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so if x is not divisible by 3 and x = 3k + n, then n's domain is all integers not divisible by 3
so x = 3k + 1, 3k + 2, 3k + 4, 3k + 5, etc
@Meredith Right, and you reduce that to x = 3 Z + {1, 2} how?
Hold on
I can't wait til I can't figure out the next question. It's harder
Oh I think I know how to prove ths one actually
@Cereal My guess is that we're still over thinking it, and you're allowed to use some axiom that makes it obvious.
It's a question out of the textbook. Sadly I do not own the textbook
Shit's expensive
@Cereal Are you guys going to cover Proof by Induction?
We spent roughly 7 minutes on it yesterday
As a Math major, I enjoy Proof by Induction, but then I tutored for the "Math for Comp Sci Majors" class (not the actual title), and started hating it by proxy.
I'm bad at proofs. I understand them. I understand proof by induction. I just can't come up with them
I have no idea how I passed the course on proofs first year
I was actually in that class at the time (I blame my advisor), so it was a bit odd tutoring for a class I was currently taking.
But yeah, I feel like there's generally a moment where you "get" proofs.
I hope it's soon. If I fail this semester, I believe I'm kicked out
But for me at least, the thought process is generally quite similar to programming. You have input, you want output and you have essentially "functions" which transform that input to get the output.
I think that proposition ends up not working because the first n isn't bound to the second thing so idk
@Cereal well, you can get JS certified on W3Schools for $95.
*jquery! :P
OOOOhhh baby a triple
I only need the degree for work, so they can hire me full time. I've been programming since I was like 14 t.t
@Cereal thats shitty imo
hahaha that voice
if they can't look past a piece of paper probably not the best place to work
@Cereal If you need any help, feel free to ask here, but also feel free to shoot me a message, and I'll help if I can.
@m59 lol yeah cracks me up
Yeah, they sound like total scrubs. (at least some corporate person)
@Retsam Yeah, thanks. I'll figure this out eventually
(shoot me a message = one on one room or whatever)
I still think I solved it
idk though maybe im just an idiot
@Meredith "For all n, there exists l, such that n = 3l" - only if n is divisible by three (which you've never stated). If n is divisible by 3, what exactly have you proved?
(And your final statement is therefore x = 3k, but we're not trying to prove that?)
If For all n, there exists l, such that n = 3l then x = 3k is not true
Btw that should be a <-> not a ->
I made a mistake there
@Meredith Right, okay, maybe you've proven x != 3k, but that's still not proving x = 3k + 1 or x = 3k + 2.
Hold on I made another mistake let me fix it
Though we already knew x != 3k, (assuming by "x" you mean "a", otherwise I'm totally lost) because that's the definition of "a is not divisible by 3" which was the given.
So if n = 3l is false
x = 3k is false*
Okay, suppose x = 3k is false. Prove that x = 3k + 1, or x = 3k + 2?
If x = 3k is false, then x - n = 3k is false and n = 3l is false
aka x = 3k + n where n is not divisible by 3
1 and 2 are not divisible by 3
Right, but neither are 4 and 5, 7 and 8, 135742 and 135743
x = 3k + n where n is SOME number not divisible by 3, yes, but you haven't shown that it's specifically 1 or 2.
You don't have to
> Show that if an integer a is not divisible by 3, then a = 3k + 1 or a = 3k + 2 for
some integer k.
How does that not say "n must be 1 or 2"?
When is this statement false?
@Meredith That's the exact statement you're trying to prove.
Let me rephrase this
So we have the proposition i.imgur.com/d9WOhhR.png
If we restrict the domain of n to {1, 2, 3}
It's still true
Why are we restricting to the domain of {1, 2, 3}?
You haven't proven that n couldn't be 135742.
So that if n isn't 3, it's 1 or 2
@Meredith Uh, yes, but where does the problem say you can restrict the domain of n to that?
Or how have you proven that you can reduce n to that?
The only variables in the problem are a (which ive been calling x) and k
Okay, prove that there exists a k, such that a = 3k + n where n in {1, 2, 3}.
You never prove that, you just state it. (well, you state it as "x - n = 3k", but it's the same thing)
How would one prove sqrt(3) is an irrational number
For example, 4 = 3(1) + 1 or 3(0) + 4 or 3(-1) + 7
@Loktar That guy is performing next door at 7:30
@Cereal Pretty sure you just follow the same steps as with sqrt(2), but with a 3 instead?
I mean that's an overstatement, but you should definitely be using the sqrt(2) proof as a model.
Ehh, I prefer to start with the assumption that a/b are in lowest terms, and then prove that a and b have a common factor.
can someone answer a stupid/simple question for me
im stupid so those are the question im best at
stupid no, simple yes
$('button#ui_nav') binds on any element as such
but what I want is to bind on those, but where the button does not have a certain class
@SomeKittensUx2666 whaaat!
hah thats awesome
except I have to go work at RocketU
a needle pulling threaaaaaad
disregard I figured it out
ok now I have to deal with real stuff here, what does it mean to extend with a class?
so none of my students are asking questions.
this is great
@Outlier Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I can't get the mic input to work on any windows 8 computer....
Linux always works from scratch
its not that i use document.ready in jquery... but is there any difference between $(document).ready va $(document).on('ready', ...)
What the fuck Chrome? Why you no repaint???
Hi guys...
I'm in trouble...
there is a lot request going to superfish.com site when I open my local host url from browser...
@copy lies
Greetings everyone.
@Leto Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
how to avoid those requests?
Well now I lost the game. I was wondering what are your guys thoughts on GSAP? (I am new.. please go easy.)
Hey everyone...anyone have experience w/ data visualization libraries in JS?
Fifa 15?
I'm looking at using D3.js, but I'm wondering if there are any better/newer alternatives
Dygraphs.js looks pretty powerful too, although not as pretty
2 different headsets on 2 different win 8.1 computers AND a win7 computer and none of them work.
printing is not supported on this printer??? wth??
3 hours troubleshooting this and nothing. This is some bullcrap in the highest degree.
isn't that the purpose of printers?
if the paragraph using a html code how can i format in angular ?
what? ^
i have a textarea and i'm biding the ng-model to get the preview of it
textarea is nicely formating the code but <p>{{textareaValue}}</p> doesn't
is there any filter i can use to format above code ?
see this image
do i need to create a custom filter ffor this ?
@samitha it works fine for me
Perhaps you've changed the pre default style.
i did not use <pre>
t.s isn't visibile I guess
how do i change the default style ?
why would you not use pre?
and yes white-space: preserve
it's been a while
p.wrap {
        white-space: pre;
        width: 300px;
        word-wrap: break-word;
@m59 thanks
yeah, but don't do that.
use pre.
why ?
because that's what it's for!
isn't the past tense of read pronounced like 'red'
@blackbee no, it is
@blackbee yes, it seems pretty stupid when typed out as a question
no, i was just laughed at because i said i red on routing... and not i read on routing
Anybody here has a Firefox OS device?
I have an app for it :)
hi guys,
Hi kondapaka
how can i call my webservice through ajax call, iam able to call from my local application like var submitUrl="person/Person/CreateNewPerson";
url: submitUrl,
but when iam try to call var submiturl="http://mysite.com/person/Person/CreateNewPerson" I got a error like allow origin
@kondapaka where are you trying to call it from?
XMLHttpRequest cannot load mysite.com:8080/PersonsApp/person/Person/GetPersonNames. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:8080' is therefore not allowed access.
from ajax call in my local
oh. different port = different origin
@JanDvorak hmm how can i resolve that?
have everything on the same origin
means? @JanDvorak
not put ajax endpoints on a different port
hii everyone....
@Ravi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
please give me a clear information i didn't understood, how can i achive that? @JanDvorak
@CapricaSix are you a bot?
@kondapaka you can't send an AJAX request from mysite.com to mysite.com:8080
@JanDvorak then how can i call that service? is it work with xmlhttprequest?
Is there a site where people review apps for Firefox OS?
@kondapaka move the service
... or create a service to access that service
@JanDvorak thankyou i will try in that way,
anyone does Angular here?
@RahulDesai y don't u dwld th Firefox OS addon and test it yourself !!
@blackbee I have tested it already and now I have it published :)
@JanDvorak is it possible to call one webservice from another?
Just looking for a space where I can spread the word.
@blackbee Thank you
@kondapaka that proxy service would still need to be on the port you can access, though; not worth it
flag-pls ^
Hi everybody
@Mehrad Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I have a question in regards java script
i'll ask
Anyone here familiar with MongoDB??
I develop C# in visual studio (don't argue this please:)
now I wanted to contribute in a project called Vimperator
from what I can see it's written in JavaScript
@samitha do HTML Escape or ng-bind-html
however I am not familiar with how the project is layed out
since there is no sln file or anything which visual studio would produce
does ng-bind-html in the production environment ?
instead it has makefile
and now I wanna know which environment and tools I have to have to be albe to make modification and build this type of project
this is the link for the project git repo: github.com/vimperator/vimperator-labs
AngularJS: ng-model created a scope variable in child scope, Now I call a function of parent scope and I want to use that ng-model Variable's value.
But it's in child scope so I'm unable to access it.

