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This guy is arguing and I am not really in the mood. stackoverflow.com/a/28580629/586051
Then dont reply
I am not.
He is getting nastier. stackoverflow.com/a/28580629/586051
Solution: Stop caring.
@RahulDesai you're lame
hmm, I think stop caring will work
@RahulDesai Didn't you answer after somebody gave the same answer ?
@FlorianMargaine why?
@dystroy Honestly, I didnt read that answer before answering mine.
I read the question and started working on it.
Its kinda my fault too.
i usually delete my answer if it's similar to an other answer which got submitted when i was writing my answer.
just saying. Now back on work goes away
This morning, I've mostly been debugging JavaScript. (More precisely, as it turns out, "being a type checker"…)
also WTF is with oneboxing lately
ok, got a svg map of something interesting for what i'm tryin to achieve... now need to find a way to "convert" the svg layers (paths) coordinates to real geographic coordinates, considered that paths have curves in it... anyone's got a "brilliant" idea? :D
@BartekBanachewicz what's wrong with oneboxing?
@FlorianMargaine happens to not work for me lately
Why did I ever go into a job that required me to do web element layout?
I think a way to do it would be : place my svg layer over a google map with zoom level. Then find a way (js or ...?) to get coordinates of all points where my svg is visible...
@KarelG I cant delete because its accepted. I tried.
It gives me that message in red.
Still not closed...
Q: Why does not work correctly in the example of firefox?

Денис ПузейIn all browsers work fine, but not in firefox Help me please! enter link description here

but the animation is good
not rlemon good though
Kind of tempting to answer with "enter answer here"
too late :p
This is misleading. I guess people having upvoted that answer didn't even try the jsperf. — dystroy 6 secs ago
That answer needs more downvotes
lets not hate too much on my pal here he seems to be ukrainian, i like those folks
@StephanBijzitter Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
explain your liking please!
@StephanBijzitter We aren't hating on anybody, we're just getting rid of bad content
I know ;-) But at least explain to him why it's bad (like I just did haha). I feel kind of sorry for him lmao
When you post content to an online site, you have a responsibility to read the rules and at least try to understand them
I agree, but sometimes even when you try, it's still hard. The SO rules/conditions/etc are written in quite complex English for someone who probably never had a single English lesson in his life. That's why something short and simple like "provide more information" is going to be more useful than linking to this magnificent post stackoverflow.com/help/mcve
if you cannot understand english, you should stick to indian forums
because if you are not able to understand enough of it to read rules, you wont be able to write an intelligible question
@StephanBijzitter I don't get how the hell writing an ambiguous and unhelpful "provide more information" can possibly be better than a detailed guide
@bartek because someone who doesn't speak English could understand something simple like that, but would in no way understand a detailed guide
@StephanBijzitter then he/she won't be able to write a good SO question and provide those details anyway
if you can't read english, there's really no way you'll be able to write it
@argentum47 I'm Dutch and the general culture he is driven by greed and always trying to be better than everyone else. We sacrifice every last bit of decency to get that raise, if we have to. I have been to several eastern countries and the culture over there is simple:
if you earn enough money to keep your family healthy, you do not need to work more (don't confuse with harder). Any remaining time is spent with family and friends. I think that that is the biggest difference between east and west.
@bartek Google Translate can do a good job if you keep using short and concise sentences. Combine that with clear examples in code and perhaps screenshots and I'm sure everyone will be able to understand
@StephanBijzitter then you might google translate the guide as well
Hi guys, I developed a little jquery to learn javascript, can you make me some remarks, I need to improve myself github.com/Maj-X/image-picker Thanks :)
@bartek trust me I've tried, it's horrible when translated haha
dunno about you, but typically google translated questions I find terribly badly worded
Hey guys
i am making a costum directive in angular js
@StephanBijzitter and so are the translated posts
    mainModule.directive('lb_menu', function() {
        return {
            template: '/directives/menu.tmpl.html'
however when i try to paste it into my layout it doesnt show and there is no error:
@StephanBijzitter that's a fucked up attitude, and if people like that are to ask questions on SO, I'll downvote mercilessly
    <div lb_menu></div>
@bartek ukrainian (and rusian and the like) questions are worded differently. Instead of "Can you please show me where the cup of coffee is?" you say "Show me where the coffee is, please?"
@StephanBijzitter see and that's why google translate doesn't help in the slightest
in the vast majority of cases, if someone can't speak english, his question is going to be terrible anyway
like, content-wise or problem-wise
@MarcRasmussen You remembered to include the file where the directive is declared in a script tag?
Clear enough for an English speaker to understand I'd say, try this: З ясними питання, то чому б не так? translate.google.com/#uk/en
@MarcRasmussen oh never mind, use camelCase for the directive name
then hyphen in markup, lb-menu
something to that respect, check the docs
@ivarni Done - however this didnt do the trick
no idea anyone on how to transform a svg shape (path) in geographic coords (lat+lng) with google map, the svg file and javascript/jquery?
@Julo0sS maybe with fabricjs? it has some pretty useful svg tools but i have no idea if that will even work with google maps
@StephanBijzitter well, think the easiest way could be to place my svg layer "as layer" over google map, but scale and position are already problems... and then deal with js to get coordinates one by one... but sounds like hard and maybe not effective...
i wouldn't know, never used google maps for anything but finding where to go haha
Haskell Debian package server got breached. Is it just me that finds this ironic?
Debian packages have to provide a gpg signature AFAIK, how did it happen?
Under investigation apparently.
With all the worries you can imagine; did they breach more? Got keys? etc.
hi @rlemon
how are you today
@NewCoder Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
tore up my knee two weeks ago so hadn't been to the gym.. went last night.
sore today
am i in the right room to ask a question about consuming a REST web service with jQuery ?
we can't possibly know until you ask
@rlemon heh
I have a web service that displays a data in the JSON format at a certain URL, my question is how can I store this data in a variable using jQuery. I've tried this so far :

