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long torso, short legs is good for swimming
can anybody even touch usain bolt yet
oh yeah as far as my fatty liver, I'm wondering if it was caused by Accutane ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2039732
"The drug was already known to increase levels of cholesterol, liver enzymes and triglycerides (a kind of blood fat that can raise the risk of heart disease), all of which can lead to serious illness over the long term. But a new study found that the risks of these problems were higher than expected."
That shit also gave me depression. It really sucked
Anyone here use Sublime Text 2?
How the heck do you create a new project?
umm, I don't do that
I launch my project directory with: subl ./
It then opens the project
subl is the command line utility
@Shmiddty no but we understand them. Lots of tools and weights are made in the USA
I'm coming off Aptana Studio 3, where I create a new project, then connect to a remote server and then use the IDE to open, edit and save files.
This is the first time I'm using Sublime. I installed the SFTP package.
@DemCodeLines under the project menu, I now see "Save Project As", so you probably just need to do that once
I'm thinking "Project > Add Folders to Project" might be the GUI way to do what I said
I don't have "projects" I just open the root folder.
same here
So I literally just copied a minified bower component into angular because I couldn't get it to include :|. It worked though. Don't have time for bs troubleshooting
Great, I'm trying to add a remote SFTP server and it's being all stupid.
It opens an untitled file with server configuration. When I put in the correct info and hit Save, it asks me the file name and location to save.
^ On one card : socket.io + android sms api = <3
sounds like a permissions issue
So there is no sidebar, what the heck
It can read the SFTP configuration file, but cannot write to the file
Sounds like your system is full of PEBCAK errors
might wanna run a disk check
have no fear, I'm here! with beer!
forget it, sublime sucks
TIL misconfiguration with your local environment = Sublime Text sucking
Stick with what you like, though, IMO
I have IntelliJ IDEA which costs $500 a year for a license, and I like Sublime Text better
It's not simple to use. Maybe it's later, but there seems to be a learning curve.
I mean, all I'm asking for is connecting to server, listing the files and folders (and browse through them) and then edit and delete them.
Is that too much to ask from a simple IDE?
It's modular. Anybody can write a plugin for it
SFTP is there, but it's not straightforward
I think your SFTP settings file is not writable, that's a local configuration issue, caused during installation
Check to see which user owns the file and add read/write to it
It sounds like you want a GUI for this stuff. Sublime Text is probably not right for you then
It's more for people who like the idea of modules being available via a repo, to customize it to their liking
It can be as lightweight or as heavy as you want it to be
I mean, I have connected and doing a "Sync Remote -> Local" and I'm stuck with "Determining operations to sync remote path..."
That freaking console keeps closing and when I do CTRL + `, it doesn't show the same console.
sorry man, that sucks
Great, so it says it downloaded from remote to pc, but when I open the folder where it should be downloading, nothing exists except for the json config
what plugin are you using? this one? wbond.net/sublime_packages/sftp
yeah, i dunno. never had problems with it. Check your FTP log on the remote end and your local config
It's finally downloading after I did "Download Folder", but I hope it's synced.
Also, can't I just work over remote?
Do I have to connect this to a local folder and then sync everytime?
I haven't worked remote in a while. Whenever I hit save, it would upload back to the remote folder on its own
Not the best first impression, but let's see.
I have this problem,This is the response when I pull large data using ajax. ' Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted ,"...what should I do with this anyhelp please
@jemz sounds like a memory leak
try debugging your code
question, given most people dislike JavaScript devs who disable the correct use of right click and other such actions... do you believe how ever it is justified if it is a canvas app in the browser window, where by the actions are best served for the canvas features? For example i like to use right click and drag to scroll a canvas. But then others hate losing the ability to right click
@taco,why it is memory leak ?but i have no problem if small data is request..
@jemz we can't possibly answer that with no information on your scripts
it might not be a memory leak. you may have hit a memory limit. @jemz
what kind of app is this @jemz
@taco, maybe i hit memory limit,what should I do ?...
it looks like a php error
ive seen that error in php
@Dave,I would like to post my code but I could not generate the data it is in our server
free up memory @jemz
@jemz is this php ?
that your code error comes from
@taco,how to free up?
lol if it's php
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
if php
that sets it to unlimited
@Dave, is that not dangerours in hacking the limit ?
no its a feature of php
@jemz do you have full server control?
