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12:08 AM
> abover
> abover
12:20 AM
12:58 AM
@rlemon This is she
Hey guys, quick question. Does any one know of a JS library (assuming this is possible) that can pick up microphone inputs, and get infomation on the frequency on the audio input? I'm trying to make a guitar tuner using javascript by detecting the input of a guitar. Does any one know a library which provides these kind of functions already?
Definitely possible, check out github.com/phenomnomnominal/tuner.coffee
Library, no idea though
thanks :)
@copy For a second there, I thought Dave was phenom and you were trolling excellently.
Gotta remember that
1:20 AM
Just sat waiting for a PDF to load and realized that page was intentionally blank
PDF needs better ux
People who are not JS developers have something to make fun of us again
I'll keep laughing at the diminishing significance of their favorite language.
1:39 AM
@Dave yes that's a thing.
1 hour later…
2:42 AM
@copy skype?
1 hour later…
3:44 AM
trippy, wasn't this same thing posted yesterday ^
I swear my PM assigns me IE8 tickets purely to get me to slow down
I can't find it in the transcript, but I feel like there was a
1 hour later..., @copy skype? 1 hour later... sequence just like that the other day :)
@BadgerGirl Needy much? :P
Halp! The super-complicated, multi-step, ultra-wizard-run clusto-feature doesn't work on IE8! - You say this as though you're surprised?
4:07 AM
What's the meanest code challenge you think you could get away with when interviewing a junior (just to fuck with them, hypothetically)?
@Abhishek Your pricing, why is buying 15Gbs of storage cheaper than buying 12?
1 hour later…
5:31 AM
!!learn archerneat <>http://i.imgur.com/0xmRAaM.gif
@SomeKittensUx2666 Command archerneat learned
@monners Ask them to do something without jQuery
Ask them to play the first level of copy.sh/iw
Hello Guys, Does anyone have idea on $httpBackend Mock test in Jasmine
Yes, I have idea
5:42 AM
@SomeKittensUx2666 I have one factory in which i have http post call, for that post i have written MOCk in test case but it is saying Error: No pending request to flush !
5:57 AM
Sounds like you're not making a request
@SomeKittensUx2666 Actually I calling the method that has post request
Funny, Jasmine doesn't think so. Or at least you're not expecting the right request.
Requested URL should be valid right? or it can be any?
Perhaps you should show some code.
6:07 AM
@monners edge cases of with, eval scope, abstract comparison algorithm and strict mode?
not sure if mean, but "find a value of x such that x != x"
@SomeKittensUx2666 Here is the code, Just checking for GET
@JanDvorak It's only kind of mean if you require x is not NaN
@BenjaminGruenbaum depends on your target audience
function isNan(x){x!==x} is a nice trick, but isNan already exists.
"" + new ((function(){
    with({this:{foo:function(){ return 3}}}){
        return this(), this.foo();
}).call(function bar(){
    bar.foo = bar;
    try {
        return Number;
    } catch(e) {
        return Boolean
    } finally {
        return String;
        throw "Hello"
@monners @JanDvorak nasty enough? I don't think so
eval("[" + new ((function(){
    with({this:{foo:function(){ return 3}}}){
        return this(), this.foo();
}).call(function bar(){
    bar.foo = bar;
    try {
        return Number;
    } catch(e) {
        return Boolean
    } finally {
        return String;
        throw "Hello"
}).bind(-+-1,[1,2,3,4,5])) + "]").length
Ok, now it's evil enough, I think
6:17 AM
@BenjaminGruenbaum you're a bad person :)
eval((s=Array(719)).join("s[j=++n]?j:"+s.join("s[j+=n]=")+"r+=n+' ';"),r="",n=1)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not sure... it wouldn't pass code review, that's for sure
@BenjaminGruenbaum it is evil. with({this:...}) is evil.
@BenjaminGruenbaum 1?
@SomeKittensUx2666 Any issue found in the code i shared?
6:19 AM
@BenjaminGruenbaum error: window is not a function
I'm seeing eval("[" + new (something) + "]").length
@copy yeah, but something is 1,2,3,4,5 :P
Ah fuck it
@SomeKittensUx2666 You should define a property on window instead
6:23 AM
eval("[" + new ((function(without){
    with({this:{foo:function(){ return 3}}})
        return this(), this.foo();
    } catch (e) {
    without({this:function(foo){ return foo; }}); { return this() };

