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no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
@CapricaSix Chat and pandora died for me too while viewing his tetris deal
Had to use task manager
well I'm going to reboot anyways, it has been over a week since
nothing happened for me
damn i thought you had good machines!
I guess I need to test on some lower end ones
I thought I did too!
hehe I do
I get 60fps pretty steady
I do too. It just... Stopped working at all
I get 60 fps as well. not sure why chrome died on me
@Loktar 60fps on dual 780
21 fps on gtx 625
weird maybe its something else on my end :?
how much power are you using ?
but I have been having issues with youtube and similar
@AbhishekHingnikar how much power? no idea
Im in America I don't need to worry about such things :P
@Loktar as in you are making an i7 (with a kickass gpu) lag
I just plug into a wall and suck it dry
and of course I have 30 updates to install
lets see how it performs on my laptop
haha @AbhishekHingnikar weird it works fine for me stretched across 3 monitors at home and work :?
lets see how it performs on my iOS 8 powered iPad
@Loktar could be that my gtx 625 is way too underpowered
I havent started optimizing at all much though only thing I really did was use 2 canvas elements
the dual 780 are more then overkills, for anything
the check for lines is probably pretty expensive
integrated graphics on my laptop
58-60 fps
yeah it runs fine on that :?
weird man
like I said, probably wasn't your page
I've had issues today with other pages
it makes such a cool screensaver
or random demo running in the background
cant wait until its AI competing
hopefully it doesnt melt anyones machines lol
it wont dude
I like tetris as a metaphor for communism
Why there is no hollywood movie for tetris ?
where aliens die shape shifting to save their race ?
that would be an odd movie.
!!youtube tetris soviet russia
nay nay
Sometimes I wonder if Abhishek is always high
@SomeGuy medicines
I also like medicines
@Shmiddty i don't like them but they keep me alive
@SomeGuy lol I always imagine him sleep deprived
@Loktar profiling says it's the erasing part lol
@Shmiddty Hahaha
The shear size of the objects for each "eraser" bar that goes up is huge in comparison hahaha
@Jhawins ohhh when its "clearing" the board?
Yeah when it's clearing
bleh yeah ill check it out then, thanks
Dear Windows Updates,
I hate you with the fury of one thousand suns.
Why do you take so long?
Please burn in fire.
ST users
is there a flag or a way of launching ST such that it doesn't open my last projects/folders/files as well ?
@SomeGuy if you think i am always high, watch that
sometimes I want that, others I just want a fresh instance
@rlemon Probably because we put them off for so long that there are always like 20+ updates
@rlemon How so? You can turn off hot exit
@rlemon god if you find a way let me know
hot exit?
please, go on
I was hoping for a flag so I can have two icons on my luncher
st.exe --no-old-crap
kinda deal :P
I think it's in settings
JQuery/Ajax question: The yes/no "like" links on this web page work without Ajax at the moment: i.imgur.com/mNZZaKv.jpg. Each has a url of "/color_liker/like_[the color's id]". I understand how to capture the click of a single link $('#like_link_id').click(...);, but I don't get how to pass in the color id. Does each link need to be changed to a form, where the id is hidden?
you are just a big ol kid arn't you
I just ate some really fucking good pizza
@rlemon kid or not thats badass
@rlemon This works: "st.exe" --new-window
@SterlingArcher Bastard
@MLM thanks I'll try that
@Zirak a new place just opened by my office called &Pizza
thats lame though :?
I mean having to pass a param
oh well at least its something
Some people are butthurt that it uses the chipotle style assembly line, but I say, that's a damn good way to make pizza
@Loktar Skittles said there is an option
I want a flag myself so I can just have two launcher icons
@Loktar Yeah, it should read your mind
one for new, one for resume
@Zirak or.... act like other editors
@rlemon aren't we all?
maybe with recently opened projects?
@SterlingArcher Pizza Pointer
...it was a reference
goes to sit in corner
> // Exiting the application with hot_exit enabled will cause it to close
// immediately without prompting. Unsaved modifications and open files will
// be preserved and restored when next starting.
// Closing a window with an associated project will also close the window
// without prompting, preserving unsaved changes in the workspace file
// alongside the project.