@taco,yes i have full server control
but seriously how much data are u trying to sent to javascript with ajax if your hitting a memory limit =/
if it's PHP, you can check your memory cap with a PHPInfo(); call
sounds to me like you might be sending too much data than u need to
i'm going to guess this is a file upload tool
If you set memory limit to -1, then there is no memory limit. the danger is people can upload a 5GB file, so make sure to check filesize after upload
true but its quicker to add that line - see if it solves
if it does then go into your settings and change it properly
he can always cap it with the memory_limit setting anyways
@taco, no I am querying my database records,then pull that record back to client because I have something to do with the data that is being returned from server.
o_O ok
I will try @Dave suggested to me.I'll be back
terminator confirmed.
That's about 128MB for a database call? Wow. lol.
134217728 bytes
i suspect hes doing select * rather than select field1,field2
Fire your DBA
i suspect he googled how to be a DBA
@Dave,what do you mean ?
does your select queries use SELECT *?
also if your querying thousands of records - look into pagination
@Dave,SELECT latitude,longitude,DATE(dateTime_created) as 'thedate', TIME(dateTime_created) as 'thetime',fuel,speed,heading,mileage,satellite,gsm FROM device_locations
WHERE `dateTime_created`
BETWEEN CAST(CONCAT('$startdate',' ','$startime') AS DATETIME)
AND CAST(CONCAT('$endate',' ','$endtime') AS DATETIME)
AND (device_id='$deviceid')
AND (speed $speedcond '$speed')
ORDER BY thedate,thetime ASC
that is my sql statement
well damn your database must be huge
@Dave,yeah,I'm working with tracking system
Sounds like you store gps point data
@taco, yup
uber uses node for that, though I dont know if the requirements are similair
@taco, what is uber ?
it's like a taxi service
okay I'll check this
I will try maybe this will solved my problem
@taco, what did he use in the uber?
Uber uses Node.js servers. Node is good at emitting small amounts of data that do not require a full page load
not fully sure of what they use besides node
@taco,thank...I wonder why how they track the customer
or android
it gives the gps location
@taco, so saving also the gps points in the database ?
they use node.js and redis, I am not familiar with redis.
1 hour later…
Guys, I'm losing it over here..
var staticDir = __dirname+'/../'+ config.mode === 'development' ? 'build' : 'dist';
console.log(config.mode, staticDir); // "development" "dist"
that's just not possible!!?
@m59 you need brackets.
you're checking if __dirname+'/../'+ config.mode is equal to 'development'
@phenomnomnominal holy heck man. thanks. Totally didn't see it.
Hi all I am new to JS, I am using node.js and socket.io to establish a communication
@all .. have any idea about this concept
In Javascript, am not able to differentiate between identifier and variable
var helen = function(apple, orange){return apple+orange;}; var dan = helen(3, 5);
Can i call helen and dan as identifiers?
Q: What is the difference between an identifier and variable?

ReenaI'm a bit confused about identifiers. In my textbook it says, "We use identifiers to name variables (and many other things) in Java." I'm not really sure what this means. Is it like assigning a variable...to a variable? What? So far, I'm getting this impression: int a, b, c; a = 2; b = 99; c ...

Please check this u wil get an rough idea
@rlemon don't worry about it, take your time
already been thru that query
waaaaaaaaat? JS has getters and setters??
You know in chips they use potatoes.
What do you guys think about my answer here? stackoverflow.com/questions/28186158/…
just looking for a way to improve it.
@overexchange Yep. You're right. they are identifiers. Main thing to understand here is that everything in Javascript is an object (functions, variables, closures etc) and identifiers are way to identify them by giving them names labels.
@RahulDesai Don't understand you're answer. You're converting it to float and then flooring it ? Floor is entirely unnecessary IMO.
Also, flooring will cause loss of information if marks are Real Numbers
Hi there
any js genius around for this : stackoverflow.com/questions/28176334/… ?
@Anupam Updated my answer. Thank you for pointing that out :)
@RahulDesai wc
Good morning. :)
Has someone a good reference to an online example which is using a lot of AngularJS?
@Anupam like python, everything is an object, in javascript
So, can i say name and value where variable/funtion are possible values?
instead of saying identifiers and variables
anyone can u tell what language there are using here -->
@ShaU Javascript...