$.ajax( {
success:function(data) {

but it doesn't work
do you have any error in the console?
define "doesn't work"
I was just about to ask, what browser does " it doesn't work" get thrown?
throw new DunWork('Jims dead')
by "doesn't work" i mean that my "alert(data)" statement is not executed
here is the error : XMLHttpRequest cannot load localhost:8080/demo/gantt. Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https, chrome-extension-resource.
but when i go to localhost:8080/demo/x on my browser, it displays the json object i want to access to
you know what CORs is?
Cross Origin Resource Sharing
well the error told you that is your problem
I knew that was it ^ :D
maybe time to hit up google
yeah, there's not 2 second fix for that, you need to either set up your server to support CORS or serve the javascript source from the same location
depending on what you're trying to do
either way you must understand what CORS is and how it works and doesn't
if you understand french, I know an article...
yes i understand french
i would be easier in french^'
Why is element.style.overflow equal to "" and $(element).css('overflow') equal to 'scroll`?
@RoelvanUden I think jquery uses window.getComputedStyle
yes, I just checked the source
Ahh. Computed styles are not attached, then. Mhe.
var getStyles, curCSS,
	rposition = /^(top|right|bottom|left)$/;

if ( window.getComputedStyle ) {
	getStyles = function( elem ) {
		return elem.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle( elem, null );

	curCSS = function( elem, name, computed ) {
		var width, minWidth, maxWidth, ret,
			style = elem.style;

		computed = computed || getStyles( elem );

