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does it make it any less cool?
Room meeting?
> on Jan 16
@Loktar no :-> its cool, but atom does it out of the box for you.
I'm older than that fyi
Atom sucks though
I had to file a bug report my first time using it
Its getting better
and its still not fixed :P
I like it now.
@darkyen00 Loktar is several months old!
@Loktar we're waiting on you
@KendallFrey huh?
hails my butts
@KendallFrey @SomeKittens @copy @BenjaminGruenbaum @Neil @NullPoiиteя @Zirak @rlemon
@rlemon Your extension doesn't run on https
Should controllers be making HTTP calls at all in Angular?
@SomeKittens only using services so it can be better tested - but in practice sure why not.
Only separate concerns if it's worth it.
Well, this project already has debt, so let's add more!
@Jhawins you around?
@Zirak I've started doing the proxy thing
lol "Please don't" :D
thanks github
or w/e http server they use
@RoelvanUden Congrats!
@argentum47 you around?
@darkyen00 ?
did you write te client ?
@AwalGarg there is a room meeting going on at chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/65438/js-room-meeting if you care
@darkyen00 didn't get much time...
Hm, thanks a lot for the vote of confidence! :-)
(Perhaps I should participate in room meetings harr harr)
@argentum png me on miaou when you come
spying on you
haha @BenjaminGruenbaum but I don't know C much :(
Read "learn C the hard way"
Most php-src people don't know C that's fine.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I tried once... I do remember a blog post series on ircmaxell's blog about the internals of PHP.
Also, lol PHP
@AwalGarg nikiC's blog is better for php internals
@FlorianMargaine I've been around the php room people for as long as you have and I'm aware of their abilities personally - there are some people there with excellent execution abilities but not everyone is really good at C.
@FlorianMargaine Oh man yes! I read a lot of stuff he wrote, and understood most of the PHP part, and a little bit of C as well.
Also, lol C
@BenjaminGruenbaum many people in the php room don't actually write any C
I am just not sure "what part I can contribute to"...
@FlorianMargaine I meant the people in the C room who do.
@copy Also, lol copy
@AwalGarg that's ok, in general PHP is not sure what they're doing and don't have a real direction - it's enough to do something useful and they'll take it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum never been to the C room...
I don't mean it in a bad way - it's an awesome opportunity for you.
@BenjaminGruenbaum xD
@FlorianMargaine I meant in the room who do.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't understand what you're saying, sorry
also @dystroy I love the new addition to miaou, the top bar! And yep, gravatar with the default as "unknown" man are the best ones :)
To be fair the chat the php room people made with aerys (node for php) is much prettier than miaou - although a lot more basic in functionality.
@FlorianMargaine have any easy sweat one in mind? ^_^ ;)
@AwalGarg nope, but there were 30k bugs last time I looked iirc.
just triaging them is very useful
hehe great. I will first try to learn a bit of C
@BenjaminGruenbaum link?
@FlorianMargaine Nice!
as Benji said look up "learn c the hard way"
@Zirak I love the response :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, dystroy definitely needs help in design. He's like me on this.
@BenjaminGruenbaum nice
Random question: Why is getElementsByName not on Element.prototype? I think it should atleast be on HTMLFormElement.prototype...?
@AwalGarg @Zirak :D
You might want to answer that.
@BenjaminGruenbaum haha yeah. As of late, I find that Zirak and you are almost the two only perfect people with all the answers and details in the world to my questions :D
@AwalGarg querySelector is, Zirak argues so should getElementsByName and getElementById and the others should also be and the committee shut him down. He can probably find the relevant thread on it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum "committee"? You mean the WHATWG committee?
@AwalGarg <a name="foo">anchor</a>
@AwalGarg to be fair I'm not sure if it's WHATWG or W3 but one of those.
@AwalGarg Ping me after the meeting's over, I've got an answer but not the attention span to write it now
@Zirak What if the world ends before the meeting ends? You will let my curiosity be...? :'(
@FlorianMargaine Ain't no one use them anymore? :P ;)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I guess it's the former... not sure though
@DonJuwe Nope.
The idea of the badge is to get you chatting for a little to get the hang of it, and occasionally post an interesting message to be starred.
@DonJuwe No.
Hello @SecondRikudo and everybody
lol Zirak y u so busy :P
@AwalGarg it's slow to type with one hand
@KendallFrey hrm?
it's a joke
the joke was that Zirak was
He implied I'm masturbating, which may or may not be true
I thought he pointed out my use of "y" and "u"... :P
that's a meme
Can someone explain me this?
var data = 10;
$('form').on('submit', function(e)
data = 20;
console.log(data); // prints 10 instead of 20
that's asynchronous code
it returns before the submit is actually finished
@CatherineTyler the function never executed, I guess?
the function is executed when the submit returns from the server
@AwalGarg, it does. I added alert inside and it displays
in the meantime, it continues executing the rest of your code
@KendallFrey, yes
@CatherineTyler so you submitted the form? Then what Kendall says applies.