@Duikboot ?
Can you tell how to increase number of elevators
@ShaU You increase the number of elevators as you increase in levels
Although I see exactly where you're going with that, and I too would love a sandbox
if passenger is clicking 2 then after reaching 1 why it is coming down agian?
You are responsible for defining the elevator's behavior using the API of the game
elevators', rather
Cool game ;-)
Challenge completed
You know at a glance at the source adding a sandbox mode probably wouldn't be hard... I might do that
I wonder if any forks already do
is it only me feeling bored as a programmer ?
I can reasonably state that there's probably at least one more bored programmer in the world. what's going on?
just don't know which way am heading - I used to be motivated then ever, now i am getting sick of sitting on chair and doing all coding
maybe career change is what i can see
What got you into programming in the first place?
game development
when i was in 9th grade
Are you developing games right now?
boring enterprise web applications
There's tons of open source games out there, and you could always roll your own, have you checked out anything like that before?
I've been programming daily for more then a decade and am not yet bored. But there have been boring projects for sure; you might just need to find something fun about the boring project, or get a more interesting project to work on :-)
@overexchange you can. but no one will understand what you meant. :P
... but that's correct way to see it in your head.
@RoelvanUden Well said.
When I was in a call center, I made a game out of making the angry screaming people happy. Sounds odd I know but it made it bearable rather than impossible.
I'm not sure about the relevance to current discussion but I felt like stating it.
@jdphenix My friend works at a call center, I always tell her she gives too much f***.
She's wasting all of her monthly f*** allowance on that job.
I'l admit I walked into that place with a broken Care-O-Meter.
@SecondRikudo I don't think I can make it today :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum =_=
Next week then, I guess.
@PeeHaa Can I ask you something in .pvt? :) Just an opinion about something.
lol, I love how you said it out loud in the chat :D Next Monday I believe. @SecondRikudo
@Anupam am trying to say this because, everything is an object in javascript/python. Otherwise it is difficult to adapt this interpretation in context of C/C++, because everything is not an object.
@overexchange not everything is an object in JavaScript...
@BoltClock I understand you're the cleanup crew :P
Uhhh @BenjaminGruenbaum can you still read the history on that?
@overexchange the exceptions are numbers, strings undefined null and booleans. In ES6 also symbols.
@SecondRikudo I can, the trick is to move it first to another room with no owners and then delete it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nah, I flagged it and asked for history to be purged as well
Seems like it got screwed up for some reason tho
(See the (no older data available) there?)
@BoltClock Y U NOT DO WHAT @SecondRikudo ASK?
@BenjaminGruenbaum In python, when i say a1 = 4 an object of type int is created and a1 refers to that object. in javascript?
I think it is a mistake to intrinsically convert undefined to 0
@overexchange it creates a primitive value type (that is immutable) called a1 (on the global scope in loose mode, in strict mode it errors for missing var).
rlemon even had a problem the other day when he was checking if obj.length > 0 and since obj wasn't an array..
JavaScript will readily box it and unbox it to a reference type so usually it just looks as if they're objects. It's easy to verify that they're not.
One of the few moments when an exception should be thrown without a cast imho
yourconsole> var x = 5; x.foo = "Hello"; x.foo; // hello on objects, undefined here since boxing and unboxing happened
No bot, again.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Several days now
I ping @rlemon daily.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not dead! Honest!
Ok then, bot up.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Command slidepoop learned
@BenjaminGruenbaum you don't have Caprica's credentials?
Good nuff for me.
@SecondRikudo nope, never asked for them.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nope
Mar 13 '13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
Or yup, I guess.
eval is the best command in JavaScript - everyone should use it for everything.
Good day
Guys, quick Q. Is there any way to make AngularJS parser to be more strict?
Like if you have model somewhere in template and it is not defined, then you would get an error or something?
Same goes for methods. Like ng-click="doSomething()", but doSomething() isn't definde anywhere.
I know, that AngularJS has its own parser on top of standard JS.
At least, this is what was written in book :)
@Duikboot What's pvt?
private chat
Oh sure. Send an invitre
@PeeHaa hi. Have you gone to the Dark Side and moved away from PHP? :D
@Duikboot just in case it matters SE chat isn't really private
I guess so but it's just not related to this channel.
