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because auto completion sucks !
when writing c#, java, c++, bash, etc.
I use the same editor (granted not for c#, I still use VS, but I write less and less c# now) for all
well maybe you are a genius, but most people write java with a good ide
bash just needs a simple text editor
lol. you sound like you're getting a little hostile.
@90intuition would that make them good ?
@rlemon Atom!
no need.
I don't claim to be 'a genius' because I don't use a fully featured IDE will all of the bells and whistles.
Getting ready for deployment I start testing app shit on other devices and spent about an hour trying to find out why they all had the same preferences stuck...
I just don't like them.
I use what I am productive in.
Turns out I has a JSON string as the response for testing because 3 months ago I was only using 1 device lol
Debug environment was bug
@90intuition We get it, you don't like the lack of JS support for autocompletion. I'm not sure why you're getting so worked up about it here. Complaining here won't make it any better.
@Jhawins you're good at this kinda stuff: can you try to see if there is at all a way to make putty support the qnx terminal type?
I've looked, but my google-fu is off this week
Guys, what's the best file uploading module for Express.js?
I mean, best for production in all aspects
@GabrielTomitsuka fs ??
I'm just suprised that people claim that choosing a language because of good ide support is a strange idea...
Idk man lol I'm out for a smoke
@rlemon Yeah also thought so.
No module is better than fs?
I Dont think I'll be any help on that one tho
@GabrielTomitsuka well, that is the filesystem module. you'll need that no matter what ;)
how to write nodejs php social network mvc
I'm sure you can find a nice wrapper to do what you want exactly tho.
@NickDugger Node.js + PHP? Are you nuts?
Node.js isn't made for working together with PHP.
Put your hands down my pants, and I bet you'll feel nuts
the language selection should be based of the targets, the use case, the hardware availability. Not just because of having good IDE...

I have to set up a logic program set once. There are enough declarative languages with it, but after investigation, PROLOG is a good choice for that. But that language has an IDE that sucks. So i wrote prolog predicates in sublime text.
You can partially migrate a social network to Node.js, leaving parts in PHP, but not simply doing a social network using them both...
Why do you want PHP after all?
@GabrielTomitsuka nick is trolling
he's pissed off because his boss is giving him the run around
so he's taking it out on us
how to write a social network in css
@NickDugger use a class
only way man
@NickDugger Write the website of a social network, right? That's what you mean?
.socialNetwork {
 background-color: blue;
 color: white;
class names should be lower cased and dashed
for seo purposes
says some people
fuck people
For seo purposes
@NickDugger Humans are useless.
@Loktar this is becoming ridiculous. pauses every 30 seconds
@GabrielTomitsuka so when are we useful then ?
@KarelG when I'm hungry ;)
@SomeGuy I just noticed you pinged me like a hundred times
good one
btw, wanna baste yourself with this stick of butter?
call me in 45 minutes. thanks.
@SomeGuy blink blink which article?
i'm not sure that i'm tasty enough ... maybe you can spice the sauce up with yourself ?
@SomeGuy ah yes, that's a good oldie
@KarelG so no Karel Chops?
now I'm disappoint
@KarelG yeah, okay, but I was asking for typescript vs dart, and someone suggested es6, which I said is a no go for me, just because I prefer having the IDE to help me, instead of searching on google and stackoverflow all the time. But anyway, difference opinions, no problem, will go for typescript I guess.
you can get all of the 'hints' and autocompletes for es6 with a proper plugin. most IDE's support a rich plugin library.
@GabrielTomitsuka ya know that arnold is still alive ?
I have one for Sublime Text (no hinting, but syntax and tab completes, which I don't use )
man, if you have done java, and c#, you should just know that it is not true ... come on
@90intuition did you have thought that the ES6 suggestion could be a joke ?
you should know it is.
2 true
Does function's prototype, derived from object.prototype get stuffed with properties? Is this it's purpose?
@KarelG it wasn't
with a transpiler like babel it is production ready
@90intuition TypeScript is a good pick. Don't let nay-sayers convince you otherwise. Static typing, compile checks, and auto-completion are huge huge benefits for larger projects and team structures. VS and Atom have insane facilities for them now, just go with it.
I never said typescript was bad
I merely suggested es6, this conversation was not about ts being good or bad
but how I disagree that the editor should determine the language
@rlemon If I make a function with input s, how can my ide know it is a string ?
editor =/= IDE
@KarelG is ST an editor or an IDE or both?
the lines are thinning.