@AwalGarg. Yes I did.. Kendall is right. So how to tackle this?
@CatherineTyler use a named function, call the function manually in code.
@CatherineTyler put the code that should execute after the submit into the callback function
or... the ugly thing that I used once, very very ugly:
elem.addEventListener('click', (function foo (e) { // do something; return foo; })())
Zirak May I ping you now?
@CatherineTyler This might be worth a read: html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/async/deferred
You can always ping me, but whether you may ... ah hell
@AwalGarg Basically, it's the same reason you only have document.getElementById - names are global
@KendallFrey Thanks a lot will check. @AwalGarg Thank you.
@Zirak umm? Element.prototype has getElementById, no?
It's only on Document
Oh wait, right
@Zirak I am not really sure if I still get it. Unless we are talking about shadow dom, or template stuff, classes and tags are global too?
Classes and tags have different semantics though. I'm not saying it was the greatest idea, but think of 1999 when your page's interactivity was basically through forms
You can't have form hierarchies, so selecting by name only happens on the document and form levels.
Uh well.. then I guess it should have been revamped when DOM Elements like input were allowed to declare the form attribute and be associated to any form in the DOM.
Unlike classes, which are hooks for style/functionality so it makes sense for them to be queried from an arbitrary point, or tags whose everything depends on their location in the DOM
@AwalGarg The only DOM element to have a form attribute is input and its ilk, in which case you still get an input by going to the form.
/me goes to finally eat his Taco Bell
btw what I suggested to whatwg was adding getElementById to DocumentFragment for consistency with Document
The People were not amused
@Zirak that was my next question :P
@Loktar enjoy!
@Zirak I wonder what kind of arguments followed, got a link to the thread?
@AwalGarg Nothing interesting. Someone retorted with querySelector being the coolest thing evar, then it derailed into a performance discussion. My attempts at consistency and logic didn't go through.
**me thinks that thread has Zirak's private info which he wishes to hide**
nah, it's only got my secondary email address ([email protected])
If you want you can dig through the whatwg archives of two years ago
haha I was kidding
yep sure.
Well, gotta go now, thanks @Zirak and @BenjaminGruenbaum :)
@AwalGarg Enjoy
Im working with angularjs and trying to understand why my 'classification' column is not sorting from descending to ascending when you sort by 'classification'. Currently, the 's//nf' classification row gets added to the middle of the 's//rel to usa, fvey' rows whereas, which doesn't make sense if this column is being sorted alphabetically. Why is the 's//rel to usa, fvey' different than the other of the same name? I mean, what other criteria is the sort using? link: ogmda.com/symbols/index2.html
Anyone else using Brackets?
I'm having trouble with the FTP Sync Extension
i'm using brackets... love it
havent tried that yet
anyone here an expert on svgo? github.com/svg/svgo
need some help with it
Q: How to decide when to use Node.js?

LegendI am new to this kind of stuff, but lately I've been hearing a lot about how good Node.js is. Considering how much I love working with jQuery and JavaScript in general, I can't help but wonder how to decide when to use Node.js. The web application I have in mind is something like Bitly - takes so...

needs a well updated answer
now node is all over the place.
@Zirak I.. uhh.. found the thread... lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-whatwg-archive/2013Jun/… This makes me want to never try what you did :/
> All of the old DOM query methods translate directly into
simple selectors - qS("#foo"), qSA(".foo"), qSA("foo"), or
is this person alright or just a troll?
Very nice. Here is a similar question I've had to pleasure to answer on programmers.stackexchange on whether or not to use node for a financial application programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/184912/…Benjamin Gruenbaum Jun 7 '13 at 0:22
@BenjaminGruenbaum ypu might wanna re-write an anaswer for it ?
Are we hangouting?
I want in
but i am on 3g
oh btw as you already would know @Zirak tree walkers are not compatible with frags either, so his point is moot. Why did you not kick that guy in the nuts?
@AwalGarg well i am doing the site now.
gonna do it in next 2 hours (ish)
not even using flux. [lol]
not using react either?
anyone here familiar with SVGO?
@AwalGarg React yes, flux no
i love jsx its just cool
I dun... another transpiling step for no reason :/
@AwalGarg huge reason
One or two home brewed utility functions suffice for me :P
But yeah, ok.
It is just that I am biased towards Vanilla JS... and all vanilla stuff.
