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@rlemon I'm tweeting that.
@rlemon ^ he's tweeting that
@rlemon ^ they're pinging you
It's out there now. No going back.
Is there a functionality like this in Javaascript
Upon reset the images goes back to the respective positions.
Currently I m working on clones ////which creates multiple images of same element

I didn't even cite a source!
I need an example
whats up guys
finally got the engine fired O.o
!!s/ t.*e / /
@JanDvorak finally gotfired O.o (source)
@JanDvorak finally got fired O.o (source)
That didn't take long
@JanDvorak well done
what didn't take long? him editing that sentence?
is he wearing a power rangers t shirt?
charlie brown
i completely forgot what charlie brown's shirt looked like
close lol
so, should I get one of those newfangled smart watches
pebble or w/e
would you use a watch on a regular basis?
do you like how watches feel on your wrist?
@rlemon You don't need one. But if you buy it you will start needing it :/
I have a regular watch now
I use it often for telling time
it really serves no other functions
i wouldn't expect anything else from a watch
this one vibrates
It can help you filter your phone's notifications.
But other than that...
I use my pebble as an alarm clock. Much nicer waking up to vibrations than air raid sirens
@PeterGraham ping
1 packets transmitted, 0 received, +1 errors, 100% packet loss, time 10283ms
@monners Which is less comfortable, waking up to sirens or trying to sleep with a watch on?
Sleeping with a watch on doesn't bother me
society just needs to invent a system that involves not waking up before sunrise...
That might not go down so well in the arctic circle
@twiz how do you enforce that?
@monners eh, who lives there anyyways?
@monners They have a system. It's called MOVE ANYWHERE ELSE.
@twiz They did
You guys are taking me way too seriously.
i think you are taking them way too seriously...
I only ever take seriously serious people seriouly
please someone shoot me for ever saying that....
My father was a drinker...
Did everyone just start punching their keyboards?
I am tempted to. But I'm also kinda morbidly curious how long his thing will last
the thing between my fingers and the table
I love how the ad loads fine for a youtube video, then the video fails to load, then pop's up a little link saying "experiencing interruptions", which links to page explaining how it's all my ISPs fault, and definitely not youtube or anything.
Providers throttle youtube
Sometimes providers even speed up requests to files named something like speedtest.bin over HTTP
Youtube loads just fine for me. Ads, on the other hand, don't.
python is better
@PeterGraham Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@copy If Comcast is slow, I'll just load Speedtest
City of Heroes might not be dead. This has been making me happy for like two weeks now.
1 hour later…
:44 - the face you make when the Metal has ravaged your soul youtube.com/watch?v=Lf-arntrLkI#t=40
Breaking in a new keyboard really isn't easy. So many bad habits I was getting away with on my old keyboard are now crippling my speed :S
at least you have kangaroos
Yeah, I'd take kangaroos over a bad keyboard every day
You can type on a kangaroo?
@copy have you used the Dad?
And lorempizza wins again as the tastiest image placeholder service on my list
I answered the question in a comment, then voted to close. After I got onto a high rep user for rep-whoring by posting an answer, I get this:
@m59 when you have enough reputaion you should support more guys to learn , Down voting and closing it now will kill that guys interest to learn , Specially when some one start fresh they wont even even know how to search and what to search — Amarnath R Shenoy 19 mins ago
Because clearly, I'm not trying to help anyone....
So what are you supposed to do, keep shitty answers/questions around and add to the bloat?
Yeah, because even answering them in a comment (which has no reward for me!) is somehow jerky :)
The insanity..
In all fairness, you are a jerk :P
jerky is delicious.
This is true
tastes self
It's also a constant reminder that I have too many vegetarian friends
Anyone have a fast way of creating an array of days of the week and array of hours in a day?
var days = ["monday", "tuesday"];
@m59 what's he think is "enough"?
@monners Vegetarians are the other white meat.
var hours = []; for(var i = 0; i < 24; i++){hours.push(i);}
heck if I know.
60k clearly isn't enough, as you can see on @SecondRikudo
@m59: cv'd that.
Damn rep vampires.
Zach accused me of rep-whoring the other day for answering an easy one. We disagreed over whether the question was truly that bad. Anyway, I respected his opinion and considered it. It's lame that people have to get all mad about stupid junk.
Hello guys...
@Fahad Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Its Fahad
Hi, and what?
