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I'm flagging for mods, just ignore them.
Sure there is, Tor isn't safe for ages.
I know where he lives, I can just call his mom and have her talk to him, he's from Plovdiv, Bulgaria , the chat has so much personal info about him it's super easy to find him.
given our latest swastika, it seems Zigi is sick about us.
Maybe his mom is involved
Just ignore it.
While I do that, we should probably flag the Bulgarian room since it's clearly off topic and should be closed.
1 hour ago, by Second Rikudo
@BenjaminGruenbaum wouldn't a full suspension suffice? Time to post a custom flag now that we know who posts the swastikas?
anyone fancy helping me out with a small fiddle? :'3
@Shaun YES. Please let's get back on topic.
@SecondRikudo nice.
@Shaun depends. Is it urgent?
@JanDvorak yeah, but why? @ziGi should learn to be accountable for his actions - I'm still pondering if a phone call is enough - as a EU citizen I can totally file a police report and sue him.
@JanDvorak yes sir. kindly do the needful.
I have a lawyer anyway, might as well keep him busy.
@JanDvorak I would very much like to figure it out so I can progress to the next part of my task and actually be able to meet a deadline ^^'
@BenjaminGruenbaum For what?
@SecondRikudo Hahahahaha omg that's amazing
@SecondRikudo Amazing, hahaha xD
jsfiddle.net/fzmy6rs5/5 that's the fiddle, basically I need the table that's generated to appear in a jQuery collapse thing, but it just doesn't happen
@BenjaminGruenbaum if you can teach him, fine. But I'm not happy about the swastikas.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Do it and write a blog post about it. Guaranteed front page hacker news!
by collapse I mean an accordion
@Shaun u r 2noob for jquery
true ;c
muahaha vanishes
@Shaun I don't think it works with a table?
A Table's layout isn't easily changed.
I don't know jQuery Mobile, so I can only guess.
@SecondRikudo ah I mean the table is underneath a div, when the div is collapsed the table is hidden
there's something similar in an app they use here but I don't have the permissions ot see the code ¬_`
@Shaun It's JavaScript, of course you have permission to see the code...
Hi @balpha can you please clean up the mess?
I asked for a lion, and we got a dragon instead.
@SecondRikudo ah I mean like it's not live or hosted anywhere, just locally
@Shaun If you have permission to see the page where the effect is visible, you have permission to see the code.
@SecondRikudo I do not
@JanDvorak Did you just invite me to Trash? IS THAT WHAT YOU THINK OF ME??? ?sobs:
@SecondRikudo I did ask the guy about it and he showed me it briefly and it did work with the jquery collapse class but it's also used in webservices and there was a lot of other shit to it. I want it for a more simple function D:
@Shaun Just don't use jQuery...
@monners people invite me there all the time ._. ;cries;
if you're still seeing idiot avatars on the right, you have to reload this page (there's an issue in chat where user deletion makes a user appear to stick around until page reload, even if they don't exist anymore)
@SecondRikudo my spec says this though "This list then needs to be separated into coach letters as above, and placed into a JQuery Mobile collapsible set (also called an accordion""
Q: MVC 5 - How to convert hash password to readable text

Milli PMVC 5 >> convert hash password to readable text. Sample : HashPasword = AMVicVYXq/Gnj+gJ9QMThNZt84TJZwCIIUdFA3upr+wyMZUu4maPpkXiJhbZ5djwgw== should be convert to 123456

@balpha woo
internet is made of awesome
A: MVC 5 - How to convert hash password to readable text

Second RikudoBy definition, a hash cannot be converted to readable text.

@tereško wrong room?
@BenjaminGruenbaum really? So it is easily manageable in javascript?
@SecondRikudo Whoa! How many wannabe hackers are there out there?
@tereško oh, I thought it was about mvc :P You usually post these in the php room, you can post them here I just thought it was a mistake.
@tereško are you sure we should close? Is there any canonical question asking "how to reverse a hash"?
the MVC 5 bit is off topic in the question, but the topic makes sense
cri ;-;
@balpha can you please take care of ziGi in the meanwhile? He also has this room where they speak in a foreign language and not at all about programming, usually about race and religion.
A: Fundamental difference between Hashing and Encryption algorithms

ircmaxellWell, you could look it up in Wikipedia... But since you want an explanation, I'll do my best here: Hash Functions They provide a mapping between an arbitrary length input, and a (usually) fixed length (or smaller length) output. It can be anything from a simple crc32, to a full blown cryptog...

