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@MujahedAKAS There's no in the question.
I'm so confused
@MujahedAKAS downvoted
Wait, are you sending data from the server for the client to parse and back to the server?
thanks for pointing out stupid answers!
That's not even a solution
He's not parsing anything
async: false That hurts.
At first I thought he was making fun of someone's answer
That's asyc: false, a pointless unrecognised option that won't harm anything
I don't think I've ever seen $.ajax used so out of place.
The way it's written now - and it's an exercise for the answerer to find out why - it will not send any request, however.
I thought if the url property was omitted, it would request the current page?
Yeah it'd be one thing if it sent a request
Because then the ajax would be doing something
But he's basically just calling the callback
OK... so... how again did it get an upvote?
So it's requesting the current page, and blocking with async: false.
For no reason at all
I should start doing that
we just all TILed a totally useless piece of information
Wrap every script in a useless ajax call
$.ajax().then(function() { /* the new document.ready */ });
what's TIL ?
> Today I learned
Today I learned
/* wait until the document is ready. Twice over just to be sure. */
$(function() {
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $.ajax().then(function(response) {
            /*Just to be sure*/
Now, just search for any old SO question
- How do I make page loading twice as long ?
- How can I block loading the current page ?
- Is it possible to make that current page load with $.ajax less verbose ?
Gonna get so much rep from this
except the SO search is so shitty :(
Why cant they just get a few pointers from the guys at google
You should be shameful
Dw i thought it was a good joke
But I achived what Question was asked about, you can check it on fiddle. Why I got 5 downvotes?
So... two questions. A sock of whose was this guy posting an intentionally bad answer, and how did it get an upvote?
@MujahedAKAS 1...4) it wouldn't work even if it was running on a client machine, and 5) it isn't running on a client machine.
Even if you ignore the ajax crap, it still isn't a solution
omg @GNi33 you look like 10 years older than with your icecream.
I feel 10 years older :D
@MujahedAKAS For more information, would you please listen to the chat the next time you post a link there?
You're supposed to look for every instance of an <h2> and replace it with a <strong>
You're putting a <strong> inside a div
after you load the current page through AJAX
Am I within my rights to downvote someone who answers a duplicate question?
he could have entered this chat, posted the question and left the room
@KarelG bad idea
@MujahedAKAS If you search php replace html tag you will find answers on SO.
@dievardump how are you doing?
@BenFortune marking as duplicate is maybe better than just downvote
@BenFortune depends
Q: Get value of another property in same object nodejs

user1740962I the following code in my project var t = require('joi'); var bdd = require('./../bdd'); module.exports = [ { method: 'GET', path: '/getAllParties', handler: function (request, reply) { //some code }, config:{ description: this.path + " route." } } ]; ...

@JanDvorak he did that with 4 different rooms
@GNi33 Pretty good thanks, and yourself?
@KarelG but... why?
fine, thanks. Are you still in Berlin?
to get quick answers ?
... and then ignore them?
@BenFortune no need to downvote in my opinion (and I am a serial downvoter)
I was expecting upvotesz.
@MujahedAKAS how come?
Don't be an upvote whore
@GNi33 Living there from time to time. I also am a lot in France these days. I don<t really know where I live anymore aha.
SO is a serious site, not a farm where you can get rep / upvotes. Unless you're rlemon.
I still want to visit Austria though.
who is rlemon.?
TypeError: Cannot read property 'format' of undefined
do i need to put this function in document ready ?
Q: JavaScript equivalent to printf/string.format

Chris SI'm looking for a good JavaScript equivalent of the C/PHP printf() or for C#/Java programmers, String.Format() (IFormatProvider for .NET). My basic requirement is a thousand separator format for numbers for now, but something that handles lots of combinations (including dates) would be good. I ...

