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/me bows
thank you, thank you
!!afk lunch
@SomeKittens Still snickering like a little girl
Now I'm snickering about @Zirak snickering like a little girl
HAngouts tonight?>
@RyanKinal promises to be there
right ryan?
if you buy me pizza
> A horse walks into a bar. The bartender asks the horse if it's an alcoholic considering all the bars he frequents, to which the horse replies I don't think I am" POOF! The horse disappears.
From reddit, still funny.
I don't get it
a horse walks into a bar. the bartender says "why the long face?"
Ummm. Maybe. Depends on the time. My philosophy group meets at 8:30...
@rlemon Depending on the time, sure. I'll definitely be available tomorrow though.
@NickDugger "I don't think I am"
@rlemon the horse replies: "My wife is slowly dying of cancer."
It's a philosophy joke
I still don't get it
I get it now
hm.. i'm going to forget a lot of semi-colons while migrating to es6
@Luggage example?
example of what? i use coffee right now and don't use semicolons
The horse replies: "From the first single-celled organism, life forms have grown, evolved and branched out to a myriad of fabulous and gruesome creatures. My ancestors have slowly evolved, over time, into what you see today before you: A horse, a creature, a spawn of uncountable deaths.
Some say there's no purpose behind all this. Some say it's chance. But nay (pun intended). There is a reason.
See, you too are a creature of evolution and folly. You too a cultivation of ancestors. And it was all for this, this meeting, this encounter. This joke.
i'm not sure it's a good idea to mix, but .. gotta start somewhere
I love coffee but es6 solves most of the issues that drove me there.
@rlemon Ashamed to say I haven't seen that
@rlemon Hah, nope. That's the other guitarist's lady ;-)
@Zirak -_-
We just took pictures for an instagram thing and half of them are me not looking at the camera
@RyanKinal their appt must be really cold
@Luggage I know that feeling
@RyanKinal Hey, it's you!
and return keywords.. i'm missing a lot of them.
@Zirak Hey, it is!
You're both left handed
hipsters! the lot of you
Well... no... the video is reversed.
Also it was COLD that night
just wear your hair up then
Good idea, lol
crap.. no properties on classes in es6, only functions?
what? sure there are
It sounds nice, but would sound really good if recorded properly. You're being swallowed by the other dude most of the time, and the acoustics aren't that great. But nice work!
class Foo {
  static bar = 3;

  constructor() {
    this.baz = 5;

  sum() {
    return Foo.bar + this.baz;