		// getPropertyValue is only needed for .css('filter') in IE9, see #12537
		ret = computed ? computed.getPropertyValue( name ) || computed[ name ] : undefined;
could anyone tell me why this does not work... please? :) jsfiddle.net/7b3byzrf/7
@RoelvanUden .style is just the inline css afaik (i.e. the style html attribute)
Right. Gotcha. Will use getComputedStyle. Thanks @FlorianMargaine @dystroy
computers + gym == sexy
sexy - gym == computers...
in node I am trying to use this to copy files:
var mkdirSync = function (path) {
  try {
  } catch(e) {
    if ( e.code != 'EEXIST' ) throw e;
but when I try mkdirSync(tempDir); I get error:
Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory '../../vendor/temp'
@SuperUberDuper npmjs.org/package/mkdirp
@SuperUberDuper mkdir doesn't recursively create folders
thx but want no dependancy for such a simple..
thats bad
node seems too simple out the box
Then write your own :P
It's super easy.
that's why node is so good at IO, the native shit sucks so bad people HAVE to make good abstractions
?? can you explain further?
javascript is too simple out of the box. thank god for jQuery
@FlorianMargaine ok, i've read your article Florian, so I have to add "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *" to my server but in wich file exactly ?
@rlemon starred for the "out of context" reading.
I'm using this framework : britesnow.com/snow which uses jetty server to deploy
@NewCoder google "CORS jetty"
$.each(profiles, function(index, element, this) {
How can I use this?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I need a favor, if you know somebody in microsoft can you ask them if there is an API (privilaged/non-privilaged) which lets me connect and communicate to USSD servers (on wp8.1+) I have done through research on 8 and it seems like there might be a privilaged api.
PS this specifically has to work on the phone the cause is very noble.
Are you saving lives?
with mobile apps?
I'm actually tryin to add a svg layer on a google map... here is the fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/7b3byzrf/12/
and, somewhere in my code, i can see my div (when i check content of page) with id "myDiv" and my svg tag ... but nothing visible on map :(
1 like = 1 food for kid
@Julo0sS I don't think you can fill a SVG element using innerHTML
@dystroy so i'll try to add a new "g" element, and a "rect" element as children of svg..
Either you use DOMParser, or you use a micro-library to build your svg
(I made one for this : github.com/Canop/hu.js )
In node its hard to debug chained promises, cause no breakpoints here get hit:
you were right, now it's visible :) -> http://jsfiddle.net/7b3byzrf/13/
2nd point now, position and scale... Position seems to be relative to the google map. That's ok. But scale isnt changing with the map's scale as on gmap examples (https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/overlay-simple)
.then(writeLine("Git clone complete."))

.then(writeLine("Copying relevant files to your project"))

@VeeeneX simply rename the 3th parameter because "this" is a reserved name in js...
.then(function() { return writeLine('git clone complete'); })
.then(function() { return writeLine('copying relevant files to your project'); })
@SuperUberDuper ^
kill it or not ?
Q: A certain O(lgN) process requires 10 seconds to process 1024 items

Will D TranA certain O(lgN) process requires 10 seconds to process 1024 items. How long would it take for it to process 2048 items? How long would it take for it to process 2048 items? Answer similar questions of O(N lgN) O(N) O(N*N). My teacher taught this but it was really confusing... can anyone teac...

I have:
  function writeLine(line) {
      return new Promise(function (resolve) {
@dystroy dunno... I'd say not
a math question on SO ... interesting
@dystroy svg items size (coords) is relative to svg container. Svg container always has a fixed size... cannot set it to 50% of "container's" width... how to manage this with gmaps?
the question reminds me of "Data and Algorithm"-courses
but forgot most parts of it now ....
ok, if I may come back to my CORS issue : I tried to add the following to the web.xml file :<filter>
@FlorianMargaine ok... answered...
I don't get the comment under the question
shouldn't there be a comment that: "you can't translate this formula in real life anyway"?
and now I get : HTTP ERROR: 503

when I try to access the webservice
Just an example string, so ignore how weird it is, but how can I match instances of a word, and not the letter sets? including 'it' removes all instances of it, like in 'with'
"the cow jumped in the tub with all of it".replace(/(the|in|of|it)/g, "")
" cow jumped   tub wh all  "
Hello Everybody
what do you guys think
Just don't tell me it's too general
too general
everybody think at least once a day
'should this logic be in this test'
@NickDugger "the cow jumped in the tub with all of it".replace(/\b(the|in|of|it)\b/g, "")
what's \b?
word boundary
Please i have a javascript code that works with jquery 2.1.0 and i really need someone to help me make it work with jquery 2.1.3. I am new to jquery. This is the working code with jquery 2.1.0 jsfiddle.net/e953zr70/1
ohhh... I tried with \w and it failed
Q: Implementing logic within unit tests to make syntax shorter and test code more re-usable

Oleg TikhonovI have often heard developers say that test code should be 'ugly', and plain as possible. The reason for that, being that any logic in the test, needs to be tested it self, and it creates and chicken and egg paradox. I found myself making my test much more readable, structured and test code muc...

link correction
\w is for word
the important bit is "boundary" :)
and this is the stackoverflow topic
Aye, thanks!
A: How to make smiley scrollable from input field

ArinCoolYou can try inheriting from the website example you have provided. You need to add jquery and bootstrap JS as dependencies. Check this Fiddle JS Code: function textWithSmilies(text) { // Function that change the textarea content in a string including smilies icons // Create 2 array: 1 conta...

