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@FlorianMargaine Fun fact - in Hebrew, words have gender. I'm going to the supermarket is different when said by males and females.
@BenjaminGruenbaum even the Merlin assistant?
@JanDvorak definitely.
Ew. Ew. Ew. Ewww.
@FlorianMargaine doing fine, thanks. Started my new job in my "hometown" about a month ago, working a lot with PHP, Zend and a open source CMF maintained by the company and I gotta say I enjoy it so far. How about you?
@BenjaminGruenbaum heh. Arab is the same iirc
Even Clippy is?
@FlorianMargaine yes.
@GNi33 oh great!
morning all
@GNi33 switching in 2 months... it's long :(
where are you heading?
@BenjaminGruenbaum a friend taught me some bits of arab, lost almost all of it though
@GNi33 we already talked about it :P commerce guys, editor of drupal commerce
@FlorianMargaine i had a 3 month notice period, and got sent on garden leave :)
oh yeah, right!
great. but yeah, 2 months when you're already eager to leave is a very, very long time
@FlorianMargaine I learned Arabic for three years, I don't remember anything
@GNi33 yeah, I had a 4 months leave-period, so half of it is done... but well
@BenjaminGruenbaum hah
yeah, had german at school for 9 years, I can't say a word now
Well, I'm going to lunch
!!afk lunch
bon appetit :)
@user3890317 jsfiddle.net/MauriceG/sC9xL Make some effort and edit it upto your liking.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think most languages have gender for nouns, but they wouldn't make a distinction between who says it.
@Kippie BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: lunch
I'm not that mentally active in the morning to bother very much.
@SufiDeveloper: I just want to add <a href="https://ss88.wufoo.com/forms/w5g2zyk0ecvjh9/">Please fill out my form.</a>
!!unmute 2862309
@FlorianMargaine Unmuted user 2862309
stop whining
Thank you
Sorry for the "idiots" thing
@Mr.Meshuggah you have to earn the right to be an asshole around here
I just think 1 day is a bit too much since rlem told me "fuck you" yesterday
@Mosho apparently
@Mr.Meshuggah the mute wasn't about it, it was about zigi's support mostly. And the annoying part.
saying "you're all idiots" out of context is annoying
Ok, I don't support him
@Mosho I remember my graduation. I believe it was a Tuesday....
in context, it's fine
Ok sure, I understand, thank you for the explanation.
if you tell me "fuck you" in context, I wouldn't mute
or flag
@SufiDeveloper: How to set a href link?
Q: How do I split a string by a string

JohannesHow can i split a String by a String in JavaScript? For example: var stringArray = string.split("splitbyme"); Thanks!

Dear god
@monners Monday. I put the toothpaste in your graduation hat
@Mosho It was YOU!
@FlorianMargaine Sorry I expect too many people to be friendly without knowing me, it is my error.
florian wanted me to use epoxy
@Mr.Meshuggah You've also gotta realize that a lot of people don't expect to be taken seriously (I fall into that camp)
You mean you don't expect me to be taken seriously or that you are not taken seriously by me
@Mr.Meshuggah I mean that when I say something that a reasonable person would find ridiculous, chances are that's how it's meant to be received. Deadpan humour.
The answer you provided also splits a string by a character, not by a string — Johannes 1 min ago
Ok sorry, apparently our perception of humor is just different. Don't get me wrong.
Because JavaScript has a difference between characters and strings...
:/ That's sad
@SufiDeveloper: there?
@user3890317 I've simplified it for you. You may easily continue on your own now.

I'm turning the pc off, damn migraine. See y'all later
!!afk chillin
Wut... Posted a comment, refreshed the page, comment gone.
Post the comment again, suddenly, there's 2 comments
Servers, y u laggin?
Caching problems maybe?
man you gotta watch that^^^!
stackoverflow.com/questions/25156981/… Can I close that as a duplicate of that "Parse HTML with regexes" question?
I'm just gonna. He's doing something very similar, and the answer's the same...
@Cerbrus what is the answer?
@SufiDeveloper: this is my jsfiddle: jsfiddle.net/38d29/1 .. but it soes not working.
@user3890317 SufiDeveloper is afk: chillin
The answer is not to use regexes to parse HTML
"I want to match TR that contain two TD in html."
@CapricaSix: what is afk: chillin
@SufiDeveloper: it does not work..
@user3890317: it means Sufi went "Away From Keyboard" with reason: "Chillin"
Basically, he's not paying attention to the chat right now
@user3890317 I bet you used machform-wufoo, didn't you?
i didn't get..
@AwalGarg: i don't understand
nothing, leave it.
Hey ,