console.log(new Foo().sum());
there is no public contract on what should be private members
in this case, I need my 'bar' do be on the instance. Right now it's on the prototype but I'll ahve to put it in the constructor as this.bar = ...
@ssube I kind of like the "Is it private? Don't expose it" kind of convention.
not a big deal, but it was so pretty before
@SecondRikudo it's a law in many places
@RyanKinal Your singer has a good voice
That's why I tend to use classes and prototypes for very specific usecases
this._private = 42 is an ugly hack.
@Zirak She's pretty incredible. This song doesn't showcase it, but she has a ridiculous range.
@Zirak Link?
@RyanKinal you're part of that band?
I'm the guy on the right
With the acoustic
In case you didn't recognize me :-D
Voyager is extremely funny.
When I took a second look, I recognized your goatee
I love folk/blues
This is good ._.
apparently I don't even jQuery: jsbin.com/hirajuluti/1/edit
I'm staring at the beards though
I imagine it sounds even better in person
What I do is jade when I mean to html hahaaha
:( my office is 26C :(
God dammit now I have to read this mess of a chart
@SterlingArcher Haha
We're looking to record a short demo pretty soon
according to that the only reason to learn c# is to work for microsoft
@SecondRikudo me too. Encourages immutability, interfaces/contracts through methods, etc.
and obviously made by a python fan.
@RyanKinal I thnk you should change your name to "petroleum nucleic acid"
PNA for short
@SterlingArcher Well that was stupid
@darkyen00 entire series is on netflix right now
@rlemon I like it!
and my HDD
@RyanKinal remember me when PNA goes multi platinum
can you write a song for me titled "... and he was a lemon"
@Zirak I agree
Haha. I'll see what I can do about the song
@rlemon netflix + india === fail
youtube + india === win win
@darkyen00 spotify?
proxies don't work in India?
@rlemon the net speed itself is a pita.
download the entire series, or just send a usb drive to united states and get it back in less time.
I'm sure there are places in EU you can mail it to cheaper with better speeds than the USA
@rlemon Does io.js work just like node.js?
not just like it, no
What's going on in the last example code at: babeljs.io/docs/learn-es6/#template-strings (template string)
but, pretty similarly.
the GET'... line
Besides the ES6 features.
I get the string interpoltion but not the GET' right before it.
In which example @Luggage
Content-Type: application/json
X-Credentials: ${credentials}
{ "foo": ${foo},
"bar": ${bar}}`(myOnReadyStateChangeHandler);
It's an ES6 Http Request isnt it?
Hi guys
@PavelPatrin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ohh, es6 defines it's own http request syntax?
No, I think it's a function. Not sure though.
I've heard you don't need parenthisis with the template strings
// this is an extreme bandaid fix
... 50 lines of utter crap
// excuse me while I go throw up
assuming i could replace the interpolated stirng with a normal string literal it'd be:
GET'some string'()
no, GET is the handler for the interpolation
it's a weird feature that lets you do scary things
do you knwo what the feature is called so I can read about it?
ahh, ty.
Room meeting: how is everyone with next Thursday at 7pm UTC?
@Luggage challenge: Implement the GET interpolator from your code sample
!!convert 7pm UTC to MST
@Shmiddty Unidentified format; please see /help convert
yer maw
Yeah I can do 7pm utc
@Mosho the 23rd?
@rlemon was trying to be fair.
Room meeting: how is everyone with next Thursday (23/4) at 7pm UTC?
1GBPS anywher ?
@Mosho 7pm + 5:30 = 12:30 for me.
and amaan and awal garrg
so i'd say pretty great.
3:00 PM Wednesday, Eastern Time (ET)
I'll be working
that's 2PM, so if I can work from home, it should actually work.
@rlemon would that stop you though
I'm in the lemons Timezone
@Mosho possibly.
Actually I will have an exam the next day.
how about the weekend
i will be travelling back to office
@Mosho Saturday, I think, will be best for everyone
Saturday 7pm UTC
@Mosho during work, but w/e
Actually I will be in the meeting despite what-ever time you choose
even when travelling. :-)
Why does this work ? console.log`1`// ['1']
@Shmiddty Almost there.. trying to combine the arrays
the string and values
@Catgocat ask on Main, that's a very good question
!!> console.log1
@KendallFrey "undefined" Logged: ["1"]
oh wait
Q: What is the usage of the backtick symbol (`) in JavaScript?

caesarwangA backtick seems to work the same as a single quote symbol, so I could use it to define a string like this: var s = `abc`; Is there any way in which the backtick actually differs from a single quote?

!!> console.log '1'
@KendallFrey "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
templating string?
i get dumb when i don't have access to lodash
Why doesn't it need parenthisis
!!> console.log `1`;
@darkyen00 "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
most likely it does.
works with any function :o interesting
@darkyen00 "undefined" Logged: ["1"]
@darkyen00 backticks
Ah okay
!!> 1
@darkyen00 "1"
brace yourselfes
console.log hello worlds; are coming
@SterlingArcher lol that the deleted answer has more upvotes
!!> "abcs".toUpperCase1
@SterlingArcher "ABCS"
Hey @loktar what's the internet speed??
Does it beat my 20mbps down? haha
@Catgocat are you asking on Main? Im very interested to know why it logs a raw array
> console.log`1`
["1", raw: Array[1]]
@Jhawins one sec.
Tagged template strings

Example: If a template string is preceded by an expression it is considered a tagged template string. The expression before the template string is called with the parsed template string.

function tag(strings, ...values) {
assert(strings[0] === 'a');
assert(strings[1] === 'b');
assert(values[0] === 0);
return 'whatever';
tag `a${ 42 }b` // "whatever"
serves you ?
@SterlingArcher @Catgocat
@Jhawins hmm its being slow todya
now ask the question so that i can get some bounty.
*today, only says 80mb down
anyway at home I hit around 80 as well
var file = fs.createWriteStream(path);
http.get(url, function(res) {
  file.on('finished' <-- do I no longer exist?
@Loktar lol sweet
should I be waiting for res.on('end' ??
dammit I hate the node docs
@SterlingArcher saw it ? @Catgocat ??
inb4 java hate
java sucks
@darkyen00 saw it, dont understand it
!!> console.log("hello world")
Trying to understand it lol
@darkyen00 "undefined" Logged: "hello world"
Room meeting is set for next Saturday (25/4) at 7pm UTC (local)
Omg I'm getting crazzy with iojs, the following doesnt work:
var omg = [1,2,3];

omg = omg.map(v => v + 1);

