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@taco I cannot even ping the thing
any people good with electronics know how I can find out what kind of a transistor I need if it says... D592 r. 7 (with a little 3 that looks like a line above it?) ping @rlemon
looking up d592 r .7 gives me nothing useful lol
trying to fix an old pong system
@Loktar Take a picture of it?
npn transistor of equiv spec
good idea, will do
@rlemon saweeet
ty man
thats what it currently is, when we measure it has power through both legs but not the middle.. Im a noob though, but anyway no power comes from beyond that point on the board
@StevensHaen NAT requires port forwarding.
@taco Could you please tell me how to fix this. I've been stuck with this for 5 hours now.
@Loktar transistors can work as switches
set Host Port to 2222 and Guest port to 22. Then: ssh localhost -p 2222 -l yourlogin
It's on the network adapter section
@rlemon lol I'm probably going to end up replacing this one part at a time until it works
because I am such a noob
I'm assuming you can SSH from Windows 7, haven't used it
its super simple though fortunately , I mean in terms of all the parts on the board
no parts visible damaged?
@m59 the perils of outsourcing
replaced the main chip too
was hoping that was the prob initially
@Loktar I've setup arduinos and beaglebone projects, but nothing too deep into EE
Does anything look swollen?
yeah I need to just sit down and start learning this stuff :/
nah, all the capacitors look fine
well there is only 2 from what I can tell
ah, nice ok
er no the green things are too right?
but yeah I know about capacitors swelling/leaking due to my old vectrex lol they started leaking had to get them replaced
everything looks fine thats what sucks :/
any empty holes?
I replaced one on my TV once. $.50 repair!
looks like a part might have been?
broken jumpers?
bad solder point?
I am trying to make this request using angular: graph.facebook.com/4 bu it throws 403: Application request limit reached.
This thing looks like it's from the 70's
@Chris Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Loktar there's a part site you could search on.... lemme see if I can find it
@taco haha it is from the 70's :P
its one of those
I used postman and it worked. It also works when you enter it directly to the browser
@Chris it sounds like facebook might be blocking you? just a guess
got it from goodwill for like $3, its in great shape... other than not working
Question: Say a function/class inherits via Myclass.prototype = Object.create(Parent), is there any way to still use the object literal notation for adding additional methods to the prototype? ie Myclass.prototype = { doStuff: function(){}, etc.. }
@rlemon some empty holes I guess
@taco it works with postman
move up north. I'll fix it for you
haha dude that is a motivator!
Mr. @rlemon I have another game console that needs fixing, does 2 24 packs sound good??
I found the electronic component website
i get most things from digi
that's it, digikey
I wanted to try a search first and be a hero :/
I think that part labeled D 592 is called a bridge. It's too old though I would guess, so you'd have to find an equivalent. You could probably email Digikey
@Loktar nice. I thought pong was very basic, though, mostly used logic and complicated wiring and not many components? I swear I've seen the back of a pong system and it was nearly all wires
@taco this one is a newer model so it has like 8 games
@taco I can't change my "Serial Ports" in my VM settings
the image is pretty cool
So I am using the $resource service with angular but when issue the .save method it keeps sending the wrong object
@StevensHaen I didn't say anything about serial ports..... forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=55766
if I knew more about electronics I bet I could take the chip and bread board the game lol
@taco Connection refused when ssh localhost -p 2222 -l useradmin
ssh localhost?
@StevensHaen accept your fate. It's not supposed to work
ssh localhost -p 2222 -l vagrant
vagrant@localhost's password:
Last login: Thu Mar 12 00:07:16 2015
[vagrant@vagrant-centos65 ~]$
@taco But he wouldn't quit. He had the stuff of legends in him
I know enough to be dangerous - I think you just apply voltage to pins 3-13, 18-27. Then something gates pins 16,17 or something like that to move bits..... I forget this stuff.
well, I should say I don't know this stuff
I know it as well as I know Javascript
hah that would be so cool to use an arduino and recreate the pinpall games
using the chip
haha that is awesome
@taco should I substitute localhost with this weird ip?
@taco I appreciate all your help so far, thank you. Yet, I have to make this work somehow.
NAT means network address translation. It's translating trafic to port 222 is routed to the "weird IP" port 22 with port mapping. You started SSHD right?