}).call(function bar(baz){
    bar.foo = bar && baz || baz || bar;
    try {
        return Number.bind(String);
    } catch(e) {
        return Boolean.bind(Number);
    } finally {
        return String.bind(Boolean);
        throw "Hello"
}).bind(-+-1,Array.apply(String, {length:5}).map(Boolean.call, Number))) + "]").length
Ok, now this is evil enough
@BenjaminGruenbaum type error: without is not a function?
@JanDvorak Same deal.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Waiting for your reply :)
I hope you are patient
@Abhi You'll have to wait for me to learn coffeescript.
In other words, good luck!
6:29 AM
x = { toString: Math.random }
No, nevermind
@SomeKittensUx2666 :) Here is JS Code
@Abhi As far as I can tell, the problem is not in that code.
@SomeKittensUx2666 URL issue i think, dont know what is happening
though that code has some oddities.
hi there,
For learning purposes, I am building a simple chat client. While I was able to allow parsing of html in order to show "clickable links", I can't come up with a good solution on how to prevent all other HTML (Like no one should be able to spam a thousand div's). Is there any open source project that has solved that issue?
Thank you @SomeKittensUx2666
Using a markdown library would be an option
^ specifically that line
@SomeKittensUx2666 Can you make me clear ?
6:39 AM
@JanDvorak nope
Notice how I escape everything, but then conditionally add things in. No user-inputted HTML is outputted
@copy, I actually thought about that but came to the conclusion that it would be sort of overkill.
Why not? It's a learning project
@Abhi Poof, you're clear.
Why is this so catchy?
| 0 is the same as Math.floor right?
6:45 AM
It's truncation, so Math.floor for positive and Math.ceil for negative numbers
And it converts the number to a signed 32 bit integer
Sweet, this is all positive
7:07 AM
Question about history of data attributes : (their alternative) :
—> In old times what was the problem of adding attributes like
<span itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="http://schema.org/Product" ...>... ??
I'm not talking about sending to server
This is obviously won't send those attributes.
I'm asking what was the problem ? document validation ?
I think there was no problem, except that the behavior was not well defined, but I'm not sure
And if the solution was data-* - why didn't we use it before ?
I know that data-* was introduced in html5
but I think data-* will also work in ie8
so... ?
@phenomnomnominal ~~ is like Math.floor.
!!> [~~123123123123123, Math.floor(123123123123123)]
@copy [-704351309,123123123123123]
Close enough
7:13 AM
!!> ~~(-4.54)
@RoyiNamir 4
@RoyiNamir -4
(well - for positive :-)
!!> ~~(4.54)
@RoyiNamir 4
!!> [~~123123.5678, Math.floor(123123.5678)]
@RoyiNamir [123123,123123]
7:15 AM
morning guys :)
lol "close enough'
"The epsilon is minimal..." :-) :-) :-)
hi guys please you can tell me function SOAPClient() {}

SOAPClient.username = null;
SOAPClient.password = null;
function SOAPClient() <-- this is a class?
and username and password are properties?
if so, then things that shouldn't be global are global
@frank JavaScript doesn't have classes.
SOAPClient is a function. username and password are properties on that function (Since functions are Objects as well)
ah like in C programming
you havent classes
7:20 AM
It's the same as jQuery being a function (jQuery('selector')) and also having properties (jQuery.ajax(...))
@frank in C you don't have objects either.
@SecondRikudo you do have structs
mh in C you have struct this is equal to Classes
@JanDvorak That's hardly an "object"
A struct is just that, a struct. It doesn't have behavior.
Which is basically the point of an object. State and Behavior.
C brings the beauty of assembly to a language called C.
@SecondRikudo you can have structs that hold pointers to functions
7:22 AM
@JanDvorak Just... don't remind me of C, okay?
I still have nightmares.
Q: C - function inside struct

xRedIm trying to create a function inside a structure, so far i have this code: typedef struct client_t client_t, *pno; struct client_t { pid_t pid; char password[TAM_MAX]; // -> 50 chars pno next; pno AddClient() { /* code */ } }; int...

