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So I saw this weird pattern in all of google plus's scripts. They don't use click events. They use mousedown and mouseup events. Any ideas why? Performance benefits? Tracking users?
Do you guys know of any libraries or tools that could be used to help manage multiple manifest files? So I would only have to change one manifest and both package.json and bower.json would sync?
@NoahHuppert two package.json files?
@AwalGarg Probably the latter
No, One package.json and one bower.json. I always forget to update the description or bump the version on one of them
@NoahHuppert Easy, don't use bower.json...
@MadaraUchiha They make scripting a pain :(
Yea but them I cant use bower...
@NoahHuppert npm is a complete superset of bower, and it's better in every way. Anyone who has bower undeniably has npm installed. Just use npm and drop bower,
Unless I can change the name of the bower manifest file in a .bowerrc file
@AwalGarg better responsive design - all devices support mousedown and mouseup, pretty much. not all devices (touchscreens) use click
@Pheonixblade9 I am curious why touchscreen devices support mouseup but not click :/
Also, any reference to that?
@NoahHuppert For your own sake, as well as the community's sake, just use npm to distribute your package. Doing it on bower as well doesn't help anyone.
looking for it, but I'm pretty sure that's why
@AwalGarg Pretty sure some touch devices do support click
Q: What's the difference between 'mouseup' and 'click' events?

caiosm1005Using jQuery, I often like to use mousedown and mouseup events in conjunction for pushable buttons. However, in every case I've used the mouseup event, binding the click event instead seemed to produce identical results. Is there any substantial difference between the two methods below? // Met...

