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@SecondRikudo who says being "trolls" whatever it means is bad. First you are discriminating against some group of people, second of all you are calling them something that has a negative meaning, but if I flag it noone would react. If I tell a friend he has some qualities belonging to some group that are nice, I would be called racist and flagged. I see now why there are so many people in Jail in the States and Canada
@ziGi First of all, I'm not racist, I hate everyone here in this room equally.
Cause you want to discriminate but at the same time not being discriminated against, which I think is haughtily
@ziGi Read what you just said. Read it again, out loud. Re-read it. Now, find another chat room to abuse.
Don't star that shit.
Second of all, I personally gave you at least 3 chances, all of which you promptly blew.
@ziGi troll means someone who keeps discrepancy in a group of people for personal pleasure, usually through pranks
@ziGi do you think murderers are bad people?
So I'm not discriminating against any group in particular. I was burned by you, and I will treat you like I do to fire.
That is all.
@SecondRikudo who are you to give me chances? Even my mother doesn't give me chances, we are not kids to be slapped on our hands.
@phenomnomnominal they have to be integrated
@ziGi Like you (or Awal, can't remember) said. I'm a room owner here.
@ziGi your boss gives you chances, for ex
I have several hyperlinks like this: /NewsMain?NewsId=418&MainCommodityId=14 with different MainCommodityId to render a menu which goes to another page say /Commodity?MainCommodityId=14 . I need to compare MainCommodityId both in URL and menu links to add an active class.
This is where I get to put on the room owner hat and say "Yes, I can decide to give people chances, or tell them to GTFO"
he's a room owner, and tries to keep this room calm, so he has the right to give you chances
I can get querystring value from location.href.
@ziGi do you think they should go to jail?
We haven't reached the GTFO stage (at least I haven't).
!!mute 965090 999
but I can't seem to find how to compare the both.
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
@monners Muted user 965090 for 999m
@ziGi Integrated? You've got to be kidding me.
@monners is that zigi?
I am so very okay with that
that won't help
I'm done.
Sorry. I've never muted anyone, but that was getting out of hand.
@ziGi I'm not sure why I haven't done this before, but I'm just going to ignore you now, and keep you there for a very long time, until you chill.
And this? This star abuse thing, that's is the very definition of troll.
@ziGi for next time: always say "yeah, you're right" when you come here, you'll be more accepted
then you'll see how stuff works here
for fucks sake
!!nudge 520 stuff'n'things
@towc Nudge #1 registered.
@towc lol, that's totally not your MO, but I understand your approach. Assert everything until proven wrong
I do that too
@monners that's what I did after the dozen of mutes I had, and it worked
You got muted?
many times
In this room?
then I understood when I should talk and when I shouldn't
okay, is ZiGi starring from the transcript?
muted again?
I'm done with this bullshit
he's not getting in this room again
this star spam shows that guy doesn't belong here
it's ok, don't get worked up over this
just come to the other room :)
@JanDvorak He claims it's not him
he always does
@SecondRikudo unlikely
That's pretty easy to check
Come to the other room after you ban him :)
Caprica should be able to clear stars automatically from muted users, IMO.
that would be good
@AwalGarg That's a good feature suggestion
@rlemon ^
But what if the muted user stars an already starred message?
Like a pinned message
then it doesn't matter
Details. Let engineering figure it out.
@SecondRikudo It won't be a spam then. Since it is already starred.
it's already starred, so what
Good point
@AwalGarg open an issue for that on SO-Chatbot on GitHub
@SecondRikudo I am not on GitHub, and I don't see myself there until I make something good to show off.
@AwalGarg Get over it. that suggestion is something good to show off
@monners naah. You can make one with your name... all credits to you :)
@AwalGarg effort...
Or we can just star that message here for the great robert lemon and zirak potato to see.
@mikedidthis Did you catch this? medium.com/@fat/…
yep, it's a good read i think
@monners I did indeed. So much <3
Forcing the rest of my FED team to read it
I would love to see the source.
I have a fetish for reading code bases.
