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I guess setPayloadToken is asynchronous as well? Then wrap that in a function and bind i there.
or bind the function you pass to setPayloadToken
not quite
function(i, er, token) ...
I can't believe it!
It worked!
thank you very much! :3
@l0oky nooo... not that.
ok you resolved it... great.
eww... what's that?
guys how do you deal with callback hell?
presently, my code is looking more like lisp.
@AwalGarg Promises
or named functions
or async & await like things in c# ... they are here in js now aren't they ?
it seems I can't avoid learning promises anymore :(
@AwalGarg compare promises to this
@AbhishekHingnikar define "js". Browsers don't support them.
@JanDvorak just doing that but it still is a hell more or less.
is their no shim ? to convert that code to machine written callback hell ?\
@AbhishekHingnikar It's really low, even for an intern
@copy yeah yeah... i know but i am indian
if i get funded like $100,000 dollar i can sustain my company from their
had i been in usa i'd need 500k ;-)
u see what i am saying ?
I might still be interested if I can work remote and half time
that would be awesome !
// i will nudge you in october about it
I'm looking for unary short cut : my jQuery ajax function can take a param _isasync. but : if the user supplied it as true , then it will be true. if false then it will be false. if he didnt supply it : it should be true. so I have this :
 async: _isAsync == true ? true :false
but i think im gonna need another nested condition
any shorter way ?
I want it only to support : true/false/undefined{notsupplied}
async: _isAsync == true ? true : typeof _isAsync ==="undefined" ?...
but it's too long
there must be a negate trick
@RoyiNamir reverse the sense
(if u know what i mean)
if you can't do that, isAsync !== false. Ugly as sin, but that's mainly because that's what you have to do in PHP
^ that what i was looking for
tell me you didnt think about it now
no - not ugly but clever
Go for isSync instead -)
what's the logic behind it ?
i prefer to stick with jQ param and not invert it.
@JanDvorak Do you have any idea why this array isn't pushed? thanks :) gist.github.com/l0oky/9dde3a91924eb0562ce1
@l0oky you're logging it too soon
When should I log it?
when all callbacks have been called. Promises help with that. In jQuery that's $.when.apply
I think I've got it
thanks again Dvorak :)
@JanDvorak if I was doing it via SYNC and not ASYNC : how did you progress from the first line to second line : ?
 async: _isAsync !== false
it's not demorgan or something like that
you don't need to do == true
sorry it should be false
 async: _isAsync !== false
now it's understood
my bad
nothing but false is strictly equal to false. Namely, neither true nor undefined are strictly equal to false.
No.. I haven't got it :/ I need to log when everything is done in that loop
@JanDvorak tnx
I am doing this on node.js btw.. :/
Jan does his bind code }.bind(this, i) creates closure over i ?
@RoyiNamir quite the opposite
it captures its value into a binding
so each iteration has its own i ?
cool :D
@RoyiNamir within the bound function, yes
@Mosho ping - I sent you an email.
@RoyiNamir you probably should not do sync I/O in JavaScript unless you have a very specific use case
ofcourse :-)
There are no good use cases for explicit closure capturing in for loops.
there is a plugin which ive built that when validating input field , it can also go to server and check for some condition.
Just so we're clear, we're past that for the past 5-6 years.
so the function itself should return false/true
but it can't happen with async:true
The function itself should not return true/false
The function should always be async if it might be async. That's like... the first law of async APIs.
i dont want to take control over submit
@JanDvorak Can I call the log once after the loop has finished?
anyway it's a rare case
It's like people don't read isaac's Zalgo post :P
@l0oky the loop finishes too soon
@RoyiNamir Which is exactly why it'll cause a really interesting bug :D
So it doesn't iterate in the loop just calls after its done
So I need another solution? like a recursion or something? can't do this with this for loop?
Just return a promise, and cast it - that's the easiest way - if you want to return a value return $.when(value) so if it's true return $.when(true) and if it's an ajax return $.get(...)
@BenjaminGruenbaum does that mean I should sprinkle my existing code with setTimeouts?
or, is resolving a promise synchronously OK?
@JanDvorak It might sound surprising, but there are cases where the answer is a loud and clear yes.
@JanDvorak promises will always resolve asynchronously. They have that guarantee.
(Well, A+ promises, jQuery has broken promises)
oh. Thanks
@BenjaminGruenbaum just to make sure : you're suggesting to take control over submit ?