another guess is that mousedown and mouseup don't have special behavior for anchors ? though I'm not sure if that's true.
@Pheonixblade9 Most, if not all, touch devices emulate click on tap.
The reason I am using bower is to use it for publishing purposes. I am creating a custom polymer web component
@Pheonixblade9 Mouseup is exactly what is sounds like, firing an event when the mouse is released. This is useful for draggable elements
@NoahHuppert "publishing purposes"?
W3C spec enforces the click event to be fired only after mousedown and mouseup are fired.
As in, you want more exposure?
@MadaraUchiha Publish the package to the bower registry. Then it can be found by customelements.io
@Pheonixblade9 Interesting points, but they don't state what you said AFAICT :/ Maybe I am missing?
> Every repository registered on npm or Bower will show up in this list as long as it contains the web-components keyword.
Just use npm
@MadaraUchiha For what it's worth I voted for ya.
I agree that it makes sense to publish to NPM, however a majority of people still use bower for front end dependencies. Cutting that whole platform out is cutting out a large portion or developers.
@monners Thanks :) Officially the most belated condolence I've ever gotten :D
@MadaraUchiha Well if ya didn't change your name every two seconds... :P
@NoahHuppert No. You get bower from npm. Any developer who has bower also has npm.
@monners s/seconds/years/
@MadaraUchiha I voted for SecondRikudo :D
@AwalGarg huzzat?
An internet bot who calls himself a god.
@AwalGarg He's obviously fake. I'm the only god on the internet nowadays.
@MadaraUchiha you kept "Second Rikudo" for years?
@FlorianMargaine At least one year.
@MadaraUchiha On only one network. You were madara on SE!
@MadaraUchiha Sorry about your loss. (take THAT, @monners!)
Also @MadaraUchiha in hindi "madara" is almost the word for a monkey trainer xD
@MadaraUchiha Really? Because I just tried installing one of my NPM packages with bower and it was not found
@NoahHuppert Of course it wasn't
You install npm packages with npm
I get that
You install bower packages with bower
But, by definition, every single developer who has bower installed, also has npm installed, and has the ability to install npm packages.
npm uninstall npm
Yea, so, if I want to reach people with bower and npm I need to publish to bower and npm
Just because they have it, doesn't mean they will necessarily think to use it.
@NoahHuppert Bower folks don't need it.
NPM master race?
@MadaraUchiha since you claim to be a god who can create and destroy anything, why don't you create the language of your choice and destroy JavaScript and PHP?
bye bye bower
@NoahHuppert Bower is ostensibly "npm, but for frontend". Angular (a 100% frontend tool) uses npm exclusively.
@AwalGarg You're dreaming all of this anyway
PHP and JavaScript are figments of your imagination.
(we used to use some Bower, but there was no point).
Stupid question: I've got a click handler on a container element that calls preventDefault on the event object. However, this container may hold valid links that we wouldn't want to prevent the default behavior on (we actually want to follow the link). Is there a good way of allowing those clicks to function as expected? Checking to see if the event target is an anchor tag doesn't seem like a very reliable solution. jsfiddle.net/nq0ba7rm
@NoahHuppert npm is a package manager for frontend and backend. bower is a lesser package manager for frontned.
Seriously, come on.
@Shmiddty Why is checking e.target/e.currentTarget not a reliable solution?
I think we are both on the same page here
Or check the path property.
@AwalGarg e.target and e.currentTarget are not necessarily the link
Then check the path array. I am sure that's what Github does in their disabled comments section.
@NoahHuppert See where I'm going with this here. The less people publish to bower, the less extensive and useful it becomes. The less extensive and useful it becomes, the less people will use this fragmented crap, and will migrate to npm like sane people.
Hence, for your own sake, as well as the community's sake, don't publish to bower, you're just causing damage.
Point taken
If, after hearing all of that, you still insist, well, all I can say is "Good luck".
Na, Im gonna ditch bower
9 hours ago, by Madara Uchiha
lol, just heard a coworker yell over the phone to someone: "I CAN'T SEE WHAT YOU'RE POINTING AT, WE'RE ON THE PHONE!"
I'm even at the point of using nada to use npm to install things that are only on bower
Just remembering the scene makes me laugh XDDD
@MadaraUchiha isn't the point of infinite tsukoyomi to have a world of peace though? there are still wars in our world
@FlorianMargaine Again, that's all in your head.
You're a sick person, you know that?
Having a dream about wars and hate.
Shame on you.
@MadaraUchiha You are just an image on my screen you virtual fake god! :P
@MadaraUchiha I expected a better answer
You expect too much from images :/
@MadaraUchiha you disappoint me
why the hell is there an editingbeforeinputevent event?
Okay I'll stop.
@Shmiddty Call event.stopPropagation() in the click handlers of elements that you want to allow through. jsfiddle.net/nq0ba7rm/2
stupid cap
@gilly3 I'm not going to put click handlers on every single link in freeform content
@Shmiddty For starters, why not?
[].forEach.call(root.qsa('a'), function(link) { link.addEventListener('click', doDefault) }));
@Shmiddty why are you preventing the default action anyway?
Why Caprica doesn't say hammer* for don't stop? github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/blob/master/source/plugins/STOP.js no such preventive measure in here :/
@MadaraUchiha I would have to do some DOM walking (which is not exactly encouraged in React), for one. Secondly, I'd have to update and maintain a handful of files for this.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's a good question. I didn't write this code initially
@Shmiddty wait a minute, this is a React event?
That makes it an even stranger question
jsfiddle.net/nq0ba7rm/4 Not sure why you no do this :/
Basically, there is a click event on the contentItemWrapper that launches a contentItemDetail view in a modal when clicked. Each contentItem can have an arbitrary number of links (user-generated social media content).
The outer click wrapper is currently preventing default for... some reason.
The dev that wrote the code is not available for questioning today
@AwalGarg That's basically what I've got written. I'm looking for a cleaner solution.
cleaner solution? use... TERNARY!
I'm having trouble finding support information for Event.path
but I'm not sure it's relevant since we're using React (which uses synthetic events for everything IIRC)
For IE9- you'll have to shim it. I remember seeing this in Github's code.
Maybe you can find some info poking around their code :/
Your face is a code info poker.
caprica has gained sentience. proof in sandbox.
Q: Simple proof that GUID is not unique

KaiI'd like to prove that a GUID is not unique in a simple test program. I expected the following code to run for hours, but it's not working. How can I make it work? BigInteger begin = new BigInteger((long)0); BigInteger end = new BigInteger("340282366920938463463374607431768211456",10); //2^128 ...

