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even if you do it over ssl?
wait, that's receiving. Not sure if you could send something over ssl.
@Kippie you can
but the MTA servers still have to speak with each other in non-ssl
yeah, that's what I meant. Sorry if it wasn't very clear
@Kippie email is not secure.
Also, in a confirmation mail is one thing. In a "forgot my password" mail is another.
@Busata I'm still not totally sure what issue you're having. Perhaps you're looking for require so that you can share a directive's controller with other directives?
You would be able to have one directive in which the controller declares several methods and then other directives can call them and change parameters.
@m59 it's more a design issue, from my "dashboardctrl" I want to be able to add markers to the map, but I wanted to avoid using require
Why avoid require? That's what it's for.
You should be able to accomplish the same thing with whatever $scope the element is in
whichever is cleaner depends on the circumstance
or maybe you need a shared service?
can I send "events" from a shared service to a directive?
you can do anything ;D
then I guess I'm a bit stuck there, if I have a normal page with a ctrl & the shared service, and a directive that uses the service as well, how can I tell the directive to do stuff with its dom from the service?
$watch, right?
service typically doesn't use scopes?
Not in the service, lol
but no, I don't see any need for the service again
but if I use require, I need to have the map, a parent directive, and the "other functionality" has to be a directive as well in order to access the parent directive's controller?
I can probably give you a straight answer about all of this if you actually walk me through what's going on.
probably overthinking it again... :-(
I'm the user, what am I going to do on your app?
You can either: Right click the map & pop up menu will show with some actions (e.g. add place), this triggers an item to appear on the left which you can edit. Or click a button on the left, which does the same + shows a marker on the map you can move around
So, is the difficulty not so much in how to do that, but in how to divide it up?
more in dividing I guess, I want the left side to be the actual page, so instead of a list of places, it could be a list of trajects, and the map would have to show directions, for example
I tend to get stuck when I'm not happy with the design, even if it works :p
I understand that :)
Man, it's kinda too complex for me to come up with anything. All I can suggest is that you keep considering the usual things (SRP mostly)
in PHP, 10 hours ago, by OzzC
someone there can give me a help please?
what came after was nice
ah, thanks :) I'll figure it out one way or another
@towc Many things can be labeled Not a Number; a delay should not be one of them.
how do I display the nudges?
!!nudge display
I don't think you can list nudges
@Busata sorry I can't come up with anything :( I've found that when I think I'm properly abstracting (srp) I never am, so that's the first thing I start thinking about
they are just there
ok, I'll let them stay there
there might be, but I don't know of a way
and a few days ago I was trying :P
Go modify ziraks bot :D
@Busata Many things can be labeled Not a Number; a delay should not be one of them.
Question of interesting : Do you also have co-workers that when they need something ( for example some js code) - and you tell them : " Yes , i've built one of my own" - they tend to use something else from the internet ? (and they even didnt see yours....) ?
is this some kind of : "I won't give him the joy of using his tool which will make me less than him..." ????
my colleague always tries to code it himself (hobby projects)
that's most of the fun!
no... there's something more deep than that
some kind of pride... i dont know
(foolish pride)
ofcourse, if I could I'd code everything just to know how it works, but then you'll never get anything done :p
not to mention code-reuse , but still
and that + stability etc
that's not my point
I enhanced blockUI plugin
(JQ) with many additional functions
I told him : here is the JS
@RoyiNamir I tell them: "yes, I built one. Don't use it, it's clearly not battle-tested."
^ +1
and then he said : well , nevermind i will find smashing in the web
WHY ???
he didnt even see my code
( and i kick his ass with JS and JQ)
who cares, I told him not to use it
@FlorianMargaine you're right. that will be my approach now on
now I don't understand your question, you're curious why people don't use your code, so now you'll just tell them not to use it? :P
@FlorianMargaine I'm just trying to put my finger on the specific point : is it pride involved here?
or maybe that he wants something other people than you have used
I mean, that not only you have used
I'd use jQuery ove some homebrew dom manipulation lib any time.
blockUI is a famous plugin
I just added additional functions
I told him that
who's pride got hurt the most here? :-)
mmmm myne ?
@RoyiNamir You should have introduced him to vanilla js
yes , but for no reason
@Busata dont get me wrong : had he shown me : errors, bugs , something : i would not have speak
but he didnt even see it :-)
oh well , nevermid
vanila :-)
this... my life is complete:
To use Vanilla JS, just put the following code anywhere in your application's HTML:

<script src="path/to/vanilla.js"></script>

When you're ready to move your application to a production deployment, switch to the much faster method:
talking about frameworks, anyone has experience with mithril js?
@Busata it was a joke you know...
I will send this to a new employee who just started working
"please embed this library"
could at least add the button to your website!
@Busata I had never heard of mithril before, but by the looks of it, it creates getters/setters?
