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7:00 PM
@carb0nshel1 o.O
@carb0nshel1 that doesn't seem relevant to the situation at all
Gay people don't push people into trains
17 likes to be open minded, yo
shouldn't the documentation be obj.hasOwnProperty("prop") ?
and not obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)
@Vader as you just learned from codecademy, properties can be referred to by variables
so prop could very well be a variable pointing to the string "prop"
7:02 PM
yes but this specific function is designed to test if they exist, and if they don't you need quotes for the code to run
you don't always need a string literal
not with hasOwnProperty. It takes a string and returns a boolean, regardless of whether the property actually exists.
@carb0nshel1 I don't know how much can you rely on a study like this.
Doing something like x.y will be undefined if y doesn't exist, but x.getProperty("y") simply returns false
7:03 PM
Enough to stand on the yellow strip in San Francisco
I learned recently what a 'string literal' was.
@ssube correct but the latter only works with the quotes
sup humanoids
@NickDugger string literals are fast, is what they are. Also traditionally null terminated.
@Vader nope
@NickDugger Also whatthedude.com/game
!!> var x = {y: 3}; var foo = "y"; console.log(x.hasOwnProperty(foo));
@ssube "undefined" Logged: true
@NickDugger i really hope you mean you just recently learned the term :)
7:05 PM
@ssube this throws an error, but when I add the quotes, it doesn't
var suitcase = {
    shirt: "Hawaiian"
if (suitcase.hasOwnProperty(shorts)) {
else {
    suitcase["shorts"] = 1;
@Vader see? variables pointing to a string can often be used in place of the string
@HatterisMad Yeah, lol
@ssube oh no, a one liner. halp
@Vader That's because your variable was never declared. Add var shorts = "shorts"; and you're golden.
@ssube yes but why would I bother checking if it exist then if I add it myself
7:06 PM
The reference to shorts fails because shorts were never declared, and don't exist.
@Vader maybe you don't want to replace existing values
You've got no shorts, man!
@ssube I think were both right
looks like carbonshell trolled again
f.ex: var clothes = ["shirt", "shorts", "shoes"]; clothes.forEach(function (item) { if (suitcase.hasOwnProperty(item)) { console.log("You already have " + item + "!"); } });
7:07 PM
I have that guy muted @FlorianMargaine
@taco why final?
@taco can you see this, buddy?
moot is leaving 4chan
@taco Good idea...
@ssube uh, please don't use for in on arrays
7:08 PM
@Vader that's where variable come in handy when looking at properties (when the name can vary)
oh hey @IvoWetzel
people are speculating he sold out to gawker, but i dunno. i never use 4chan
my reperteoire is over
@FlorianMargaine hey there :)
7:08 PM
i need new songs too learn
Hes leaving 4chan and coming to SO
what should I learn
What instrument?
@carb0nshel1 what really? trolling?
7:09 PM
@IvoWetzel approximately fixed
Great, just what we need in the world.. more 4chaners
@ssube You could also have changed it to for...of for ES6 syntax, I think.
@Neil I am suprised 4chan got a reference in this room
I never even saw reddit
@Retsam then it wouldn't run in anyone's browser and I'd just confuse @Vader
4Chan was a good runner up for sites like SO
7:10 PM
only imgur and xkcd
Someone had to be the pioneers.
This 4chan live stream has about half the viewers of obamas yesterday
@carb0nshel1 that doesn't make sense, they are unrelated
@IvoWetzel how's life?
@ssube I guess I find it easier to read if someone isn't familiar with the functional array methods; but yeah, it wouldn't run in the browser
7:12 PM
Besides, if 4chan ran about as good as its users, it would make minus mileage
@taco hey whats up bud
@HatterisMad happy new year
how's thailand?
I'll learn crazy train
@taco little late but you too haha. It is good, don't like the food much but it is cheap and can't complain much
@FlorianMargaine Quite good actually (finally getting around to spending my 10 days of left over vacation from last year). Work's fun, got a lot of side projects and playing way to much Smash Bros and Diablo 3 >_> Also 2nd anniversary of me and my girlfriend is coming up in May :)
7:13 PM
People still play D3?
@HatterisMad have you seen any drug dealing monkeys?
@IvoWetzel yay congrats :)
I thought everyone hated it, compared to D2
D1 is the best one ofc
@taco haven't seen any drugs. You get an execution sentence if you get caught with drugs here.
7:13 PM
@HatterisMad so why are you there?
I don't do drugs hahaha
@HatterisMad good, I just hope the trials aren't rigged
You're missing out.
7:14 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum nice thx :)
@NickDugger after they uh, made the original game designer "leave" and pulled in someone else, they pretty much fixed up all the issues (i.e. the loot)
@HatterisMad Nancy Reagan would be proud
@vader trials? what is this trial word you are speaking of?