@90intuition IDEs can do fine WITHOUT static typing using type inference. Have you never seen F#? You don't define types, but they are there. ;-)
hybrid ;D
IDEon't know the difference between an IDE and a css class
hello friends
`function myFunction(x) {

now my IDE suggests substring ? pure dark magic
@NickDugger Help vampires....
Just kidding
I've been coding too much lately, no chatting
let's catch up
@FlorianMargaine welcome to my world! :P
how are you?!
@90intuition You have JSDoc for that. You can define @param {string} x and your IDE is "Yay, a string!". In the case of F#, it would do exactly that kind of "dark magic". It's called type inference. It infers what type it is from the way you use it. All depends on your use case.
Tomorrow is Friday!
quick poll: who here uses hinting or autocomplete?
Both intensively.
@Loktar and by coding, I mean personal projects too :P
I have another project starting too... a fun one
haha nice, I need to do more of those damnit
its been too long
can you say waht it is @FlorianMargaine?
or keeping it under wraps for now
restore system
I use neither. well, I do use some of ST's auto complete, but mostly custom snippets or lorem
that can also do backups, of course
@rlemon I don't think I ever fully write a function or variable name :P
Then again I primarily code C# so there is that
^ except the first time
more seriously, I'm saying a restore system because doing backups is fun but if you can't do restores, they suck
@Jhawins hah too true :D
also: the backup will send encrypted archives to AWS S3
so... cheap space for anyone
I write Java without an IDE. often just vanilla vim or nano. I've forced myself to use vanilla vim enough that it just seems okay :/ I dunno if that is good or bad
@rlemon had to do a lookup about Babel, and i found this on github " Babel will turn your ES6+ code into ES5 friendly code ". Can you clarify that ?
@KarelG it is a es6 to es5 transpiler
I use ST's autocomplete extensively
@RoelvanUden Just reading of JSDoc, is not that bad it seems, but I would think function myfunction(x : string) is a bit neater. But can I also do generics in jsDoc, a list with strings, or a list with a list of strings ?
but not hinting
@90intuition Yes, @template T and Array.<T> and you've got generics.
@FlorianMargaine damn.. sounds complex lol
not sure how to go at it though... through cron or long-running app?
@90intuition I prefer TypeScript but plain JS with JSDoc is very powerful.
@Loktar nah just make archives and send to S3 API
but why should you transform it ?
@KarelG because es6 is nicer
Anybody know why the CGI.Server_Name (e.g. chat.stackoverflow.com) would change between 2 pages?
the fun part though... I'll write the tar archives myself using bytes
@rlemon in which way ?
We set the IIS and an A Name up, and it works on the index page, but on one of the searches it goes to another
and using C's stat to get the files informations... through CFFI (see stackoverflow.com/questions/28999781/cffi-function-call-hangs)
.. @KarelG look into es6
I can't really go over it all
so yeah fun times ahead ^^
yeah was reading that git page, but it says it aims for june this yearµ
you're already in the future :p
CFFI lets me define C structs in Lisp... and use C types in Lisp... and call C functions in Lisp... all this while staying in Lisp
@KarelG you know what typescript and coffeescript are right?
it's pretty neat
coffeescript yes, never looked into typescript
@KarelG TS is to JS as JS is to CS
less mushy, more verbose
@RoelvanUden what do you think about typescritp vs dart ?
dart? what's that?
never heard of it
I see so many people ask what other people think about x vs x. People should just take 2 Saturdays and play with x, and x :P
I've done @Loktar played with dart for a month. I like it, but I'm afraid it is dying.
@90intuition TypeScript has won. I don't think Dart has a future.
@90intuition was it ever alive?
@Loktar what do you think about React vs Polymer ???
Typescript has most definitely won esp with the angular 2 announcement
huh?? huh???
@rlemon React is easier
TypeScripts core strength is gradual typing and the massive definitions. Now with Angular 2.0 being TS, Dart is just ... gone.
but.. I like both
Ploymere is to react as canvas is to impact.js
I heard that the reason that angular choose for TS, is so that it is easier to support both dart and javascript from the same codebase.
kind of a weird way to put it I guess. but idk
@Loktar how do you feel about Ember ?
I sometimes call my testicles dangular.js, cause the first kid and second kid are completely incompatible.
