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guys :\ how can I get more detailed error descriptions with Node.js?
> Was Michael Jackson a satanist?
@SterlingArcher no, but Ke$ha is illuminati
@corvid how are you currently handling errors?
there's like a 30 minute documentary on it on youtube
it's hilarious
@SterlingArcher used the express generator, which has some error handlers on the bin/www executable
but I keep getting this error and it's not informative.
        throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: spawn ENOENT
or maybe she's a satanist, and jay-z and beyonce are illuminati. Not sure.
enoent is pretty specific
a file you are attempting to use you don't have access to
something else has it open, it doesn't exist, permissions, etc.
also, there are modules for better stack traces in node github.com/mattinsler/longjohn
@KendallFrey I saw that earlier and lol'd
@rlemon I ate a lemon raw this week
you sonofabitch...
She sheer amount of Hitler comedy on the internet makes me want to revive the man just to show him
@SterlingArcher But... but you're...
> Look! you wanted to be an oppressor now you are just a joke for neckbeards.
strokes neck
!!afk going home and then going to get jakked so no one can make fun of my shitty code
dammit rlemon. this isn't irc
@rlemon Your code is fat and smelly
covers nuts
@KendallFrey i know. i know.
Damn these people are good
!!youtube family guy clown porn
jeeze man.. just found this gulp-load-plugins
no more crazy amount of requires
@SterlingArcher "You know that VW beetle-shaped dildo you've always wanted to try? Not a good choice when clowns are around, as they may forget themselves and crawl inside."
oh my god ._.
imgur.com/gallery/d9lF3 this is borderline the best thing I've seen on imgur. Especially the chicken one
I hate the fact that web hosting servers are monthly payments, instead of yearly like domains!
I understand why, but still.
@DemCodeLines -.o
good ones are yearly
or can be rented yearly
which ones?
The Derrick Rose one hurt me lol
They're expensive
had a good experience while I was renting from them
I don't need dedicated servers. I'm simply building a personal website.
$15/year for a teeny tiny little server
Being in college, it's already not fun to pay that much for college.
even shared hosting won't be much cheaper than ramnode
@ssube Ever used ramnode?
They're the cheapest I've ever seen, never used them though
@KendallFrey have 3 (or 4) boxen on them now, for gitlab and stuff
good or nah?
no problems so far. It's all personal stuff, fairly low-traffic, 1G OpenVZ boxes mostly. Used their KVM ones briefly, worked fine.
Went with them over Linode or DO because I wanted the bandwidth cap (vs pay for overages).
code.apextoaster.com is hosted on one, responds pretty quick
nothing free out there, right?
Switched from a 32 (or 64) dedicated OVH box late last year, cause I didn't need that hardware and didn't wanna pay $160/month.
OVH was great, except for their networking, which just didn't work with BSD.
(gateways outside of the subnet, which pisses off most routers)
Dangit; killed myself jumping into the spike that reveals the level exit...
OH I have Ramnode
they're fantastic
Would it be silly to build a CLI application on ES7 async/await :-)
@RoelvanUden are you waiting for stuff to finish?
@ssube Not for this app, but there is no guarantee that ES7-stuff ever gets into the browsers, right? I would hate to rewrite async/await if I should have used coroutines and yield.
@ssube how do those boxes work? If I were to build a PHP site, what would I have to do?
@DemCodeLines You have root, it seems like a normal server (so you install centos, nginx, and go from there). Just on someone else's hardware, so they handle failures.
There are plenty of guides on LAMP or LNPP setups, it's pretty easy.
@ssube never installed all that through command line
You generally get better performance than shared hosting would provide, since you have dedicated memory (and maybe bandwidth).
I'd highly recommend picking up a box (or setting up a local VM), throw centos (or your favorite distro) on and poke at it.
@RoelvanUden I wouldn't use it over coroutines and/or promises, then. Use what you need, man.
@DemCodeLines For CentOS (my favorite), it's literally "yum install nginx postgres php" and some configuration.
There we go.
Just realize if you get a VM thats not managed you are responsible for all the things
security, patches, firewall, ect. ect. ect
aka DigiOcean ^
I owned the shit out of that server
azure has 'websites' which are actually really nice
@rlemon knowing what that error helped, thanks... looked for anything that accessed the file system. Seems Node Compass was the culprit of the error code
@corvid rlemon is afk: going home and then going to get jakked so no one can make fun of my shitty code
@Retsam Beat level 2 and I'll buy you a beer
Hi, just realized something - Private / Incognito browsing shares the same session cookies ?
why ?