@IvoWetzel Ohhh, I didn't know that lol
@taco Good reference :)
7:14 PM
You now actually get stuff (!) and so it's become quite addictive all over again
I heard the skill system sucks, though
@HatterisMad .... o.0
@NickDugger To be fair, I haven't player D1 or D2, but just judging from the way it's right now, yes it can be quite limiting and there are a lot of skills which are pretty much useless.
Lol they do have trials vader but you have to remember that the political system here is typically not in your favor.... no matter who you are.
But comparing the current state with the launch, it's approximately 1000% more fun.
7:16 PM
D2 was amazing; not one of my favourite games, but the skill system was one of the best parts. Simplifying it was a mistake, but I'm sure it allowed for a broader audience
Back then I played around 70 Hours and only saw 2 legendary items...
But they learned their lesson (i.e. Auction House was a stupid Idea)
The justice system isn't even fair in countries like the US. A bit less corrupt than average, one would hope, but still kinda screwed up.
How come this works
var nyc = {
    fullName: "New York City",
    mayor: "Bill de Blasio",
    population: 8000000,
    boroughs: 5

for (var i in nyc) {
but this doesn't
the D2 skill system is what made it a better online experience. Whoever was smarter with their skill points had the better character
7:18 PM
@NickDugger That actually looks quite a bit like the original WoW skill trees :D
I thought they both did the exact same thing
@Vader If the property name is dynamic (in a variable), it must be used with [].
@Vader The first example is getting the property that the variable i defines. The second one is getting the i property.
@Vader Here i is the key, as if nyc['i'], whereas in the other i is the variable set
7:19 PM
nyc.mayor is the same as nyc["mayor"].
oh I see
@NickDugger Being able to make mistakes made the game imho
4chan has a volunteer server admin? what a cheap skate. moot probably makes a good amount of money, he could at least pay the guy
only the second form can take a variable for the property name
7:19 PM
If you can just reassign all the points, you're the same as anyone your level
If the game is too easy, it's boring. Lots of games suffer from this, these days
thanks guys, I appreciate the help
I confused about the meaning of 'virtual page' I meet this expression and I dont know really what this is mean. Thanks
@NickDugger Yeah, they're all about instant reward these days
In tetris, your only reward was knowing that you might have gotten close to your top score
My all time favourite game is the original Rayman.
That game is sooooo hard
7:25 PM
Halo 3 was my favorite game. I traveled to tournaments and managed to compete in a professional tournament once. By far my best video game memories.
@NickDugger That's why I mostly play hardcore/old school stuff, can't stand the "Oh let's give you a hand and explain every single step you need to make in order to get through this super easy level because you're way too stupid for games and don't care" mentality
Also, now that I'm on vacation... I shall give that damn Dark Souls 2 No Deaths / No Bonfires Run another Try
Kerbal Space Program You won't feel like your hand is held there.
@Luggage mechjeb
unless you do that
Even then you gotta click the right buttons :)
The only thing I used mechjeb for, SmartASS, is now in the stock game.
I always found mechjeb to be usefull b/c for me it was mroe about building the right one rather than being able to tap w really fast
7:28 PM
There are plenty of games nowadays that are the right amount of challenging, imo.
@Retsam such as....
Taht's cool, Vader. Also l doing the same thing over and over gets repetative.
mechjeb isn't a game killer if not abused
I've been on a roguelike/roguelite kick recently, so FTL, Rogue Legacy, and Risk of Rain are good examples
@Luggage does robbaz mean something to you?
7:29 PM
if( !variable == 'content' ){ doThis(); } Is that correct code?
Shovel Knight was appropriately difficult, with plenty of challenge options to make it more difficult if you want
@Luggage if you like youtube this guys has some high quality KSP videos
@carb0nshel1 no
if (variable !== "content")
!variable == 'content' and variable != 'content'. Is the first one valid?
7:30 PM
@carb0nshel1 It's valid JS, but very unreadable. The if clause is confulsing and might not do wat you think
@Luggage thanks.
Nick is right if you are comparing a value with 'not equals"
You are saying "take the 'not' of variable, then compare THAT'. whic is very very unlikely to be intentional
!!> !"content"
@NickDugger false
putting '!' before a line does the same as != to tho right
7:32 PM
so, now you have: if (false == "content")
which is false
You are lacking the very, very basics of anything related to programming
Thing is ! is a unary operator and has a higher binding precedence, so it will "hang" to the variable
with some parens, yes: if (!(variable === 'content'))
woah... an Ivo suddenly appears!
but !== is more readable
7:34 PM
if( !ary[ i ].classList.contains( 'class' ) )
thats all I'm trying to do.
@Loktar \o/
in that case, ! will work as desired assuming the rest of the expression returns the currect result.
It shouldn't execute the code if it doesn't find that class
Then you got to remove the !