Okay I just know that's bitten people before
Oh ok :D
Thanks for mentioning it :D
@Eugene And join the even darker side? Never! :)
@PeeHaa I'm your father :D
@Eugene :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum You guys hiring remotes?
@SecondRikudo usually no, why?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I might have someone who might be interested
Although not sure he's open for relocation
I'll ask vOv
@PeeHaa it sounds even more funny, if you try to pronounce "father" in german :)
I know :)
hi all
need your help
I'm in a simple FORM. I need to build a .pdf file of the form before submit. Ask the user if he wants to download or not, and THEN, when downloaded or not, finally SUBMIT the form... I encounter problems with this events managing...
actually i deal with it like this :
        //do some stuff
    if(generated == false){
        //generated is a global var that is set to false until my document is generated
            success : function(response){
                //response is the url of the pdf...
                generated = true;
I posted elevator game(play.elevatorsaga.com) link in Java Chatroom and the Hilter Unihedro Kicked me out.
@Julo0sS what "problems with this events managing..."?
@ShaU: I don't care?
Why would I?
@iroegbu well, this script does not wait for user to download or not the file. It just opens a new page and submits... I'd like it to wait until user decision (down or not) and then submit. AND, this solution is not really effective on IE...
can I specify the passport user serializing per authentication mechanism or does it once per app?
@ThiefMaster He is saying he owns the place. But you are a Moderator here.
He is an owner. The rooms are moderated as the community likes, as long as nothing illegal and overly offensive happens
oh... I see... async.
@Julo0sS at what point do you ask use if she wants pdf?
@iroegbu well, not really, my ajax query "submits" the form only once the pdf file is generated, what i need here is a way to "wait for" window.open event
submit = download pdf (or cancel) AND THEN submit
passport is going through all the serialization defined upto the point,my code is here stackoverflow.com/questions/28143331/…
@ThiefMaster Why was i KICKED?
@ThiefMaster Can i have a Private Chat with you to resolve my Prob?
@iroegbu another solution may exist... Can I anyhow add a post var in my submit data ?
if so, i can build the pdf, and submit the form with the pdf file url in a new post var... that would fix my problem since i won't need window-open anymore...
stackoverflow.com/a/5004276/747609 shows how to add post data
I did something similar some time back, I had window.open(response, '_blank'), so pdf opens in different tab
@ShaU Probably because you violated the rules in some way. Or because you were generally annoying. Why make a big deal out of it, though? It appears to have been temporary, and if anything, shouldn't you have learned something from the experience? The room owners pretty much do own the place (community driven and all that, with small exceptions, none which were applicable here).
@RoelvanUden I am asking that only .? What rule i broke? The one who kicked me may be Theifmaster or Kippie. Do you mind if you tell me
Look in the chat log?
@RoelvanUden Do you see anything offensive?
Well, I do see you calling someone a "hilter", so that could be seen as offensive.
What is Offensive in that Mr. Kippie?
Mind if you explain?
Fuck it. You're a huge troll, and I'm just going to ignore you from now on
@Kippie I was polite. I just asked : How is it Offensive to take a name of a person?
Can somebody help me understand the significance of object in orange? am new to javascript, i learnt that a link is created between the created function object(in red) and the one pointing to.
is it something like class Object{} in java?
@ShaU Let me tell you a secret about online communities: It might appear to be as democratic as your home country, and it might seem to act on the same set of values; but there is one clear difference. Unlike your home country, an online community can quite simply choose to avoid to deal with your shit by just getting rid of you. That simply means that you're considered an asshole.
@RoelvanUden Well , It is just reverse. I consider all of them as Assholes
.click() does not work with internet explorer?
@ShaU And that right there is the core of this entire issue. If you don't like us, why are you even here? You choose to participate in an online community, you're not forced to.
@Julo0sS it should
Throughout the day, it is normal to encounter an asshole. However, if you find that everyone is being an asshole, then you're the asshole.
hey,can any of you help me with this question stackoverflow.com/questions/28143331/…
@FlorianMargaine not "well" then... :/
I'm on IE10, with F12 tool, i don't see any ajax calls appearing anywhere... where do I see them? (hate ie... firebug so simple)
in the above code, Tom.ack = "Hello" property is not visible in function object pointed by jane, why is that?
so what is the difference in meaning when i say Tom.prototype.ack instead of Tom.ack?