Not sure I see the advantage of that
dafuq? http://codepen.io/chriscoyier/pen/hmlqF
How does adding comments, put the 2 li's tag in separate lines or omitting the closing li make a difference???
it's also creating the views with js (virtual dom)
don't know what the (dis)advantage of that is either
@Busata Meh, doesn't seem to me like it is really offering a lot
Maybe I'm not yet used to it though
@towc Only the closing li surprises me. The rest is completely logical
ha, that bug kept me busy for a bit
todo.view = function(ctrl) {
    return m("html", [
        m("body", [
            m("input", {onchange: m.withAttr("value", ctrl.description), value: ctrl.description()}),
            m("button", {onclick: ctrl.add}, "Add"),
            m("table", [
                ctrl.list.map(function(task, index) {
                    return m("tr", [
                        m("td", [
                            m("input[type=checkbox]", {onclick: m.withAttr("checked", task.done), checked: task.done()})
I'm not going to start writing code like this, god save me
@towc because everything inside of the comments is ignored by the rendering engine
in C#, 4 mins ago, by drch
.blueCell {
Does this make anyone else unhappy?
it is like it doesn't exist, therefore the whitespace / new lines have no effect
@Sippy That makes my OCD itch...
in C#, 4 mins ago, by Sippy
That makes me itch.
And that, kids, is why class names shouldn't be tied to appearance.
@Sippy Great minds..
omitting the end tag (with proper restrictions) allows the rendering engine to ignore the space between them (as it now places that inside the tag itself.
the first occurrence of the following li will close the first li, and therefore not leave any extra whitespace
@Neil I spell it OCd now
@KendallFrey You are literally the ultimate troll.
when is it acceptable to use EM's for css positioning like left,right,margin,padding?
@KendallFrey You are bad, and you should feel bad.
EM Is based off of the browser defined font which can be overridden by the user defined font size. That would then throw all of your EM's out of control wouldn't it?
This room is much better than room EL even, though.
@RyanKinal don't you know? it's the trend
make every class tied to appearance
Rapid eye movement? Lemon......
it's how frameworks like bootstrap work
use divs for everything!
that said, I like it
want a red button? apply the following classes: red button
less cool than "danger zone"
While doing sizing use this as holy reference. Gotcha, Thanks Lemon!
@RyanKinal @FlorianMargaine I think you're hurting him
@FlorianMargaine actually, that should make the button red, not the text in the button red... and the class blueCell should make the cell blue, so whats wrong in setting the textcolor to red?
.button {
  outline: none;
  border: none;
  color: blue;
  text-decoration: underline;
  cursor: pointer;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  display: inline;
tee hee
You're turning a button into a link? Seems counter productive
Oh wait
button is your class... then what? Seems even more redundant, then
There will be murders
I can't even. I'm odding
.float-left { float: right; }
ohh man, there is so much crap you can do that people would flip a shit over
:breaks down and cries:
Lemon appears to be trolling
I can almost promise 2/3 average devs would take more than ten minutes to figure out why the hell that was breaking
Unrelated, but true: My stomache was really upset yesterday, and on my way to my car at the end of the day, I sharted.
looks at class name, seems legit, never looks at class rules
lol nick that sucks bro
@rlemon :right-click: :inspect elemnt: :kill rlemon:
^^^ FACT
Or, more likely, just post the sad sad code in the chat
now turn a link into a button lol
.right-align { position: relative; left: 600px; }
and a div into a <video> tag lol
@AaronSiciliano -webkit-appearance: button;
@rlemon Seriously, though, that would probably be the case. When I found it, I'd rage a bit :-P
hey JavaScriptists
@DrewR Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@RyanKinal a { display: if(random(2)==1,inline,block); }
russian roulette scss style
no...... there is no random css method right?????
super css
also, I just sent the wife out to buy a roomba
sass/less gotcha... that makes me feel better
lol, nice
there is an if method in css?
Are you gonna put a cat dressed as a shark on top of your roomba?
the floor cleaner? lol nice
less is more
@AwalGarg you don't read very well, huh?
I am so used to seeing if statements i completely ignored it when looking at the css hahahaha
@rlemon OK
@rlemon I AM SORRY
Ah thanks. Is this an exception specifically for `<li>`, or are there similar elements that have this behavior too?
And is it considered bad practice to not close `<li>` tags?
Because the catface gives it more force
@Kippie in HTML5 there are a handful of tags which closing tags are now optional (depending on circumstances)
!!google html5 optional end tags
an advantage of room owners: can see deleted messages
the sixth room sense?
@rlemon Yeah, I know you can leave them open. The question is: should we do this? Seems like it would make everything less readable
@Kippie imo, close them. but that is now totally upto you and your team
@Kippie close the li tags please
doesn't the browser close them for you anyway if they parse your code?
for the love of god, please
@Busata 17th to be precise
@Busata in HTML5, no.