How do I solve this?
@samitha yeah inn production if you're talking about angularJS, what difference does it make???
@Mehrad Just grab an editor like Sublime and edit the files directly
@mayankcpdixit are you working with a directive ?
<textarea ng-enter="sendMessage(pm.rid)" ng-model="pmText"></textarea> something like this
@copy, I can edit them file. how would I debug or compile it?
@Mehrad For compiling, you'll need make
@mayankcpdixit so ?
Debugging, I don't know. It's probably best to ask someone from the project how they do it
@copy, so could I just use vim to edit it and then as you said I sould use Make to make it right?
don't mind me. I haven't done any Linux developement
Just a side question.
Visual Studio recognizes JS however is there any way to compile and manage Makefiles with it. is this even a relevant question :) ?
I am very comfortable with vim and linux so I don't mind to get into it. However since I never developed in linux I am a total noob in that case
@Mehrad It might be, but I have never done it
Anyone here got a "Java" Mjolnir?
@Cerbrus hi bestie
What's up?
Not much. Just working, coughing, eating some candy to stop the coughing, coughing some more, throwing candy out of the window...
The usual
Oooooh snap
I mjonir'd a Java question
'cuase it used to have the JS tag xD
@copy thanks for the insight man. :)
appreciate it
Glad to help anybody who is interested in working on vimperator
Hifrnds, can anyone help me to get rtsp link from Jsplayer javascript code ?
@Srinivas08 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Help me to get Rtsp link from Jsplayer javascript code
@CapricaSix how are you?
@Srinivas08 as in, reverse engineer something big for your benefit? Sorry, I don't feel like.
hello Guys Any one used Jail Plugin ? for lazy loading Images
here is the script :