@AwalGarg I am happy to use raynos mercury
if you want.
his thing is pure vanilla js, smokes react in footprint and speed by far.
good luck writing hello world ;D
oh? never tried it...
but since you are already using react, and I have a bit of experience with it, let's just go with it.
Like i said, goodluck
i have experience with both
cc @Jhawins
@SomeKittens It's people
@SomeKittens oh damn
@Zirak You are what you eat
@AwalGarg And I never looked back
@SomeKittens I'm your mother?
@Zirak :P
any grunt experts here?
@darkyen00 Are you also using Bootstrap or something?
need some help
Bootstrap maybe
I am tyring to find a pre-done project
@AaronBenjamin I might be able to help.
or a bootstrap theme
@aaronbenjamin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
thanks! will do
that was a bot.
@darkyen00 if you are planning to use bootstrap, then that is what I will use for the thing, ok? (btw, I'll be off in ten minutes, and I will make the thing tomorrow evening when I get home)
I'm trying to use SVGO github.com/svg/svgo to vertically align a folder of SVG images. I'm struggling with getting it to work with Grunt or Gulp
@AwalGarg well, i will push it to git, see if you can add something more to it :D
@darkyen00 ok.
@AaronBenjamin What problem exactly are you having with the gulp one?
To use the vertical align plugin with SVGO, I need to activate it in the gulp file in my project. I'm new to Gulp/Grunt, so this is a bit over my head.
so close before i can die
@jAndy omg hi
i thought i'd never see you again.
i have gained 12 kilos . btw
i was around plenty .. not for too long but always here and there
yeah same
wow .. i hope not exclusively fat
i am exclusively fat and bald now
Now i really gotta fix my body -_-
@AwalGarg - Something you can help with?
@AaronBenjamin for gulp, github.com/ben-eb/gulp-svgmin#plugins should work.
so past week i have been dong 7 minute workout.
@AaronBenjamin Show us your gulpfile
!!help w3schools
that's what I'm using
!!urban w3schools
@FlorianMargaine Command w3schools does not exist.
@darkyen00 w3schools a site created by webdevelopers whose only purpose is to misinform other webdevelopers in order to keep their job
!!ban w3schools
u mean florian ?
yeh, saw that, can't change it
@AwalGarg Registered; need 1 more to execute
@AaronBenjamin Edit -> ctrl+k
1 message moved to Trash
No code dumps after I post something funny
oh common guys...
It's only fair :)
@AaronBenjamin Use hastebin
Or jsfiddle
it should be gulp.src('_includes/icons/*.svg').. or something.
Since I guess icons is a directory..
@copy "gulpfile"
I'm not aware of your weird technologies
@copy is your gravatar the real you? xD
@copy old
When we are talking about scope in javascript, more precisely we are talking about scope chain?. So terms "scope" and "scope chain" are interchangeable(synonymous)?
@AwalGarg @BenjaminGruenbaum Yes
i'm getting an error when I use transformsWithOnePath
Gulp isn't likeing that
@AaronBenjamin yeah, what is the error exactly?
TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of undefined
at /Volumes/G-Drive Mobile/2015/Dev/icons-jekyll/node_modules/gulp-svgmin/node_modules/svgo/plugins/transformsWithOnePath.js:207:50
at Array.forEach (native)
@AaronBenjamin looks like the svgElem doesn't have a width property.
@SomeKittens Let me know how it tastes man
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh shoot was it the room meeting? I have been busy doing damage control for crazy people.. Or something like that
My bad.
@Jhawins It doesn't have much of a taste
I gotta go now... good luck aaron
@SomeKittens oh wow, that's really a thing outside of bloggers talking about it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah
@SomeKittens don't you like food anymore? :(
I'd try it but they only ship in the US, also - I like eating food
@BadgerCat s/food/dishes/
@SomeKittens what will your poop look like?
let's find out!
My guess is cans of soup
Oh, I found the answer
no questions on saturday evenings eh
someone kick me over that 100k pls :-P
@jAndy congrats and enjoy :D
yeeaayyy :P
I can't wait for that goody present
how long does it take :P ?
yessss sir
@jAndy I've heard you are not getting anything if you answered jquery questions ;)
@jAndy it's a shirt, like 4 pens and a nice note. The shirt is cool, people stopped me a bunch of times to ask me about it and it's great at annoying @SecondRikudo since he didn't get a shirt yet although he's a mod.
how many members are 100k+
can we see somewhere ?
I think like 500
@BenjaminGruenbaum Meh
@jAndy just ask for a dollar, they'll send you a tshirt as well
More than vegan body builders, probably
@copy wut ?
I didn't get it :p
Looks like 252 users are above 100k since that's not updated.
Any know how to center a large number paths within SVGs?
ahh nice
or remove whitepsace from SVGs?

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