Did you just introduce yourself in the third-person?
Need to know about storing array of objects in local storage
@Cerbrus thanks for the support :)
how to store recents posts... with every post having title,subtitle,etc
@Fahad localStorage.myData = JSON.stringify(data);
lemme try
its over writting the posts object
every time
i want to add
That's not at all specific enough :/
I have to get to sleep though. Make a sample on something like jsbin.com and maybe someone else can give you a pointer
night all!
You could take the object data in localStorage.myData, modify the data, and store it back again
@m59 morning :)
Ugh, some of the hoops people will jump through just to make sure they've got jQuery available...
thanks neil
@monners I wanna see
@Fahad was that not clear? You're storing a string into localStorage. You'll have to parse it, change it and return it.
function saveJson(key, data) {
  localStorage[key] = JSON.stringify(data);
function getJson(key) {
  return JSON.parse(localStorage[key])
@AbhishekHingnikar ahaha nice. Alright, peace out for real this time.
@m59 Nah ya don't
SEO company's code. 'Nuff said
typeof $ === "undefined" && (location = "https://tips.fbi.gov/?subject=jquery%20is%20missing")
There's even a French translation for tips.fbi.gov (in fact they seem to have integrated a Google thing for dynamic translation, I can even help by contribuging...)
I literally hate them!
Asking a question with a jQuery tag with no angularJS signs, and then he updates the question to Angular question. I just hate them, hate!
"Yes i knew , i kinda got confused sir"
Well, shit happens, he seems sorry
@dystroy, Well I think he's just a help vampire, like most of stackoverflow questionier as of the last year. :(
@gdoron Downvote and move on
@SecondRikudo, done, but can't I whine a bit? :)
@gdoron Counter-productive. You'll get to keep your sanity if you care less.
I found that the hard way.
Also, @copy that wasn't very nice of you :(
@SecondRikudo I'm sorry :( Please don't kill me
@copy I'll think about it.
@gdoron Nice shirt by the way.
Airforce, right?
@SecondRikudo, right.
I served in the airforce myself
Cool, which army and what job?
@gdoron Your army, and Intelligence, at Tel Nof :)
ummm.. I think we talked about it once, haven't we?
I might have been called differently back then, Madara Uchiha?
TIL Second Rikudo === Madara Uchiha
Yep, it was you... :)
If I'm not mistaken you said you were doing something related to programming, right?
Anyhow, we have a meeting with a guest in couple of minutes, I need to arrange my questions.
Have fun, and may the (air) force be with you ;-)
@SecondRikudo, see you.
Oh hi @gdoron
Haven't seen you here in a while
@dystroy Really? First time you hear about it? :P
@Mosho Spider on the keyboard?
fuckin' AusPost... iPhone dropped off at the wrong building, with a receptionist signature, put into internal company mail
@SecondRikudo what's up?
@SecondRikudo doge in a spider costume
Hey :)
Im spending already a long time finding out how to wrap a TFOOT element around my totalItem element. >< paste.jesse-obrien.ca/x6B
I tried with wrap and wrapAll() ( jquery) but that is not working out or I am doing it wrong.
does anyone know any rich open data interesting places ?
@vzhen something like? developer.wmata.com/io-docs
@Duikboot Erm, I want travelling places. Let say I want to query nightlife in New York City.
Foursquare/swarm api?
Maybe Yelp?
is tripadvisor better than both above?
what do you think?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Good, how are you?
@Mosho so spider, such legs, wow
@PatsyIssa nice try
It's cute how they come up with their own attributes :P
suggestion how I can make the total amount the full width of the table? :)
thanks a lot
@JanDvorak put his code in a fiddle turns out he wants a placeholder for the input field :P
@SecondRikudo coding
Quick @rlemon
@phenomnomnominal posted this on Fabebook, you should photoshop it asap
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm translating strings to Japanese XD
@BenjaminGruenbaum stalker.
Suggestions why this is not getting wrapped? :) var totalItem = $( ".view-commerce-cart-form div .line-item-summary .totalprice" ).wrap( "<tfoot></tfoot>" );
@Duikboot toss it in a fiddle with your markup
@phenomnomnominal <3
How many of you are using mechanical keyboards?
@Duikboot perhaps it's not something a tfoot can be around?
@Duikboot no wrap in that fiddle
i was trying to wrap it but it didn't work out @PatsyIssa
var arr  = ["a", "b", "c", "d"];
i want to get 3 elements from the arr
to separate array
How it's possible
arr.slice(0, 2)?
@sedovav Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@sedovav thanks
Some guy just added to 9 (mostly old) meta posts...
I'm very tempted to revert that, as it really doesn't add value to the questions...
@BenjaminGruenbaum She looks exactly like one of my coworkers :o
@phenomnomnominal dude thats u ?