@Neil is it supposed to be some ascii art?
they interpret them as closed, but they don't fix them
it's that cat again
hey peeperz :D
gg Neil :p
how is it with zigi? did anything get in order finally?
@FlorianMargaine No, supposed to be a joke at @AwalGarg's expense
@BenjaminGruenbaum have you seen hanselman.com/blog/…
would have had higher resolution, but well, would have been too annoying for even me
@Neil what is?
only read the "how do modern browsers work" article!
@AwalGarg I posted the same image converted to ascii..
@CarrieKendall silly VS users.
@Neil oh really? Where? ok the removed message eh?
@rlemon it is a good ide :)
I dislike it
albeit I'm still using VS2012 -- and only for c# + winforms
Looks nice
But why did you remove it @Neil
@Neil you need my uber ascii conversion script
we run the latest version
I didn't want to fill up the room with nonsense, sorry :)
@rlemon do you run a make cool lil things organisation?
@AwalGarg yes
I've been talking to him like the last 5 minutes and he want me to tell you he apologized about everything and said that he's going to try behave from now on. Just wanted to let you know.
@Neil haha, that's fine, but I can't see it now.
I am the tickler of keyboards
@AdamBarak he's already said that more than I can count
@rlemon you never get bored?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah i am pretty excited about trying knockout 3.2 with it. for a while now i've been using webstorm for frontend and then vs for backend which is a pita. anyways, thought i'd share
@AwalGarg jsfiddle.net/rlemon/20rb4q16/6 (cc @Kippie)
afaik it only works in Chrome
(parsing gifs this way is against spec, chrome allows it)
I have seen that.
You keep posting cool lil things from your make cool lil things organization.
But the question remains...
@FlorianMargaine I can only imagine that. Well, guess you will handle that when he comes back and see if that's true or not.
just referred what he told me to say
@CarrieKendall ty
you are not his pigeon, are you?
So, in chrome you can right-click a canvas and save it as an image... I just tried to save @rlemon 's animating canvas, and it crashed my chrome. I guess you shouldn't save a canvas while it's doing stuff, lol
Owls make better delivery service, just ask Harry Potter
@AwalGarg uh I don't think so? I wanted to give him my last chance and help him
I'm sure hedwig will disagree
you will be the one to handle him anyway
@NickDugger might be other issues, that entire demo is faulty.
you are not supposed to be able to pull frames from the gif that way (according to spec) -- chrome just goes against spec there.
@AdamBarak I would advise you to keep this as your last one. Rest up to you.
Ah, ok
@AwalGarg for sure .. if he doesn't behave I'm not going to listen to him again too
@rlemon + they can cross through other dimensional worlds! Phoenixes are even better, their tears can cure wounds and they can lift very heavy loads. :D
but they are an insurance risk
fire damage, etc.
@AdamBarak good ;-) Try not to bring him up again.
@rlemon Your pigeon can be traced by the ministry of magic. Phoenixes can't be.
sure they can
anythings possible
(∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。 ᵐᵃᵍⁱᶜ
@AwalGarg ok.
No, ministry of magic doesn't track phoenixes. They are meant to be for VIPs only. Thus Dumbledore had one.
I'll stick with e-mail... geeks.
Moderator tools screen :D
I come in here to see you arguing over harry potter.
@CapricaSix that just looks ugh
Wtf guys.
@AwalGarg dumbledore was a cheat and a showoff :3 #flamebait
@Sippy He is arguing, I am just telling the canon info.
@AbhishekHingnikar nope. I still see him as a hero, though JKR announced he was gay.
you can see who voted for who
All hail Gandalf
Gandalf > Dumbledore
@AbhishekHingnikar How dare you insult a fictional character that I roughly associate to a vague memory I had of my grandfather!
VOTE SNAPE 2016!!!
@Neil re associate with gandalf !!
@AbhishekHingnikar That is not even a good joke.
also, node people -- RFC github.com/rlemon/lorempizza.com/blob/master/app.js am I doing this right?
@AwalGarg Why would being gay denounce him of hero status?
4: 1 Gandalf wins over dumbledore
Epic rap battles of history
@rlemon Have you decided whether or not you like sails yet?
not erb, watchmojo
haven't tried it
@rlemon I find myself using it almost exclusively in my node projects, these days
@AbhishekHingnikar do you realize you are impersonating a stupid person?
@AdamBarak there is no point in flagging a moderator who is trying to settle a situation
@rlemon broooooooooooooooooooooooo :D
don't be a troll
Dumbledore can't be defeated.
@AbhishekHingnikar wanna design me an interface?
full credit ofc
@rlemon I'm not a troll. That was offensive against Indian people
mhm, don't.

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