@overexchange If you add something to the prototype chain, it effectively becomes accessible in everything that inherits the property chain. If you just add it as a property to an object, it is only available to that object (and possibly objects that use it as prototype).
Read something like yehudakatz.com/2011/08/12/…
IE sucks
@intern Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Is AngulaJS bad for multi page web applications?
Hail IE
I don't think IE sucks; and no, AngularJS is pretty much made for multi-page SPAs
"multi-page SPAs"
That's my favorite term for the day
multi-view then
@RoelvanUden When I say Object.create(null); What is Object here? a class or an instance of a class?
In java Object is a class, am not getting the feel of what exactly is Object in javascript.
i have a function which makes an ajax query. This function, in ajax success part, calls its callback function. This is working with FF, but not with Internet Explorer... Whats the matter with it? the ajax succeeds cuz it creates a file, so i can check if it did succeed or not, but looks like it doesnt call "callback"...
@overexchange There are no classes in JavaScript
Only objects.
@overexchange Object is a constructor that can be used like new Object(...) and has static methods (in your terminology) like create. But please note JS does not have classic OOP class (ES5-) and inheritence, we have objects and prototypes.
Object in this context is a function
Functions are also object on their own.
oh function
@overexchange you should read JavaScript: The Good Parts
coming from java background, i have difficulty in imagining objects without an instance of some type
@SecondRikudo Inpython, add is an object of type function which is a subclass of class object. a1=1 mean name a1 points to an object of type int as show below. am looking for such info in javascript.
@overexchange in JavaScript there is what's called the prototype chain
how do i depict that? or visualise that?
and where is Object of javascrip fitting in that diagram?
A "prototype" is a set of properties that's there for all objects of that type
So for instance
function Foo() {} // Constructor
Foo.prototype.do = function() { console.log('bah'); }
When you create a new object from a constructor with new Foo(), what actually happens is this:
A new object is created (with the Object's prototype), the constructor (Foo()) is called with that object bound as this, and then the constructor's prototype is added to the object created.
that type mean which type? is it feasible to see the source code of "prototype" which has properties?
am not able to visualise the starting point for what gets inherited from for the code one writes in javascript unlike java or python. In the sense, In python, if i define a function foo in a file, i know that this will become an object of type function which is source code visible.
@overexchange I seriously suggest you read JavaScript: The Good Parts
It explains it better than I can, and it's a very light read.
Do you know any video/short_doc rather than a book?
It would be difficult for me to digest, if one says, use Object.defineProperty() or Object.create(null); without knowing, how things are linked before i write these lines
!!Where is Capri?
@Jonathan Probably
!!> Array(16).join("wat?" -1) + " Batman!"
@Jonathan "NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN Batman!"
just no
The three people standing there looking all happy holding the sign
itunes.rip, bluray.rip - that TLD would be awesome :p
Undoubtedly would get a lot of website names like whatsthei.rip
something strange...
@Neil: that's a bit lame. whatstheir.ip on the other hand...
@KendallFrey http://st.rip , http://acid.t.rip
@ThiefMaster aboutto.rip
with all associated subdomains
submitting form (in fact it is "submit button".on click) fires a function (with ajax call in it). This "preventDefault" until the ajax query is done, then, on this ajax call callback i fire form.submit(). Everything fine in firefox, but Internet Explorer works only at 2nd click on the submit button. 1st click seems to be stucked in the ajax function... console gives "ajax"... then on 2nd click, 1st ajax call response is "error status 500"... But calls the ajax again and 2nd call succeeds
@SecondRikudo The param is a nice touch
@Neil I try.
Using a parametric object-oriented programming language or POOP
Using ICUP protocol
Just sharing, smallpdf.com/j handy tool :)
Q: Have JIRA send mails to watchers on commit from Stash on a ticket

Second RikudoOur workflow is as follows: Someone opens ticket in JIRA (ABC-123) Developer commits with commit message ("Do the thing, relates to ABC-123") Developer pushes to Stash server Commit will show on JIRA (and when viewed on Stash, ticket will linked to JIRA). Note: I'm not sure if the above workf...

now with 250 more bounty!
please if you have a few seconds : pastebin.com/8B1R6TVH

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