7:35 PM
if contains() finds class it will return true
No, i want it to do something only if it doesn't find that class.
so it will be if (true) {
@carb0nshel1 then keep what you have
What are you even confused about?
7:36 PM
i wish there was a 'doesnotcontain'
he's asking about !, but gave a poor example that lefd us down a rabbit holde
@carb0nshel1 well that contradicts your previous message:
"It shouldn't execute the code if it doesn't find that class"
@carb0nshel1 uhhh, no, that's what the bang (!) is for
Thanks guys. You are the best.
Yes we are
7:37 PM
@carb0nshel1 use indexOf
yes. you are
@crl but that's so ES5 :O
!!c> 'e' in 'aer'
@crl "TypeError: invalid 'in' operand \"aer\""
"that's so ES5" should be on a shirt
7:39 PM
@crl true
forget javascript. This is 2015 I'm using DART
> Lol, you're defending w3schools but saying "get rid of php"?
what scintillating conversation did I miss
@carb0nshel1 Dublin Area Rapid Transit is awesome.
is Dart dead?
7:41 PM
@SimonSarris was it ever alive?
Dart never even lived, but I'd still give it a go... one of these days...
(I'm making a joke, but it seriously is; if you're ever in Dublin, take the line south to Greystones; it's a great view)
Oh, same joke
now I'm lame
Well consider the Google Trends: google.com/trends/explore#q=google%20dart
Google made it. End of.
It looks like we may be past Peak Dart
Runnable is sooooooo slow, though
Google never makes. They half make.
@Retsam It is. I wish my city (Baltimore, the one in USA) has something that operated as well.
7:42 PM
@carb0nshel1 I'll send you a Wave explaining the issues with that argument.
so many products half executed
Dart Beta™
Flash is cool.
It has its place.
So if a "!" is called a "bang", does that make negation "banging"?
7:43 PM
here it comes..
Finished Archer. Is now sad.
@Retsam Of course! I mean, who doesn't know the gangbang operator? !!!!!!
Mmm, I'll be banging booleans all night long.
I put "Bang Operator" in google images searching for js help
7:44 PM
Ohh, I expected a !yourMom from someone. I'm disappointed.
@Luggage I would, but I think it'd exceed our 80 character line width.
@HatterisMad how fast is the Internet over there
I'm making a program that helps cops suppress organized crime. Needless to say I had to gang bang many times in code.
using !! is common in javascript
when you want to force a value to be a boolean type, you double bang it
7:45 PM
also known as the dp operator
someone upvote me.
#! by Ricky Martin
@SimonSarris That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@taco it is odd. 13mb down 1mb up but the ping to the united states isn't bad.
7:46 PM
@CapricaSix oh eff off
this chat is just an educated form of 4Chan right now.
ugh don't say taht
is a prototype like an instance of a class in python?
@carb0nshel1 In other words, its nothing like 4chan.
also /lit/ can be okay sometimes
7:47 PM
/b/ is good sometimes.
@carb0nshel1 why do you go to 4chan?
@Vader no, in JavaScript all instances of a function share the same single prototype
@Vader Kinda.. prototypes are their own thing. You can make a class-like object with a prototype to define all the 'instance methods'.
@taco i can stream video/ play online games/ and voip call with no hiccups.
/b/ was never good.
7:48 PM
I have a plugin on a wordpress site that I need to modify the function of.
maybe I should go in the python room and see what the say :D
@Vadar I don't really surf the site. Just read about it in news articles. Looks bad.
moot just said he hopes 4chan "goes to an organization"...sounds like he's ready to cash out
4chan has some redeeming qualities that you will not find elsewhere
I've tried $.fn.(name of plugin).(name of function to change) = function(){
(rewritten function code)
7:48 PM
@simon like?
Why would something like that not work?
I think a kindergarten class is an educated form of 4chan.
I need a 4chan filter
@SimonSarris what are the hot topics on 4chan? I never browse it as I haven't taken tht e time to learn what /a/ /pol/ etc means
oh yeah, and I loathe their commenting system
Before W3schools I used /b/.
7:50 PM
@carb0nshel1 you are obviously trolling now
It's almost like somebody with 0 points on Stack Overflow wrote 4chan
@taco their commenting system is a plus
hmm, yeah I figuired you would like it
@taco /pol/ is a board for discussing politics, /b/ is "random", /lit/ is for literature (the only one I read)
7:52 PM
I think the community would revolt if the commenting system was changed, but I hate it
I can't tell who said what
I thought all the channels were child porn and homophobia.
and javascript stackoverflow is for javascript.
If you type childp*rn the FBI shows up to your door within 5 minutes.
why is /b/ random.... is it because that would "b" random? /philoso-dad-raptor
7:54 PM
@carb0nshel1 you're getting close to getting ignored by every user in here
@NickDugger I had to memorize info about vampire taps for my Net+ exam.