can anyone help me ? Sorry i'm a beginner at web services
can someone show me how to make this code that works with jquery 2.1.0 works with jquery 2.1.3 ?
@darkyen00 did you try getting to them yourself? They're very available on twitter etc
I guess there is no one here
@RoselineMozano Nah, we just don't like jquery
@RoselineMozano these versions should be compatible
especially between minor patch versions...
@RoselineMozano Your problem is you don't have bootstrap in jsfiddle if you choose the last jquery version. I don't know bootstrap, so I don't know exactly what's the dependence here but it's probably easy to fix in your real application
@BenjaminGruenbaum I tried asking one of the guys who my college made me contact he wasn't responsive, link me where can i ask on twitter,,, but i doubt they will let any "normal" person have access to protected USSD / SMS Interceptor api's via twitter :-/ ?
What are you trying to do?
USSD - maybe for certain uses they have their APIs which you can go through (like carrier billing) - SMS I'd guess no.
I'm not an authority though.
There is not a chance they'll just let you touch SMS / USSD like that - only Android is stupid enough to do that.
@dystroy i am using bootstrap 3.3.1 locally
is there a way for me to fix this ?
@FlorianMargaine I have seen your face before . You are a master of all trade. I know you can help me and you are good programmer
@RoselineMozano keep going like that and you'll just be kicked
Please someone, this is very important to me
Sorry @FlorianMargaine
Problem fixed. Your questions are bad.
See you in a while.
@BenjaminGruenbaum what's the link about profiling apps where there is no specific bottleneck
Equally slow code?
That. Thanks
I was just looking for the name to google, thanks
@Zirak three crashes in two days
Guys, can any of you salvage this question somehow?
Q: Javascript - Array - breaks when size exceeds

suganyaI am trying to fill array but certain size limit it breaks . Is there any size limit we want to specify. i am using chrome, windows

(No, the onebox ain't cropped, that's all the content of that question)
@Cerbrus salvaged
@FlorianMargaine you are master of all programming and my soul. pls help me unlock the univers using jquery
if anyone could help pls, need to place my svg on google map... can make it appear but no scale possible atm... working fine with "images" like on google examples, but seems a bit harder with svg... jsfiddle.net/7b3byzrf/27
@Julo0sS scaling is just vector multiplication against the coords, unless all your inner shapes use percentages (not sure if they can) and you can resize the container
Q: How to run a Java library in a Node.js server

igopHow can I run Excitement Open Platform in a nodejs server? I want to pass some values to the library and catch all values that the library will return.

Catch all the values the library returns.
@ssube svg shapes are moves into a svg container, from point x to point y relative to the container size (svg tag)... so, svg tag must have width/height attributes set...
why am I retarded and can't figure out a .gitignore
I want to ignore node_modules and configs.js
.gitignore is easy, mang
:( that is what I have
No clue why it wouldn't be working
git add .gitignore
did you add the files before writing the gitignore?
git status
yeah, did you add it to the repo?
yeah, was them already committed?
@dystroy i looked at your lib, nice job but that won't help me here... :/ . If you have a few time pls check my jsfiddle if you have any idea :) cya
sigh. @ssube that was it
had to add it manually
@rlemon only the first time, I think
so it commited the gitignore but the config and shit is still there
how do I get rid of these now?
are they committed, staged, or just there?
and pushed
you'll have to record a delete for the files
git rm that shit
that removes my local copy as well
I thought I was so smart
@rlemon mv file ..
git rm file
mv ../file .
so I was seemingly half right
What language is the code in this question, mushyscript?
Q: Using bluebird Promises, how can I do a nested each?

ShamoonI have 2 arrays and I want to do something to each combination of them. For example: array1 = [1, 2, 3]; array2 = [4, 5, 5]; async.each array1, (val1, cb1) -> async.each array2, (val2, cb2) -> doProcessing val1, val2, (err) -> cb2 err , (err) -> cb err , (err) -> console.log...

