Do designers deliberately use 50 shades of grey (no, not a reference), or do they just tweak the shit out of everything until it's exactly how they want it?
@phenomnomnominal I'm well aware of them. Oh, if only my designer was. He doesn't use any kind of discernible relationship with color. He just uses what he thinks looks right on any given template.
That's not the point. We're trying to develop this framework to place well with styleguides. It's becoming more and more apparent that our designers either don't know how to use them, or don't work in that direction. It's very frustrating sometimes. (And yes, I do round to logical values. He never notices)
I'm going to make an argument for ==
Douglas Crockford which you cited is known for his many and often very useful opinions. While I'm with Crockford in this particular case it's worth mentioning it is not the only opinion,. There are others like language creator Brendan Eich who don't see the ...
say i'm building a javascript MVC and wanted to load and unload javascript controllers on the fly, taking care that the script is removed on navigation change, and also that the loaded code is removed from memory. is this even possible?
Specifik question: Is it possible for an iframe containing a document from domain A to talk with it's embedder (parent) from domain B? Support for all standard browsers and IE8 and over.
Hi, does anyone have a working Batarang for Angular 1.2.21 ? The one in the Chrome Store provides just a plain text list of scopes and when I installed old versions from github, the angular tab in the inspector is completely empty. Or can you recommend a similar tool? Trying to debug performance issues :S thanks!
I really want to decode this?
CAn i decode this or can anyone help me decode this
var _0xd65c=["\x24\x28\x32\x28\x29\x7B\x24\x28\x22\x23\x32\x4D\x22\x29\x2E\x32\x4C\x28\x32\x28\x29\x7B\x24\x28\x22\x23\x32\x4B\x22\x29\x2E\x32\x4A\x28\x27\x32\x4E\x27\x29\x7D\x29\x3B\x24\x28\x22\x23\x4C\x2D\x72\x2...
I'm trying to work with an iframe on another domain, and I got stuck at the "Hello World!" stage.
I have two files, served over two static servers. I refer to those files over two different domains and different ports.
<iframe id="target" src="http://hocallost:...