There's this
@FlorianMargaine you are trolling, right ?!
But it's a bit WoT.
@tereško No, actually, he's got a good point.
Oh look @Tim is here too, boy oh boy.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I thought I called the cavalry, turns out I called the entire freaking navy :D
@SecondRikudo thanks, cv'd as duplicate of this one
mods like chat too
Hi @TimPost :waves:
@TimPost That's too long to watch at work XD

 English-speaking Bulgarian Developers

New Rules - must read! A room strictly for English-speaking Bu...
^ The said room, if you read the transcript hardly any development discussed.
I bet now ziGi's in a room with Tim/blapha/both denying he has anything to do with it
@SecondRikudo gee, ~10th time he gets muted is the 10th time this happens, what a shocker. Although the two meta suggestions (hide avatars of users without 20 rep and owners being able to kick) would solve this.
get into work and everyone is in js room
Now that all the SE staff is in here I'd like to share something about @rlemon please:
@rlemon all the cool kids you say?
Mar 13 '13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
@SilentKiller try refreshing
@SecondRikudo lols i thought you send me in read list. :P
what happened? why are we in gallery?
Zigi happened... Again
mean i am the first who ask for access...
jeesh, what did he do this time?
The usual
@GNi33 Spew crap, got muted, swastika span again. We've Tim and balpha in the room sorting it out.
do people not read my new tag
@rlemon: can't see it on my phone
o/ Robert, man of my life.
Ello Simon
@SecondRikudo what's this swastika spam all about?
Did you see my technical-experiment ?
saw the avatars, but what was going on there?
@SecondRikudo zigi didn't do the swastika, he was muted for annoyance on your personal basis, he likes Benjamin and they were gonna go out for a Beer in Amsterdam but benjamin decided zigi is a sick and is going to sue him. I as his representative am telling you that you make wrong conclusions on undetermined basis. Please do you research first and then comment.
oh, you again. Hi
@Mr.Meshuggah and who are you?
@Mr.Meshuggah how do you magically show up every time Zigi is muted?
!!mute Mr.Meshuggah 10d
@BenjaminGruenbaum Please give mute duration, see /help mute
@BenjaminGruenbaum Muted user 2862309 for 10d
More tiny avatars.
Is it confirmed that this guy is a different user? not a Zigi second account?
Let's keep the JS room for JS, if you want to talk to me about this you can ping me somewhere else, or with your alt. @Mr.Meshuggah - nothing personal, don't want more drama.
@BenjaminGruenbaum are you fighting in a who's-the-most-pedantic-person competition? Because you're winning! — Florian Margaine 9 secs ago
dafuq just happened
!!define pedantic
@Cerbrus pedantic Like a pedant, overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning.
Too harsh? :P
@SecondRikudo no need to be rude :(
:18798810 Does this mean you guys like me? :D
@FlorianMargaine lol
Yeah, thought so
@BenjaminGruenbaum no hard feeling? :3
@SecondRikudo I was about to pin that
@monners Feel free to post it again :P
@monners let me do it for you
@FlorianMargaine of course not, I was just about to comment with "What do I win?"
there we go
@Sippy Like... Like more than a friend
will I get flagged ?
This question appears to be off-topic but I don't really know why, I'm deaf after all this shouting so I understood nothing — dystroy 28 secs ago
three js: anyone?
@Marek three js can't talk don't be silly
@Marek sure
@FlorianMargaine Go right ahead
@monners you didn't follow :(
Marek? Isn't that some kind of Yu-gi-Oh person?
@SilentKiller exactly, it's so brilliant, I might cry
a little
I pinned the "too harsh" message...
@dystroy that's pretty good haha
**This room is not a democracy. If we don't like you, you *will* get muted. Got a problem? Please tell us all about it [here](http://thenumberoffucksigive.tumblr.com/)**
@FlorianMargaine Oh...
t'was a joke
Feel free ^
@GNi33 please don't cry. XD
and I'd unpin this message if it were pinned fwiw
just a little, it's okay
@KendallFrey I have mesh .obj in the scene. is it somehow possible to get its height and width?
@monners This room is not a democracy. If we don't like you, you will get muted. Got a problem? Please tell us all about it here (source)
@Kippie That's Marik :P
@Marek I think there's a bounding box method, lemme check
@monners Brilliant
@Marek @monners This room is not a democracy. If we don't like you, you will get muted. Got a problem? Please tell us all about it here (source) (source)
@monners blerg/room/room/ (source)
@balpha oh, while you're here - if I open a page with MathBB with Chrome 37 on OSX (10.10) the window freezes completely.
Can't believe that worked
@Marek mesh.geometry.boundingBox
Blerg, it's the new foo
@KendallFrey thanks alot I will try to find out some documentation and/or examples.
i prefer BLEEEGH though
@Marek Just read the official docs
!!tell Marek sandbox
@Marek You know, there was this funny idea once upon a time that people were supposed to test out commands and "play" in the sandbox
guys please could you tell me how i access to "tag" of "children"? { tag: 'ul', cls: 'my-list', children: [
{tag: 'li', id: 'item0', html: 'List Item 0'}]}
@frank .children[0].tag?
@frank obj.children[0].tag