That's what we're doing at this point
Ubuntu calls the service ssh, not sshd.
I get ssh:unrecognized service
type which ssh
@taco I'm installing openssh now
There's a difference between ssh and sshd
@rlemon /usr/bin/ssh
Whatever ubuntu calls it, the sshd is a SSH daemon
that's probably the SSH client
It's like the difference between an FTP Daemon (the serveR) and an FTP client
but also on some backwards ass distros sshd is still ssh :/
like fucking Angstrom. :god I hate Angstrom:
@rlemon still connection refused
I stick to RHEL or CentOS because it's used widely in the enterprise
when I try ssh localhost -p 2222 ...
Though CoreOS looks really interesting. It's a stripped down Google chromeOS built for development
I'm looking forward to moving to tinyCore soon.
which ssh returns /usr/bin/ssh
I will always have to work with Ubuntu server as well
I avoid the hip distros...I spent my time hacking linux in the early 2000's and got tired of it
Whatever you do, don't use Debian, oh my god, what a pain
I like Ubuntu more than centOS. sue me :P
in the enterprise
I don't enjoy Fedora either.
Ubuntu seems solid. I just don't use it and think of it more as good for the desktop
ssh returns usage: ssh and a bunch of options
Fedora is lacking
so it's there
@taco in a nutshell, what is he trying to do?
@Loktar there's probably a sub-reddit you could post to about the pong kb
ah yeah good idea
He's trying to get an SSH daemon running
@rlemon send me teh codez
@taco Bottom line is, I'm trying to map my VM disk in my Win7. Had do download a fresh 12.04 .vdi and now stuck with config.
Everything is in the doc I sent you, man. I don't know what else to tell you
You didn't know how to configure your NIC, NAT, SSHD, checking your NIC, uplink, port forwarding etc. I can't hold your hand anymore through this. You know more than enough to figure it out
@taco ok, thanks for all your help
you probably just need to start your SSHD but I feel like that will devolve into 10 more issues lol
@Loktar it looks like the '75 pong was the first one with the ridiculous mainboard and you have a 77 videogamesnewyork.com/history-of-video-games
yeah I can't figure out the Exact year though, there were a couple of models, mines like the 4th one
for the APF TV Fun specifically i mean
I have a model 444
The '76 one sounds interesting - they tried to make the pong a variant of hockey, handball and tennis (how is tennis different...)
haha no idea
Just take it to Rick at Pawn Star. He'll call up a buddy for you
Man, the Nintendo one is sexy
oh wow thats really cool
fucking gmail. I can't send you a .tar.gz @SomeKittens
Nintendo "TV Game 6"
can you rename it .rlemon or does it scan all extensions?
@rlemon lemme just SSH into your PC...
I have one of those too
its probably the coolest old thing I have
whats crazy is it all works on gears and a spring you wind up
I like the case alot
the only "electronic" part is the led
wow, yeah
The first pong worked in a weird way too
I couldn't describe it
forgot I had a vine of my wife playing it
@SomeKittens as I was uploading it to my server and sending you the link I realized I packed node_modules as well
like a noob.
I don't even get how it works.. friggin magic
I think they talked about it in Video Games the documentary but im not sure
@Loktar oh shit I've played one of those
haha they are so crazy man
its nuts how far weve come in 30 years
@rlemon nice work
Don't sweat it, gotta head home
I emailed you a link to it
@Loktar I've backed this project. Gonna see if I can use it as a Lo-Jack for my car kickstarter.com/projects/sparkdevices/…
hah thats awesome!
20k messages a month, thats great!
I've backed their previous kickstarter, Spark Core. Solid company. It was an Internet of Things device that you can communicate via REST API
This one has the GPS + Battery shield, and I chose the 3G instead of 2G, just to make sure I had network coverage
the $119 one?
ughh man I kind of want this
yeah the $119 one
the possibilities are endless. You could slap one on @SomeKittens and track his whereabouts
Some of the stuff people have done with the current version that doesn't have GPS hackster.io/spark
of course somebody wired one to a toaster oven. of course.
> I used one to find out my wife was cheating!
where is the wife cheating post?
haha I made that up
I could see someone throwing it in their wifes purse, or husbands vehicle
I wondered about that
well the RF penetration
It's a radio wave so I imagine I should be fine sticking it in my trunk
I'm just wondering about the battery life
ah yea, might be able to tie it into your vehicles power?