Logs "World Hello"
@RoyiNamir You make it sound like it's not a single line of code.
For the record - in jQuery you get:
i know it's a single line of code
that's not what i've asked
console.log("World"); // there is no guarantee on the order this happens
@RoyiNamir if your submit is inherently async then yes.
@BenjaminGruenbaum should I never resolve jQuery promises synchronously, then?
I'd just avoid them altogether - but in large enough code bases I'd resolve them asynchronously.
In a large enough code base I wouldn't use them to begin with though, and other popular promise implementations like Bluabird, native promises, Angular promises, Ember promises etc all don't have this problem.
It's just jQuery which implemented the spec wrong when it was underspecified and couldn't break BC
I don't want to import another library into a userscript over a page that already uses jQuery.
even though it's already .4 kloc
@JanDvorak what browsers does the script run in?
@BenjaminGruenbaum tested in Chrome, intended to work in Firefox
@JanDvorak both already have native promises - you can just use those
Not a single line of code added
@BenjaminGruenbaum let me look - thanks. Are they better than jQuery promises?
They're faster (though slower than Bluebird promises) and have saner flow control - just don't forget to catch errors since they'll suppress errors if you don't add catch handlers
@l0oky is this Node?
aaaand.... off we go to start learning promises. Any tips for me? It seems like I am going for a war :D
didn't even hear about this
@l0oky require("bluebird")
why not whitebird
I like white better
@l0oky never heard of whitebird
Lemme rewrite :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum my promises never fail anyways
commented :P
@JanDvorak my code neverh as bugs
@BenjaminGruenbaum point taken :-)
I never reject my promises anyways
How do I use bluebird to make my code run after the loop?
Now would anyone mind reading this and actually giving me feedback :P?
@l0oky magic :D Promises are an abstraction on the notion of sequencing itself and lets you synchronize actions.
> Unfortunately, in the example above, it's possible that the events happened before we started listening for them (source)
what? how is this possible?
Wait, how about you read the answer I just talked about and let me know if it helps with that?
@AwalGarg it loaded before you added an event listener to it loading
Well I didn't read it :)
too much text to read
I really just want feedback on the text
ok fine!
"has not completed successfully." -> "has completed unsuccessfully"
@BenjaminGruenbaum but why would I even do that? I can add the listener just after the declaration...
@JanDvorak feel free to edit
@AwalGarg what if you don't get to pick where your code is added?
@BenjaminGruenbaum this is a pretty stupid case, but ok... continuing
@BenjaminGruenbaum Can I solve my problem without... 'promises' ? :D
@l0oky you can, do you know what a semaphore is?
Basically, you need something called an asynchronous semaphore, you need to keep a variable, decrease it whenever an action completes (even on error) and compare it to 0 - if it's 0 they're all done and you can do your next action.
For example, let's say we have 10 timeouts we want to synchronize, let's see how we can do it:
actually, it's easier with promises ;-)
you promise?
> sem·a·phore
A system of sending messages by holding the arms or two flags or poles in certain positions according to an alphabetic code.
I'm guessing it's not that? XD
How can I do this with promises then?
         if(--count === 0) console.log("DONE");
     }, 100+Math.random() * 1000);
var count = 10;
This is the basic pattern
@SecondRikudo it is that actually.
Well, that's where the term stems for - for the very least
Yes, I guessed
@SecondRikudo Do you use this?
It's an awesome time saver.
CTRL+Double Click, done.
nice, I use that too... extremely helpful and superb thing.
gist.github.com/l0oky/9dde3a91924eb0562ce1 so i need to convert this code into a semaphore or promise whatever
@SecondRikudo why ctrl? I just double click and done.
@AwalGarg Because Double Click == selecting the word
Sometimes, I don't want it to display dictionary only for selecting
(Sometimes I want to copy/paste, then the tooltip gets in the way)
@l0oky look at my comment
@l0oky //(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
no need for documentation
Mar 13 '13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
Mar 13 '13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
yey, it worked
!!welcome BenjaminGruenbaum
@BenjaminGruenbaum Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ehehh sorry
No worries, if you want to play with the bot there's a special sandbox room for that
!!tell looky sandbox
@looky You know, there was this funny idea once upon a time that people were supposed to test out commands and "play" in the sandbox
@BenjaminGruenbaum if your submit is inherently async then yes. ?
can u elaborate ?
