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stupid npm is failing me
@SterlingArcher The OP has accepted the answer and it's served it's purpose as far as I am concerned. There's nothing wrong with me encouraging the reader to read-around the topic, no-matter what sanctimonious voting you partake in, you are free to judge and answer on your own account. — Rob Schmuecker 3 hours ago
all because i wanted him to explain his answer :(
@SterlingArcher backing you up, bro
thanks :) glad other people agree all answers should be explaine
Dude just needs to add some comments and not be a dick about it
setup the TV my daughter won lol
I think she likes it
hooked up a chrome cast to it and its casting from her tablet
We're encountering a lot of issues with casting
especially on crowded networks
launches GIMP
Also, I'm trying to play the Lego Movie for my family. Everything is failing
@Loktar say, you know, hypothetically.. someone were to say, you know, photo blend your daughter there into an exploding background scene.....
I think that should be made at least SSJ3
some inspiration:
well not saying that I already have.. but if I were too,
dammit where is he
you can't just post a pic of a photo blend of someones kid without their express permission
I'm Canadian.
better get that in writing too
wait, this is in writing
> -1 needs more jQuery
!!youtube space unicorn
I can't even pirate it.
@Loktar ping
@monners that looks great
I hate YouTube parties.
did you start from scratch?
!!xkcd youtube parties
@Mosho It's a photo manipulation of the Nestle building in Canada
!!wiki nestle building canada
@monners No result found
dat resolution
Ist gut, ya?
@rlemon sorry was eating dinner
lol that would be awesome do it! :P
24 mins ago, by rlemon
@Loktar say, you know, hypothetically.. someone were to say, you know, photo blend your daughter there into an exploding background scene.....
I don't know how tall she is to make it more realistic
I imagined she is short - she is a kid
does she have her own pc?
mystery desktop background ;)
anyone here experienced with mongoose?
(and node)
haha yea
I should add that as her wallpaper
I was too lazy to make it a gif @Loktar
oh hey that reminds me
Fez is free on ps4 fyi
own it for pc, but cool :P
and how does a wasted ref remind you of Fez?? :P
lol I think because you pinged me and I'm using the ps4 so I thought oh thats right rlemon has one too :P
have you seen Modern Family?
excellent show
@rlemon There's an email chain going around my office at the moment about a missing fez. Go figure.
you work in a weird office
you could say everything there is upside down
Are you proud of that one? Are you?
hi everyone. does anyone here knows or been using powerbuilder? thanks
@x'tian Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ok @CapricaSix Im sorry.
ok this is my question. I have a w_main (window form) and w_dataentry (window form from a different library.) In my w_main I'd created a structure and i want to access that in my w_dataentry which is in different library. how can i do that? also im talking to a power builder language. thank you.
ok this is my question. I have a w_main (window form) and w_dataentry (window form from a different library.) In my w_main I'd created a structure and i want to access that in my w_dataentry which is in different library. how can i do that? also im talking to a power builder language. thank you.
@SomeKittensUx2666 your definition of up is upside down
Tell me this isn't worrying
> Doctors say it's too early to tell whether ZMapp is effective.
^ new experimental drug for Ebola
kindly please, can you check out my question here stackoverflow.com/questions/25173531/… in advance
Would the JS room help destroy spam please?
Anybody there ?
I need help regarding regex
can you ?
What will be regex for 22/07/14 11:28:51 pm
What do you want to match on?
I have a string
What is wrong with str === "22/07/14 11:28:51pm"
I have to find range for string which have this pattern
It is comparing exact equal
is the pattern ACTUALLY "dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss(am/pm)"?
I want to compare pattern
its dd/MM/yy hh:mm:ss a
month is denote by M not m
What do you want to do with the result?
/^(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(am|pm)$/
!!> /^(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(am|pm)$/.exec("22/07/14 11:28:51pm")
@phenomnomnominal ["22/07/14 11:28:51pm","22","07","14","11","28","51","pm"]
/^(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(am|pm)$/
!!> /^(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(am|pm)$/
@TheTiger "/^(\\d{2})\\/(\\d{2})\\/(\\d{2}) (\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})(am|pm)$/"
this is ?
Ok Thanks
Thats a regex?
@phenomnomnominal question is for me ?
It's not a question, I was replying to you. You asked what it is, it's a regex.
You append '?' at last
so I was confuse
@phenomnomnominal Thanks for help
I am testing it regex101.com
it is giving error
Can you please have a look into it ?