4 threads on a quad core processor would make it run in 20 billion times the age of the universe - so yeah, that would help a lot. — rjmunro Nov 10 '09 at 1:10
What's the difference between 802.11 and Wifi?
function isLinkClick(ev){
  var path = ev.path;
  if (!path){
    path = [];
    for (var tar = ev.target; tar !== window.document; tar = tar.parentNode){
  // TODO: Upgrade to ES6
  return [].filter.call(path, function(node){
    return node.tagName === "A" && node.href && node.href !== "#";
@StevensHaen What did Google say?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Am I being stupid?
Q: Method display on the scope is not executed

vamsiampoluI have a set of directives that share a scope todo-item: app.directive("todoItem",function(DeleteTodo,$log){ var dirDefObj = { restrict:'E', templateUrl:'app/templates/todo.html', scope:{ todo:'=value' }, controller:function($scope){}, replace:true }; return dir...

another method on the same scope works,I moved everything to the todo-cardui and todo-formui scopes
save works
@vamsiampolu If you want people to answer your questions, you need to vastly reduce their size
hasta luego!
a small english question: is there a better alternative for the word "pre-reserved" ?
@KarelG seems a bit redundant. What's the context?
object Resource. It can be reserved by Reservation. But before it gets reserved, it has to be "pre-reserved", that i can check other resources.
If all resources are OK: give the result to Reservation, which makes the resources reversed.
TIL Being paid by hour is sweeter.
otherwise i'm passing two same resource items, if that "pre-reserved" flag is not added
@AwalGarg is that not something ... common ?
not for me, no.
@KarelG how about "requested"?
@KendallFrey thank you. that's a better alternative yes.
@SomeKittens just wanted to ensure that I can provide all the information I can,the scopes interact with each other and they inherit from the first scope
@vamsiampolu This may help: sscce.org
> I just see some code in the browser itself. I even run Bootstrap.php
> Did you install a web-server and PHP?
> What is that?
@vamsiampolu what you ask can be compared as " here is a book with 1000 pages, existing of 4 chapters of 250 pages . People says that there is a gramatical error in chapter 4. Please resolve that "
you can simply give the 4th chapter
@KendallFrey good, glad the PC community won.
their response is kinda funny
you can tell they didn't want to do it
Anyone claiming that a donation feature solves the modder's $$$ problem doesn't understand the problem.
@KendallFrey It was a great idea - just ruined by the mob.
there wasn't any problem, though?
> We thought it was a good feature, and we're not saying we don't still think that, but please stop shitting on us about it.
@Pheonixblade9 The main issue was people stealing mods from other sources and claiming them as their own.
having a donate feature is fine. allowing them to enforce a paywall just engenders a slippery slope to DRM for community-built mods that might get broken on a patch
Which is bad, but not insurmountable.
@Pheonixblade9 Steam's basically DRM as-is...
@SomeKittens What problem is there in the modding community that needed money to fix?
mod stealing was just one of the many problems with a paywall.
the lack of support for mods and breaking changes after paying is a huge issue.
@Loktar There are benefits to paid mods.
@Loktar Steam wanted this feature so that modders could go full-time. It's incredibly rare that someone can go full time on donations.
But most mods aren't worth paying for
@SomeKittens many modders aren't looking to make mods for money
most modders do it as a labor of love
Also, if I wanted to make a living on mods, I wouldn't give 75% of it to Steam
and good mods get picked up and turned into games all the time
@Loktar Awesome! I write a bunch of FOSS code and never ask for a penny. No one's forcing me or the modders to charge for doing something we enjoy.
80% of valves games came from free mods.
@KendallFrey For some context, modders got ~6x more than publishers pay authors or musicians.
So, if Valve took 2% instead of 75%, it would be ok
@SomeKittens :(
I think a donate option on Steam or any service is the best option.
@KendallFrey Yeah, that's why everyone's got their own ebook these days. If I charge $3 for the ebook, I'm actually making more than if you paid a publisher $20+ for it.
Mods have a tendancy to break/not play nice together. There is no obligation to fix them or make them compatible putting them behind a paywall makes people weary of other "good" mods
