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@taco makes me think of this (/cc @rlemon)
Very cool. I heart technology
Any idea why this would get a random downvote?
This is the same lady, seeing her newborn child for the first time youtube.com/watch?v=e9crPvfcEy4
Dunno, I upvoted ya
Thanks for the support and all but as most regulars know when I ask about why my questions got downvotes I'm more interested in criticism than votes.
random downvote is random
I don't understand Bluebird/Q/promises yet, so fuckifino
@BenjaminGruenbaum So I finally read the A+ spec
@SomeKittens really? Why? I only read it when I had to :P
I was curious and it was simple
Cool ^^
Implement a library - should be a fun evening project
> That is, in strict mode this will be undefined inside of them; in sloppy mode, it will be the global object.
Doesn't Bluebird's .bind break that?
Took me 69 lines of code, 60 with only then and constructing.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm totally booked for the next few days with other side things - still, it's tempting.
@SomeKittens yes, Bluebird's bind creates a BoundPromise rather than a Promise which is technically not a A+ promise - its then is a bit different.
@SomeKittens it's a surefire way to understand it :D
1 hour later…
Quick Q. Do I understand correctly, that object created as var item = {}; is an object without any specific type, just Object. And object created as function Item() {} var thisItem = new Item(); has a cetain type of Item?
@Eugene yes
Thank you.
The main difference is in prototypes
But am I correct, that Item type still inherits Object type? Like thisItem instanceof Object && thisItem instanceof Item or it would be false?
si senioro
!!> function Item(){}; var obj = new Item(); console.log(obj.constructor); console.log(obj.constructor.prototype.constructor);
@KendallFrey "TypeError: obj.prototype is undefined"
@KendallFrey "undefined" Logged: "function Item(){\n\"use strict\";\n}","function Item(){\n\"use strict\";\n}"
mm, guess not
!!> function Item(){}; var obj = new Item(); obj instanceof Object
@KendallFrey true
That answers part of your question
But don't think of types like you would in C# or Java
!!> function Item(){}; var obj = new Item(); (obj instanceof Item && obj instanceof Object)
@Eugene true
I understand.
It was more of a declaration wise question.
saying that an object is a certain type only means that it contains that type's prototype members
where "type" is basically a function in JS
ES6 has classes though, so it gets more complicated
If you declare this.foo = function() { /* use this inside */ };, then one needs to have var _self = this; as far as I understand. But if one has var item = {name: {getFooBar: function(){/* how to reference name here */ /* only by calling item.name directly? */}}, code: {}};
!!> var item = {name: {getFooBar: function(){return item.name.sample;}, sample: 'sample'}, code: {}}; item.getFooBar();
@Eugene "TypeError: item.getFooBar is not a function"
A bit confused
Me and you both :D
but in getFooBar, item.name will usually be this
can anyone help me with node.js
!!welcome Sim
@Sim Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!> var item = {name: {getFooBar: function(){return this.sample;}, sample: 'sample'}, code: {}}; item.name.getFooBar();
@Eugene "sample"
!!> var item = {name: {getFooBar: function(){return sample;}, sample: 'sample'}, code: {}}; item.name.getFooBar();
@Eugene "ReferenceError: sample is not defined"
So the visible scope for a item.name.getFooBar() will be item.name
Sounds logical enough
No, but that's what this will refer to, if that's what you mean.
oh sorry, not what you wanted.
I clearly can't read.
Unless you do ^^^
Anyways, thanks guys.
Got things cleared up a bit.
my question is im trying to use chromecast with videojs github.com/kim-company/videojs-chromecast
i have never used node.js
so im a beginner how do i setup
erm download node.
wait... is that a node module?
guys coffeescript is better than javascript just saying
@david <- troll :D
coffeescript? I think you just meant coffee.
@Sim I don't think you need node for that. The directions at the bottom are just if you want to contribute to the project.
for srs though i quite like coffeescript >_>
My first impression is that its slightly less readable at a quick glance. I haven't actually used it though.
some people go a little bit overboard with the complicated one liners which makes it look bad
but not having to type function() over and over is quite handy
@twiz in description it says NOTE: The Chromecast Plugin won't work if you open the index.html in the browser. It must run on a webserver.

