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I want to convert my coffee to es6.. gonna be a pain.
How much of the ecosystem supports.. uh, es6?
@ThePhD babel becomes the first (ish) step in your build process, spits out valid JS, and nothing else cares
It's spotty, but you can just "transpile" it down to regular every-day ES5 Javascript.
transpiler + source maps = plenty enough
The React community supports ES6
that valid JS can be fed into your favorite module/packer tool, minifier, etc
Gotta get me a shiny transpiler.
... and then polyfill down to ES3
eslint supports babel, babel supports flow and some such things
with babel and es5-shim, you can run most es6 code on ie8
You can even make it not crash on IE7
You have many choices. plain commandline or moduels for your favorite build tool (grunt, gulp, webpack, etc)
If you have a build process at all, then using es6 should be simple.
@BoltClock Will soon be invalid with the introduction of Martijn to the mdoeration team.
newest vs of chrome supports quite a few es6 features to in strict mode
Question! The ES5 that Babel spits out, what the browser support on it? We're comtemplating using ES6 at work, but aren;t sure if babel's transpilation process supports IE8
thats what we are interviewing with
@NickDugger need another transpiler
@SecondRikudo I know. I plan to edit or at least comment on my answer then
es5 to 3
@Loktar Is there one?
linky, or do I have to work?
thats just the first one I found, but there are a couple of others
but man you guys should really look at dropping IE8 support
so many major companies have dropped it
> Like IE8.
So very not interested.
do you guys have a lot of usage still when you look at analytics?
I think everyone here is okay with ES5 being the bottom dollar.
Me? I'd drop it from a 30k height if I didn't run the risk of hurting someone
@Loktar not our clients! :(
or mine.
still heavy IE7 usage in the healtchcare industry
one of our apps still supports 7
thats worse than the government.
hospitals love ie7, that's why so many people die there
hospital born infections.. mostly computer viruses
never connect to hospital wifi.
Time to deprecate hospitals
If I upvote a bunch of questions that are good and I've answered (but didn't upvote at the time), will that trigger the serial voting reversal?
I feel like if a question is worth answering and interesting, it deserves a vote.
@ssube depends
I apologize to those uninvolved in @BenjaminGruenbaum stupidity earlier and how I responded to such a POS's actions. Moving On...
@ssube Exactly my feelings
I hate when people answer a question then don't upvote it
At least you are abbreviating your insults, now.
Im experiencing trouble with some JS methods
Yeah. The new profile said I was ~15 votes from a badge, which got me thinking. I realized that I've taken non-trivial amounts of time to answer questions that I never upvoted.
Ohh, that's why you apologized.
Assuming "BenjaminGruenbaum stupidity" means "towards BenjaminGruenbaum", you are forgiven (but remain having been warned)
and I'm NOT sad (to whomever made this remark) Infact Im so self confident that I will not stand others stupidity towards me
He still called him a POS in his apology...
Not cool
apologize again
Fucked warned
I'd just ask your JS-related question.
or, maybe it's too late.
too late
Huh, I just found out mobile kicks work
We get the most interesting people
Coming in here and calling anyone a POS you're gonna have a bad time.
kickmuted how many times?
3 now
I thought it was 4
plus me
I was gonna pick one of those to flag, then realized that @BoltClock is already here
"how can I apologize JUST ENOUGH that someone might help me?"
It was clearly not enough
after he still called Benji a POS
well guys, he is just a novice Webmaster
Yup. Miscalculation on his part.
Also, @Loktar thanks for the es3ify link. Just talked it over with my co-front end dev, and we might use it
@BenjaminGruenbaum how does it feel being a point of sale?
@NickDugger yeah man NP
hopefully it goes well, as you know ES6 is so much more fun to write