Please don't use "u" here it's irritating.
If your submit requires information that might be async - then yes: take control of it and call .submit yourself when you're done
With PHPStorm/WebStorm/Intellij, how can I see all the changes made to all files in a project, without opening the commit dialog?
hmm, it is making some sense with promises now...
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's not only submit it might be also clicking on an anchor
@RoyiNamir so what?
i'm saying the whole point is to return false/true in onclick
that's the job of the validation tool
I dont think that a validation tool should take control over posting
it should do its job : valid or not
Right, but if it's async validation then it has no choice.
nothing more nothing less
The alternative is to just validate on the server side
i'm just saying that there could be many situation to validate : and seeking each scenario for later-to-re-activate-action is unreasonable.
eg :
<a href=''next page" onclick="return validate(...)"
<input  type='submit' onclick="return validate(...)" />
<select  onchange="return validate(...)" />
(psuedo code)
im talking about "needing server information in order to validate"
accept a callback / return a promise
@JanDvorak when you click on submit button, it doesn't give a damn about that promise. it will submit. ( unless you return false - and later do something)
@RoyiNamir you have onclick attributes in your code?
@RoyiNamir then return false to the browser
as i said : psuedo code just to illustrate
Then yes, "taking control" means returning false and doing the validation in JS.
or just don't client-validate what cannot be client-validated
!!summon 60776
ok thanks for your thoughts ( Benjamin and Jan)
Although that sounds like "I'm gonna do it anyway" :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum "Your concerns have been duly noted"
I will find time to show you this plugin when you have time , maybe in Facebook
To hear your thoughts
Hi, how to I prevent error on : $("e-<u>myword</u>"); ?
@SecondRikudo Sometimes people need to figure stuff out on their own.
@HorsSujet One way would be to put // in front of it
!!tell Benjamin google rubber duck debugging
@HorsSujet what do you want?
//$("e-<u>myword</u>");  // this will not error
We should all change our names and profile pictures to "Rubber Duck"
That looks like Java
To make things worse, it's bad Java.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I forgot to say a big thanks to you for that Bluebird code :)
eeuugh JAVA
You got it working with much simpler code
@BenjaminGruenbaum why bad java?
2014 and still no delegates in java
Well, not using the diamond operator etc
ArrayList<String> arr = new ArrayList<String>(); // this line is retarded
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's a language fault
ArrayList<String> arr = new ArrayList<>(); // works just fine in Java
var arr = new List<String>(); // C#
@BenjaminGruenbaum My full code is : a = document.body.childNodes[0]; a.parentNode.insertBefore($("e-<u>word</u>")[0], a);
sincce when?
var arr = []; // JavaScript
@JanDvorak a while now.
@HorsSujet you're not really too experienced of a JavaScript developer - are you?
@BenjaminGruenbaum []:a # golfscript
a=[] # Python, which is a real language :P
@HorsSujet hint: what is document.body.childNodes[0].parentNode?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I have experience to JS but I need to insert textNode and HTMLElement.
@JanDvorak Insert HTML or Text before TextNode
@HorsSujet then insert a text node, then insert an HTMLElement
@HorsSujet can you help me with jQuery question?
@BenjaminGruenbaum where is your question?
What are you actually trying to do?
Is it $("body").prepend("<u>word</u>") ?
I must to replace word on the contenteditable on the cursor position. I know to replace with TextNode or HTMLElement, but I don't know how to replace both.
Do I need callbacks with promises?
@l0oky not directly. Functions don't take callback parameters but rather return values and throw exceptions just like in sync code.
You chain with a callback though.
eh, @BenjaminGruenbaum it seems I learned the entire promises thing... is that something small?
oh wait...
so in the code you've sent me this * }).catch(function (error) {*
Thats my error boolean right?
That's error handling, if you throw in a handler it'll get caught and you can access it there
where can I practice promising?
It propagates, so you can have several actions fail and only handle the error case at the end.
@AwalGarg read questions from the tag and practice
dat $ sign again... BS!
@BenjaminGruenbaum if I see any question there using the jquery thing, but not tagged jquery, can I tag it jquery?
@AwalGarg are you sure it's jQuery?
If it's appropriate
I try do this : jsbin.com/xizeq/1/edit I forget a name of JS function who creates an "hidden" container (who doesn't make the HTML tag).