@ssube What's the cheapest, but best option that you would recommend? I'm basically need a place to host my side-projects, personal website and stuff.
@DemCodeLines if you are looking to actually just host content and not mess with shit go with shared hosting
especially if its just for a few small sites
@Loktar Well, I suppose I would gain a tremendous amount of knowledge about working with servers if I do this.
is there a way to open a new browser window and have it not share the existing session cookie ?
But yeah, I'm not hosting the next Facebook.
yeah it depends on your end goal
if you are just hosting a blog and thats the purpose go with shared or managed hosting
@copy I think if I seriously attempt level 2 I'll need a new keyboard, not a beer :P
@Anupam incognito mode, ctrl shift n
oh my god I just discovered reachability mode on my phone
that's clever as fuck
@RalphWiggum nope. :)
if you want to learn how to operate everything from server architecture to the code to applying updates, ect. get an unmanaged vm or ec2 instance
session cookie gets shared
between different open incog windows
was surprised to find it out just now
oh, it'll get shared between the two tabs/windows, but not between the non-incognito window
@Loktar Amazon is expensive man
there's probably an extension for your browser
good idea. will search. txt
@DemCodeLines totally dependent on your needs
@DemCodeLines Heroku
@DemCodeLines I code more C# than JS ftr.
everytime someone says heroku I'm reminded I pay $10 a month for nodejitsu
@Loktar Just a personal website. Things like resume, blog, things that I've built. Nothing too much.
bleh time to go home where I know Ill waste the night playing vidya games instead of learnign
@SomeKittens I tried their free tier. Was horribly confused what to do. It'll be worse if I pay for it.
@DemCodeLines There's no functional difference between free and paid tier other than speed
Managing a server is a good learning experience
plus, i need a yearly thing. Not per month thing.
monthly is better
if you find out it sucks you're not stuck
@SomeKittens It's not the functions. I had no clue what to do.
Or GH pages
@Loktar It's also more expensive.
idk why people hate on shared so much, dude just go grab a shared instance from hostgator and try it out
dirt cheap and dead simple
@SomeKittens Open-source is great and all, but not everything needs to be open sourced.
I ran a site making 30k a year at the time on shared.. for like 3 years, was fine
I had to upgrade once traffic hit like 20k users a day, but thats a worry long down the road
Is there a way I can write javascript within a string of javascript? For example: <script type='text/javascript' id='myJs'>
var elem = document.createElement('div');
elem.id = 'leader_b';
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.text = 'googletag.display("leader_b");';
@tecshaun Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Loktar I can't afford to shell out money every month. I already have college and other expenses to pay for.
Thanks @CapricaSix - I asked my question
lol we have this discussion every month or so
everyone wants an amazing host for free :p
Don't worry, it has nothing to do with bitcoin
I don't mind going for yearly.
@DemCodeLines well the only reason I caution yearly is because you haven't hosted before
its good to feel some out for liek a month or so
you dont want to shell out $100, or $500 or whatever and then find out you hate the platform
ask @rlemon about godaddys vm
To be fair, college kids literally can't handle $5 a month lol
my friend yutt had the same thing happen lol
@SterlingArcher if he can handle a $100 up frotn payment I imagine he could handle 1 month at $5
DigitalOcean bro
Learn u sum ubuntu
host nodejs
lol but what do I know.. I've only hosted websites that generate income for 10 years or so :P
/me leaves for reals
Uhm SO down?
@Loktar $100 up-front? where?
@Jonathan looks like so
I get IIS page when I go to SO
SO is fine for me
@DemCodeLines That's a year of hosting
@SomeKittens Ramnode says $15
@SterlingArcher Definitely down here
@SomeKittens or am I missing something here? Sorry, I don't know too much about this as I'm still learning.
why wouldn't a slider counter work with two modals that are almost identical?
@DemCodeLines oh, that's for a REALLY tiny server
I'm a bit confused about something... normally, when sites have a log in view, it's easy enough to fire an event when they log in and get the token for authentication. But what do people do for OAuth where it directs you off the page?
@SomeKittens How much RAM could I potentially need for a personal site?
do i need to write a different slider to number for every slider i have?
@DemCodeLines 128 MB should do the job
@DemCodeLines 1mb outside of what's required to sun the server, if you want to run it
Why do I feel you guys are misleading me as a joke?