i currently have the site built based html5,javascript and CSS3 so can it be worked though like if i make page called cast.html
@david Well, that's true of javascript as well.
@Sim I'm saying you just need to download their library. The part that mentions a webserver is only talking about running their example code (I think).
Either way, its as simple as following their directions.
!!> [1,2,3].map(x=>x*x);
@mintsauce [1,4,9]
@david can't agree. Harder to read at least for me.
you're just not used to it
i was forced to use it for 2 years at my last job
and now that i'm back to plain old javascript i kinda miss it
they're basically the same thing though so it's no biggie
If you know JS syntax why someone would want to learn new one, if it does same stuff?
less typing mainly
also stylistic preferences
I think it also gets rid of a few unpleasant aspects of javascript, no?
Not so lazzy :D
@twiz ?
it can't get rid of the unpleasant aspects unfortunately, but it can mask them a bit
people talk about the double arrow context binding thing being amazing, but i find i try to avoid that because it means you're doing something a bit wonky
sometimes, not always
and you don't have to worry about semicolons, and you don't have to type return everywhere
i dunno, shorthands in a language do quite a lot for productivity
my last question sorry@twiz to make it work seems like i need have chrcomecast app id right?
@david mask. Reminds me of PHP and usage of @. Mehhh...
I have no idea.
i have no idea what @ does in php :P
Bad things.
@david im trying to use chromecast
@david hides stuff. :) Like errors :)
liek on error resume next?
i still think that line is amazing
Having said that I once had to use @ because a DB code was incorrectly throwing an error. PHP is a mess.
i wasn't talking about anythign like that though, i was more talking about stuff like automatic that=this stuff and string interpolation with "hello #{name}" and list comprehensions
@mintsauce lets agree to disagree. Usually, when there is a error, then you are doing something wrong. Usually it is true.
When I say DB code, I mean a DLL.
No, it was wrong.
Doing wrong and using wrong stuff walks hand in hand most of the time.
You're probably right.
@twiz just tried it app id is required thanks for helping though
@mintsauce It's like knowing best features of PhpStorm and still use Notepad++ for working on big project :)
I'm not proud of it and 'had to' is probably a lie.
It's like knowing best features of PhpStorm and still use PHP for working on big project :)
*fixed that for you
Depends on the requirements
There are big projects, that are well handled with PHP, there are those, that are better of.
Has anyone in here worked with JavaScript and Thymeleaf?
how to make each face of the cube becom 3d
@winresh24 You're going to have to be a lot more specific than that
the each face of the cube in cannon was 3d take a look
!!tell winresh google css cube
@winresh24 I'm not sure what you're referring to. Three.js makes things 3D. What else do you need to know?
yep I already have cube but I want each side of the cube become 3d
that has space with each other
That's not a cube
If each side of the cube isn't already 3D then what you have isn't a cube
That's a bunch of other shapes arranged around an imaginary cube
ahhh i see
have you see the link seeimpossible.usa.canon.com
i need the ouput as calldetails
@monners is transition an actual CSS reserve word or is that by a lib or something?
@Matt It's a style declaration that determines how one state transitions to another, ergo transition :)
In a web app say, your normal flow is view1 -> view2. But view2 detects you aren't logged in...hence view1 -> view2 -> login -> view2. (Assume successful login). Now, if I hit the browser's back button, want to go to view1 directly. How to handle this?
three.js not working on IE?
most likely webGL not working in low versions of IE
try using the canvas renderer instead of the webGL one, much slower but works on anywhere canvas is used
hi i nee help to pass this interview
kindly check if you can solve codility please
i will really appreciate this, im not able to understand their questions
please help me solve
Last 30mins left to solve this TASK
please help me I need a job, i really need to earn now :) i will really appreciate
please help me solve this
If it is for academic purposes or especially a job interview. No one is likely to help you
spamming asking for help is going to make the matter even worse for you.
In fact i would remove those links from chat, because it appears as though anyone with that link can write anything they want and submit it as your job interview answer
im not able to solve it anyway
i tried since last 1hrs
If you are incapable of solving these questions then i am sorry to say but i doubt you are right for the job. No offense intended, it is just how it is sometimes.
Hi guys
i am working on xml parsing from an html form
i stuck near the xml template format
can you guys please help me....