@JanDvorak lemme check
@HorsSujet documentFragment?
!!google bluebird promises
@JanDvorak Thank :) document.createDocumentFragment();
Promises.map is a way to return values from your callback?
@l0oky are you trying to cheat the time?
What do you mean? Am I in hurry? No..
setPayloadToken(item.id) doesn't work
on what you coded
In setPayloadToken I wait for callback then return error, token values
talking to @BenjaminGruenbaum, not to get confused :D
@l0oky you return the promise
Read a promises tutorial :D
so its a way to replace callbacks .. like totally?
For the 'one result' case - yes. In general - no.
You wouldn't replace Array#forEach with promises for instance.
@BenjaminGruenbaum #spread
Promises revolution has begun!
@l0oky Promises are comparable to events that only happen once.
For example, when you request for an external resource and it arrives.
Happens once, and that's it.
But when you're open on a live stream like a WebSocket, or an HTTP server (in case of Node), you have events that happen more than once, that's where you still have to use callbacks (and it also makes most sense)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I can't find a single good promises question to answer... what to do?
@AwalGarg don't answer anything
@SecondRikudo this is cute codility.com/c/run/demoGEPCB3-9AD
Found it at a vamp question, but it's a nice question
It's not NP hard and we're not going to do your interview question for you. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 12 mins ago
Hi. Anyone experienced with 3D graphics? I have an .obj file and bmp texture and I need to put the bmp file onto that 3D model. Any ideas?
@JanDvorak but I want to... Actually, people are using them server side with angular etc.
@Marek I don't think .obj supports texturing
@JanDvorak why not? I have done that many a times... and how on earth is this Javascript related?
@BenjaminGruenbaum It is, but I've no time to sit on it while at work XD
@SecondRikudo Thanks, it make much more sense now.
@Marek which software are you using? In most ADs, you can just pull it over on the material map browser and then adjust the settings from there... c4d would make it a bit complicated though. But seriously, this is far from the right place to ask this.
@l0oky Great article about promises with a practical example: html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/es6/promises
oh wait, why is room in gallery mode?
@AwalGarg not using any software yet. The desired output would be 3d website plugin where I could combine .obj and texture.
... programmatically??
@Marek waaaaat?
!!unmute 4014815
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
@SecondRikudo Unmuted user 4014815
@SecondRikudo good because he is already suspended :D
PSA: If you mute someone, 1h~2h is enough for a first time. If the mutee is a persistent troll, mute for longer.
@AwalGarg Of course XD
Uh? I have an .obj file and .bmp file. Is there any way to combine these two things? I can import the .obj into e.g. three js editor. Now I need to add the texture onto it.
@SecondRikudo did you read the entire convo
oh fuck... you are using three js eh? First, .obj only contains vector coordinates informations... you can't put textures into it... and then, I don't know three js
the user is clearly wanting nothing but to troll
@AwalGarg Yes I think I understand that. I do not have any 3D modeling software. Nevertheless I will be trying to create 3D model viewer in javascript where I will be combining .obj and textures. Thanks for any kind of help.
@Marek I don't think you got my point... you CAN't do that. no matter what you do. it is impossible.
I promisified my function that has a callback (error, token) how can I use it to get token from that callback? or should I rewrite my function to not contain callbacks? ill make a gist of my function in a sec
as simple as that.
@SecondRikudo that is not a "PSA", it is a "ROSA".
@AwalGarg what type of file do I need for achieve that please?
@rlemon Do I want to?
how can you determine if the 24h was warranted without?
@rlemon Because I haven't seen him before?
I'd mute for an hour, and if he comes back after that hour, wholeheartedly mute for days.
Most of these trolls give up very quickly, and it keeps the room out of Gallery, so...
Sorry but I'm with lemon here.
I changed my mind, sort of.
I do agree that we don't want to stick in the gallery mode too often
Muting users in no way antagonizes them and clearly does not cause them to come here more often :D
It would be really awesome if we could mute users but not having them realize they've been muted.
Like a synchronized ignore.
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's possible if everyone installs a script that synchronizes ignores
Yeah, that's true.
I'd install it.
me too
not sure how it should synchronize, though
websockets and a server or WebRTC?
distributed something
yeah.. that would work
I don't want to host a server, though
Is Heroku still free?

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