SO home page is the IIS start screen
@DemCodeLines the first web server was built in the 1970s, so you only really need a computer built in the 1970s
Wonder who dropped the ball
Ok, I think I see some prorgress in my banking situation.
@BenjaminGruenbaum They use Windows Azure, nice.
My accounts are still frozen, but they have removed the charges caused by the fraud. So maybe they're moving fast on this one
@DemCodeLines no they don't
Anyway, good night everyone
@BenjaminGruenbaum That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sorry, meant Windows Server
It's fine for me? Propagation?
@SterlingArcher \o/
@eyeLoveFiddle not funny bro
A web server for your personal home page seriously doesn't need a powerful server
Many people run it on a Raspberry
I run them on similar hardware
@DemCodeLines i was trying to be serious
@copy I run mine on a banana
I run mine on ameno acids
@copy I have a $200/Mo dedicated server for my personal homepage
And it's slow
But I use php, so there's that
cmses are slow i've heard
@FlorianMargaine Wait, really?
1 message moved to Trash can
don't randomly ping people for help
@rlemon you don't like me, do you?
I don't like when people randomly ping me.
if someone is interested, or knows the answer, they will ping you. I'm not trying to be rude, but I can't put it in more polite terms
i only remember you as a js expert
Also, please learn how to ask a proper question: stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask
i also said et al which means and others
pings carry notifications. there is a reason regulars get annoyed with random pings asking for help.
fine, ping me randomly
@eyeLoveFiddle Remember, you're asking for free help here. It's in your best interested to ask as good of a question as you can.
anyone here good at regular expressions?
Arguing about technicalities won't help you get the help you need.
@PrimeByDesign Feel free to ask, if anyone's interested, they'll answer.
yea regex... I've never been able to master it
@SomeKittens does nobody read the rules?! this is anarchy!
why will this code only work with the top modal:
function more() {
var x = document.getElementById('slider').value;
document.getElementById('counter').innerHTML = x;
@eyeLoveFiddle because id's can't be duplicated in a document
sorry.. sure okay so I need to find angular style {{tags}} in side a string... I need an array returned that I can loop through. Anyone know how to do that?
stops after it finds the first in the document
how do i fix it then?
but the ids are within modals
@copy ....of course not, I'm a cheapass, I use github pages
it's basically a string operation I need
How's hosting on GD?
cheap, but so is the service
their databases suck. don't plan on getting speed from them
uptime is good..
@rlemon have you tried OVH?
I have a dedicated server with them at work
I've found them to be really good despite what I read on the net
how do you find them?
when I fucked our server the one time.. they saw it and called me before I could swear about it for a minute and look up their number to call them
had me back up and running in no time
@SomeKittens thanks... I know the method...
I don't know the expression string though
how to form it :(
for £2 a month they're pretty damn good
basic package
!!> "{a} {b}".replace(/{([^{}]+)}/g, "I matched $1 and $2")
@rlemon "I matched a and $2 I matched b and $2"
@rlemon will that return an array?
what I need is to find everything between {{}}...
say if there were multiple occurrences for example
ok well lets learn some regular expressions ! wooo!
{{this}} and {{that}} I want an array of ['this','that']
I just can't get my head around them
esp when { appears to be some sort of operator
and I can't understand escaping
!!> "{{this}} and {{that}}".match(/{{\w*}}/g)
@copy ["{{this}}","{{that}}"]
well that is simpler than mine
!!> "{{a}} {{b}}".match(/{{([^}]+)}}/g)
@rlemon ["{{a}}","{{b}}"]
and so I don't need to explain it
sorry I get it now!
@rlemon You Genius!!!
@PrimeByDesign @copy's solution is better
ah... okay I'll try that!
nope @copy's solution didn't get the 1st one
only second
7 mins ago, by Caprica Six
@copy ["{{this}}","{{that}}"]
let me take another look then
maybe it's because
tag 1 actually looks more likle
sorry I guess I didn't explain that
So now learn what the regular expression and which one works for you
guys. I'm lost on something.