pointer to functions
in javascript
we haven't this kind
in JavaScript you aren't forced to define a rigid structure. You can add whatever properties you want on the fly.
in javascript you can put a function into an object, or to its prototype
or to the prototype's prototype, or...
> The C language combines all the power of assembly language with all the ease-of-use of assembly language.
7:24 AM
@JanDvorak How does that work?
what mean function into object ?
!!> ({x:function(x){return x*x}}).x(5)
@JanDvorak "SyntaxError: missing } after property list"
!!>({ proto: { proto: { a: 4 } } }).a
@JanDvorak 25
@copy "SyntaxError: invalid property id"
7:26 AM
nice one @copy
Well, you get the point
but where is the object?
x become an object ?
just by doing x: ?
@frank yep.
but this is pure javascript?
{} is an object
7:28 AM
Please see stackoverflow.com/editing-help for help on formatting your posts. When others edit your posts for you to improve the formatting in a non-destructive way, the least you can do is to appreciate their help. If you don't like the idea of anyone else editing your posts for any reason, then this site may not be for you. See stackoverflow.com/help/editingBoltClock ♦ yesterday
76 votes :o
some great man once said, everything in javascript is an object or a primitive. Live with it.
guten morgen pepperz :D
@JanDvorak [] is also an object, a different one, I think. Is that correct?
@AwalGarg that's an array
7:31 AM
tell me
@JanDvorak but an array is also an object? they say...
Any idea why Stack Exchange sites don't suffer from the voting train?
what is the difference between : and = ?
@AwalGarg correct
for example x : or x = ?
7:32 AM
@ziGi Morning
@JanDvorak :)
@frank : is for defining properties inside an object literal
I think only the guy who was called something should be able to flag something, saying yesterday that Adam resembles the Israelites in in a simpler fashion was totally unnecessary, since he was not offended by it.
I made an experiment other day on Reddit and the first vote led to further votes so it was the most voted item at the end of the day
the same I made on Stack Exchange and it didn't work
7:33 AM
@frank key: value is used inside of an object literal, while key = value is used in variable assignment.
either Reddit users are dumb or Stack Exchange works by mitigating the effects
object literal = object ?
Everything is an object. Except for your Mom, which is an immediate consequence of her enormous obesity
@ziGi I agree with you
I just try not to take it serious when people do like that
@ziGi I think ziGi smells like a hamster.
7:34 AM
haha well I do
How would the system know that I was referring to you?
if they're dumb I shouldn't follow on the train
but I just think that is ignorant
Assuming I didn't reply to your message for context
i mean
7:35 AM
speaking about trains
well that's why there are moderators
to stay on the subject
they are HUMANS
that can understand
@frank you can define an object via the new Object(); constructor if you like and then use the = symbol to add key value pairs to it.
@ziGi And how would you notify said moderators about content which is worthy of their attention?
7:35 AM
what is the difference here init:function( ){


var myBox = x.init({
Let's be honest here. some moderators are complete assholes
@AdamBarak Names.
but you told me before i can use x: for make an object also
I personally know all active moderators, and I can tell you for sure, none of them are assholes.
apart from Brad Larson which I think is the best and most forgiving
7:36 AM
@SecondRikudo well when something is flagged people with >10000 can see it
just like god ;D
thus crowdsourcing
Morning all :)
guten morgen
please guys this is about javascript
7:36 AM
@SecondRikudo of English Language Learners too?
not about moderators
@ziGi The entire idea of rep based moderation is to leave only the really hard stuff for moderators to handle
@AwalGarg Of Stack Overflow.
But I do speak with ELL's as well
hello ?
@SecondRikudo make me a moderator, I would check all the messages and be a just guy, not an asshole suspending the rest because of personal issues
@SecondRikudo names? I don't want to uncover their bs right now
7:37 AM
You don't need a moderator to judge whether a post is offensive or not.
might take revenge on me
@SecondRikudo one mod on ELL is complete shit mod, extremely moody, does what she likes, I hate her. She doesn't deserve to be a mod.
init:function( ){


