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@rlemon keep it open source so I can play around.
lol what?
@AbhishekHingnikar jsfiddle.net/rlemon/e90dhnLm here is a couple beers later
make it not suck please and thankyou
Keep it closed for the sole purpose of not letting @AwalGarg play around with it
@rlemon: interface:
interface IPoint
// Property signatures:
int x { get; set; }
int y { get; set; }
I don't want to judge but look by yourself
stop causing drama
@AdamBarak pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese stop.
@rlemon thanks.
I already looked
I was going to respond, but then I see you removed the posts
@rlemon you're not indian though
... last warning
stop causing drama
it's not drama you dumbass
@rlemon oh kay so its just pizza's aye ?
!!mute AdamBarak 720
@rlemon Muted user 3971020 for 720m
enjoy a time out \
@AdamBarak: I'd watch what you're saying...
There's a lot of excess white space in that gif
@AbhishekHingnikar no those are just placeholders
it will be a stock image sharing site
similar to shutterstock
so focus on searching obviously.
@rlemon haha sure now i get what u are building xD
I figure it is right down your alley considering what you've been doing lately.
hmmm, abhishek is building an app for images, rlemon is making an image sharing kinda site... whats with images?
why not videos?
I'm also redoing lemonmeme.com
which is kinda images
and I just redid lorempizza
'cause videos suck bandwidth
Lemon why always with the pizza lol
because pizza is delicious
@rlemon Oooh, what kind of changes are you making?
@NickDugger There's what, 50 white pixels? nothing excessive
but really, it was a joke placeholder service I wrote.
and now I use it for my placeholders :P
@RyanKinal mikedidthis is redoing the ui, and I'm redoign the back end.
or maybe you are bribed by some pizza companies :P
also going to open up an API
Lol im not sure if that is a fail or a win :/
and buttloads of features
and ofcourse you can use snapick ;-)
50 pixels is a lot if the image is 220 pixels high
... independent top/bottom sizing and padding?
lol google lemonmeme and the site doesn't show up, instead, lorempizza does. :D
@rlemon logo is decided ?
@AaronSiciliano a while back I was looking for ideas for side projects and the idea of an image placeholder service crossed my mind. I thought about themes and pizza seemed fun. first day the site was up it got 10K hits. :P
I always get hungry when I use lorempizza
@AbhishekHingnikar no, but that is the only thing I currently like :P
name is decided
Bahahahaha 10k hits are you serious?!?! lol
@mikedidthis spin a good logo brah
@AaronSiciliano reddit
@AbhishekHingnikar fu, pay me.
Ahhh ok i was going to say... were you campaigning with naked women posing with pizza's or something?
If its for @rlemon, I am on it.
@mikedidthis -_- it was for lemon and bitch
ps i could off paid you for snapicks logo but now forget that
@AbhishekHingnikar yeah its on the lemonlist.
hell, if mike makes me a good logo, and Abhishek makes me a good layout -- I'll pay you both
// got funded for snapick.
I think you all know I have no problem shelling out cash for work
Well done man :D
You should take all of the recent celebrity nude leaked photos, and photoshop pizzas into the pictures. Then you can use them for lorempizza, adult edition
Heh... lemonlist
@AbhishekHingnikar Nice!
Need more though xD but this will suffice for launch :-)
specially a great deal because you did it in here ;p
@AbhishekHingnikar so is @Jhawins really a developer for snapick?
I didn't realize you two were working together
I'll admit, I'm pretty unreliable, outside of my real job. I stopped taking side jobs, because I get too distracted. It becomes a lose/lose for both parties.
@rlemon he will join in a while (Can't pay atm... we both were broke till now)
I really need somebody here who can either take server or client(s)
Q: Offensive message by a moderator not being taken in consideration

Adam BarakA moderator posted this message That could be because - unfortunately - such naivety is very common with 'developers' from that area. http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/18684590#18684590 as response to someone comes and asks about JS and Java, someone guesses that he is...

What a scrub
Haven't heard the word scrub in like ~3 years lol
he helps a lot with making sense out of what i wrote on the website. .. probably will re-write it xD
!!youtube no scrubs
We should all pool resources and buy a mega Server, then we can all host our personal projects.
What an adventure!
hahahahahha he doesnt waste any time with those people and goes straight to the water
also @ThiefMaster chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/18688853#18688853 seeings how you are the mod in question here
you should be aware of the question
@SterlingArcher gave me a headache
should he used microsoft's awesome sauce hyperlapse software we'd see a dog fly across the world :D lol
@SterlingArcher my dog would do that in an instant if we release him
u guys saw this ?
Me wants
@AbhishekHingnikar well if it was a cat the camera might be more stable :Pbut he's just an excited little guy who wanted to swim with his big ol floppy ears <3
This room is just a trap for disease and annoyance. cough [specific users names here] cough
@BenjaminGruenbaum my brothers dog is the same. He can't stay out of water lol
@SterlingArcher When I first saw that I thought, "what a huge house that guy has"
Though it could equally likely be a resort of some sort
damn, Hyperlapse looks sweet
I just lost some stack faith. These comments should be purged.. — Sterling Archer 27 secs ago
That does look cool
I bet it's cpu-intensive, though
@JanDvorak you said everything right <3
and processing 4 hours of HD gopro footage could easily take a day
Though I'm only guessing here.
@Kippie: Yeap
The rock climbing looks weird in hyperlapse
@SterlingArcher I saw that this morning, I was actually more impressed by how fast and precise the dog was round corners hahaha
Like you had a helicopter fly impossibly close to the rock face
Fun fact: 16 gb of raw gopro footage turns into 256-ish GB after using the de-fisheye filter on it
nvm, I don't care enough.
Guys i have only been in these chat rooms for a couple months.... But is this a commonly repeating pattern with people being disruptive and getting banned? Or is it just lately.
It is a common pattern that when people are being disruptive, they get banned, sure.
Not what i was asking lol. I meant is it a common pattern that about once a month something like this happens.
@AaronSiciliano It's hard to get banned in here. If you're banned, you were being worse than a jerk to deserve it.
Sounds like a challenge to me!
@AaronSiciliano they are mostly repeat offenders.
too late, my day is already fantastic. — rlemon 34 secs ago
I've been muted a couple of times
Ok, I did my part here and defended also zigi where necessary and I have to go to work. Have a good day everyone (not rlemon). — Adam Barak 1 min ago
wth is going on in meta?
Goddamn, what a child
What do you mean, Benjamin?
I'm being called out because I removed his write access to this room because he called me a dumbass when I was trying to get him to stop the drama
posted on September 04, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Last day to get a pluto shirt!