Good idea
I'd probably be able to pay somebody to set it up for me to step down the power
or maybe hook it to the back of the outlets inside the car for my iphone hmm
cigarette lighter thing, whatever those are called
found a vid where people used the chip and recreated a console
This guy wired a spark core chip to magnetic sensors, so I could even have it SMS me when the car doors are opened blog.ubidots.com/play-music-using-spark-core
@Loktar nice
I think that's called an SPI chip
They said that chip goes to a NAND chip
!!> ["foo=1&bar=2".match(/([^&=]+)=([^&]*)/), "foo=1&bar=2".match(/([^&=]+=[^&]*)/g)]
@crl [["foo=1","bar=2"],["foo=1","bar=2"]]
Why doesn't the first one return ["foo", 1, "bar", 2]?
@crl because you're using the g flag
it returns an array of matches, rather than an array of captured groups
@crl [["foo=1","foo","1"],["foo=1","bar=2"]]
^ there, see the difference
Well it skips "bar" without g
var params = {}, queryString = location.hash.substring(1),
    regex = /([^&=]+)=([^&]*)/g, m;
while (m = regex.exec(queryString)) {
  params[decodeURIComponent(m[1])] = decodeURIComponent(m[2]);
if you want an array of matches, each of which is an array of captures, I think you'll need to do it yourself, with exec
The original code was that ^ but I wanted to use match, oh you just said it
yeah, that code is probably the best way
sorry, JS's regex support sucks
I've started working on a node project at work and the guys are helping me with the testing, but man, I feel like a major javascript noob. If we didn't have tests for everything I would probably break something
the angular project tasks weren't so bad as it forced me to do things a certain way
@taco Why not change the "Port forwarding" option under "Network" instead of running these commands?
@StevensHaen why haven't you changed the "Port forwarding" option under "Network"?
2 hours ago, by taco
@StevensHaen NAT requires port forwarding.
Port Forwarding just points to the VM
The SSH Daemon is what responds on the port you forward to @StevensHaen
How does this look?
Even with the port forwarded, I still need to change the VM's ip to be able to map it on Windows
Add a rule with name SSH, Protocol TCP, Host IP, Host Port 2222, I recommend leaving Guest IP blank, Guest port 22
I would also use port 8080 for Host Port but that's just me
unonebox. people get flag happy.
"omg skin. flag flag flag"
I'd like to be able to map my VM, that's my endgoal. I can't put this ip in \\ip\folder
what does unonebox mean
So we have an office MP3 player hooked up to spotify, and I've taken to putting on 8 minutes of whale noises. It's often quite contentious. But this just happened:
That's cool. Is it an angular app for spotify?
oh you linked to the repo
ah bootstrap
@phenomnomnominal the admins don't like you
It wasn't me queuing it that time, it's just caught on! I queued it up a few minutes before and it got vetoed off
But your song kept playing right? more likes than vetoes
Once there are more vetos than likes it goes away
I just tried to map a VM folder with\var and get: Problem with wireless adapter or access point
the guy who queued it in the picture hates Africa by Toto, hence the follow ups
@StevensHaen you have to port map any ports you need to use
i.e. samba ports or whatever
I do have Samba installed
let me find it's port
and we're back!
omg a failed git rebase
there goes the rest of your day
There goes the rest of my tomorrow. Gonna call it a night.
Later, man
cya @rlemon
@StevensHaen just pay somebody on fiverr.com if you haven't figuired it out yet
^ +1
I heard that Google plan to use TypeScript with Angular 2. Any comment?
@Sheepy That is correct
Good news or bad news?
Ask me on Monday
Weekend project is to tackle Angular/TypeScript
Been reading up on it in preparation. It's better than further fragmentation with AtScript
It's great
We're using Typescript and Angular 1.X and it's a nice fit
@phenomnomnominal what do you like about it?
Hmm. It seems that no one is using Angular 2...
@Sheepy that's because it's in alpha
@Sheepy lol kind of hard to currently :P
@SomeKittens it's basically ES6 with types
We have lots of .NET devs who are gonna be working on this project, and it's been a pretty natural transition for them. And type safety feels good at this scale.
Someone fucking an interface and having tests not compile is very cool.
