@BenjaminGruenbaum For instance: I've got an element, he has 400px of height. Nice element, met him at church, looks kinda blocky. He's got these two sons, one of them inline, the other also a block. But whadya know, blocky son ignore parent height and shoots right up
In that case you have to either use display:table-row which is ugly or use JS or if you're lucky and only have to support modern browsers - use flexbox.
I have a page that uses underscore templates to pull some ajax content from the server. i also have a jQuery toggle that displays a form for certain elements. the jQuery toggle works on all the elements on the initial page load. but doesn’t work on any content rendered with underscore templates. i was wondering if anyone knows whats going on with that?
And usually, when speaking about unit testing in JS, AngularJS isn't even what it all boils down to, it's rather things like Karma or Protractor.
(If I'm not wrong, this is what the Angular team uses internally anyway)
Anyway, there's a bunch of TDD JS frameworks, just have a look and pick the one whose syntax/workflow you favor the most: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/300855/javascript-unit-test-tools-for-tdd
Today I was asked how distributed computation is different from centralized, i explained it all ... in the end gave git as an example of a distributed system. Was i wrong ?
Now that you don't need to match anything serious, no need for regexps, and checking for the empty string is easy (something.length or just if (something))
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} The Augie preorder will close out on the 15th of December.
is gulp.task('second',['first'], function(){ }) the only way to make gulp do a task from another task? I just want my default task to fire a separate task.
How come when I do this '-webkit-transition: .5s;' on an element it's size transitions when I refresh the page. Its like the element is reshaping to the correct size.
// If the string is equal to the word, perfect match.
if (string === word) { return 1; }
// can become
var isPerfectMatch = (string === word);
if(isPerfectMatch) return 1;
@AwalGarg yes, you can (and it happens quite often) write comments for code and then change it later. It's possible but a lot harder if you use good variable names
@evinda I've done DFS at least 100 times, I've had at least 4 courses which involved it and have taught it to students myself before and I have no idea what you're asking there. Would you mind clarifying what the actual question is there?
@Dramorian no need to repeat yourself, you've asked recently. If someone is interested they'll take a look.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I want to find the type of each edge(if it is a tree edge, back edge , cross edge, forward edge)... I applied the algorithm I have posted...
Oh, so your goal is to classify all the edges in the graph. Good.
Now, what are you stuck with?
Also, I'm not sure I understand your definitions for those node types, let me re-read them real quick
Your notation is very unclear - I understand what discovery time and finish time means but the definitions of the edge classification itself - why are you using set containment and set intersection there if it's numbers?
I mean, if I have a node x with v[x] = 10 and f[x]=15 and a node y with v[y]=11 and f[y]=12 - they're cross edges.
Hello I have little question: I want to create Object that I can insert this Object to the dom ,how can I do this? something like object that contain 3 picture 2 button. I want to be able to create this object dinamicly and insert this to the DOM.
@Vishal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Yeah, but India is very hard to reason about from a western point of view because of the different mentality. I remember it being very beautiful but very different.
@SomeGuy yeah, I've watched it and I've seen it first hand when I was in Delhi but I still find it hard to believe. The people who treat them poorly aren't "bad people" on their own. I wonder how this sort of situation formulates to begin with.
@SomeGuy it's very easy to judge people in the mirror of history. Women didn't have voting rights in some places less than 50 years ago does that make all men prior to that bad people?
As far as I know a good way to link directives is either indent or make a parent directive and use child directives inside (since they must interact with one another). i.e.: I have a table, it has visible and hidden rows. Row PREVIOUS to hidden row has a button to show NEXT hidden row. But I can't figure out how to say to toggle action to show only NEXT row, not all hidden rows in the table. Any idea? angular
@BenjaminGruenbaum Not sure I follow. I would like it to be an independent logic. So that there would be no need to repeat part of it every time I need it.
So here's something that happens in India. When the govt. helps the homeless by giving them cheap accommodation, the people just rent out the houses, and go back to the streets
@SomeKittens Well, the caste system is a big part of it no doubt but still - it's one thing to think of someone as a lesser class and another thing to think it's OK they're hungry.
@SecondRikudo, @m59, @rlemon, @NickDugger, @monners, @Loktar, @phenomnomnominal and @Retsam: Reminder that the room meeting is starting...erm...now. We'll start now, lurk transcript a bit if you want to join midway: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/65438