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There's nothing sexier than a correctly used float declaration
@monners or possibly me
@KendallFrey well, we know you float
@SomeKittens Doubt it, he's pretty dense
Flubber floats
yeah, I got your joke. I was covering the other base for a double insult
Ok, back to work
@monners #YoureSoDenseYouSinkInMercury
@KendallFrey #NOU!
I'm the only developer in the office right now
That's pretty fat
Almost lunch time
...speaking of fat
I'ma get something healthy
how do you do use multiple args with gulp.src
i've got paths.scripts and paths.privateScripts, and only paths.scripts get compiled/minified but i'd still like to run jshint on both of them
@rwollr With an array, I think.
TypeError: Arguments to path.resolve must be strings
that was triggered by changing it to return gulp.src([paths.scripts, paths.privateScripts])
i just fixed that by making paths.privateScripts a string where previously it was an array
	//privateScripts: ['server.js', 'lib/*.js'],
	privateScripts: 'lib/*.js',
	scripts: 'public/*.js'
Yeah, you need a flat array not a nested array.
kind of annoying, do i need to make a third property just for server.js then?
^ That will always be a flat array, regardless of whether scripts and privateScripts are strings or arrays of strings.
that worked
thanks man
@Retsam but what if they are arrays of arrays of arrays of...
@KendallFrey I was wondering someone was going to call me out on that technicality.
It's my specialty
well, not much, but I've spent enough energy :P
Anyone know angularjs? Why doesn't my simple "hello World" code not work?
@redshift you never declared an app
You don't declare variables, you register them with the module
@redshift try this out: docs.angularjs.org/tutorial
@SomeKittens do you have to declare an app?
@SomeKittens so putting the ng-app directive in the html element is not "declaring an app"
do i need to create a module ?
ok apparenlty i have been reading an outdated tutorial
@redshift Correct, the HTML attribute is using said app.
@SomeKittens ugh i still can't get it: plnkr.co/edit/ZNqfuwTyXeVpbbSjMGMg?p=preview
i did declare my app, but still can't get the expression to print
15 mins ago, by SomeKittens
You don't declare variables, you register them with the module
got it, thanks!
Go through the tutorial I linked
that documentation on the official site is a bit difficult
i found an easier one
jenkov tutorial sadness #1: the javascript tutorial is bundled into the html tutorial
correction: the jQuery tutorial points to the HTML tutorial, but the HTML tutorial lacks a javascript tutorial
ok... I've misread the jQuery tutorial prerequisites paragraph
jenkov tutorial gladness #1: ToC on each page
jenkov tutorial sadness #1: on the page "jQuery selectors" they should really mention they are pretty much the same thing as CSS selectors.
jenkov tutorial sadness: It's a list of methods with some textual prelude; not sure if I should call it a tutorial.
Maybe don't read tutorials that bring you this much sorrow?
Do designers deliberately use 50 shades of grey (no, not a reference), or do they just tweak the shit out of everything until it's exactly how they want it?
$grey: rgb(108, 108, 108);
$lightgrey: rgb(114, 114, 114);
$lightergrey: rgb(116, 116, 116);
$lightergrey2: rgb(121, 121, 121);  // STOP IT!
someone needs to learn about sass colour transforms
@phenomnomnominal I'm well aware of them. Oh, if only my designer was. He doesn't use any kind of discernible relationship with color. He just uses what he thinks looks right on any given template.
Just delete every second one and see if he notices.
That's not the point. We're trying to develop this framework to place well with styleguides. It's becoming more and more apparent that our designers either don't know how to use them, or don't work in that direction. It's very frustrating sometimes.
(And yes, I do round to logical values. He never notices)
Well done SO, well done
Is it not as simple as just having a conversation?
Just re: hey, this is a colour palette, shouldn't you know about these by now?
@phenomnomnominal I've had those conversations. They never stick.
That's shity
Come work here
I think I need to build them an example and run a training session. Doesn't help that our AD works remotely (his work's generally pretty solid)
@phenomnomnominal But you're so far away!
SO close
We're like a smaller, better version of Melbourne
I will from now on be using !!(Math.pow(Infinity, 0) - 1) whenever I want to use false.
var False = !!(Math.pow(Infinity, 0) - 1); // Science!
I got a job via StackOverflow! Yayyyy :D
Thanks man!
nice man grats
This is the second job I got from SO, btw :)
What happened, did you get fired?
gm to all
I've finally got my desk setup exactly how I want it. It's a good feeling
@monners Kinda. They wanted someone with more experience and I was just fresh out of college.
Guys, what is that website related to regex where it automatically explains the complete regex, on the right side?
@RahulDesai regex101.com
@Carmela Thanks!
@RahulDesai You are welcome :)
2 hours later…
A: Does using == in Javascript ever make sense?

Benjamin GruenbaumI'm going to make an argument for == Douglas Crockford which you cited is known for his many and often very useful opinions. While I'm with Crockford in this particular case it's worth mentioning it is not the only opinion,. There are others like language creator Brendan Eich who don't see the ...