@rlemon never used it
looked at it and was like.. ugh my face hurts
@BasementKeyboardHero is all about it. he wants to do the Rafflemon front end with ember
I've also never used it
@90intuition You can use whatever you want. You should play with every language you find interesting. In the end, you must pick. But don't pick with misinformation as your guide; every language got pros and cons and every language has ways around those. JS? Flow! JSDoc! TS? We can do async too with async/await! Dart? ... no idea.
its a framework so I mean its the whole use libraries vs using a framework for it all you know?
angular people seem to feel right at home within ember
ahh, so it is close to the Angular mentality
I saw their homepage. like the logo
then got side tracked and didn't go back to it
@rlemon They do different things
@Zirak read his message above.
I was being sarcastic
Read your face
I was under the impression ember was largely dead
I tried but all of the text was backwards for some reason
and sat somewhere between backbone and angular
but somehow was more opinionated and less idiomatic
@ssube Unfortunately it's still alive, and kicking
@ssube really? It picked up steam in the last 4 months or so I thought
I've seen a lot more activity
all i know is react-router is based off of embers routing.. and I love react router.. so ember routing must be sweet at least :P
@Loktar It's the worst
I m down for react as well, depends on the scale of the project
Wiring the routing to anything else, at least
@Zirak oh really?
like anything outside of ember you mean?
@BasementKeyboardHero if we use react we can bug @Loktar and @darkyen00 for help :D
@Loktar Inside of ember even
oh, crazy
Actually writing the routes themselves is fine, but doing anything with them is horrible
any of you guys use ionic?
now, keeping in mind I am already working with express on the backend... and I know very little about these new fangled front end frameworks..
what will play best with what I already have
@Zirak how so?
A teammate of mine "likes" ember, and every time I see what he wrote I want to cry
@rlemon you can do isomorphic rendering with react
I haven't personally done it though
but its a strength
@RoelvanUden Well, I totally like dart better than typescript/es6/coffeescript. It is really the nicest language I've ever used. But I'm afraid that if its dying, things like angular doesn't get supported anymore for dart.
It's a cocoon of magic
<Route path='/' handler={App}>
    <Route handler={WithSearch}>
        <DefaultRoute name='home' handler={HomePage}/>
        <Route name='dashboard' path='/Dashboard/?' handler={DashboardPage}/>
        <Route name='results' path='/Results/?' handler={SearchResultsPage}/>
        <Route name='viewedReports' path='/ViewedReports/?' handler={DashboardPage}/>
    <Route name='report' path='/Report' handler={ReportPage}>
        <Route name='sessionReport' path='/Report/:sessionId/:recordId/?' handler={ReportPage} />
Our routes for the entire app
so easy, I love the nesting so clean
and with react.. the outer components dont rerender
only the inner ones in the nested routes. Its so damn quick
I suppose I won't know what I'm getting into unless I adopt a front end framework for a small project and just run with it
@Loktar why is the configuration in markup?
what is this, Spring?
@90intuition The angular team is hellbent on support Dart for Angular 2.0 (along with TypeScript). If that's all you need, I'm sure Dart will have you covered for a few more years. Unless they suddenly decide to pull the plug before release of 2.0. If you need more, you're more likely to get TS support than Dart support.
the router, is a react component itselt
its jsx :P
swear to all the dark gods, if I have to write xml config for front-end stuff, I will end JS
@RoelvanUden I dont think google has any plan on dropping Dart. iirc they use it internally for a bunch of shit
@BasementKeyboardHero Defining routes is weird, you have to follow a really weird naming convention so Ember knows what to call (because ember likes magic), it seems that changing anything slightly in one part of the configuration entails a change in everything else
It's part of why I won't ever use ember...so much magic going on
@rlemon I meant dropping support for Dart in Angular 2.0. On the other hand, Google has tons of projects that never see the light of day and get killed off almost daily. It wouldn't be too strange to see Dart disappear in a matter of years there, but indeed, a bit unlkely for their INTERNAL purposes.
when it comes to code, all magic is devil magic, and not the fun kind
what confuses me is why isn't google using angular more?
like.. Facebook is using React.. on Facebook
Because it's too slow for them
@Zirak can you give me a real code example? seems weird that he's having trouble with routes, they're the easiest thing in ember
I can't, sorry
doesn't need to be today :P
And he's dealing with it, but the wtf counter is always running
@Loktar have you ever looked at google's HTML?