i have written the template like this
var template = [
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>',

if there is no value in the field the xml should print like selfclosing tag


can u guys help me how to do it
@edward Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix ok
Thanks anonymous guy for solving codility. i know its not a complete solution But i really appreciate ur efforts
god bless u
hey is it possible to display different html in ie?
bye, god bless u all :)
why does ng-src not work like ng-src="myImgVar"...instead I have to type like ng-src="{{myImgVar}}"
How am i looking?
Why so Serious?!
I'm trying to convert my table to excel using a plugin. Thing is, the downloaded tables have no data.
@ShaU Don't know.. when was the last time you had your eyes checked?
i'm populating my table using javascript and the data is loaded dynamically on page load. Not sure if this is the reason the downloaded table has no data
@doodla You can imagine that tables and excel sheets don't exactly have a perfect matchup
So my guess is that you have to do some tweaking, pass some parameters
@Neil I guess so. But I'm lost. In most online examples, it is pretty straight forward. Add the js code. get a button click. Enter table ID. voila
@doodla So try it with their example and see if it works
If it does, it means your table isn't what the plugin expects. If it doesn't, plugin doesn't do as advertised
their example is working. Thing is, the table data is all static. So I assume that my table is not working for the plugin
I'm not sure how to change it.
I'm using FooTables.
Ok, well I'm assuming the plugin doesn't fail because the data is different (unless it takes into account things like types)
So check the table structure
Make a copy of it, and modify the copy's structure to be more like what their examples would be
Then see if it works.. if their example works, then it is only a matter of making that change that makes it work
Otherwise you could just consult the documentation...
Why do I even bother
Q: Is using flags to hunt 'unchasteness' a misuse?

Р̀СТȢѸ́ФХѾЦЧШЩЪЫЬѢѤЮѦѪѨѬѠѺѮѰѲѴI've noticed that discussion in which the OP was frustrated with mods refusing his flags on posts which he found to contain 'unchaste' words which could cause sinful thoughts by innocent readers. Those 'unchaste' words weren't even words, but tag names withing XML, where there are numerous reas...