Angular 2's direction reminds me of Flux which is awesome.
Also component based.. like React also great
both have been so pleasant to work with
hey @Loktar
need some help with angular
I'm not your man
ask @SomeKittens
if hes around
@charger73 What do you need?
hey @SomeKittens
@charger73 Don't ask to ask just ask.
Can i call a provider function from my controller ?
I have a provider, which has this $get method
But whenever i use it in my controller, it gives me data just once
I mean it doesn't gives me updated data
Do you have a code example?
    self.links = [];
    self.$get = function () {
        return self.links;
    self.getLinks = function () {
        return self.links;
    self.addLink = function (link, response) {
        var newLink;
        _.map(self.errorMessages, function (v, k) {
            if (v.errorCode === response.status) {
                newLink = v;
                newLink.link = link;
        var myLink = _.where(self.links, {
            "url": link
        if (myLink.length === 0) {
        } else {
            _.map(self.links, function (v, k) {
                if (v.link === link) {
so self.addLink is a function to add new data to links array
this is done in the app config
I want to access the links array form my controller
it always gives me the empty array
even if the data in provider is updated
how can i get data everytime it changes from provider
@charger73 I'm not sure offhand from that snippet
which part
@charger73 as in, I don't have enough information about your problem to understand it
if you could build a small example app, that would help
@SomeKittens i guess you are not cool with the addLink function. Letme try again.
> His hair was messy and was wearing his expensive suit
...his hair was wearing a suit
Someone star that, it's funny!
yes dear
@rlemon do you want my changes?
Haven't made many so far
@rlemon do you have the db schema?
oh duh. sql.sql
welp, it's late.
night all
!!afk sleeping and dreaming of you
@swapyonubuntu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
anyone der
please try to answer this question
mods feel that this question is to broad
Q: Navigate in a map according to the instructions

swapyonubuntuI am currently working on a web project. I want to make something like this. I want to create a map like this : I am going to place a man at any point(eg: here source will be starting point for man) I want to move man along path of the map so that he reaches destination. Basically , the use...

i tried a lot to shorten it.
@swapyonubuntu Yes it is too board. You need to be more specific, not to make it shorter. Your have multiple questions on different steps, and any of these subquestions can write a book.
For example, we do not know enough of what 'map' you want as a result. It it 3D (e.g. bridge over road)? Is it 3D on 2D? Will it be vector or vertex based? Is it grid based? Is it pre-rendered (fixed) or generated? The answer to these questions, and many more, will affect how you can approace the problem.
The same goes for other questions like "wrong direction" (it is railroad? how to handle multiple path and loops?) or "designing the map" (more like game design and totally out of scope of SO)
@swapyonubuntu That's not a question, it is a requirements document
hello everyone
i have reframed the question
please check
for IE below css is not working..
cursor : url(./Resources/marker.cur) 0 15, auto !important;
am i missing something??
1 message moved to JS trash
Is this your problem?
"IE doesn't support the CSS 3 syntax with x- and y-coordinates. The cursor image, and the rest of the property, are ignored."
@chirag IE doesn't support hotspots.
according to the very quick search I did.
Q: Defining your own cursor not working in IE 8

ioneschothis page works perfectly in Firefox and chrome but not in IE : <html> <head> <style rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" > body{ cursor: url("crosshair2nosprinkles.cur") 24 24, default; } </style> </head> <body> </body> </html>

@ivarni yup its exactly that
Ah the wonderful world of browser support issues :)
@ivarni and people who can't Google
How's things all?
Not Awsome too.
I update manjaro linux kernel to 3.19 and broke
I can access tty but not gui
I forgot the name of the error. :D . So I installed 0.8.12 xfce. running smooth but again virtualbox doesn't show 64bit version options. I hate linux.
That sounds like a right pickle
what's that
this feeling of everything run smooth and then one day .... is like , you shorten 5 LoC to 1 and then that requirment, which does s/kickass/kick-ass
i honestly am struggling to follow you @argentum47 :/
brb folks! <3
@BenjaminGruenbaum pretty funny
but what a goofball
1 hour later…
why is npm so shit
What is this? Kindergarten? "Your code smells! Neener neener neeeeeeeeeeeneeeeeeeer!"
@Mosho npm shit? why would you think that?

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