var myBox = x.init({
what is the difference ?
we live in 2014, acknowledging racism, sexism or whatever ism is just bringing it back
that's why people are angry and use guns all of the time
because of such isms
@AwalGarg I know of only one female moderator on ELL, and if she's the one I think you're talking about, then it's you who doesn't deserve being a user on ELL.
7:38 AM
@ziGi Get elected.
you must be a polician
not a technican
@frank This room isn't strictly about JavaScript.
@SecondRikudo I am not a user on ELL. And I am not sure who you are talking about.
Please don't bother us while we're talking.
7:39 AM
^I second that.
one moderator told me not to post comments, just ask questions and answer them. and why? because I critiques comments which itself was a critique
sike -> it is not possible
i want help on javascript
1 message moved to Trash
it's just that he had high rep that he wasn't penalized
7:39 AM
not emacs
ziGi comes and this room deviates. This room is far better when he is not here. Take that however you like.
@AwalGarg stop it
you can answer ?
7:40 AM
you are deviating now even more
what is the difference?
I will mute you all, I swear I will.
@AwalGarg It also deviates when he's not here
@frank tell me the question, I would love to answer.
@frank tell me your question, I will answer you
7:40 AM
I just left it there and ignored what happened
init:function( ){


var myBox = x.init({
what is the difference ?
@AwalGarg You have the same effect at times
i still havent' clear when use : and =
I'm not going to put myself in trouble by arguing with a mod
@frank codecademy.com go there and learn some JS. It is really a helpful resource.
7:40 AM
he knows himself he's an asshole
and this is all
this code dose not works
I gave my part.
@AdamBarak I doubt that was the whole story.
@frank the difference is that init: is most likely part of an object
or maybe works but i saw it
7:41 AM
and it hold a closure
@frank eloquentjavascript.net
while mybox is not part of an object but just a variable
Are you sure that your comment couldn't be in any way interpreted as a personal attack against the other commenter?
so i must use : for declare proerties inside and object ?
@frank also, try not to skip any exercise there or you will repent.
7:42 AM
ora also functions
@SecondRikudo Frankly you can doubt that if you please. I'm not stopping you. Honestly I just defended people who needed to be defended
@copy But I try very hard to avoid it, he doesn't.
like one harassed off-site
@frank yes
@frank here's an example
@AdamBarak Let's face the facts for a second, shall we?
7:42 AM
@dystroy Not to that extent. And atleast not to that negative extent.
@anyone, what is the correct way for an angular directive to require a certain attribute on the element?
another one downvoted when he went to ask on meta about writing better questions
You're a troll. You are. Even if you don't mean it, you often troll and do stuff that will annoy others.
@AwalGarg Good :-)
var myObj = {
    init:function( ){

var myFun = function( ){
7:43 AM
@SecondRikudo you = who?
@SecondRikudo It can happen in the chat and I'll contain myself after a limit and you see that
but I don't troll on main or meta
so @frank you can use myObj.init(); or myFun();
Second, moderators deal with literally thousands of issues and flags every day
Q: What to do when you have a Stack Overflow Stalker

ThesisDesignI'm dealing with someone that notoriously answers questions on a topic with criticisms and no help at all. I flagged his comments on my last question because as per usual none of them were helpful and he seemed more interested in arguing and his comments were removed by the moderator. He is now...

