I'm looking for unary short cut : my jQuery ajax function can take a param _isasync. but : if the user supplied it as true , then it will be true. if false then it will be false. if he didnt supply it : it should be true. so I have this :
async: _isAsync == true ? true :false
but i think im gonna need another nested condition
any shorter way ?
I want it only to support : true/false/undefined{notsupplied}
Just return a promise, and cast it - that's the easiest way - if you want to return a value return $.when(value) so if it's true return $.when(true) and if it's an ajax return $.get(...)
In a large enough code base I wouldn't use them to begin with though, and other popular promise implementations like Bluabird, native promises, Angular promises, Ember promises etc all don't have this problem.
It's just jQuery which implemented the spec wrong when it was underspecified and couldn't break BC
They're faster (though slower than Bluebird promises) and have saner flow control - just don't forget to catch errors since they'll suppress errors if you don't add catch handlers
Basically, you need something called an asynchronous semaphore, you need to keep a variable, decrease it whenever an action completes (even on error) and compare it to 0 - if it's 0 they're all done and you can do your next action.
For example, let's say we have 10 timeouts we want to synchronize, let's see how we can do it:
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@JanDvorak when you click on submit button, it doesn't give a damn about that promise. it will submit. ( unless you return false - and later do something)
I must to replace word on the contenteditable on the cursor position. I know to replace with TextNode or HTMLElement, but I don't know how to replace both.
@l0oky Promises are comparable to events that only happen once.
For example, when you request for an external resource and it arrives.
Happens once, and that's it.
But when you're open on a live stream like a WebSocket, or an HTTP server (in case of Node), you have events that happen more than once, that's where you still have to use callbacks (and it also makes most sense)
@Marek which software are you using? In most ADs, you can just pull it over on the material map browser and then adjust the settings from there... c4d would make it a bit complicated though. But seriously, this is far from the right place to ask this.
Uh? I have an .obj file and .bmp file. Is there any way to combine these two things? I can import the .obj into e.g. three js editor. Now I need to add the texture onto it.
oh fuck... you are using three js eh? First, .obj only contains vector coordinates informations... you can't put textures into it... and then, I don't know three js
@AwalGarg Yes I think I understand that. I do not have any 3D modeling software. Nevertheless I will be trying to create 3D model viewer in javascript where I will be combining .obj and textures. Thanks for any kind of help.
I promisified my function that has a callback (error, token) how can I use it to get token from that callback? or should I rewrite my function to not contain callbacks? ill make a gist of my function in a sec