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@copy wat?
I think he was using sarcasm
copy doesn't speak as much as others, I dunno his sarcasm
.querySelectorAll("tr[id*=post]") means select all tr which id starts with 'post'?
contains, but yeah
ok thanks
updated a bit more
document.body.innerHTML += "<p>" + (i + 1) + ". " + el.name + " (<a href='" + el.link + "'>Profile</a>): " + el.score + "</p>";
document.body.innerHTML += `<p> ${i + 1}. ${el.name} (<a href='${el.link}'>Profile</a>): ${el.score} </p>`
stackoverflow.com/a/4611582/2476755 does this fit the definition of NAA? I edited the answer to give better attribution, but it's still link-only.
seen it
@royhowie That doesn't make a lot of sense without knowing the domain of the data you are going to serialise. Walking a binary tree is a different question.
@mintsauce I'm asking whether it falls under the category of "not an answer." It's link-only. I flagged it and got declined.
I'd say it's not a question.
So any answer is not an answer IMHO.
I'm considering bringing it up on meta
that made me think of you, I need to try it still. Can't beat the price!
@Shmiddty yup, clean (latest) driver install cured it
Where (if anywhere) can/should I deploy a website /w docker for free?
@Loktar I'll try it
cool, yeah it looks decent, especially for being free
You should try I Wanna Be The Boshy
@royhowie SO doesn't have very high standards. Just slightly above baseline.
@copy is it on Steam?
No, but it's free
cool Ill grab it
> I Wanna Be the Boshy (Boshy for short), is a highly difficult fangame based on IWBTG. It is regarded by the majority of the community as one of the most difficult of the fangames currently released so far; it has a high quantity of RNG-based (randomly generated) events, and a variety of jump scares along the way.
lol Oh great
@m59 define "deploy"
@Loktar It's also more well-made than most other fangames
!!tell loktar youtube GDQ I wanna be the boshy
I haven't used Docker before. I've got a website (node server) that should have minimal traffic. I could host it on OpenShift for free, but I'd like to use Docker for the experience. @SomeKittens (host)
nice, yeah Im just commenting on it being "One of the most difficult" IWBTG is already insane...
@SomeKittens.... he makes it look so easy..
@Loktar I also grabbed H1Z1, by the way
oh nice, that game is pretty fun
But I'm not happy about how unfinished it is, at least so far
hah, dude.. whats crazy is its already like 200% better than Dayz
thats probably why I was able to look past its blemishes
because it was so "complete" when it comes to multiplayer survival sims
I'll wait a bit more
@Loktar What what what?
There's a better version of DayZ?
yeah h1z1 imo
and many others opinions
Is this on Steam?
its still early access, however Sony Online Entertainment (Now daybreak games) is making it
so its a relatively known company
Boooo, Windows only
Ok, that looks pretty sweet
Massive maps?
its a pretty good size
That was the big part about DayZ for me, I loved the size of the maps
more players per server than Dayz as well
not sure if they released the actual number yet of players per server but I want to say like 200 or so?
I havent played in about a month and a half or so, so I havent kept up with the pace of development really.
Q: JavaScript Scroll Script - Fires in test, not on dev site

Tim SalabimMy script to replace the logo upon scroll works here in the test 'http://jsfiddle.net/timsalabim/opek5mtz/` <!-- Logo Scroll --> var img = document.querySelector('.logo_h__img img'); // get the element img.dataset.orig = img.src; // dataset document.addEventListener('scroll', function (e) { //...

@mintsauce it's actually rather annoying
what's up boiiiis?
Anyone know how to enable new Array().fill() on Chrome? I have enabled the experiment flag and restarted but it is still undefined.
The relevant patch was landed a year ago: codereview.chromium.org/240873002
@Vimzy and girls
what is girls
Fine. There are no girls.
Maybe there's a reason for that.
Hi,I have function running interval every 1 second...why is that I already used the closure method,..After 5 minutes of waiting,my browser will
crash or get not responding If I click on a marker...can you help please me why this will always crash.