If you wanna understand the magic give the resolver a look github.com/ember-cli/ember-resolver
He might be doing it wrong
@FlorianMargaine haha yeah, but I mean.. if Angular is so great, and Google is developing it.. shouldn't they be following the "Eat your own dog food" approach?
oh yeah, have I mentioned the StackOverflow Quality Test yet?
Did you see Agents of Shield? They took down a bad guy with css classes
oh @Loktar I think Inbox is using polymer
Facebook is like "Yeah we use React for everything its great, check out these 10 places we use it right now"
everybody knows you use clazz, not klass
// this function gets the # of days of specified year
function(var year) {
    return (isLeapYear(year) ? 366.242199 : 365.242199);
^-- too serious
the ember team is a bunch of fucking noobs
shit I always forget Polymere is googles as well..
so weird to me idk
klass comes from their rails background
it's a convention in the ruby world
Netflix is also using React which is cool
@BasementKeyboardHero so is misogyny, doesn't make it ok
fuck I'm becoming a fanboy I need to stop
@Loktar I wanna know what google music is using today
@ssub your argument is rather silly
so I can stay the fuck away from it
@rlemon yeah I've wondered that too
god damn google music pissing me off this aft
@rlemon chrome dev editor seems to be build in dart indeed: github.com/dart-lang/chromedeveditor
it wasn't serious
and polymer
@rlemon probably a css class
@90intuition don't quote me, but I also think they use it with gmail and youtube as part of something
the brains behind ember
@NickDugger 2 css classes, and one meth
I vaguely remember reading an article that stated that
hahah damn I'm glad I don't use Ember I guess
trolled as hard as jQuery... almost
@ssube Welp, quote of the day.
who needs ember when you have css classes?
As if jquery didn't have it's use
Didn't the jquery hate train pass already
actually I learned something cool about JQ... .parentsUntil
Choo choo
yes but it still sucks
@NickDugger soon I'm going to write an extension to bin your css class bitching
@rlemon are you gonna write it in css?
Ryan florence was messing around in one of his talks illustrating the difference between React and JQ I saw him use parentsUntil and was like wtf?!
It still filled a gap in js, the gap is no longer there, but you can't deny it was necessary
@BasementKeyboardHero it 100% was necessary fully agree
Lobotomy also had its place in the sciences
it just happened to win the war, otherwise wed be trolling mootools, or prototype or some shit
can't bin this c$$ cl4ss
/me still thinks scriptaculous was cool
I think they released this kind of jsfiddle thing for dart just a couple of days ago:

so they are certainly still kind of into it, but on the other hand it seems kind of strange that they are embracing soundscript,typescript,sanescript, atscript whatever, kind of javascript variants, if they still believe in dart.
It made them a fuckton of cash and got es to move it's ass, can make fun of them as much as we want won't make em give a fuck :P
site hasn't changed a bit lol
> Web 2.0 Javascript
2 new gray hairs just formed.
Web 2.0 Javascript, written with css classes
@BasementKeyboardHero wait made who a fuckton of cash?
core team guys
oh really? I assumed jResig didn't actually make too much from it
just fame really
Don't think it generates anything (gittip but meh), it's the consultancy fees, the investors they got for their companies etc
kind of crazy how some of those people just faded away too.. like Tim Fuchs
yeah so fame
whatever happened to him? He was doing some really cool stuff
@Loktar he got fuched
by css classes?
just one.
y'know what? I think I'll make my own framework. This'll be the one that everyone agrees on.
@NickDugger say css class
css class
I win
You must not have used enough css classes
@SomeKittens said every young Javascript programmer in San Francisco at some point in their lives
!!xkcd standards
s/San Francisco/Everywhere/
@taco ...was that intentionally super-literal?
@ssube That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@ssube always a classic
ahhhhh I'm an idiot
@SomeKittens no lol
yea probably don't want a selector there ;)
yeah, css classes
@taco heh, well it worked!
@rlemon nest selectors well enough and you can recreate C++ templates
@NickDugger what?
1 message moved to Trash can
co-worker left for San Francisco about 8 months ago. I wonder where he works now
/me is token SF startup guy here
@taco he doesn't
@ssube yeah you're probably right. He's too old, like 26 or so
probably retired somewhere nice like New York
My name is SF Startup; I sell angularjs and angularjs accessories.
and css classes
@ssube why would you say he doesn't
It looks like he's a Software Engineer at SalesForce.com now

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