> It's also why you can do 3 + "5" and get something meaningful back - because "5" can act like a number.
"5" doesn't act like a number here...
That's right, that should be -
I guess you should add a warning about + at this point ;-)
The first thing I say there is that I don't agree the the opinion I'm arguing there :P
I also conclude with it - I thought about adding an answer against == but Crockford's article covers that pretty well.
Something something cognitive overhead
Doesn't mean you can't warn about coercing with + ;-)
"(this kinda breaks down for +, which prefers string concatenation instead)"
Everyone watch Galavant now
I don't even know what it is!
Best thing my eyes have ever seen
say i'm building a javascript MVC and wanted to load and unload javascript controllers on the fly, taking care that the script is removed on navigation change, and also that the loaded code is removed from memory. is this even possible?
zYou can remove the script node from the DOM and set everything that it globally defined back to 'undefined'
Specifik question: Is it possible for an iframe containing a document from domain A to talk with it's embedder (parent) from domain B? Support for all standard browsers and IE8 and over.
!!mdn postmessage
Thx I'll take a look at it :)
Hi, does anyone have a working Batarang for Angular 1.2.21 ? The one in the Chrome Store provides just a plain text list of scopes and when I installed old versions from github, the angular tab in the inspector is completely empty. Or can you recommend a similar tool? Trying to debug performance issues :S thanks!
RT @rgacz :-P - Albert Einstein
Are JS n00bs welcome here while they learn?
eager newbs are fine, lazy noobs less so.
Why "sorta"?
Well, I'm a ditzy n00b
I'm eager to learn but I sometimes get caught in really small issues :P
Do you have a specific question in mind?
Why would a piece of code involving iFrames work on jsfiddle but not locally?
@JanDvorak No, I just want people to talk to
@SecondRikudo cross-origin? That includes different port numbers.
@JanDvorak Yes, it's meant to be cross origin
<iframe id="target" src="http://hocallost:8080/iframe.html" sandbox="allow-forms allow-same-origin allow-scripts" frameborder="1"></iframe>

    var target = document.getElementById('target');
    target.contentWindow.postMessage('hello', '*');
This is main ^ from localhost:8080
window.addEventListener('message', function receiveMessage(message) {
    document.body.textContent = message.source.TRC.fn();
}, false);
This is iframe.html, from hocallost:8080
When I put main's code on jsfiddle it works
What's .TRC.fn()?
Oh yeah, I omitted it in this example because it's long
But it's not even fired in localhost
On jsfiddle it gives me a security error as expected
The message is not even received locally for some reason
does jsfiddle set some headers that you don't that you need?
It's worth noting that it's the same simple nodejs server that's serving both files
'use strict';

var staticServer = require('node-static');

var file = new staticServer.Server('./public');

require('http').createServer(function (request, response) {
    request.addListener('end', function () {
        file.serve(request, response);
g2g, sorry
anybody know about this error
script.js (line 4)

Error: [$parse:syntax] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.2.26/$parse/syntax?p0=comments&p1=is unexpected, expecting [:]&p2=17&p3=processForm(1,{{comments}});&p4=comments}});
@JanDvorak it was window.onload, although I don't understand why.
Do people really sell sites with encrypted code the owner isn't supposed to read ?
Q: How to decode this? Im really having hard time :(

Crew ManiceI really want to decode this? CAn i decode this or can anyone help me decode this var _0xd65c=["\x24\x28\x32\x28\x29\x7B\x24\x28\x22\x23\x32\x4D\x22\x29\x2E\x32\x4C\x28\x32\x28\x29\x7B\x24\x28\x22\x23\x32\x4B\x22\x29\x2E\x32\x4A\x28\x27\x32\x4E\x27\x29\x7D\x29\x3B\x24\x28\x22\x23\x4C\x2D\x72\x2...

@dystroy to be fair, you are the god of decoding.
You mean the GOD, right ?
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!‌​!!‌​!!!!!!!!
But I'm rather questioning the ethics of those developers and the sanity of the buyers...
Good Old Developer, that's OK
Yeah it's really not okay
I was called ?
sup ?
This code is full of bullshit
setTimeout(function(){outputToConsole('>Importing Packets!')},250);
setTimeout(function(){outputToConsole('>@COC_SERVER -Imported.')},350);
setTimeout(function(){outputToConsole('>@COC_SERVER_2014 -Imported.')},380);
setTimeout(function(){outputToConsole('>@COC_SERVER_v1.066 -Imported.')},500)}
Seems legit
no its crap... the time frame vom Importing Packets to Imported status should be higher.. at least 500ms
I dunno, code looks pretty performant
It imports THREE servers in like 150ms.
@dystroy Yeah
It's a common thing with sketchy plugins and proprietary crap.
I like to decrypt, crack, then mail the maintainer back to not use these crappy methods in the future.
> Please complete 1 Survey to add the generated resources to your account
This code just prints out a fuck tonne of bullshit.
Who flagged that ? Why ?
Kicked @Sajeetharan
Note : I was referring to the flag on phenom's comment : I 100% agree with kicking out the spammer
was it flagged?
has anyone used spatial types with mysql in node...is there orm support for that?
@JanDvorak yes
Q: Simple cross-domain iframe postMessage works in jsfiddle but not locally

Second RikudoI'm trying to work with an iframe on another domain, and I got stuck at the "Hello World!" stage. I have two files, served over two static servers. I refer to those files over two different domains and different ports. http://localhost:8080/index.html <iframe id="target" src="http://hocallost:...

My first question in quite a while :D
I hope you'll specify a target origin in production
@SecondRikudo If my answer isn't correct, please tell me and I'll remove it
@dystroy It was indeed it.
Of course, this is a hello world example
I'm aware of cross domain risks :P
I'm curious - does this qualify as a typo-level mistake worth closing instead of answering?
Not waiting for an iframe to load ? I don't think so
I mean, it should have been obvious
Maybe to you, not for most developers
Fine then, thanks.
Am I too trigger-happy?
And this question might even help future users having the same problem
@JanDvorak I don't know, I was just commenting this specific case
I mean, how many people forget to wait for an iFrame to load?
Has Somebody Missed Me.
I still miss your punctuation.
Thanks Mr.Jan Dvorak , I appreciate your response.
s/ ,/,/ ;-)
I am sorry Mr.Jan Dvorak i do not understand that.
Read: don't use spaces before commas.

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