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link it up to Cap so that after 5 minutes, if a new person hasn't read the rules, she pings them again :D
I don't think we need rules for newbies.
@Zirak We should have the basic rules in the welcome message
People are expected to have basic chat ettiques, nothing more.
And I think we do a good job with that now
So in that sense, it's not worthwhile to have it be linked to newbies at all. If someone doesn't know that he shouldn't be a dick, that he shouldn't spam or be a sexist/bigot, then we'll find that out, and having rules won't help.
@KendallFrey Have a bunch of different ones and cap will shout out one depending on the stats of the user on the main site. Like qa ratio, rep, activity, etc.
However, we should inline to the welcome message or have a separate newbie page or whatever the standard things which make us unique: You shouldn't ask to ask, don't ask if anyone's around and so forth.
@Zirak I think it's still a good idea to have a constitution written down somewhere, even if we don't require people to read it.
That's taken care of, methinks
So is the topic really about a full fledged seperate jssochat site, or just rules hosted off of the chat?
@AwalGarg That's another topic in itself
@Zirak That's hardly unique to us.
Every help chat room ever says those things.
@Loktar The topic that I hand is mind is whether the rules page should be geared towards newcomers, and whether newcomers should be expected to read it.
(the answer I had in mind for both is "no")
@SecondRikudo For sure, but people's chat time is usually not spent on help rooms, but MSN or whatever
Or worse, WoW global chat
dust slowly settles
@Loktar halp
I tend to agree.
/me likes rules page
But we have the room description for that.
I agree with @Zirak
but honestly if it stays the same I'm not opposed really either
@SecondRikudo Room description should link to rules, bot's message should be "don't ask to ask" and friends
Nobody reads the room description
but you can't expect newcomers to read the rules.. because Im sure they don't anyway
@Zirak SGTM
@Zirak yeah I like that idea
Bot's message shouldn't link to the room rules as they're not for newbies
@KendallFrey thats why we are around though right, if they are doing something contrary to our more specialized rules we can inform them and link them
@Zirak Bot message should indeed have a TL;DR rules; it makes sense.
alright this is what I have so far..
> Room description should link to rules, bot's message should be "don't ask to ask" and friends
Bot message should indeed have a TL;DR rules;
Someone talked about "personalised" welcome messages?
Yes, let's do those
@Zirak o/
@Loktar me gustos
@Zirak all users getting the same welcome message is silly. A user with 1000 answers and 1 question should not get the same welcome message as a user who joined yesterday.
7 mins ago, by Awal Garg
@KendallFrey Have a bunch of different ones and cap will shout out one depending on the stats of the user on the main site. Like qa ratio, rep, activity, etc.
What's the goal? What're the criteria?
> Like qa ratio, rep, activity, etc.
yeah sounds like the topic of another meeting (not being sarcastic)
@BenjaminGruenbaum He wouldn't, people with >1k (or >2k) don't get greeted
qa ratio, rep and so on. We've already had that discussion @Zirak last month.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Are you implying that "good" users don't ask questions?
@BenjaminGruenbaum ok, someone with a 1000/1 q/a ratio walks into a bar, what does the bot say?
@KendallFrey they don't need to be reminded to read the rules again, I think.
@Zirak ding ding ding ding ding
@KendallFrey Those who know pretty much everything like you guys ask "less" questions.
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's something that's been agreed on, but nobody wanna tackle the topic
@Zirak Kill all humans
@Zirak foo
@Zirak to make sure they research their questions.
I don't get what you want done differently
@AwalGarg I have lots of questions
@Zirak A user with 1000rep and and no answers should be treated like a vamp, and be given a long lecture.
100 rep is pretty good for a vamp
@Zirak Hi X welcome to the JS room, please make sure you do Y research if you have a question to ask etc.
Homework for those who want the feature: Convince the room (well, me), make a list of criteria and what they entail about the person.
Even users with 3000 rep if they have more than twice as much questions.
@BenjaminGruenbaum So suddenly the person will go "golly jee mistah, I really shoulda research my question"
so meeting over? \o/ zirak free!!
@Zirak if they think they won't get help unless researching - maybe.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah I have seen a lot of people with too high rep and no answers...
its not a bad idea, its just who wants to, or is going to come up with the criteria and messages?
maybe average question score is good metric
I don't really want to call names, but the guy who launched bigpicture or something was a perfect example.
@AwalGarg the word zoom thing?
or median
@Loktar yeah
omfg yeah man
that dude was really vampy
and he was too polite at times, so I didnt feel like telling him to gtfo
but.. I just ignored his requests after a few times
alright so this is what I have
> Room description should link to rules, bot's message should be "don't ask to ask" and friends
Bot message should indeed have a TL;DR rules;
New chat users should get a welcome message based on criteria such as q/a ratio, rep
requirements and messages would need to be finalized
should I remove the top 2 notes, and just go with the last 2?
Not convinced about the last couple of point, but okay
For the finalizing the critaria stuff, we can do this:
yeah the last point is a subpoint of the one above it
this didn't keep my formatting
3 mins ago, by Zirak
Homework for those who want the feature: Convince the room (well, me), make a list of criteria and what they entail about the person.
Select a few (maybe 50?) users randomly of varying reps, and ... (removed all what I typed) tl;dr work with data?
@FlorianMargaine yeah thats what I meant by the last point, but Ill copy/paste that in
@AwalGarg Do that
Alright last topic?
@Zirak I only have saturdays and sundays (and now even less). so sorry, I can't :(
@AwalGarg thats the problem haha
if people want this.. someone has to take the time to do it :P
ideas are 1% of the work involved
Current room status - Did we address the concerns brought up last meeting, were there improvements or issues since?
Your copy/paste skills are extraordinary
^ last topic ding ding ding
Not that I am much active these days, but still, no collaborative room projects?
Except for the room message.
@Zirak hey now I rewrote yours a bit
Looks good.
Overall the room has seemed fine to me the past few weeks
I mean I ask a question and have gotten help in 45 seconds flat :P
Weekend room is depressing as usual
haha yea
any real big arguments or issues? I haven't really noticed any personally. The attitude has seemed more positive to me lately.
Yeah, weekend room is weekend room.
haha we passed that hour mark so people have drifted it seems
@Loktar Unpin
Yeah, not much to say
I think we're done. Well, thanks for hosting @Loktar :) Remember to pass the torch to someone else to host next month's meeting
Good job, meeting went on well.
Sounds good Ill get the notes posted
Bring in the strippers
where do you guys link them generally?
just back in the JS room?
Pin them here and in the js room
@Loktar Gist, in the JS room
cool. Anyone want to take the next meeting?
I don't want to throw it on someones lap if they dont want it
nominate someone, they can refuse
Which RO hasn't been an, erm, conductor yet?
has @KendallFrey ?
I know @rlemon hasn't but.. not sure he wants to
The last couple of times we nominated a few people who stepped down for several reasons
@Loktar yeah, pin in the JS room.
So unless anyone new steps in, we can continue the cycle anew
I nominate @KendallFrey unless hes done it already
waitaminute @BenjaminGruenbaum hasn't been one yet
I have not
Sly sonofa
I'm not going to volunteer, but I'm willing to accept
@Zirak I organized the thing (room meetings) and the format - I think it's best if I do one last.
So I think @KendallFrey is a better idea
narrows eyes
FINE as if I wanted to hang out with you

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