@rlemon People keep pushing his buttons.
@Loktar Yeah, I already know ES6. my coworker doesn't
no one here did either when we started our project like 2 months ago
I'm gonna go now, don't feel like feeding troll, ttyl
now they are letting ALL THE THINGS
adios @BenjaminGruenbaum
even using template strings
so happy.
let it = `${go}`
^ lol
@Simmant omg one of my favorite SNES games. Welcome!
Are es6 classes compatible with backbone-style .extend(properties, classProperties) like coffee is?
actually that migh not be what coffee is doing now that I think about it.
backbone's extend is bad and wrong, but es6 classes that extend backbone stuff should generally work (I think)
I know TS' class extend works with backbone
I wonder if I can use emscripten to do this....
yea.. I use class MyClass extends ... on a few libraries and was assuming it was because they all used the .extend(instanceProps, staticProps) but after typing that question I realized it's probably jsut becaue they have a proper constructor and protoype and not at all realated to that.
does anyone know why @media query is not detecting my resolution change? I am always getting dodgerblue color: jsfiddle.net/t1s2j7uh/1
They all apply, thanks to not having minimums.
That's the last one, so it counts
ok thank you
I think he wants to serialize the functions, too.
I think he is asking how to best save state
Hi, I'm new to JS and for now have started to play and learn the JS in bootstrap. I've added a link for collapsing one of the elements on my page but it's producing funny behaviour. The first time I click the link it collapses and reexpands the section super quickly. However every subsequent time I click it behaves as expectedly and stays either open or closed. How would I start debugging such behaviour?
Likey an XY problem.
@ssube what would a correct expression look like?
I'm using Firefox
@James Can you duplicate the problem in jsfiddle?
(or similar.. anythign where we can see it in action)
What do some of the regulars "impact" section on the new profiles say? Mine says ~1.0M
I could try although the last time I tried it took me ages to get it working there.
@James are you using the browsers development tools?
You missed that, earlier, @Jhawins.
@Jhawins 25k
Is the performance tab where I should be looking in developer tools?
@SterlingArcher why are you at ISIS
Oh different one. Archer
@Luggage Oh ok..
Asshole lol
@NickDugger wait yours says 25K??
!!stat NickDugger
@Jhawins Nick Dugger (http://stackoverflow.com/users/1408759/nick-dugger) has 1133 reputation, earned 15 rep today, asked 15 questions, gave 54 answers, for a q:a ratio of 5:18.
avg. rep/post: 16.42. Badges: 0g 5s 21b
@SterlingArcher I'm wanting too, but I'm not 100% where I should be looking for Javascript. I can see things happening in the performance tab but it means nothing to me!
@Jhawins You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/1596138/jhawins) have 1408 reputation, earned -1 rep today, asked 8 questions, gave 28 answers, for a q:a ratio of 2:7.
avg. rep/post: 39.11. Badges: 0g 9s 27b
Then why the fuck is mine 1,000,000
I dunno
mine says 420k and I'm pretty ok with that
Where can I see what happens when I click the link to call the JS and expand/collapse the section.
@ssube of course yours does lol
it's not my fault, no way I could rig that, just fate
just 96 flags???
I don't Main, see stats above.
I only have 46
usually a cv will do
I don't even CV
You should definitely join the meta police
or at least the fire department
Meta police..?
@KendallFrey I got 47
flag something so we can be flag buddies
@SterlingArcher has like 300 flags lol
Jeez I really wonder why my impact is so high
someone is on a high dpi display
300 isn't a lot of flags :(
@Jhawins It's probably the total number of people who have voted, commented, or answered your answers/questions
Maybe even questions you answered
I vote a lot
Which would make sense, I answered the JSON content type question
How is the Socratic badge tracked?
I'm 44/100
A: What does 'good' mean in Curious badge definition?