"hot_exit": true,

// remember_open_files makes the application start up with the last set of
// open files. Changing this to false will have no effect if hot_exit is
@rlemon you are approaching it wrong. There is a flag to restore your previous session
subl --restore
Someone a suggestion for this one? case '/incentive/': how can change that case for everything with thange and what is typed after it?
@Jhawins it restores whether I ask it too or not.
case '/incentive/jsadlfjas;fdlkjasf;alsjf':
I mean I guess you're not wrong.. But they gave you a way to do it the opposite way
case '/incentive/*': is not wokring
default action in ST3 at least is to restore
 "hot_exit": false,
  "remember_open_files": false
@rlemon ^
Do it in global settings. Not user.
> "hot_exit"
you are like 4 minutes too late
@Duikboot Now in a coherent sentence
I like where this is going
Oh sorry.. I was busy
I came back and assumed you were still doing this haha
but thanks
@Jhawins user settings override global.
@SterlingArcher lol makes me think of so many things
Well I have
!!urban hot exit
@SterlingArcher No definition found for hot exit
You can run commands from cli too... So yeah you can do just run the close files command subl --command $whateverThatWouldBe
Well that was a let down
@SomeKittensUx2666 Yeah but that one had a bug.
case '/incentive/*': ... break; in javascript.

But that asterix is not doing what I expect.
Everything what comes after that url should be valid.. after the /incentive/...
I think I also need to check out this nethack game
At least on OSX you had to do it in global instead of user at one point
uhh the default pref file is read only?
@Duikboot .* not *
@SterlingArcher I submitted a definition
I didn't realize they review them now..
case '/incentive/*':
case '/incentive/'.*:
@AbhishekHingnikar Was hoping it was something like: youtube.com/watch?v=ZjqsenxJyVs
!!> "/incentive/Other stuff".match(/\/incentive\/.*/)
@Jhawins "SyntaxError: syntax error"
@Jhawins wich one is the most correct
@Jhawins ["/incentive/Other stuff"]
@Duikboot lol both of them are syntax errors
case '/incentive/'.match(/\/incentive\/.*/): that one too?
oh ofcourse
@Duikboot uh, I don't know what you're after; switch...case doesn't magically know it's supposed to match something against a regular expression
(why use switch...case anyway?)
@Duikboot But you're not even using the regex switch doesn't just do that
You'd need...
That is the best marketing I've seen in a long time.
I'm going to eat at Taco Bell soon just in honor of that tweet.
bleh me too @m59 I <3 taco bell
and its lunch time
I knew Taco Bell was good at social media. I didn't know they were that good.
var regex = /your regex/;
function mentalSwitch(str, reg) {
	switch (true) {
	case reg.test(str):
	    // do whatever
	case reg.test(str):
	    // do twice as whatever
	    // whatever
Hi everybody,does anyone know how to handlebars-helper-minify with grunt npmjs.org/package/handlebars-helper-minify
@user2309862 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
There you go. I wrote you something terrible
@Jhawins switch (true)
your loss if you use it
You won 1 point
@Zirak lol oh yeah. I don't use switches man
But I got it ;P
Oh nice but what about:
if(pathname == '/incentive/'.match(/\/incentive\/.*/)){ ...is that possible?
lol my gf just asked me if i knew when her birthday was......
a to z
A to Z
and numbers are only allowed after incentive/AQ339
i was like uhhhhhhhh........ Got the day and the month right..... year was 1 off hahaha
@Duikboot Re-read your condition
something === constant.match(anotherConstant)
@Duikboot Hey you're getting there!
@AaronSiciliano "Happy 19th birthday" "I'm 18." "Shiiiiii...."
Now modify your regexp to allow only numbers and digits
@Jhawins my dad just left for terre haute :P
@KendallFrey thats funny you say that, she is 19 and i said 18 lol. Also (shi means she is mad in her native language lol)
@NickDugger ....no
make me
what is */i ?
He wanted ze alphabets
@AaronSiciliano lol, so you thought you were a pedo but were mistaken?