<script type='text/javascript'>jwplayer('jwplayer-1').setup({"flashplayer":"http://desilivetv.net/wp-content/uploads/jw-player-plugin-for-wordpress/player/player.swf","width":"640","height":"400","controlbar":"bottom","skin":"http://desilivetv.net/wp-content/plugins/jw-player-plugin-for-wordpress/skins/newtubedark.zip","dock":"false","autostart":"true","icons":"true","playlist.position":"none","playlistsize":"180","repeat":"none","shuffle":"false","bufferlength":"3","smoothing":"true","stretching":"exactfit","wmode":"opaque","mute":"false","volume":"33","mediaid":"53",
@Srinivas08 That looks like a serious abomination.
Can you prettify it at least?
    "flashplayer": "http://desilivetv.net/wp-content/uploads/jw-player-plugin-for-wordpress/player/player.swf",
    "width": "640",
    "height": "400",
    "controlbar": "bottom",
    "skin": "http://desilivetv.net/wp-content/plugins/jw-player-plugin-for-wordpress/skins/newtubedark.zip",
    "dock": "false",
    "autostart": "true",
    "icons": "true",
    "playlist.position": "none",
    "playlistsize": "180",
    "repeat": "none",
    "shuffle": "false",
    "bufferlength": "3",
Thanks @SecondRikudo For Prettifying it..How to get rtsp link
hi @ArijitMukherjee
ive simple query
a dropdown list with list of all quaters like
Q1 2014
Q2 2014
Q3 2014
Q4 2014