Thank you in advance.

function myfunction(){

for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){


google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', (function (marker, con, infowindow) {
return function () {
infowindow.open(map, marker);
In chrome's developer tools console, is there a way to temporarily pause all registered interval timers on a page?
Hi guys, can anybody recommend a React boilerplate similar to MEAN stack? I'd like to just toy with it to see if I like it
@taco Something like todomvc.com ?
@rlemon Alright, I'm going to get 4. Hopefully they'll be powerful enough
@Zirak ERMAGERD That's so awesome! :D
I feel different.
@VictorLopez Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
who wants to be mod here?
I can't see your name on election page
Because meh
Meh is a very common argument.
lol, I wouldn't put myself up for mod. That's a young man's game
ohh meh
Do you code scripts?
Like, scripts.
I've been known to script the odd codez
@monners I'm impressed you even managed to get online, old man
@SomeGuy My grandson helped me
Turns out ya gotta plug the computer in before you can use it as anything other than a tv dinner tray
I'm trying to find a ChaiScript room but there is no such thing as that.
!!google chaiscript
^ I am sure this was written by indians
Why do you say that?
"chai" is hindi term which means "tea"
"coffee"script => "tea"script => "chai"script
99% sure
@Mr_Green You seem to be incorrect github.com/orgs/ChaiScript/people
A lot of tea enthusiasts know what "chai" is
I can go down to street level right now and get a "chai latte" if I leaned that way, and I'm far from India
This is the result of using ChaiScript i.imgur.com/avCBgQs.png
Early development but it seems it will be a good framework.
ohh ok
Actually I'm coding this
@VictorLopez You can probably just use the C++ room
Or ask there, at least
u I asked there but they said it is not C++
Why do we get questions from all the other languages? Is the the script in JavaScript or something?
@VictorLopez We'd probably respond the same way if we were asked an in-depth question about TypeScript
I'm looking for someone to join the development cycle. A partner-in-code.
Have you tried Craigslist?
^ nice
@monners Not that kind of partner D:
Pffft, multitask
It's open source but I can't really find advice in where to spam my code.
monners, you a javascript professional?
I'm a frontend developer
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
great me too
Which actually means: Assemble, SCSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Node, Grunt, Gulp, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, OmniGraffle, Ruby, etc, etc :P
ohh then I am not that
I work in an agency...
like CIA?
@monners OmniGiraffle sounds like you made it up
@monners A secret agency?
@SomeKittens It would be, if that's what I said.
@VictorLopez Well, that's more of a marketing department question.
I worked till now on jquery, javascript, gulp, omnigraffle from the above list
and scss
But not HTML?
Don't neglect your semantics, man. It's important!
you didn't mention that in above list.. :/
I worked on that too :)
That falls under Assembler
We use a templating langauge
We're all about reusable modules (at least in theory we are)
I was reading an article in how to make your open source project successful. Do you have any open source projects?
I have two
Only when I'm fixing pasta
Open sauce
Step 5: Open sauce
@Mr_Green What do they do?
@SomeGuy Oh good, I was hoping that wasn't too vague
@VictorLopez one is to annotate on pdf files
I only got that because I know your sense of humour :p
it is an annotator
@SomeGuy lol, that bad, huh? :P
and other hides the browsers default ugly scroll and let you design your own scroll
Step 5 is Open sauce?
What am I reading?
@VictorLopez Ignore him, he was just joking
@SomeGuy Have you read Ready Player One yet?
Nope. It's probably what I'll read next, though
I'm reading The Nightingale right now
Ugh, so sophisticated.
@Mr_Green Seems nice
Nothing you read ever sounds fun :P
Lots of what I read is fun!
I imagine your parents standing over you as you read, whip in hand.
They don't give a shit about what I read at all
Which works for me
@monners Do you only read sci-fi?
@Mr_Green They're good. How are you promoting them?
I alternate between genres I like
@VictorLopez through my blog and SO's profile page
@SomeGuy Nope, reading an action/zombie series at the moment
Johnathon Marberry (or however you spell it)
The Joe Ledger saga
It's pretty good. Reads like action movies
@Mr_Green Hasn't anyone created an open community for open source projects? That would be a really good Idea.
Looks interesting
Might be a bit mature for you, though. Lots of sex and violence and zombies. In that order. One right after the other.
@monners You should probably update your Goodreads :p
I'd rather just read
@monners Worse than ASOIAF?
@VictorLopez like github?
!!google ASOIAF
I wouldn't know, haven't read it. Tend to avoid fantasy
@Mr_Green Something more unified. For example, projects launched when X number of developers join the development. Using social media tools.
Haven't you watched Game of Thrones?
@monners I'm sure I can handle it, regardless
I'm not really squeamish
Yeah, I was just kidding. Of course you can.
Zombies are the second cuddliest monsters in literature
Hahaha yeah
Have you read I Am Legend?
(Werewolves, before you ask)
That was a fun book
Nope, but it's on my list. Heard good things
nothing like the movie
You should, it's one of my favourites in that genre
Haven't watched the movie
Hi ladies and gents anyone has worked with machine learning in JavaScript?
@MoonOwlPrince Not yet, but I hope to
@SomeGuy unless you're a will smith fan, don't
I dont even know why they used the same title
@SomeGuy Have you read World War Z? I keep hearing that's a good one
I've watched the movie. It was decent
Not sure how similar it is to the books
What is more relevant to machine learning, big data and data science: mathematics or statistics? Which one would you major in and which one would have a minor in considering you are also a Computer Science major?
Yeah, seen the movie. Kinda liked it, but heard the book was much broader, less character focused
@MoonOwlPrince Mathematics and Statistics.
@MoonOwlPrince I'd go with statistics if those were the choices
Which kinda trumps big data and data science anyway
!!google google
Okay so... Computer Science and Statistics it will be
@MoonOwlPrince Did you take the Coursera course on Machine Learning?
Who is Caprica Six and why always pings when somebody mispells google!!?
it's a bot
She's our resident bot
She'll never stop
Does she know how to love?
that's where hammertime comes in
Q: JavaScript selector not recognised though works in test