Command center for the Node.js tag. Post answers for expansio...
was silly to have a room of it's own, it is JS after all
@PatsyIssa node.js is not js
its js + c++ + c + bunch of other crap
@AbhishekHingnikar wat?
There's a C+++ now?
@AbhishekHingnikar o\
@JanDvorak Am talking about native modules :x
@AbhishekHingnikar nope, it's a fish.
@phenomnomnominal if the guy is you .. then DAMN !
Unless the room was created for the core team I m assuming that discussions were supposed to be about how to use it and not how to write it >.<
Waiting for my iPhone 6. Will have to suffice in the mean time with an update to iOS 8
@monners i cannot update to iOS 8 :'(
my iPad hasn't got 6.9 GB of free space x_x
So delete some shit?
i removed everything... cant delete pictures though
Why not?
can't import to desktop
Happy birthday @RyanKinal!
the iPad won't connect
oh darn it !
Hi friends i have problem with google decode callback function
Q: Burninate: [answers-as-comments]

CerbrusJust now, the answers-as-comments tag was added to a couple of (mostly old) questions. Most of these questions are along the lines of "X was posted as a comment, but should be an answer". These can (should) just be closed as duplicates: Mark comments as answers Duplicated comments in the for...

type: "GET",
url: passurl,
dataType: "xml",
success: function(xml) {
$j(xml).find('location').each(function() {
/*fill lat log list with lat log*/
latlonglist.push(new Location($j(this).find("lat").text(), $j(this).find("lng").text(), $j(this).find("date").text()));

alert('in complete')
alert('in error');
function timeLocation()
alert("TimeLocations Function is called")
for (var k = 0; k < latlonglist.length; k++)
Vote pls :3
!!tell pravin format
@JanDvorak Command forma does not exist. Did you mean: format (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@pravin Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
does anybody know the answer
I don't even know the question...
the call back function of geocode method is not working
cool. May we take a look at some formatted code of yours?
!!urban thk
@JanDvorak thx Bastardization of 'Thnx,' which is a bastardization of 'Thanx,' which is a bastardization of 'Thanks,' which is a bastardization of 'Thank You.'
@JanDvorak [thk](http://thk.urbanup.com/1348010) t.h.k stands for "try hard kid"
an adjective for a teacher pet, smart kid-college bound-wise
Oh urban <3
What should I try hard to? Read your unformatted code? No, thanks.
          	type: "GET",
            url: passurl,
            dataType: "xml",
            success: function(xml) {
                $j(xml).find('location').each(function() {
                 /*fill lat log list with lat log*/
				   latlonglist.push(new Location($j(this).find("lat").text(), $j(this).find("lng").text(), $j(this).find("date").text()));

			  alert('in complete')
here is formatted code
eugh - still too long. Any error message?
no error message
what does it do that it shouldnt?
i dont know
then what kind of problem do you have with it?
also, *don't
it does not return the address data
which i cheeking in the if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {}
getAddress doesn't return anything
Q: How to return the response from an Ajax call?

