
var b;
var c = undefined;
a is the same as b, just globally declared
what about c?
c is undefined
it has the undefined value
but... not that kind of undefined xD
while the other are undefined
do they all behave the same way?
c won't throw an error
!!> var a; var b = undefined; a===b;
@AwalGarg true
neither b nor c throw an error
so, a throws an error, and b and c are exactly the same
which should I use? b or c?
@FlorianMargaine IIUC, if no value is provided at initialization, the engine will automatically initialize it to undefined, right? So c and b are the same, no?
because if you don't initialize a variable its initialized to undefined
@SomeGuy took a while, but it finally figured it out.
Guys, do you know best way to setup new angular app for a total newbie so that it would be good to start learning all the bits? I have a lot of s/w experience, just not sure how to start.
I have read the tutorial
@rlemon what's that
a picture
@rlemon thanks
@rlemon what have you figured?
I figure I can eat like 11 hot dogs before I puke.
I can't find a decent explanation on how to stream archive files with Node. Is it common practice at all (since I can gzip a regular file)?
!!google stream archive files with Node.
there are a few packages
have you looked at them?
@BenFortune that article is perfect
@rlemon yes, none of them make sense to me
@AwalGarg practically speaking, I think they're the same in the engine, yes
I believe those are used for extracting it. But it might be that transformation is needed before streaming
you are better off asking specific questions about what doesn't make sense then. because if you ask for an example, people will just link to the examples folder of an existing project i'm sure you've found on google.
interesting question from a coworker:
> is there a way that we can produce our library and run it through some software that will tell us what browsers should support it?
@ssube indeed, interesting
doesn't selenium kinda do that?
An analysis tool ought to be able to do that, since it can see what you're calling and compare against known methods on the native prototypes.
@rlemon Testing in general should cover it (selenium or just karma and a variety of browsers)
@ssube I am looking for this tool. Why just libs? Why not all code?
@rlemon we don't/can't use browserstack unless we can host it internally
apparently there's a codepen meetup May 21 (thursday) in the UK, anyone thinking about going? nvite.com/CodePen/fed6
I'm just skimming this stuff.
I haven't used browserstack
!!afk driving to work
@towc Bit far for me
where do you live?
also, I just realized your avatar isn't a mudkip

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