omg = omg.map(v => v + 1);
SyntaxError: Unexpected token =>
    at exports.runInThisContext (vm.js:53:16)
    at Module._compile (module.js:393:25)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:428:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:335:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:290:12)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:451:10)
    at startup (node.js:124:18)
@Mosho Hurrah!
@Catgocat io doesn't support arrow functions, the one thing people wanted io to support
@Catgocat I personally just use babel-node
and pass it io.js
@ItachiUchiha That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: d, π
@Shmiddty es6fiddle.net/i8j78thy I simplified it.. a LOT
and had to quickly read how to use xmlhttprequest natively since i don't ussually..
to do the headers like the oroginal exmaple woudl involve a lot more work.
@SterlingArcher in babel type it in
"use strict";

var _taggedTemplateLiteral = function (strings, raw) { return Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(strings, { raw: { value: Object.freeze(raw) } })); };

console.log(_taggedTemplateLiteral(["1"], ["1"]));
seems to be an es6 thing with templates
@Luggage the only way it would be better is if you return a promise
Finally replied to a PR comment that I've been meaning to get to for... almost a month now. Whoops.
GET`http://example.com/api/rest/stuff`({param: foo}).then(it => console.log(it))
Oh that's right, babel is the weird ass name for es6 now isn't it
or the es5toes6 site or whatever
@ssube I was reproducing (in part): babeljs.io/docs/learn-es6/#template-strings
that's right
@SterlingArcher oh dear brother
its merely tagging it.
which wasn't a promise.. but yea. I wouldn't use a tagged template string for this anyway.
@SterlingArcher BabelJS is 6-to-5 the framework for translating ES6 code to ES5. The "weird name for ES6" that you're thinking of is probably ES2015
tagged template srtings look very powerful, but for http requests.. nah..
@darkyen00 do you know why with console.log is yields a raw: Array[1]?
The star count with bolded messages is a bit confusing. I did a double-take at "10 New Profiles Just Landed".
var _taggedTemplateLiteralLoose = function (strings, raw) { strings.raw = raw; return strings; };
from babel
what would that code do ?
console.log(_taggedTemplateLiteralLoose2(["hello world"], ["hello world"]));
especially when called like that ^ ?
So the raw: Array[3] is the number of arguments?
.reduce((obj, current) => {
    obj[current.userId] = current.score;
    return obj;
}, {});
Is there a better way of doing this in ES6?
not that I know of
Dictionary comprehension?
guys just a heads up string templates work in Chrome
JavaScript probably doesn't have it yet
the newest vs
@Loktar which is what is being discussed :P
uhh I was scrolled way up.
you can golf it using (o, c) => (o[c.id] = c.score, o) to take advantage of the return stuff
@Jhawins had a question with string templates being used on JSFiddle
You stuck em in your closure question for the interview :P
haha yeah was hoping someone was like "Oh ill use let"
no takers though lol
but at least it didnt trip anyone up
@SecondRikudo ... (obj = {}, current) ...
@phenomnomnominal I was referring to onelining the function body :P
Goes to google string templates so he knows what is being talked about
:P I just like default params
.reduce((o, c) => (o[c.userId] = c.score, o), {});
@darkyen00 I should have read that link lol
Makes a lot more sense
thank you :D
@SterlingArcher lol
@SecondRikudo it's a dirty trick, but not that dirty
i am aactually adding a real example
I reeeeally want to know how that could ever be useful
@ssube Yeah, but I wish something like this would have worked:
.reduce((obj, current) => obj[current.userId] = current.score, {});
That could have been so pretty
reduce really need another layer of abstraction
@SecondRikudo Well... lodash: _(users).indexBy("userId").mapValues("score").value()
Array.prototype.sensibleReduce = function (cb, init) { return this.reduce((p, c) => (cb(p, c), p), init); }
if you put spaces in your conditions, like ( butts ), then you're a disease
@ssube ?
That's .scan
Wait, no.
> "GraphicsProgramming": 9.99999997475243E-07,
That's just silly.
makes sense
You just want .assign
.reduce((obj, current) => Object.assign(obj, {[current.userId] : current.score})),{});
the idea is to have a version of reduce that assumes you're working on the same object the whole time and will repeatedly return it
because that's a pretty common use
@ssube that's the opposite of functional programming
yep, it's scripting
it's mutation
javascripting, specifically, where everything is mushy like mushed perterters
The .assign version is more like what you want.
ES6 is so confusing
You want to aggregate properties to an object
It's overwhelming and I feel like I'm learning JS all over again lol
@RyanKinal worst thing I ever watched the whole way through.
Why not a reduce where you return a tuple of key and value and it builds an object from that
@SterlingArcher It makes way more sense than not
@luggage thank you. Makes sense, i haven't looked into es6 at all
ES6 makes me feel like more of a programmer

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