Related, this is a good read too: cssguidelin.es
Was checking out Sitepoint's code this morning. It's like FED porn
@mikedidthis pocket'd. will check it out this weekend and berate you if it doesn't impress me
@monners complain to @csswizardry, not me :D
!!reddit or ps4
@monners reddit
!!work hard or hardly working
@Neil hardly working
@CapricaSix I like your style
should we also mute AdamBarak? Just sayin
@towc Should we? What has he done to you that merits being muted?
@Neil from my point of view he's worse than zigi
@towc Ignore him
I've yet to see something that merits room mute.
@towc How do you know it's not just because you don't get along with him?
@Neil doesn't that also apply to zigi?
I don't care if you two have a problem with each other. Sort it out. Muting is to pick out people who have a problem with everyone
@towc Yes, it does
adam is pretty offensive
I haven't had any problems with him, then I am not often on when he is
he contributes interesting discussions from the little discussion I've had with him
The problem with Zigi is that he thinks he has to prove us all wrong, he has to defend every single position and starts to talk people down
It has proven impossible to have a reasonable discussion with him
@GNi33 === adam?
@GNi33 Plenty of people in this room that are like that, with the minor difference that other people are usually right
Not really
he argues about everything
@GNi33 So don't have a discussion with him
trying to prove everybody wrong, no matter what shit topic it's about
Being obnoxious and wanting to be right isn't cause to be muted, but it doesn't mean anyone will ever take you seriously anymore
I don't, I won't. Still people step in and the room gets a bugging clusterfuck
If he starts saying racist comments or attacking someone, then it is mute-worthy
that's what bothers me, and that's why he stays muted
plus all the trolling that he "didn't do"
he can't even admit the singlest, slightest fault on his side
not a good basis for a good conversation, now is it?
He's also a major room spammer
I doubt the number of good conversations he's had in his lifetime could be counted on one hand
Needs to be part of every conversation
and he gets offensive and personal very quickly.
He lacks maturity to carry on a serious discussion, because you have to be willing to concede good points made by your adversary
Q: Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP?

Second RikudoWhat are the technical reasons that I shouldn't use mysql_* functions? (like mysql_query(), mysql_connect() or mysql_real_escape_string())? Why should I move away from them as long as it works on my site?

If you can't behave like a normal person in a chatroom and constantly piss people that have been in here for a long time, you're going to get thrown out
btw, apparently the star spam wasn't his
so who was it then?
He claims to not own it
But it took me too long to whip up my dev tools, it was already over by then.
Guys I have some css media queries and the code is then manipulated via js when user clicks a button. The problem is, when user rotates his mobile, the media queries applicable to the new width don't work if they are already changed via JS. I know this is according to the spec but any workaround?
@GNi33 Oxford comma
like he claims he didn't post an offensive answer to one of my questions with a weird account? yeah right
@GNi33 dunno, maybe a new comer who didn't know how stars work or just another troll
that one was pretty personal, I know it was him, no need to argue about that
He had lots and lots of chances
@monners that's not one
there is the normal comma, and the oxford one :)
I thought this conversation was burninated.
@FlorianMargaine Exactly, he's lacking one which makes the statement potentially mean two opposing things
can't someone look at websocket frames and be done blindly accusing people?
it's neither me nor zigi
@AdamBarak screenshot?
@AdamBarak We can only view live ones. No logs.
So no.
@JanDvorak I wasn't on this room so I hadn't any socket frames registered in my console, but someone who was in this room could see it clearly
@SecondRikudo why can you also star without being in the room?
@AdamBarak Yes, that is a good question.
contact a developer then?
You can flag from the transcript without joining
it will take a few seconds to determine that
yeah I knew about that one
not about stars though
!!urban parma
I guess I can better phrase that as how to make media queries win over the styles set by Javascript?
@monners [parma](http://parma.urbanup.com/2629514) Slang used for a chicken parmigiana, normally used in the slang phrase "[\[pot and parma\]](http://urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pot%20and%20parma)"

A parma is chicken breast which is crumbed, fried and topped with a red napoli tomato sauce, chopped beacon and cheese. It then can be grilled or baked until the cheese is bubbly and brown. then served with hot chips and salad
also a city in italy
a type of ham
and a type of cheese
am I already on the ignore group? 0_O
@AwalGarg you want them to have a higher specifity than inline styles?