@ssube looks like CS
ah, yeah, he edited the tag
@NickDugger delete your comment now :)
or ssubbeeeee did
I edited the tag, just wanted to be sure first.
@FlorianMargaine ahead of you on that
It's a good idea to add the CS tag but you should keep the JS one
wohoo! Tomorrow I'll have the regional Maths Olimpics!
if I was good at maths, I'd get all the ladies
@towc Cool
@dystroy there's no JS in the question, and I want to make sure nobody ever sees it by only using unpopular tags!
He now changed the code to be javascript instead of coffeescript. Thanks, guys. We just created a clusterfuck
meh, I'll probably just get a badge for editing the same question 93 times
i heard you cant have business logic in firebase, does that mean I'll need node + heroku?
also for logic? and just use fireb for data..
nope, you can use JavaEE + GAE, or .Net and Azure, or any other pair of server + host
@ssube oh my god... check out OP's profile bio
> Just a brown man trying to make a life for himself in a world made of ivory.
:did lol:
@ssube I want node bro
@SuperUberDuper you should probably use whatever the latest official node is and host it on godaddy. They have racing girls, so obviously their servers are fast.
Don't use iojs on GCE, it will be too scientific for you.
broad question, im using ionic framework but i want to use couple of elements from UI Bootstrap, is it bad to combine them/load them both? Speed wise and etc
@ssube and joyent will pay you to use nodejs
@ssube obviously
!!google GCE
Yeah, decent article, @FlorianMargaine
@dystroy compute engine offers regular(ish) VMs, now, for decent rates. Plus docker hosting.
I liked the end where he said to make all of the issues apparent, at once. I did that; made a list, and presented it to my boss of all of the poor decisions my coworker had made (while he was on his way out)
that way I could justify glazing over some of his poorer actions and refactor terrible decisions
like editing a third party library...
posted on February 18, 2015

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} In which Rob DenBleyker changes the fields of evolution and cookie e

Good ol' google tracking script, how I missed you
Today's SMBC is really retarded :\
I actually thought it was funny, but I'm not sure I agree with the math
It made me smile slightly, and that doesn't happen often. :|
infinity - infinity would equal 0, but they say they could still get a dog from 0, which makes no sense
If you could make dogs from nothing, we'd solve world hunger
I wouldn't eat a dog
if I was starving
I dunno
They say hunger makes you do crazy things
That would be caninebalism, in your case
I'm not a dog, and my avatar is a raccoon
@ssube oh, it's this guy again -_-
Sorry, hadn't zoomed before
@NickDugger I believe this is related to the current theory of everything
@BenjaminGruenbaum eh?
@dystroy would you care to pick three hex colors that you find most appealing
For the last week he's asking like 3 questions a day about promises
@Shmiddty I guess I can see the connection, but I don't buy into it.
infinity - infinity isn't 0
@Neil Why wouldn;t it be?
@Shmiddty I'd keep them for myself : I try to build new themes for Miaou :p
@dystroy pshhhaaaa
@NickDugger Pretty sure that's a troll, but I'll bite: x - x = 0, assuming x is a number. infinity isn't a number, it's a concept
and I'm not good with colours
@Neil If you're using it in a maths equation, wouldn't you treat it as a number? /ignorantofallthingsmaths
@Neil but if you have infinity on both sides of the equation inf + x = inf (maybe only countable infinities), you can say the difference is x
@ssube That's not a fair assessment, that's like saying the difference between (1 + n)/0 and 1/0 is n/0
@NickDugger You use it in math, but not as a number
Think of it more like the set of all real numbers.. you can't just add 5 and get a number from that
@Neil no, because you can't turn (1+n)/0 into 1/0 + n/0
you can totally add numbers to infinity, that's the basis of that bus/hotel paradox
inf + 23 = inf
@ssube Never heard of it, though the fact that it is a paradox doesn't help your point
@ssube No, there are various infinities, you can't just put them in equations as numbers
Hilbert's paradox of the Grand Hotel is a veridical paradox (a valid argument with a seemingly absurd conclusion, as opposed to a falsidical paradox, which is a seemingly valid demonstration of an actual contradiction) about infinite sets meant to illustrate certain counterintuitive properties of infinite sets. The idea was introduced by David Hilbert in a lecture 1924 and popularized through George Gamow's 1947 book One Two Three ... Infinity. == The paradox == Consider a hypothetical hotel with a countably infinite number of rooms, all of which are occupied. One might be tempted to think that...
It's very specific to countable infinities, vs uncountable.
@ssube That's an excellent example of why you can't treat infinity as a number
otherwise you end up with interesting scenarios like having infinite rooms full, and still being able to put a new guest in a free room

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