I just saw you say numbers
@Jhawins oh jeebus alive
@Meredith that's pretty cool, nice job
@Jhawins Try again
@KendallFrey it's not even her birthday hahaha she was just testing me
@Duikboot You need the i flag on the end to make it case insensitive. Otherwise you also need [A-Z] for the capitals
@meredith hahahaha
@Zirak Pfft I'm not giving him all of it I'm letting him get there lol
I used the word generator and got: Trasssh
oh I need A-Z and a-z and numbers :)
Oh god
If underscores don't matter, use \w
I got : Red
such random :P
I see the stupid
slow clap
i just got : Die
Red, Die, next should be blood
I just realized another "sound of the office"
Hey the guy came in here and asked why his switch wasn't doing magic so it could've been worse
> Sprrsolaives
needs some work
The "rapid clicking turning into pressing harder, then stop with a frustrated sigh" sound
oh not yet
@Duikboot lol just don't actually do that...
@Duikboot No
Go read the link
Zirak linked a better one
Go to regex101, play with it a bit, see quick reference to bottom right
I quit I suck
@SterlingArcher my fave office sound is people entering voicemail passwords via DTMF
Not that I go around secretly listening to people's voicemail.
Is there a regex site that generates examples for you?
not easy :D
Guys, if anyone got a minute I would be so grateful for any help and saving my day: stackoverflow.com/questions/25920022/…
@Duikboot Literally nothing in coding is easy.
@Marek That's a strange flavor of JavaScript
@SomeKittensUx2666 debuggex.com
@Zirak where are the examples?
@SomeKittensUx2666 regexr has a list of examples
Sorry, let me be more clear.
Don't say you want to generate regexes based on input strings
I want a site that makes it abundantly clear to a newcomer that the oh-so-clever regex they wrote [0-9A-f] matches more than a hex digit.
@KendallFrey I want sample matching strings.
oh, that's just as bad
@SomeKittensUx2666 debuggex has an example
Oh wait
What was I thinking of...
Dumb enough for a Kittens Weekend Project®?
It's not that easy
But it's fun
@KendallFrey dtmf?
What if they write .*[0-9A-f].*?
@SomeKittensUx2666 @KendallFrey dtf? (source)
!!wiki dtmf
Dual-tone multi-frequency signaling (DTMF) is used for telecommunication signaling over analog telephone lines in the voice-frequency band between telephone handsets and other communications devices and the switching center. The version of DTMF that is used in push-button telephones for tone dialing is known as Touch-Tone. It was developed by Western Electric and first used by the Bell System in commerce, using that name as a registered trademark. DTMF is standardized by ITU-T Recommendation Q.23. It is also known in the UK as MF4. Other multi-frequency systems are used for internal signaling within...
@CapricaSix Sure, let's make it a threesome
pronounced "shit-ert"
Possibly related to WinRT
@Meredith nintendo might buy your random generator to make new pokemon names
@SomeGuy @mikedidthis @SomeKittensUx2666 js13k got the money they needed for shirts and disks!
@towc sweet. Sadly (I think) its one per team and @SomeGuy did way more work than I did, so I say he can have it :D
@mikedidthis it is one par team. But I think they gave a double copy for the disk, so... yeah
My favourite random text generator: A JavaScript Room Paper
And I don't remember them asking me for my postal adress
@towc dust off the floppy drive
@mikedidthis I don't even have one at home :P
I'll just stick it into a wall
and when I'll have my multi-billion agency I'll put it in a frame in my office, with a golden target under it saying: this is where it all started XD
That is not a bad idea.
lol those units of measure
I have 5 Celsius upload speed
> In recent years, much research has been devoted to the evaluation of multi-processors; on the other hand, few have constructed the emulation of Web services. In this paper, we prove the compelling unification of the partition table and fiber-optic cables, which embodies the technical principles of networking. In this position paper we describe a novel algorithm for the analysis of local-area networks (Barge), demonstrating that vacuum tubes can be made efficient, relational, and encrypted.
Yes, vacuum tubes
Still relevant
@Zirak >=(
someone should make a book containing all of the shit happening in this room
every chat message, just like we see them
each 3 months, a new book
It's called the transcript
I would never read it
that's the kind of stuff my teacher would make us read
Nobody would ever read it
it explains how a certain group of humanity works, behaves, how people grow, and the world with them
Don't you start with that social experiment crap too D:
@copy What do you mean, I fap to the transcript every weekend.

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