@GNi33 yes please.
seriously, it's the only way I know of
inline styles should only be used to override css-styles in certain cases
!!afk lunch
@GNi33 That would override them when js sets them. I want them to override them only when the users changes the orientation of the device.
yeah, put it in your media-query?
k, lemme try.
Thanks :)
@towc parmigiano
@Neil also parma
they're different
ya got nothing on me with cheeses :P
only mortadella is a type of ham
the others are the actual names
prosciutto is ham itself
salame is salami itself
Ok, well while you're arguing about that I'm gonna go eat myself some awesome chicken.
@monners send us a foto
@monners You're going to eat yourself and you're an awesome chicken?
mortadella is bologna pretty much
@GNi33 Its not working. It keeps the style applied in any case, even if the media query condition is not matching.
And that seems to be a weird behavior, IMO.
@Neil a ham called bologna?
> My bologna has a first name, it's O-S-C-A-R. My bologna has a second name, it's M-A-Y-E-R.
never heard about it in italy
maybe it's new
@AwalGarg not sure what you're doing right there though
@GNi33 It seems like its only IE on lumia. Chrome is doing it fine enough on my ipad.
@towc Nah, it's mortadella in america. It's been the sandwich meat of children since the 1950s
@AwalGarg specifity should really work the same on all browsers
I'd try to get rid of those inline styles
@GNi33 its specificity inside media queries.
@Neil oh, absolutely didn't have a clue
@GNi33 just added a window resize event listener for that and its working fine now.
@AwalGarg so? it doesn't change through that
yeah, keep styles set by javascript to a bare minimum
hard to handle, extremely high specifity, PITA to maintain
@GNi33 ain't sure then why IE is behaving like that. I have lumia 510 if that matters.
@GNi33 ok.
of course they have their use-cases, but you're better off avoiding them
classes are mostly a better choice
just got an arduino 0.o
@towc maybe the quality isn't as good, but then not that mortadella is prime quality meat
@towc congrats. My coworker has one
He says things you don't normally have to think about, you have to think about while programming for an arduino :P
I need to buy a raspberry
An apple might fill you up more
probably, but I don't think so ;)
Yogurt is Turkish :-)
so, my father bought me this arduino kit banggood.com/…
no instructions 0.o
Like legos :D
That must mean it's easy to use :P
one of the most known user repository package managers for Arch Linux is called: yaourt wich is french for yogurt
and I'm left with unordered motors, circuits and wires
and skews and stuff
I have no idea what I'm going to do
In fact french pronounce is the most fedel to the original Turkish pronunciation
but I think I'll start by eating some wires
gotta love French
!!wiki yogurt
Yogurt, yoghurt, or yoghourt (/ˈjoʊɡət/ or /ˈjɒɡət/; from Turkish: yoğurt; other spellings listed below) is a fermented milk product produced by bacterial fermentation of milk. The bacteria used to make yogurt are known as "yogurt cultures". Fermentation of lactose by these bacteria produces lactic acid, which acts on milk protein to give yogurt its texture and its characteristic tang. Worldwide, cow's milk, the protein of which is mainly casein, is most commonly used to make yogurt. Milk from water buffalo, goats, ewes, mares, camels, and yaks however, is also used to produce yogurt in various...
@FlorianMargaine hehe
yoğurt -> ğ works as a vocal doubler
so yoh-hoort really
that @ziGi turned out to be a sucker. I was trying to help him in his troubling situation and his obvious trolling, but he went to accuse me lol
you're right about him guys ;-)
shouldn't lose time with that sucker
no need to get insulting though, just saying
can someone come to sanbox?
@GNi33 You're right. I just was angry with him because we had a fight
he insulted me too
thought not here on SO
That's what you get for helping someone.
but why do you hate him? what did he do in particular that you didn't like? is the same behaviour he exhibited with me?
nice try
@GNi33 Lol
I'll answer it anyway. I don't have anything against the guy
Adam if you try to incite drama in here you'll get muted

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