How can we callback a function in Google Follow Button
@Cerbrus: what is chillin
hey guys, newbie here...i need some help to understand something...i have my jquery-min.js file inside my js folder and then in my code( i´m just testing), i have use this:
@Cerbrus: afk?
away from keyboard, as already said
and inside body : <p>If you click on me, I will disappear.</p>
<p>Click me away!</p>
<p>Click me too!</p>
Like I s...
@Cerbrus For a.merge(b) I agree. But for $.merge(a, b)?!
and it´s not working
Damn you're fast, @GNi33
ya.. ok ok
@Cerbrus glad to be of service ;)
do i have to link to my js file in head?
@ThiefMaster: Exactly.
@ThiefMaster the reason merge returns a value is that so you could use it for cloning like this var a1 = $.merge([], a);
@Japa: you will have to include the js file in your page, yes
can anyone help me understand please...for you guys this must be easy, i´m starting
@ThiefMaster remember that jQuery is old, its API is inconsistent since the web involved. You'll have Object.mixin soon enough.
Just placing it in your site's JS folder doesn't cut it
@Cerbrus but tell me something, do i have to know the version of the js?
it's ECMA 6
Just include the file
@Mr.Meshuggah ?
@Cerbrus: do you know about my issue/
I need a callback method for Google Follow Button ... like Google +1 Button do Please help me
@vs7 the official documentation didn't help?
@user3890317: nope
in w3 schools they say this: <script src="jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script> but my file is: jquery-min.js
@JanDvorak No, On Follow Documentation there is no callback event written
that´s why i´m asking the version
@Japa: Just use jquery-min.js
@Cerbrus: please see this link stackoverflow.com/questions/25155740/… and help me
@Japa no, that's just the file name
It Exist in Google +1 Button
But i need it for google follow too
@vs7 when should it be called?
some people include the version - number in their filename, you don't need to do that
When some one follow the page
yea... I can see why that wouldn't be available
so guys ... like this: <script src="jquery-min.js"></script>?
@user3890317: I'm not a personal helpdesk. That aside, I have no clue what you're trying to do
Yes, @Japa
@Cerbrus thank you very much for your help
At least, if the js file is in the same folder as your HTML
I'm creating social tracking module
and stuck in google Follow
as there is no documentation for Google Follow Button
one last question...when i open the .js file, i see that the version is 1.8.3...isn´t that old!?
@vs7 Man just use an onClick event...
@SufiDeveloper: please help..
@user3890317 It doesn't work because you changed the "href" value.
@Japa slightly
@SufiDeveloper: But i need to work with that link..
@user3890317 Ok, what do you need to do with that link?
@SufiDeveloper I'm using this : developers.google.com/+/web/follow
And i don't think, click event will works
when click that it will show a light box popup form, without using iframe.
@SufiDeveloper: please just see my stackoverflow post.
@vs7 Why not? Every DOM element is potentially targettable by Javascript..Javascript can also target dynamic selectors if need be.
@Cerbrus my .js file is inside a js folder...is like this: folder "project" has my home.php and then inside my "project" folder there´s css folder, images folder and js folder...but it still doesn´t work
@user3890317 Is this question of help to you? Look at it please: stackoverflow.com/questions/2238952/…
@SufiDeveloper here is e.g. jsfiddle.net/5Yc34
The Social button always render in iFrame I think
@vs7 Onclick target the "UI" class?
If you have Firebug you can see what element you have to target. Or Chrome Developer Tools or whatever it's called if you use Chrome
@Japa: You probably need something like <script src="js/jquery-min.js"></script>?
@Cerbrus it worked with this: <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
@SufiDeveloper: now only i seen, sorry.
@SufiDeveloper We can't add click over iframe DOM
@user3890317 If you take the time to search through existing questions I'm sure you can find one suitable to your own case and adapt it.
@Japa: That's an option, too.
@Cerbrus and it also worked with you suggestion!!!...but should i be using a more recent query version even if my js file is 1.8.3 ?
You should probably be able to use the 1.11.1 version
Q: Adding click event handler to iframe

samach321I want to handle click event on an iframe with a handler that gets the iframe’s id as parameter. I’m able to add an onClick event handler via JavaScript as follows and it works fine: iframe.document.addEventListener('click', clic, false); But in this case I’m unable to pass a parameter to cli...