@Nick at least you haven't ignored me, right?
I'm about to
Good ol buddy you.
@taco I've always assumed the b stood for "bullshit" but that might say more about my view of 4chan than anything else
7:56 PM
/bs/ would make more sense
Is this an invalid angular directive name? tree-node
I'm guessing it's the dash. Hmm
Can a CSS selector search on an attribute that contains a substring?
Here's the thing. On most forums (like reddit) posting anything controversial results in massive downvoting and zero discussion. On 4chan the opposite happens, you get a lot of interesting and intensive discussion with almost every viewpoint expressed because people are willing to take up ANY side of an argument, and it doesn't matter why (they are trolling, or being antagonistic, or truly believe it, you have no way to tell). Going against the current consensus is rewarded, not punished. You get the true "thesis, antithesis, synthesis" ride at 4chan and its hard to find that elsewhere wher
@RoelvanUden [attr*=substring]
^ that was for @taco @Vader and @carb0nshel1
@NickDugger Oh! Nifty! Wonder why Google didn't show me.. thanks! :-)
7:59 PM
@SimonSarris ahh, never thought of it that way
@SimonSarris Finally someone gets it
If I call out morons on Reddit I get downvoted to hell sometimes. doesn't make sense
I had one "white knight" on Reddit blatantly lie about my comment history to make it sound like I hated women
@simon interesting, I can see why you like it.
but whatever, it's the internet. Doesn't require an IQ test to get on here
Changed my angular directive name from tree-node to treenode and it works now. Hmm.
I've found smaller communities with less insular views to be the best places for discussion, personally.
8:03 PM
Would you guys say 4Chan is a lot like the youtube comments section?
I've never used 4Chan
Like this chat room?
Often on youtube the comments are usually urging people to kill themselves, racist, sexist, etc.
TIL: Custom angular directive 'treenode' works. 'treeNode', 'tree-node' do not. Hmm.
@taco did you name the directive treeNode and then used it as tree-node in the HTML? Because that should just work
8:07 PM
@IvoWetzel would linting interfere with that some how in the .directive
I still can't get my incredibly simple directive to work :\
<script type="text/ng-template" id="corvid.html">

<corvid title="sup"></corvid>
app.directive('corvid', function() {
return {
restrict: "E",
transclude: true,
scope: {
title: "@"
templateUrl: "corvid.html",
link: function(scope, element, attrs){

controller:function($scope, $timeout) {

/me whispers... edit ctrl+k
what is the difference between the link and the controller? I am trying to make a basic markdown parser that will read from a textarea
@Loktar I suck at formatting. I've tried. :|
8:15 PM
@Loktar haha
@corvid I'm not an expert, but if you want to modify the dom, you put that stuff in link. your controller is for your other logic
It looks like this page tries to explain it jvandemo.com/… don't fully understand it myself
8:31 PM
How can I delete item in array that it remove the item and change all the index something like

if I have var k=['a','b','c'];
and I want to delete b
that the result will be k=['a','c']
slice and concat
but delete put '' and the indexes dont changes
it will be like k=['a','','c']
!!tell A_l mdn splice
@towc Command msdn does not exist. Did you mean: mdn (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
can javascript automate silvelight web apps?
@Examorph Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
8:56 PM
Does this happen to anyone? The browser scrolls down when a modal dialog opens up.
just wondering if there's a way to prevent the initial autoscrolling when a modal dialog pops up
9:38 PM
Ayo, I know there are some things that you ain't told me. Ayo, I did some things but that's the old me.
Erotica for the Over 80s
7 tweets, 4k followers, following 9 users
She slowly licked her lips, slowly undid the buttons of her blouse and slowly lay back on the bed. She did everything slowly, she was 86.
10:24 PM
Not bad.
good places to learn about algorithms?
@grasshopper Bill Clinton's Music School.
His VP teaches the percussion classes.
because rhythms?
by places i mean on the internet btw
Al Gore Rhythms!
Actually, that's a good question - I did virtually all of my algorithmic learning from a classroom.
@BenjaminGruenbaum should know more
So I'm trying to learn how to write Jasmine tests for my JS code, but all of my code runs on pages that require the user to be logged in...how do I get around that?
10:28 PM
@NathanJones casperjs?
@NathanJones You shouldn't be worried about that with Jasmine - they're not worried about the whole app.
so unit testing shouldn't be concerned about that?
Jasmine builds unit tests that shouldn't need to be aware of anything outside of the function they're testing.
since Karma can run Jasmine tests, could I run both unit tests and casperjs tests with karma?
or am i thinking about what karma does the wrong way
@NathanJones correct. Testing logging in, interacting with the app, etc is the domain of e2e tests
10:41 PM
So would running end-to-end tests with Karma be a good idea?
Or are those kinds of test not really compatible with a test runner like karma?
Just read Corman like everyone else

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