Felix KlingI have a function foo which makes an Ajax request. How can I return the response from foo? I tried to return the value from the success callback as well as assigning the response to a local variable inside the function and return that one, but none of those ways actually return the response. f...

yes this is asy method of geocoder
i want address data after call getAddress function
if i write if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK)

                         alert("Response recived from google geo"+datevisted)

you're checking the status too soon
in geocoder function then its works
I am back
I would be surprised if anyone in this world would not care for me :-(
@FlorianMargaine hi !
@CustomizedName wat?
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 28 secs ago, by Jan Dvorak
SPAM http://pm.stackexchange.com/questions/12344/get-1-day-free-access-to-professiona‌​l-courses
@Mosho just ate the most food I've ever seen anyone eat in my life
@BenjaminGruenbaum You guys always have fun without me :(
Well, I shouldn't complain.
I'm on the bus home so that's something
@rlemon btw, my dad wanted pho so I took him to that place
I really hate the eBay API
he told me he was in the bathroom all night :D
Ask me just how much I hate the eBay API
Go ahead, ask
how much u like eBay API?
@KirillRyabin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hey! Who's the jQuery hater who unpinned my jQuery certificate post?
What, you think $95 isn't a fair price?
@SecondRikudo it surely would've been flagged as spam instead
eBay API, where each endpoint has a different freaking syntax. Where the short-term memory is so faulty it doesn't remember your passworod. Where the short-term memory is so faulty it doesn't remember your password. Where the short-term memory is so fucking faulty, it doesn't even remember the password reset token it sent 2 minutes ago
@SecondRikudo Don't they have a REST api?
Some APIs support JSON, some don't, some only support XML, some only support SOAP
@BenjaminGruenbaum The one I need doesn't support REST
But you know? That's not what bothers me most
What language are you using?
Good luck buddy
I can deal with XML, one xml2js and it's done
I already managed to make a successful API call
Just to be annoying, in C# interfacing with a SOAP API is 3 clicks at which points it completely maps the API to functions, extracts everything and takes care of all the abstractions for you :D
At that point it becomes remote procedure calls, your code, after those 3 clicks (and paste of the API URL and auth) become:
mySoapApiInstance.getUsers() or whatever it is you're getting
@BenjaminGruenbaum while (linux > windows) { interestInLearningC# = false; }
Know what?
Well, enjoy writing a hundred lines of code and ranting in pain about an API that's complicated while I do my 3 clicks :D
while (!windows.hasOwnProperty('decentTerminal').) { interestInLearningC# = false; }
@SecondRikudo referenceError: undefined variable "linux"
Clearly, linux is a superior platform choice here, as developer time is worthless and all that's important is that the OS being badass rockstar tech.
@SecondRikudo powershell
@BenjaminGruenbaum Meh
powershell is actually really powerful, it runs on the CLR. It's way stronger than bash. I wish I knew more of it.
I just use bash in windows since I already know that.
You write the functions to deal with the API once, then you can make calls however you like.
It's not the API itself I'm ranting about really, even though it's crap
I register for an eBay developer account, all good.
@SecondRikudo yes, and had you used a Microsoft technology instead of what you're using now - you wouldn't need to do the 'writing the functions' part at all. It'd be in an instant.
Get my API key, all good.
A day of developer time costs more than a copy of windows.
Code away, almost all good.
Need more information from my eBay account
Try to log in to eBay developer account. NOPE
Try to reset password, maybe LastPass screwed up (no, it didn't). NOPE
Reset mail arrives, but reset always fails.
I already opened 4 different accounts
Because their documentation is so bad that it tells you halfway down "Oh yeah, you also need this piece of information
And sometimes, the error messages tell you, and not the documentation
Oh and wait for the best part @BenjaminGruenbaum
To explain how to use JSON or XML, they link to w3schools.
@AbhishekHingnikar Well, enjoy writing a hundred lines of spank and ranting in pain about an API that's complicated while I do my 3 clicks :D (source)
end of day 4
my bike failed me twice while coming back home
the chain fell
Sounds like it's time to replace bike
nah, "it's only 10 years old" - father of disappointed son
I know it's not much for most bikes
but I use that bike even when going through the mud, the mountains or on grass
I'm not surprised it's almost completely broken
but my father says it's fine
the brakes work only on a wheel, and they really don't help much
the handler it's 10° off from the wheel (approx)
but it does it's job
@towc the handlebar? You should be able to adjust that
@KendallFrey I tried once, it got worse
id can be different from index. — Zaheer Ahmed 4 mins ago
How the hell did this guy get 13k rep?

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