@rlemon lol @ your comment
> Have a good day everyone (not rlemon).
I guess I should go read the transcript
Wait, is YouKnowWho still causing drama? I think I've had him muted for quite some time, so don't really notice what's going on
We don't use the "Z" word in here
@mikedidthis you got gtalk ?
@AbhishekHingnikar yep
@mikedidthis id ?
or just ping me at [email protected]
People still use gtalk?
@NickDugger better?
@SterlingArcher tl;dr there were comments being posted in here from the other room and flags going on in the other room. I asked the drama stop (don't cause drama, I believe were my exact words) to which I was responded "it's not drama dumbass" so I muted the user. the user then said more offensive text in the HTML room (pinging me) and it was flagged and validated -- few minutes later we had the meta issue
@NickDugger google hangouts. Part of the eco system.
@NickDugger You've been better as of late
@Cerbrus If I get banned let's be it. I have other things than to argue with a wall and play with kids all day long (not talking about everyone of course). Don't hold me up another time, I need to go to work. Bye. — Adam Barak 50 secs ago
nothing can ruin my day, I bought a roomba
@mikedidthis pinged ya
@Neil Sometimes people go through phases. I think I've passed my obnoxious phase... at least for now.
That's... so... ugh. I hate people.
!!nudge 10
@towc Nudge #2 registered.
@rlemon you better put eyes on it.
Humans these days amirite..
@NickDugger We're all a little obnoxious here, I think
totes putting eyes on it!
can you dynamically add a directive to a dom based on routes in angularjs? E.g. /routeA will add routeA directive, routeB will add routeB directive
Put eyes on the roomba!!
sounds like it should be possible
!!s/eyes/a cat/
@Kippie Put a cat on the roomba!! (source)
Though they tend to do that out of themselves already, I guess...
@BenjaminGruenbaum 5 more votes until a reverrrsaaalllll
@Busata Don't know. Have you tried?
I have two cats
I'm excited to see how badly they flip a shit when this thing starts doing its business
rlemon = cat lady confirmed.
not yet, still thinking about it
@Kippie I have 9 fish tanks
I'm the fish guy.
He's a fish man
Of course. How else would you feed the cats?
^ genius!
honestly, I would be happy with one cat. but the other was a rescue and my first cat bonded with him
now I can't split the two
It seems it could be handy though, you'd have a google maps directive, and you could swap out additional directives, which could use the maps directive controller to manipulate it, but implement totally different stuff
@rlemon you can leave both.
I've had the one for 8 years
I could only get a cat if I got a puppy at the same time
So they would be best friends and the cat wouldn't end up being a nocturnal asshole
enter: automated cat toys
Did that actually work?
how much is the normal life of a cat?
Anywhere between 10 and 25 years
how long?
The average cat lives about 15 years. But it's not uncommon to see them live up to 21 or more
@Busata Sounds complicated
seems handyish
!!wolframalpha oldest cat age
@Kippie That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
the rescue spent his first 7-8 months outside. so I suspect his life was shortened (he's under sized)
omg gallerrryy
who was trolling?
Unless the directive names clash, there'd be no reason for it
@Loktar ^^
the maps directive implements the handling of the map, the other directive can use the controller to do stuff, using its own service
Why doesn't the mute command also list who is muted, though? Would be easier to get a direct link to their profile
it lists their user ID and links to the context
@Busata So just have them all in effect. I don't see what the problem is
Yeah, but the context is unclear. I mean, I'm already able to recognize 965090 as YouKnowWho, but I still had to scroll up quite a bit to see what was going on
@towc nudge
Would be better if it linked to a chat message instead
it does
click them
Neil, no, but nvm :)
It links to the message of the person enacting the mute, not the message for which the user got muted
how would cap know what that is?
*!!mute <messageid> <time>
but u can see i am not going black :P
Then it would be immediately clear who the mute is about, and what reason it had
Once you go black... well, you know
I will almost surely switch it to dark theme
I was using monokai as a scheme
but looks great!
I use the monokai theme in the Ace editor for one of my projects. It has pretty colours
I use it for all of my editors and I've got a console theme for it
solarized dark for me
I used to use solarized until I started using monokai
now i'm sold
I use Son of Obsidian for my editor theme. VS doesn't support it very well. it works beautifully in Brackets, though
Monokai here, as well.
second reversal in a week
@AbhishekHingnikar just give me stuff haha
In 2 days actually
@rlemon I haven't done much (lol any) real code I don't think for Snapick. But we have collaborated for >4 months at least. I keep his head on straight for him
@AbhishekHingnikar what's this about funding? :D Awesome! Hangouts me
i.imgur.com/k2WNZvC.jpg oh my god LOL this is so bad...
I spent 7 hours on my back last night, finished at 1:30am. // phrasing
My truck is taller now MURICA
@SterlingArcher lmfao yes
Dr. Adolf Seuss

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