Why can't I do this:
    window.setTimeout(function () {
        this.width = this.elem.offsetWidth;
        this.height = this.elem.offsetHeight;
offsetWidth of undefined...
fritz-kola is awesome
!!> parse("I like {{this}} and {{that}}", {this:'Apples',that:'Pancakes'}); function parse(text,data) { return text.replace(/{{\w*}}/g, function(match) { var key = match.slice(2,-2); if( !( key in data ) ) { throw 'you suck.' } return data[key]; }); }
@rlemon "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
@rlemon "I like Apples and Pancakes"
@Jonathan I like to fly into my own explosions because explosions
Yes, explosions
But we need more
Can someone explain how quaternion representation is related to axis-angle representation?
!!wiki quaternion representation
I get that they're related, but not very sure about how it works.
@Shmiddty The Gods of Wikipedia did not bless us
@KendallFrey nobody knows
I'll just go with some awful free web hosting to host my site
nothing free is good :(
nothing good is free :(
How about £2 a month hosting?
@DemCodeLines you're saying that as a front end person?
Most of our stack is open source
I'm not a front end person
I'm a .NET developer
not talking to you, sir
I would host the site myself, but my provider would kick me out!
cross talk haha
@Shmiddty Yeah, but what good is it when you can't host it for free?!
OVH are pretty good
someone in here recomended it to me once
I've been using them and they're fantastic
@DemCodeLines get a job, ya bum
I'm paying £2 a month for a VPS
@PrimeByDesign That's a really good price
oh, this is window within the timeout... facepalms
and the support team are fantastic whenever I have an issue
I think
@DemCodeLines I use a good free host. What kind of site is it? How much serverside code?
I'm paying a lot more than that
@Jonathan bind
even though it's slow apparently
@KendallFrey It's a personal website, consisting of personal projects.
@DemCodeLines have a look: ovh.co.uk/vps
@DemCodeLines wordpress
why does this work:
function more() {
var x = document.getElementById('slider').value;
document.getElementById('counter').innerHTML = x;
but not this:
function more$i() {
var x$i = document.getElementById('slider$i').value;
document.getElementById('counter$i').innerHTML = x$i;
just one word of advice...
or whatever free CMS you prefer
start off with an image
@DemCodeLines Is it a static site? Because if so, I have good news for you.
they have images you can install to get up an running quickly
var that = this;
window.setTimeout(function () {
that.width = that.elem.offsetWidth;
@KendallFrey please don't say github pages
We need a better name for that...
@DemCodeLines It's awesome, right?
i rebuilt the other code to match, but it's got a bug in it
Way better than my last host
@KendallFrey Not everything needs to be open sourced.
Oh yes it does
@PrimeByDesign what do you mean? who has images
God I should watch that movie again
@KendallFrey can I opensource your DNA so i can virally hack you?
Also, why would you be paranoid about your personal website? It's not like someone can't use View Source...
!!s/watch that movie again/hack the gibson/
@rlemon God I should hack the gibson (source)
Not if it's php or rails or scala or ...
@DemCodeLines In that case, no GH Pages
You're putting the cart before the horse, my friend
why not just put the source files out there for the back end code you'll be using also then?
Not sure what you mean by that
open source serverside code has less security holes then closed code
Source: none
TIL: @KendallFrey is a socialist and @eyeLoveFiddle is a capitalist.
Most of it probably comes from being a kid with no money and only being able to play free games
x10hosting for free it is then
!!afk zzz
@DemCodeLines so your website has no backend?
at all?
@DemCodeLines Whatever you do, don't go with 000webhost. They WILL delete your site with no warning.
@rlemon It does, but I will just have to live with PHP and only show projects that have PHP on them, nothing else.
@KendallFrey Yeah, tried them way back in the days, they weren't fun to work with.
and you have $0 budget?
for real? can't even afford like $5 a month?
@rlemon They allow PHP and SQL, so...
@rlemon I don't want to be spending it on a per month basis. I'd rather go for year. But the year ones are expensive. The ones that are not, like ram node, were discouraged by some people here.
well you can get hosting for dirt cheap. It is worth it imo instead of using a free service that may or may not be stable/accessible/etc for you and your readers/viewers
discouraged !== don't get it if it meets your needs.
just understand if you ever want to expand your needs. you'll have to pay a bit more
BTW, there's a rocket launch tomorrow
can almost see Wallops
@rlemon It kinda gets expensive, and i'm not making any money off it either.
Can't see that.
@DemCodeLines I can understand that. I don't run ads on my sites or take donations
not the cost itself, but having things to pay already and then adding another thing.
@rlemon Yeah, I kinda decided long back that I don't want to destroy UX by putting in ads.
oh well.

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