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7:00 PM
For starters, use Sublime Text or Atom.IO
and Id be like, "make something better in a different editor bitch"
if DW was free I feel like it wouldn't get as much flack
Also, if you're heavily into web, look into WebStorm.
then id slam my monitor down and walkaway.
@BenjaminGruenbaum essentially, I want to intercept catch on the promise and slip a chain of error handlers in, using the class/instanceof to decide which is most appropriate. If one matches and returns a value, then pass that back. I don't know if resolving with the swapped-out value or rejecting is more appropriate.
7:00 PM
sure it is bloated and has a shit tonne of issues. but if they gave it away I feel like people would be like "eh, bloatware. not a big deal"
but it is costly. so it gets flamed hard
Does anyone use Kraken on top of ExpressJS?
@rlemon yeah definitely
@ssube just use bluebird?
even this example is still not universal: jsfiddle.net/Q47ya
actually I wonder what it does cost now
7:01 PM
It has typed and predicate catches
since Adobe moved to subscription pricing
@BenjaminGruenbaum it can catch on error type?
@Loktar $30/month I think
@rlemon Totes.
well shit
7:01 PM
@ShotgunNinja 19
but yeah thats too pricey
@ssube bluebird is pragmatic, not theory bs. You can catch on type and/or on a predicate
that is insane prices
thats w/o a student license though
Bluebird cured my cancer.
7:02 PM
student prices are so damn cheap.
even VS before they gave it away was like $500 and you own it outright
I pay $10/month for photoshop actually
@Luggage ur kidding right?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I see that now. Exactly what I was trying to do.
@Loktar I payed the 2200 or something to buy the suite
no monthly subs
fuck it
7:02 PM
@Charly YOU'RE kidding, right?
@rlemon you cant anymore
you could a year and a bit ago
I paid $700 for photoshop CS6 actually :/
7:02 PM
it wasn't easy to find tho
they were already cramming the subscription cloud crap on me
but afaik CC you have to do monthly
@ssube Yes, but that's only for asynchronous code
I disabled grammarly on this page so yeah
@Loktar lemmy check what 'suit' I got
I wasn't correcting your spelling. I mean.. asking me if i'm kidding, surely YOU must be kidding.
7:03 PM
@copy all synchronous code can pretend to be asynchronous
no JS library can cure cancer as far as I know.
maybe es6.
and then you don't have to worry when you actually make it async
programming is so unrelated to cancer...
@ssube I'm not going to wrap all my synchronous code in Promises
Awesome, we'll get dyanmic property names in chrome 44 code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=3754#c16
7:04 PM
@Loktar I lied, it was "Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design Standard " and only cost me $1600
@copy maybe not ALL, but a good reason to accept promises as return values is that you can change functiosn to be async later without worry
found the confirmation email
ah yeah CS6 was the last pay for keep forever vs
If you know your return value will go thourhg Promise.resolve()
August 23, 2013 I got it
7:05 PM
I bought PS CS6 and they announced CC like 2 months later :/
damn, didn't seem like that long ago
time flies man
I was so pissed because upgrade editions were usually way cheaper
so I was excited to get CS7 at a reduced price
@Luggage xactly
@Luggage Absolutely, but that doesn't help with error handling
@rlemon haha yeah it does
7:06 PM
eh, I still use GIMP
ohh.. yea, maybe not
@copy but once you've wrapped the code, you can use bluebird's exception type matching
owns 1600 design suite..... uses GIMP
which is what I was trying to reinvent
7:06 PM
yeah everywhere I've worked though the designers have used PS
I use Gimp, too. but i'm not really a graphics person. just the odd croping, colro chagne, etc.
so its helped that I know how to use it and already own it
we got it to edit pdf's
What is the CSS selector for something that has 2 classes something.foo.bar?
no joke
7:07 PM
> colro chagne
> need Adobe pro, buy the entire Adobe suite!
pretty much
work expense
why not
@ShotgunNinja the odd thing is.. I WRITE like that, too.
> needs a linux vm. buys a new laptop
@copy fwiw I'm with you here.
still liking the laptop?
7:08 PM
lovin it
@Luggage They have a name for that, I think it's dylsexia
Also, this is me a year ago @ssube esdiscuss.org/topic/…
as much as I can love a laptop that is
I don't think I am really dylsexic. Or if I am it's very very minor.
@Luggage lol
dyslexic, not dylsexic
7:09 PM
I have none of the other reading problems associated with it. It's just when I write i sometimes skip letters and have to squeeze some in. It's not realted to my bad typing.
that was just a normal spelling mistake
> realted
!!tell ShotgunNinja joke
ok, ok.
7:09 PM
> When comforting a grammar Nazi, I always say softly, “There, their, they’re.”
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's not a new concept, only catching errors that you can handle or that belong to you
dude, I'm so fucking bored and exhausted today. I'm not picking up trolling at all.
although throwing in JS in general is pretty new
7:10 PM
I literally have nothing I can work on today except wait for people to review my code
everyone remember my drinking bird?