Tim SalabimMy script to replace the logo upon scroll works here in the test 'http://jsfiddle.net/timsalabim/opek5mtz/` var img = document.querySelector('.logo_h__img img'); // get the element img.dataset.orig = img.src; // dataset document.addEventListener('scroll', function (e) { // add the event liste...

@CapricaSix Pliss stahp
What is going on?
No. I haven't taken any MOOC classes and don't think there is much time to do so because I am full-time student in university. I just started my first year.
I got into dev in my last year of Uni
Now look at me! WHEEEEEEEE
@MoonOwlPrince Graduate program?
@monners Hahahaha
Brb, breakfast
I am currently doing Computer Science and Mathematics but for my second year unsure whether to take Stats and or Maths since Mathematics is the prerequisite for both. I am a freshman who just happens to read more than he is supposed to
BRB, coffee
BRB breakfast
@VictorLopez I have no idea about it.. :|
I liked Statistics at uni, but tbh I haven't had much use of it after finishing, like 90% of the other stuff I learned there
Learning to learn is way more important in my experience
So I might as well go where my wind blows:: Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics.
I will do a triple major then
I've a master in information security and networks but only ever worked with frontend development, make of that what you wish :)
Oh! I have something to bring up and it hasn't started.
I have masters in nothing but still working as frontend dev.. just saying
Yeah, I wish I just did that instead of spending 6 years at uni
@ivarni We all would wish that but university tends to be a requirement in almost any place.
@MoonOwlPrince Well, if you can make the time, you should take the Coursera course
Andrew Ng's great, and they teach a lot of very useful things
@VictorLopez I went straight from writing a thesis on network security at deep sea oil platforms to writing Perl so I dunno
Still had a great time at uni, don't get me wrong.
@ivarni For me it was a drop out from college due to a contract in some company, later on I decided that it was not the best idea I could ever had.
I considered not going to college
But I'm in India, and I probably wouldn't ever get a decent job if I didn't
I still don't think what I'm learning at college is going to help, which is why I try to be proactive in learning on my own
We were talking about social media programming in the C++ room, and he crafted this idea after telling them about the open community, how can it be implemented? meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/290155/…
@SomeGuy I believe that what matters more than the degree is learning, having a degree is ensuring "Hey, I have the basics".
Yeah. Sadly, in India, you can get a degree without even learning the basics
Plenty of people manage to just scrape by
That's something that usually happens, reason for bad products. Even if you skip the degree later in a future you will need to re-learn, the industry is really rude in that kind of situations.
@SomeGuy I will have a look at it during my vacation if I am not working
this is an industry were most people need to learn a new skillset every 5-6 years anyway if they want to stay up-to-date
@ivarni Which is what's awesome
There's no way you can get complacent
Yeah, I love it but it's not for everyone :)
Well, I believe in computer science rather than information technology. A minimum spanning tree in 1980 is still a minimum spanning tree whether implemented in Scheme, C or C#
@MoonOwlPrince Yes, in terms of algorithms and data structures there's not much change obviously as that often comes from math in the first place
I tell everyone who's thinking about getting into software development (especially web dev), Well, I hope you like reading...
Supporting IE6 and writing HTML5 with ES6 however, not so similar
if anyone knows react-router: when I use a <Link> element, I get this: pastebin.com/LMxNPVJ1
I've tried every variation of my routing code I can think of. Just doing <Link to="contact">Contact</Link>
wait, what?
I'm using es6 wrong, it seems.
import {Link} from 'react-router'; Link is undefined...
    import Router from 'react-router';
    var {Link} = Router;
    // vs.
    import {Link} from 'react-router';
// not the same?
@m59 what is 'react-router' exporting?
something named or a default
umm, may not be same, bcoz it looks like link is a module under Router ?