@JanDvorak dangit
ok thx
what if there is more than one child, though?
Is there way to filder SO messages to the ones that tagged my name?
@Marek search
i have the property lenght on children ?
Looking at an element (which somone has attached onclick to) in chrome : How can I see which function is executed ?
@JanDvorak thanks.
This is all I see. I know i can put general onclick breakpoiint and start digging
but is there any option to see what function is actually executed ? ( there were once a $.data thing in jQuery to see the handlers.... but I think it's deprecated)
var look like everything why ?
var = object keyword in java?
sorry not keyword but Type
var = Object type in java
@KendallFrey one more question please. Do you think that this extension could count circuit of object?
@frank var stands for "variable".
@Marek ....what? What extension? What circuit? What object?
@frank var is the keyword for variable. Varaibles in JavaScript are not limited to one type like in Java.
@KendallFrey Well I have an object and need to get its circuit size. Using mesh.geometry.boundingBox is it possible?
var a = 1;
a = "hello";
a = [1, 2, 3];
is valid
@Marek What the heck is "circuit size"?
@SecondRikudo not from code-review standpoint ;-)
so dependent types dominated 2 of 3 rooms I frequent on SO
@SecondRikudo actually...
SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
i think computers will learn to programm
@rlemon I'm not getting it.
@JanDvorak What single quote?
your edit isn't clever
How can an edit be clever?
@SecondRikudo ninja ed... oh. Wait. I could have expected that.
if you could somehow edit and remove the edit history
then it would be clever
@JanDvorak best way is to delete your message.
@rlemon Mods can
now his message doesn't make sense anymore
step1) get blue diamond.
step2) ....
a = function(){}
this is also valid?
@frank Yes.
@frank apart from a being an implied global, yes
In fact, it's a very common thing in JavaScript (assigning functions to variables, returning functions, accepting functions as parameters)
why don't you just say that functions are first-class values in JS?
@YaakovEllis haven't seen you around these parts before
brrr.... almost sounds like functions are like objects or something
Oh hi @YaakovEllis
@KendallFrey well for circle it can be evaualed with equation Pi times d. Not sure how to call it in english.
@FlorianMargaine they are
howdy folks
@FlorianMargaine they are
25 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
t'was a joke
25 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
t'was a joke
@YaakovEllis ahoy hoy
@FlorianMargaine you need to end it with a closing joke tag </joke>
@YaakovEllis SE dev from Israel. Neat!
@YaakovEllis you have a really low user id but we've never really seen you before. Probably because you're not really involved in meta so or the JS tag.
First, the JS room... Then SE... Then.... THE WORLD!
@BenjaminGruenbaum thats what I was thinking.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, I was an alpha user on SO on the first day it was open, so I have lots of really low user numbers for SE + the trilogy
yeah... looks like he's involved with the C# tag... just a step ahead of java.
c# is nice
if i stay inside the function of one object .... var a = { theproblem: null; myproblem : function () { this.theporbem } } ini this case i will have null pointer exception?
@YaakovEllis so you work remotely at SE ?
@KendallFrey So when I get min x and max x and subtract times pi it would be the circumference.
@Marek you mean circumference? how does that apply to a 3d mesh?
interestingly enough, I've been doing more JavaScript at SE than at any previous job (still plenty of C# as well)
@FlorianMargaine could be worse, he could write.... ugh... Lisp
@frank yes, for two reasons
@BenjaminGruenbaum yup
@rlemon lichp?
@Marek If you want the bounding sphere, use that instead
@YaakovEllis you should hang around here then. we love us some JavaScript
@frank if you do a.myproblem(), that is.
@YaakovEllis that's cool :) I didn't know anyone works remotely at SE in Israel, how's working remote working out for you?
@FlorianMargaine I don't know what you are saying too me
@KendallFrey Yes I finaly found that word. Well I mean if it is possible to get min x and max x with boundingbox on exact Y coordinate?
@rlemon did you see my pings?
@frank wait, no, you don't. Just mentioning an undefined is fine. Dereferencing it is not.
about wednesday song?
@BenjaminGruenbaum working fine for me, but I've been doing it for quite some time now (nearly 9 years working from home in Israel remotely for companies in the US).
@Marek you mean you want to figure out exactly what shape the mesh is?
and the other
yea, didn't listen to it though
about the pics
@JanDvorak @Jan explain....
@YaakovEllis so what brings you to our humble.... room?
@Jan why not fail?
@KendallFrey Well yes. But I just need the circumference on exact Y coordinate. Hope it makes sense.
in the last year i've met more talented devs from Israel than I've met people from Israel total (in real life that is) .
are you guys just churning out CS students? @BenjaminGruenbaum ?
You want the length of the sides of a polygon at a given cross section?

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