@copy whether its ok or not isn't affected by that, it's just that they might have a hard time getting people to fork over 75% of earnings
look at what has happened with Early Access, its a joke.
@KendallFrey No? I like the idea with 2% instead of 75%
@copy It's less selfish of Valve, but selfishness isn't really the big issue
Hmm. Ok
So who's playing KSP tonight?
@KendallFrey Nah, Early Access was a terrible idea!
kidding, of course I'm playing it.
@Loktar when was the last time you played KSP?
@SomeKittens KSP was out before Valve introduced EA.
There are some great games that came from crowd funding and early access.
Accept Jebediah as your Pilot today
the majority are half finished broken messes.
KSP absolutely nailed EA though
Yeah they did a really great job.
However Dayz, Castle Story, Rust, StarForge, and many others have let their customers down.
Next Car Game: Wreckfest is still Early Access right?
Castle Story looked so good
@Pheonixblade9 yeah :/ glad I held off
I wonder if they'll make it better
I wanted to get it
Day Z is annoying in its buggyness, but most people have already gotten hundreds of hours of fun out of it
@copy its also plagued with hackers unfortunately :/
the thing about Dayz that sucked is Rocket just left..
like didn't even stay to finish it.. just decided to leave
NCG has next to no gameplay but it's still so fun
@Loktar Ah, yeah
I wont support another one of his games until its 100% complete
he left the other devs holding the bag.
as he climbed mountains, and did whatever with the millions they made off of EA.
situations like that just end up hurting other EA releases by making people weary
thats what I feared with paid mods as well.
I pretty much pay for games as they exist
What would node.nodeValue.indexOf(string) > -1; do?
@StevensHaen what part of it?
@KendallFrey yea same here for the most part. I mean I wont deny I had fun with Dayz.. but I expected it to be done at some point I wanted to help out and pay, thats on my of course.
I can't make sense of the whole thing
do you understand what indexOf returns?
However I rarely buy any EA (early access I don't hate Electronic Arts)games now.
@KendallFrey yes
so what's your question?
returns the index in an array
where does the array come from?
node.nodeValue you mean?
what does this return?
guess what I've done today? I made a REST call. Guess what else? It's returning HTTP 500s randomly with no debug info. Good day's work, right?
it's not an array, it's a string
it returns the value of the nodeValue property of the object node
@Pheonixblade9 s/bug/feature/ time!
Is everyone in the room a gamer?
So I was hoping that spaceplanes would be easier in 1.0. :(
@StevensHaen Isn't everyone a gamer?
@StevensHaen I believe most in here play games at least :P
@monners not those fucking flappy bird people
Well, 'Cept that @Loktar guy, he just collects the dusty husks of what used to be considered games
@KendallFrey ...easier?
less drag more lift
@monners hahah
unfortunately, more fire too
/me walks away to play his new turbografx 16
@KendallFrey Flappy Bird isn't a game, it's a lifestyle
you bastard lol
my mailcall today :p
love Mondays
I get all my weekend and end of week orders
I wish I was rich too
@Pheonixblade9 What company do you work for?
@KendallFrey make some mods for KSP wait for Valve to reimplement paid mods... profit? :P
I've considered trying to make a KSP mod
The learning cliff is a little higher than I want to bother with right now
but there are some great mods on github
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 3 mins ago, by Gemtastic
The issue IMO lies entirely with the companies taking part of the profit. Modders charging for their mods is not a bad thing to me, provided they actually do provide some support.
same discussion in the webdesign room lol
I agree with that stance pretty much
If you make a great mod and want to charge I don't really care personally, as long as some sort of support is provided.
@monners slalom consulting.
Yeah, but look at DayZ, they promised something everyone wanted then just stopped. STOPPED! I wanted that game to be done well so badly
@KendallFrey GitHub is amazing like that.
like if I charged for something I put on GH... and then GH took 25% that would be pretty annoying.
@monners yeah :(
don't say that
I know man, thats why I stopped buying early access.
you make me feel scared
I can be patient enough to wait until a game is released.
@Loktar Imagine DayZ but with the Battlefield engine. That would be the greatest game the earth has ever known
@KendallFrey GH's cash cow doesn't even come from consumer-level stuff

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