Link tag is easy to write <a href="{{this.props.href}}"> {{this.props.children}} </a> simplistically .
I guess because it's CommonJS, I just get the whole exports object.
can someone help me to learn to manage time? I have to work 10 hours, so within that time I want to do angular as well as react .. but I find it hard to organize and switch between things ...
Time machine. There are some scientists working on that.
They have something called LHC but I'm not really sure about how much their R&D has achieved.
no .. I dun wanna live the same day twice ...
like the edge of tomorrow ..
Did any of use used Prerender.io before?
Mark 3 !! like Iron man ?
My wife took that :)
Talking about standard maths: I have a function g(x) that just has an algebraic formula in it of any grade. I want to write a function f(g,n) that, just by calling g an indefinite amount of times returns the coefficient of x^n
The price was painful, but I'm glad we got it. She worked really hard to develop the talent. It would be a shame for her to keep shooting with our old camera.
How would I go about defining that function?
(As always: not homework, just out of curiosity)
@m59 so you own mark III?
Hi, is there any one who can help me
@MuddasirAbbas Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@MuddasirAbbas sure
What do you need?
@Mr_Green Yep. That was her first photo shoot with it. Her previous work was with a Rebel XSI (the cheapest DSLR we could get back then)
Thanks , i want to insert 3 select boxes in database. how to insert please help me.
It's the nicest thing we own, lol.
more expensive than our car xD
and we bought it used!
still you own it.. that what matters
@MuddasirAbbas with PHP you can get the value of the boxes, and send them to the server. Ask into the PHP room
will you please share php room link
is that you in the photograph . why is the face no shown ? :P
@m59 can she be the photographer in our wedding?
Click on "all rooms" and look for the one you need
Woah, for reals?! @BadgerCat
Yeah, but I'm still waiting for the ring.
heheh. Time and location may be an obstacle, but that would be way cool if it worked out.
Well, our main guests would be everyone in this room.
Since we met here
I suppose it would be in Germany, or at least somewhere in Europe?
(that's an obstacle lol)
We're undecided, either Germany or Mexico
If I could get my boss to give me an undeserved $5k raise, it'd be a vacation ;D
Most of the important people here are american so...
I don't think so.
I can only think of 6.
Yeah, there's plenty of people in Europe too
and Israel, India, NZ
Congrats anyway :)
pre-congrats? lol
We're not engaged
ah, sorry, I misread it
I can think of less of 6 in Europe and less of 6 in asia
Yeah, but Zirak counts twice
you're forgetting Canada, eh.
Right XD
and @monners, mate ;D
yeah, everyone is important
I'm just hoping that since we're all developers, we will have infinite money to travel
hahahahaha lol. Some of us (me) are not very good / well paid devs
Mexico would be nice as I would be travelling to US soon. XD StackOverflow got me a job in the US. :D
Skillful developers don't always get paid more :(
@RahulDesai congrats
I could probably do much better, but working from home is awesome, and being self-managed is also a nice bonus. I would really love a good team and experienced lead to help me grow. And I do hate making decisions :)
@BadgerCat Thank you :)
When would it be again?
but yeah, narcolepsy is a boner. Very nice to be at home.
@towc In 4 years lol
Oh, XD
A European vacation about 4 years from now sounds pretty on point ;D
lol, just spammed gt trying to flip tabs in Chrome. #vimLife
you vim also!?
how can I make sure I keep button "hide" stick to bottom of my blue list
yeah, copy wouldn't go out with me otherwise
girl dev + vim = serious win
Though, at that point, copy could never leave you, so it's a good tradeoff, ya know.
girl dev + vim + mexicon = serious win x 3
Yeah, I love vim copy
I need to learn it better. I still cheat too much.
Disable the arrow keys
And I've found Janus to be very useful
@BadgerCat just because he's a mod you don't need to love him
He is a mod?
yeah, atleast on his laptop :P
He is root?
He is root in our apartment, but he gave me some privileges
And that has happened :(
whats that, no external urls allowed this end

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