I want to check the last quater and append next quarter accordingly
var lastValue = $('#QuaterDropDownId option:last-child').val();
gives me the last quater
i dont wanna use tradition split and check then use if else and then add
I know jquery is way beyond that
is there any better way
hi @Srinivas08
Does anyone who work with nodejs/grunt/bower and angular apps minify the result before rolling out to production?
probably everybody
And I assume some of you might use something like fort-awesome for icons in your app. If bootstrap is not enough.
Then comes the question, regarding how one handles references to font files in 3-rd party libraries, when they are minified?
At the moment all vendor css files, that use custom fonts are minified like that src:url(/home/user/www/sample_app/app/bower_components/font-awesome/fonts/fonta‌​wesome-webfont.eot?v=4.1.0);
Which of course is incorrect, since in build directory bower_components directory doesn't exist anymore.
var theSelect = document.getElementById('idOfSelect');
var lastValue = theSelect.options[theSelect.options.length - 1].value;
@ArijitMukherjee See above.
1 message moved to Trash can
hi i trying to access function with parameter in href tag but it gives unexpected identifier
No mention of requiring more than 150k lookups per second
here source code
        for (var d = 0; d < datetemp.length && timeWithLocations.length ; d++)

                 var date=datetemp[d].Mydate
                 var mynewcity=timeWithLocations[d].newcity
                 var mynewAdd=timeWithLocations[d].newAdd

                 $j("#gvMap").append('<tr><td><a href="#" onclick="demo( '+ date +' );">'+ date + '</a></td><td>' + mynewcity +' </td><td>'+mynewAdd);

@copy So you decided to put my message in the trash?
i wonder why we can't take a tab from mozilla and put it in chrome.. :D
Sorry, I wasn't aware you were contributing to the conversation
I want something like this - stackoverflow.com/questions/7452942/…
but I want when user clicks on "..." to show a pop-up like this (gonna google it)
@CustomizedName So add a click event on surrounding tag
@Neil I am looking for an example on codepen, to show my manager before developing one
I am not sure what keywords to use
Those are good examples of (static) text bubbles
You'll need to modify them obviously to make them have absolute positioning
thanks, gonna give it a go
Trying to find an example where hovering your mouse makes it come up
me too xD
Another example, static though again
I can't seem to find a dynamic solution, but I think it would be clear enough if you just took one of those text bubbles and threw it on your page with absolute positioning
Just explain that it would show when you move your mouse over it and disappear when you move the mouse away
yeah, I get you, will give it a try, ta
@AbhishekHingnikar I thought you found something for me LOL
have some rubber cookies then :P
when did everyone become wonderful?
When and what characters should one escape for RegExp to be valid?
I assume '.', when one needs it to be validated as dot and not any character.
What else? Are there any material on the web, that explain it?
!!tell Eugene mdn Regex
I know it, but I haven't found mentioning about it there.
@Eugene there is.
Ou. Okey. Seems found it.
I'm confused about an edit done to my question..

I always put my code blocks between ``
Now this user removed all of those things, and just put 3 spaces before every line.
The endresult (to me, at least) appears to be exactly the same.
Why would anyone do this?
@Kippie ` is usually used to inline code, and for multiline code we use indentation
@AwalGarg So I don't need to escape backslash i.e. here \\d. Can it be IDE specific?
@rlemon @Loktar you know what day is today... rebecca.blackfriday
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, but if the result is the same, I really don't see the point
@Kippie the edit itself is stupid, yeah
@Eugene You need to escape backslash. That is almost a universal rule, not only in regexp. And no, it is not IDE specific.
@AwalGarg Okey. I thinnk I got it.
i.e. [\\,\\.] should be [,\\.]
If I check for comma and dot
@Eugene a wonderful tool that will help you in the due course of learn regexp would be regex101.com
@Eugene yes
@Eugene Actually, in character classes, you don't need to escape the . since it means just a dot there.
so yours would be [,.]
\. is for matching any character.
uh, still no
/./ matches any one character. /[.]/ matches a dot.
Or, well, /\./
doesn't /[.]/ match a dot or nothing?
You only need to escape characters which otherwise hold a special meaning, like + or * (outside of character classes)
@FlorianMargaine it only matches a dot
@FlorianMargaine Why would it do that?
!!> /[.]/.test('')
I thought [] was for "optional"
@Zirak false
but no, it's just for "several options"
Those are character classes - you can use them to group together several tokens and treat them as one
AFAIK [] is like MCQ

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