I wouldn't. Fighting about a discussion related to a discussion on whether "boob" is damaging SO is wasted time.
Not now, honey. Something is wrong on the internet.
Damn you, florian :D
I knew I'd get you.
@phenomnomnominal ain't it caturday for ya?
10pm Friday
@Cerbrus 2.9<3
@FlorianMargaine you almost got me. But you know I have the ultimate barrier (well, almost ultimate)
how is your kid a barrier?
@argentum47 no angular.
I told you, that's not how you use kids
@FlorianMargaine Na : I don't have Flash installed
why no angular?
so you have to find my fetish in order to convince me to install flash
You have to add the library
oh, I though angular was not topic :P
> Angular is on topic here stop asking.
@argentum47 you also need to add ng-route as an external resource
how do I show the routing part and the json data ?
and change onLoad to No wrap - in <body>
The get URL won't work because it's relative to JSFiddle's URL.
@dystroy I... I don't want to know.
@dystroy everyone else does though
@phenomnomnominal does what ? install Flash ? Some people use only open source software
No, everyone else does want to know your fetish!
oh that
@dystroy Dawn of free software!
jsfiddle.net/4vmjws3v/2 well, with normally written, I mean putting all the comments in Comments.user_comments = [{}, {}] and <div ng-controller = "CommentsCtrl"> and myApp.factory("Comment", function() { var Comment = { user_comments: [{} {}] } return Comment; }) works ok, but this thing shows nothinng
I think because it returns before the get().success(..) is completed
@Unihedro free != open source
@Unihedro not only free but open source. Flash Player is free, as are video drivers
@Unihedro But he said 'open source software', not 'free software'..
This definition is too ambiguous. It's cool politically but I don't like to bend the language for political reasons.
@RoelvanUden "Free software" implies openly and free to copy, redistribute and modify, including source code, so "free software" is technically open source software.
"Free" software, on the other hand, is really just free of charge software, which was not the context. :P
This is one definition. Not the common one.
Just stick to IT terminology and not awkward (as usual) political terminology
They should have invented a new term instead of trying to bend the existing one, this would have been definitely settled.
English... hard
It has come to this.
It has come to this
^ impact.js builds games pretty well
it was built in impact.js?
ztype is like the first html5 game I played...
it was a demo for canvas iirc
@Unihedro funny. But should've told me to go for expert mode at once
15 waves and it got boring
@FlorianMargaine Yes. The page of the game even has "built with impact" on the bottom right.
what was that unix typing game that was in the shell
that was real hardz
typespeed IIRC
there's that?
@BartekBanachewicz Actually, I purposefully died at 30 waves on normal mode because I constantly nail the ships as they entered. Expert mode was decently more fun.
@FlorianMargaine yeah, it has great dictionaries (like C# keywords and operators)
and it actually punishes you for the wrong characters
and you have to press enter after every word
and yeah it's p hard
@BartekBanachewicz I think I've tried it once, but I don't have it anymore after I changed to a new computer.
I'm debating whether to use impact.js or build an html5 game from scratch. I wanna try making one. It sounds fun.
@BartekBanachewicz rofl, that was hard
@Unihedro 1667, 90.1%, 50.4 WPM
@FlorianMargaine 128 wpm
this typing speed test is easy
@FlorianMargaine Words per minute (WPM) 85
@Unihedro yup. I'm more ~100-110 though
it depends a lot on the dictionary
@BartekBanachewicz well, coding dictionary are not very easy to go fast with...
I'm not a native english speaker so typing in english requires more mental effort
nor am I
anyway I made too many mistakes
(427 | 21)
@Unihedro 128 is still a pretty good score
if 85 was "better than 94.22% of the players"...
VM187:2 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'atob' on 'Window': The string to be decoded is not correctly encoded.
hyphen seems to be invalid..
@BartekBanachewicz yup, 128 is very good
Base64 uses A-Z a-z 0-9 and two more characters. Often that is + or /, but there are also base64 standards that choose differently, e.g. - and _. So in some cases, that's completely valid.
@FlorianMargaine what I had missed is ^ ("URL Safe base 64")
@RoelvanUden =
= is padding when there are bytes remaining
and this padding too is optional
which explains why there very often are some at the end
(I never looked at how base64 was specified)
yes, but I always remove it from my URLs, I don't need the padding
Oh there are standards where it is optional? I didn't know that :-)
I have this code,

var myOptions = {
    val1 : 'text1',
    val2 : 'text2'
var mySelect = $('#mySelect');
$.each(myOptions, function(val, text) {
how can I add a custom data attribute to this option
for example <option data-IsFruitCrate=1>
@FlorianMargaine problem is the specified version is rarely the one you use ^^
!!jquery data
yeah I saw that there were like 10 standards for base64
@FlorianMargaine (admittedly it's not really a big problem as the changes are simple)
I just had to fix my parsing regexes
@crl thanks
Yeah, this son of Escher and Magritte was yesterday on reddit :)
@FlorianMargaine its a bridge
@dystroy on /r/france?
I just went on it... weird stuff there reddit.com/r/france/comments/2tdr4v/…
@FlorianMargaine can't remember
@FlorianMargaine well, le Gorafi...
Those guys (and girls) are always like that (and a few of them are in Lyon, I drank with saucissonfurtif, drakoulios and my_baby_ate_dingos among others...)
:21127199 not working -   $('<option></option>').Value(item.ID).data("IsFruitCrateEmpty", item.IsFruitCrateEmpty).html(item.Name)
it displays the name
but no data attributes
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
value has a small v?
i just followed intellisence @Chrome
i am using val now
but still no data !!!!
@FlorianMargaine lol
so you guys gonna ignore me like ama politician ??

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