i tried it either way but it doesn't work
@dievardump you should. I'm currently living in Salzburg. A trip to Berlin would be pretty awesome too, I never been
@MujahedAKAS rlemon is a canadian farmer who knows what coding is
@MujahedAKAS One of the frequents here. By the way I think you should go to the PHP room instead of this room.
Ignore me, i found the issue
@KarelG A very professional farmer indeed :)
@GNi33 a German friend of mine lives there. I was planning to visit him these summer, i'll tell you if I do!
What is code
great :)
@BenFortune a secret language to be able to chat with an entity, more specific : Illuminati
And you ought to tell me if you come by Berlin, of course. Really nice city.
@BenFortune I closed thequestion you linked to
I wanted a Haddaway response :(
@Sheepy you're sending him over there because you think we are horrible people, don't you?! :(
Baby don't hurt me
There you go
@dievardump absolutely
@dystroy Thanks.
@BenFortune I've heard it is something like 01101001. Think Matrix.
Matrix code isn't binary though ;)
Everything is binary
@GNi33 (roll eyes) It's for your good. Eating him would be bad for your health.
Oo, Kerbel Space Program has left early access
did kendall not have mentioned it yesterday ?
That entire thread is just absolutely hilarious
@THE Try this:
String.prototype.format = function() {
  var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
  return this.replace(/\{([0-9]+)\}/g, function(match, key) {
    return args[key] || '';
So you can use it like this:
console.log('aa {0} {1}'.format(1, 'Yay'));
@RoelvanUden Don't put stuff on standard prototypes!
I haven't seen the sequel yet
The first one touched my heart
@JanDvorak I don't give a shit, I'm touching that prototype. Aren't I bad-ass?
@JanDvorak Can I flag that message for its sin of extending String.prototype? >:-(
@RoelvanUden No. You're not bad-ass, you are future-fragile
How would you feel if someone extended your prototype?
I still don't care. ;o
Your solution could break literally the next day if Firefox decides to add yet another proprietary function to their browser
Like with eval, I woudl say : Don't put stuff on standard prototypes (unless you know what you're doing).
@JanDvorak make it as a weird name, that it wouldn't be a problem
Oh man the religious wars you get for supplying the exact thing someone is looking for.
You know, ES7 has already renamed Array.contains into Array.includes exactly because too many bad-ass people added their own contains.
... or if W3C has something prepared and Google is quick
With a "weird name" it loses relevance.
like String.prototype.fuckformatthisstring
PHP is full of weird names that got stuck
= function() {return true;};
It might make sooome sense with symbols, but they went off the roadmap. Also, I'm pretty sure V8 would hate you if you stuck a private symbol on a prototype
... or anything, because just by sticking a function on a prototype you force it to instantiate the box just to pass it as a context to your function.
@RoelvanUden why'd you do that? We have native templates :D
@MujahedAKAS why exactly did you undelete your answer?
@BenjaminGruenbaum He asked >_<
user image
Aww :(
Tell be a browser that doesn't do that
@KarelG haha priceless
@Meredith No userscript support
I'm running a userscript in lynx right now
I just tried opening the chat in lynx. Disappointed.
@JanDvorak No, but now I undeleted it.
@MujahedAKAS Why?
I thought My all votes will get laps.
g2g before I divulge a bunch of swearwords towards this^ "person"
I regret being too lazy to read the question and then check I can downvote the answer...
@BenjaminGruenbaum that answer of some user insisting to get upvotes
but it doesn't matter
Why are developers asking those questions ? Do they even try ?
Q: Nesting an array of objects in javascript by matching details

shmnswI have an array of objects and some of the objects shares the same id, is there a quick way to nest them so they can be grouped, such as from: var items = [ { id: 5, title: 'wow', name: 'item1' }, { id: 5, title: 'wow', name: 'item2' }, ...

people can be lazy ^^
Pfff... I need to launch a vm because I'm told there's a rendering problem on FF on windows :(
The fuck you trying to do Skype?
@dystroy which rendering problem ? i'm a FF user
@BenFortune skype is the most buggy program I have on my computer

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