No wait. It's not possible.
@SufiDeveloper that what i told you
how can i get help on ruby.. or REXML
i have made all the design part in a design software..and when you hit the publish button in the software he has create this js folder....but the software is only for design...so for animations and stuff i´m editing the files and putting code on it....that´s why i´m asking if it should be a problem to say " hey use this more recent jquery instead of yours" what do you think?
book.elements["title"] and book.elements["//title"] are different, idk if the second one is an xpath
It should be backwards compatible, but if you're not sure, you can just use the older version
@Cerbrus what is the worst that can happen because i´m using older version? compatibility problems with browsers? or it has nothing to do with it?
@blackbee it looks xpathy to me
The older version could not support some newer functionalities, but that's pretty much it
@JanDvorak So is there any way to get callback for google follow button
@vs7 I guess no
I hope no
so whatever i do will only return the first element? but when i use the former i get the list of all the elements that has a title tag
Mostly Javascript libraries are not fully compatible with bloody IE...
@JanDvorak that what I'm thinking
@SohailxIN3N Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Cerbrus hey man ... thank you very much for helping me...happy coding, regards!.
@SohailxIN3N jQuery is
Yes, of course but Knockout is not fully compatible even with IE 11...
!!afk lunch
@SohailxIN3N why?
Giving some unhandled exceptions in console. eg, unable to parse etc
Anyhow, problems would be fixed by adding some additional code with conditions specifically for IE... Thanks...
@vs7 I'm not sure if it's possible in Javascript and maybe it's overkill, but you could register the button position on the screen, check the cursor coordinates and onclick check if it's positioned over the button.

If it is you execute a callback or whatever.
Just an idea.
One thing I wanted to ask, is it okay to used Drop Down list for Mobile app like we use in websites ?
@SohailxIN3N I believe so
It looks like it's possible afterall:
Q: Javascript - Track mouse position

HariI am hoping to track the position of the mouse cursor, periodically every t mseconds. So essentially, when a page loads - this tracker should start and for (say) every 100 ms, I should get the new value of posX and posY and print it out in the form. I tried the following code - but the values d...

Ok, so react is pretty cool.
Mostly problems and bugs in Javascript are solved by tricks and ad hoc solutions, agree?
@SohailxIN3N disagree.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why?
Most problems and bugs in JavaScript are caused by tricks and ad hoc solutions.
The cheapest code is written after thinking about it first.
Ad hoc solutions and tricks tend to be really expensive in the future.
@BenjaminGruenbaum do you know that you can make modulo of real numbers in JS? That's just insane :D
Can you look at my profile bio without getting weirded out? :)
@Mr.Meshuggah you don't have a representation of real numbers in JavaScript, you can modulu doubles just like in most other languages like C++ or Java.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes you're right. But what if I add a small JavaScript library for sorting the table and that caused the problem and alter the surrounding UI strange.
@SohailxIN3N why would you need a library for that? JavaScript already has a .sort
@SufiDeveloper I'm getting a 404
@BenjaminGruenbaum really can you % float?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Updated it to a different source
@Mr.Meshuggah it's rather pointless, but yeah
@SufiDeveloper @BenjaminGruenbaum really can you float? (source)
@BenjaminGruenbaum not really
If you want to divide 26 euros by 0.33 cents you want to see if anything is left
then you know that people haven't payed in terms of divisable by 0.33
Currently what I do is (26 * 100) % (0.33 * 100)
!!> 0.33*100
@JanDvorak 33
!!> (26*100)%(0.33*100)
@JanDvorak 26
why you were muting benjamin, Jan?
He said he wouldn't mind
!!> 1.61803399 % 1
@C5H8NNaO4 0.61803399
sometimes it is pretty difficult to understand people, I think I should just keep to my business.
That modulo thing is useful if you need to loop/skip over dividends of 2
!!s/business/business and dance/
@SufiDeveloper Mostly always it is pretty difficult to understand people, I think I should just keep to my business. (source)
@SufiDeveloper sometimes it is pretty difficult to understand people, I think I should just keep to my business and dance. (source)
@SufiDeveloper because +=2 is too hardcore :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hahaha yeah :)
We don't have that awesomeness in Lua though :P
Some one please help me with this post.
I'm sorry, I can't help unknown users. You know, national security and all...

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