@ShotgunNinja Listen to this, it'll calm you youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0
he's still going...
bullshit. there is always code to write.
@rlemon What a busy birdie
Also, hangouts later?
7:11 PM
@Luggage I could write code, but I've been yelled at for writing code that wastes the company's time.
the back of his head has some serious calcium marks from where the water evaporates
but yea, still going. like 2-3 weeks now
Crazy. @ShotgunNinja
@ShotgunNinja What? Do you work at a Liberian sweat shop?
7:13 PM
@Zirak Nope, just a company with a shitty, outdated software process and tools trying to keep up with business demands.
@Zirak caps done that twice in the past couple days
@CapricaSix I get it
her 'memory' gets bogged down and she dupes and response a minute or two later
...weird. Do you possibly have connection issues?
seems okay right now
7:14 PM
she isn't being throttled either
I assumed it was throttle related
I think toggle() is deprecated in jQuery is that true?
!!jquery toggle
7:15 PM
why don't people just check the docs?
!!afk I just can't even.
Is there a way to get case-sesitive innerHTML/outerHTML out of elements created by document.createElement and friends?
the click here buttons on this page do not work in Chrome api.jquery.com/toggle
@AwalGarg working with xml?
@Luggage yeap :(
7:20 PM
@JoJo this are images
there are real button further down labeled "toggle" in the demo section
still bad UI though right?
@AwalGarg can't help, just curious :)
np :)
but i was using a css inliner the other day adn had to patch it to support xml so i immediately thought that when yu said case sensitive
(inlining css into svg to feed to apache FOP)
7:22 PM
@AwalGarg Nope
It's only case sensitive on xml, on html always lowercased
This is per spec IIRC
Does the spec allow tags like skdlvskvbskyvbehv?
Why not?
you can register custom element in html.
but all browsers accept them without error anyway.
I have a variable storing a JQuery object. How do I add a :nth-child filter to get rid of all other elements in the object?
7:26 PM
@Zirak "always lowercased" then why do .tagName and .nodeName return uppercase normalized tags?
if it's a jquery object, jsut chain more calls
.filter() or some such
html4 or 5?
@AwalGarg Isn't history wonderful?
html4 is all uppercase, html5 lowercase
localName will be case sensitive
o.O I was looking @ jquery api and somehow skipped .filter()...
7:26 PM
Or wait, maybe it won't
@Luggage thanks
@Luggage hmm, 5 I think.
does anyone have a .toggle() example where they are NOT hardcoding an #id please.. ?
@Zirak doesn't seem to work for me :/
7:28 PM
.. OR selector
tagName was always uppercase for historical reasons. localName is case sensitive if it's xml
.toggle on any 'jQuery result'
@JoJo I showed you a vanilla one earlier
can you please share again, I want to get this right
what are you trying to toggle? a specific element? the element that you are clicking?
7:30 PM
not the element I am click.. if I click an x button I want to toggle that parent div id like this
<img id="closeAlertsPreview" onclick="ShowHideElement('divAlertsPreview', 'hide');"
function ShowHideElement(elementID, state) {
    $(this).click(function () {
        if (state == "show") {
            $("#" + elementID).show();
        } else {
            $("#" + elementID).hide();
remember that .toggle() works on ANY* jquery result, so.. look for the one that give you the parent of the current element. I think it's called .parent()
@Zirak @Luggage hah! if doc mode is xml, innerHTML and outerHTML are case-sensitive too! :D
but that is not really universal
what if I want the child next time somewhere else
7:31 PM
you'll also need to look up how to get the current element inside a jquery click event. I forget how but i'm sure it's simple and documented
Anyone have any recommendations for what they've used to profile node with?
@JoJo $(this).toggle() ?
or $(this).parent().toggle() since he wants the container
what if (this) is just a img tag
<img id="closeAlertsPreview" onclick="ShowHideElement('divAlertsPreview', 'hide');"
don't do this
7:32 PM
what if I want the child next time?
then look for the jquery method that gives children
Now what!?
i'll gie vyou a clue. it's not called .parent()
so now you have to pass parent or child in the event call
@Luggage iz it called .kids()?
7:34 PM
@JoJo I'm very confused. What do you want to do?
I have to pass an element ID to a jquery toggle()
@Zirak he wants to do this jsfiddle.net/bh1e070w/1
I presume
No you don't. You can pass the jquery object.
I also don't understand why you're calling functions from within the onclick attribute
7:35 PM
close rlemen but what if we dont want to hide the parent but a child? that is why we should pass the element ID
it is so much easier to do this without using attribute listeners
57 secs ago, by Zirak
No you don't. You can pass the jquery object.