that was the question
They don't have the time, patience, or mental fortitude to be graceful and forgiving to every idiot who thinks he's smart.
And there are plenty of idiots who think they're smart
7:44 AM
@SecondRikudo I understand that but I'm not showing I'm smart (look at the dumb questions I asked)
Raises hand
Look at my comments and have your say Madara Uchiha ;-)
@SecondRikudo yes like most of the people talking in this room
@ziGi how do i call after the init function ?
the OP was harassed off-site yet they focused on his questions instead
that's where I mostly defended him
7:46 AM
@frank what do you mean after?
I would have done the same if it was you
or it was zigi
or frank..
@AdamBarak I'm not seeing anyone there telling you to stop commneting
btw @AdamBarak thank you for defending me
@ziGi Of course you're not one of them though, right?
i want to call the init function inside another object how do i do it ?
7:47 AM
Hi everybody :)
@SecondRikudo Because he personally contacted me through chat
@AliMohyudin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@monners no, because I don't think I am smart
First step to recovery and all that
7:48 AM
@frank Are you familiar with OOP?
@monners @frank Are you familiar with POOP? (source)
Sorry, I couldn't resist
I think I am omnipotent, there is a difference
@ziGi You're a troll. It makes sense that people will be weary of you, and that includes moderators.
7:49 AM
@ziGi you're welcome. if there's to be defended I don't look who the person is really
I personally gave you 3 extra chances, and you blew them all one by one. How am I supposed to defend you in any case you try to make?
I'm looking for that chat room started by andrew barber with me
@Cerbrus I think I am impotent, there is a difference (source)
they thought another guy called Mr. Meshuggah was me just as they think you are me
7:49 AM
Sorry, I couldn't resist
I don't know why they want to see me that much in other users accounts
@Cerbrus Well played, sir. well played
To @AdamBarak @ziGi @AwalGarg and every other troll in here.
You don't get to troll all you like, and then complain when you get hammered or talked to nastily.
7:51 AM
@SecondRikudo I don't know what a troll is, but I can tell you for sure I am not
@ziGi Look up the definition. Because you're the biggest troll in the room.
@SecondRikudo I think you are being an asshole now. Adam Barak and me don't have anything serious to be called a troll... so please please think before speaking.
I don't mean that as an insult, I feel like you should tell people what you think about them, without the bullshit.
If you just can take out 1 and I say 1 comment out of that thread which you can define as trolling...
@AwalGarg Are you sure about that?
7:52 AM
You are a room owner and you should have a respect for others, I don't need to tell you that. @SecondRikudo...
Do you really want me to take the time and find some of your troll posts? Because I really don't want to.
@SecondRikudo Particularly.
@AwalGarg I have respect for everyone in this room.
I don't hide what I think about other people.
@SecondRikudo Doesn't seem like it right now.
@SecondRikudo and you are the biggest geezer then, if we are gonna do name calling
7:52 AM
@SecondRikudo That's the nicest thing anyone's every said to me...
tell me if that has anything to do with the OP question. the one who got stalked off-site
I didn't call you guys assholes or fuckers, nor did I call you idiots. I said what I think about you guys, and that's it. If that's not respectful to you, you can simply ignore me.
1 message moved to Trash
You called them "trolls"
@AdamBarak Quit it. We saw it the first time.
7:53 AM
That's pretty disrespectful
@Cerbrus They are.
They behave like trolls, so they're trolls.
I disagree
@monners that was the answer I was referring to you dumb. I posted the question before
I don't think it's disrespectful, just as much as calling someone a help-vampire isn't disrespectful
Can I talk something about unity3d here?
7:54 AM
@SecondRikudo If you have an opinion, put it like that... it is your opinion. DO NOT GENERALIZE IT.
The difference between being a "help-vampire" or a "troll", and between "asshole" or "idiot"
Is that you can stop being a help-vampire or a troll.
And just like ISIS ain't a terrorist organisation, right? I don't think I'm ever gonna agree with you on anything, @SecondRikudo
@Cerbrus I take that back. I agree that ISIS is a terrorist organisation.
I haven't put enough thought on that particular subject yesterday.
fuck off people really... I'm cooling out @ziGi don't argue it's lost time... ;-)
just a quick reminder: if you guys spam this room with senseless discussions, arguments or accusations again all the time, we'll have to do something about it.
7:56 AM
So, yeah, JavaScript :D
wohoooo!! I finished the oral latin exam!
!!urban lain
@monners [lain](http://lain.urbanup.com/186568) 1. Some female hacker.
2. Shorter term for "Serial Experiments Lain," the #1 best anime in existance.
and of course they're going to tell me the result after school starts -_-
meant latin XD
you had oral with lain?
7:58 AM
also that
Hello A
That's impressive
Hello all.
@Ravimallya Welcome
7:59 AM
Good evening Sir/Madame

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