ProgramFOXPlease see the MSE question about it: Asking days badges A well-received question is one that's open, not deleted, and has a score > 0.

Idfk dude nvm
Q: What does the C ??!??! operator do?

Peter OlsonI saw a line of C that looked like this: !ErrorHasOccured() ??!??! HandleError(); It compiled correctly and seems to run ok. It seems like it's checking if an error has occurred, and if it has, it handles it, but I'm not really sure what it's actually doing or how it's doing it. It does look l...

@rlemon C??!??!
??!??one!? operator
lol wtf
That's hilarious
Where have you been dude?!
Yes, I exist ;-)
Lurk your way back into my heart you dirty hippy <3
they're almost as bad as triangles
So, every so often, the higher-ups send out an Employee Engagement Survey. I did mine this morning. Let's just say I won't be surprised to receive an email from the CEO.
@SomeKittens o/
Hi Kittens
Long time!
@SecondRikudo has the biggest "impact" of the regulars it looks like... Which is fitting because he's hopefully going to be a moderator!
How's the east doing?
greater than not quote > 4M
Not bad, not bad
How's the west?
What's an Employee Engagement Survey?
@Jhawins \o/
Like HR meetings?
@SecondRikudo Yeah, I'd be interested in that.
@SterlingArcher A way to figure out who to fire
@SomeKittens Write up a gist, post it here for review, make sure to ping me and @BenjaminGruenbaum
ohhhh ._.
@SterlingArcher It's a survey that basically asks a bunch of questions about how you feel about the company, the management, and your position in particular.
Is it anonymous?
@SecondRikudo What specifics are you looking for? I assume native XHR & native promises?
Nothing at work is ever really anonymous.
I'm not entirely sure. There seemed to be a query string identifier
@SomeKittens Yes
@Shmiddty with large scare quotes around "anonymous"
@SecondRikudo Cool, will be a good learning experience
Specifically: Allow for GET, POST, etc. Allow for parameters (preferably as an object), and demonstrate how to get JSON out of it, and stuff.
Cleverest case, the network logs traffic, they match the identifier to an IP, check AD's logs about which users logged in from which IPs that day, and fire you.
Least clever case, each email has a different query, they identify you with that and fire you.
Note the common feature of "if you tell mgmt what you really think, you will be fired"
I doubt I'll be fired, tbh
hey! I just got the js silver badge
But I might get a one-on-one with the executive team
Or maybe just the CEO
@rlemon Congrats!
I want my electorate badge. :(
@rlemon \o/
I want a js gold badge
just so I can hammer close questions :D
> Dearest loyal proletariat: In an ongoing effort to provide the best workplace environment for all, we'd like for all of you to take part in this "anonymous" survey.
I think I'm doing it wrong :|
man, 4 votes and I'd get my C++ silver badge
@rlemon hooray!
I was scared to click that link btw
had to view the href to make sure
I'm one of 688 other happy badge owners
@Shmiddty see, I make sure to complain occasionally and publicly, to make sure they never worry about me undermining things.
Whoa, I just realized I'm close to a JS silver also!
376 tag score
I like how the year isn't specified
recentlyVisited: function() {
  var me = Meteor.userId();
  return Meteor.users.find({ _id: me }).map(function(doc) {
    return _.map(doc.profile.questions.recentlyVisited, function(questionId) {
      return Questions.findOne(questionId);
woah the resolution in that image
@Shmiddty report it
Q: New profile pages are out - bugs and feedback master list

OdedSome of you may have noticed that we just launched the new profile and activity pages that we have been talking about for a while now on most Stack Exchange sites. Most? Well, yes, the new design is dependent on a SE network-wide update (a new base css framework) that the design team have been w...

@rlemon That takes effort
that's an odd size for the popover
width: auto
Ooh, I'm getting close to 10k. Hooray for passive rep gain!
> Look at this roundabout. It's not very round. More like an egg. it's an eggabout!
A: New profile pages are out - bugs and feedback master list

ShmiddtyIt is not entirely clear in what year this badge I did earn.

nice haiku
I mean, it's not a haiku
@SomeKittens seenit, but cool
but thank you
Probably because you earned this badge back before time existed you dinosaur. (2.9) — Sterling Archer 13 secs ago
This question should be reopened:
Q: Jison recursion

SiegI'm trying to get a hang of Jison. I'm having a bit of a trouble though. The following parser always returns [], no matter what you give it. %lex %% "data"\s* return 'DATA' [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]* return 'IDENTIFIER' [0-9]+("."[0-9]+)?\b return 'NUMBER' "=" return '...

I like the Flair!
Did they have these and I just didn't see them before?
@Jhawins yep
you can get a ketchup and mustard themed one, too
A: New profile pages are out - bugs and feedback master list

SomeKittensThis popover seems unusually skinny due to width: auto;

"Hotdog" themed

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