.find() for finding children.
prolly went to w3schools :/
@JoJo no! you just find the element relative to the one you are acting on
7:36 PM
i know jquery's docs are a bit ugly, but they are actually informative.
with samples and all.
listeners are for noobs. Just fire methods after random intervals and hope for the best
listeners are unreliable in some IE modes to boot
@Mosho Oh yeah, did you make a gist with meeting topics?
IE has many problems but its event work just fine. At least for what you want.
7:38 PM
I think they fail in "Compatibility Mode" in IE 9 but that is a whole NOTHER topic
see I think some of you all are putting out broken code and you dont know it...
I digress
IE makes sweet cooing sounds while stroking my jquery
@Zirak the spec says set the namespace to the html namespace. But it doesn't differentiate in what to do in different document modes. Then why do the functions work differently in different document modes?
Your insults make me want to help you more.
no, wait.. that other thing.
(Can we not do the "star the message we don't like" thing, guys?)
@AwalGarg It says to lowercase if it's html
@Retsam Life is funnier this way
7:40 PM
@JoJo yea, we don't know how to code at all ;)
What's a more elegant way to do something like this across a variety of routes?
no one tests
Router.map(function() {
  var namespace = function(action) {
    return 'Repositories.' + action;
  var namespace = "Repositories";
  this.route(namespace('edit'), {
    path: '/repositories/:repoSlug/edit',
    template: namespace('edit');
    data: function() {
      return Repositories.findOne({slug: this.params.repoSlug});
@JoJo add a class like "hideParent" to each of the elements you want the parent of hidden
@Zirak Feels a bit too much like mockery for my comfort...
7:40 PM
we just copy pasta all day
well, i don't always test..
but ..
that's only becasue i have quirksmode.org loaded into my brain
@Zirak might be because of cookies... but where?
and kung fu
Testing? Yeah, I just don't make mistkaes. A lot easier.
<img class="hideParent" src="">
$('.hideParent').on('click', function() {
    var parent = $(this.parentNode);
7:41 PM
@Jhawins ok
honestly not trying to insult, just discuss
But good luck, I know you only copy/paste and that will cause you problems..
I copy/paste for 70k
no I wrote this, but want to learn better so here :)
function ShowHideElement(elementID, state) {
    $(this).click(function () {
        if (state == "show") {
            $("#" + elementID).show();
        } else {
            $("#" + elementID).hide();
format it or leave
7:42 PM
this is like the 10th time @JoJo
ah fuck
It's more important than you realize.
No one tried to run my code...
@Jhawins that is a nice "Parent" solution, but NOT a universal solution to hide the specified/passed div id
formatted code makes it easier to spot mistakes and think in an organized fashion.
7:42 PM
I thoguht I was being clever
@JoJo ~_~
@JoJo psh change parent.................dots....?
@Jhawins what do you mean?
function showHide(selector, state) {
  $(selector).toggle(state); // READ THE DOCS FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7:43 PM
!!define programmatic
:drops keyboard:
@Jhawins programmatic of, or relating to a step-by-step program, especially a computer program
You're making a hack job. Just do whatever works idgaf
@rlemon so are you passing state then?
7:44 PM
@rlemon you haven't made a canvas thing in so long
@JoJo good luck have fun
@Jhawins yea I've been lame
buying a house took a lot out of me
mostly money
it was stressful
I'll just use createElementNS
I have to find a new apartment in the next couple of days, since my lease is up on Saturday
I'm going to see one today that I might just put the deposit down on when I get there, lol
7:47 PM
I'm confused to say the least: so, looking at this animation some of the slices are overlapping, and I really can't understand why
cutting it kind of short, there.
gonna be homeless in 3 dyas
starting from line 15 I define the number of splits, the amount of radiants every splice has...
@Luggage It's been really hectic... bad timing.
and I define the starting rad as i*deltaRad in the for loop, and the ending one as (i+1)*deltaRad again
7:49 PM
so, my canvas is just ctx.arc(x, y, radius, srad, erad)... I really don't get how did it go wrong
this was the most recent thingy I did and it isn't even canvas
ohh yea, mouse over the image
@towc looks cool
7:52 PM
I love making things look like they are glowing like that
still, I'm quite irritated by that overlap
ah you did it a different way too
using shadow nice
I end up having 2 canvas elements, one at like 1/4th the size of the other and I render the entire scene to it, then stretch it atop of the actual canvas
also gives a nice glow effect
why, is there a standard way?
I dont think there is really any standard way, just how I do it :p (and I picked it up at some point)
thats a pen I use it on
but yours you get more control
anyway it looks pretty cool man
7:55 PM
oooh, I see
thats where I first used the method
a game I made for friggin ever ago with c# openGL
@Loktar vertigo warning much
@rlemon what do you get?
@towc could use some more comments... Not sure why you did some things
7:57 PM
@Loktar mini-heart attack, engage
@Jhawins as?
@Loktar looks cool!
Oh I see now
Congrats.. you just hid the title bar div... not the parent >> parent >> container
$('.hideParent').on('click', function() {

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