Test for 22/07/14 11:28:51 pm string
You added a space.
Is there going to be a space before the 'pm' or 'am'?
b/w time and am/pm ?
"/^(\\d{2})\\/(\\d{2})\\/(\\d{2}) (\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}) (am|pm)$/"
Yes perfect
Thanks @phenomnomnominal :)
You're welcome
Go learn how RegExps work
Yes sure
@phenomnomnominal :(
Sounds like something you might be able to solve
d{2} it should be optional
1 or 2
Actually I'm an iOS dev
and rarely use regex
Good for you
They have the internet on computers now?
@monners where do you keep yours?
On the colorbox machine
You know, the one with all the letters and buttons?
my internet is on my usb drive. I put google and facebook and SE etc in it, so I can access offline.
I'd actually quite like to have wikipedia on a usb
and it just gets updated when you plug it in
@JanDvorak That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
I am sometimes quite amazed at this room; it is 2D, and it is accommodating so many people who are 3D!
and this room itself is inside some thing.... err, I don't know if it is residing under a 2D thing or 3D thing.
^(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\s?(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\s?(am|pm) works perfectly for 02/07/14 11:28:51 pm
!!afk scary regex
@TheTiger and yet it's kinda ugly
but here 11:28:51 might be 5:50:12
then I wrote it ^(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\s?(\d{1|2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\s?(am|pm)
but 1|2 doesn't validate
@JanDvorak @AwalGarg ?
do you mean {1,2}?
But it's still ugly
no 1|2
does it mean 1 digit or 2 digit ?
that's not a valid syntax inside {..}
correct inside {}
right ?
Yes Thanks :)
Don't know how to remember all the things
hello there
does anyone here knows how to get the object from a different pbl in powerbuilder?
So are CSS circles not really circles? @mikedidthis jsfiddle.net/#&togetherjs=lF8LGNu553
There's an annoying wobble on the rotation animation
@monners nope. They're just squares with really big round corners.
They shouldn't wobble, though
but why are you rotating them?
As opposed to rotating something else?
as opposed to keeping them in place?
Ummm, look at my fiddle
I'm on Firefox right now, sorry
Ok, I'll update it
@monners rounding
Make it an odd number width
The width needs to be percentage
Make the container and odd width and make the width 100%
@JanDvorak or maybe they are regular polygons with many many edges?
@AwalGarg Hi
Can I read a pdf which is not from Amazon on kindle?
my face is a bit rectangular, so 0 would suit me.
hehe ok
@Mr_Green which kindle? the kindle paperwhite?
@Mr_Green RTFM!!!
wherever I search as Kindle.. I am getting that paperwhite
I did..
they saying that I need to buy from amazon to read
@Mr_Green you got the answer then (but it is wrong...)
but nobody mention what about the pdfs which are not bought from amazon..
@Mr_Green you don't get pdfs from amazon, you get epubs and mobis.
shit.. so kindle is waste for me then
I also wonder why wud you ask this in the JS room but not the room in which we normally meet,
@Mr_Green you can read pdfs easily. and kindle is not waste for any one.
ok I will check..
I was not expecting you will be present here
I was asking here for help actually :)
but that ain't no JS related. you got to be at root access.
yup easy as I thought
@Mr_Green you could have googled it easily... i am cool but imagine if you met with the dark lord @JanDvorak or @SecondRikudo, you would have been dystroyed by now!
@AwalGarg ... wat?
@AwalGarg You're cool? Who knew!
@JanDvorak I praised your magical abilities! :D
@monners it depends what you mean by cool, I meant I am not frowning on him for asking a googleable thing :P
@AwalGarg I don't have any?
@JanDvorak you have, your room owner powers!
That's not magic. Friendship is magic.
ew! such a pathetically boring statement.
so let me prove that wrong...
!!> "friendship" === "magic"
She didn't even care to respond to you ;-)
hehe... why don't you ask the same?
@AwalGarg what keyword you used on google?
@Mr_Green "kindle read pdfs", second result
ok good.. I was actually looking in youtube review videos
why people no care for bandwidth???
@AwalGarg customers do
mobile web devs probably do, too
@JanDvorak watching vids on youtube when text results on google are more than enough is not a very nice thing. I hate such people.
I might be biased cus I am very limited to bandwidth... but it is like that.
@AwalGarg so you hate me? :)
@Mr_Green you better live under that impression, and try not to do that again.
I don't care about bandwidth on my desktop
and I have the cheapest cable plan
@Mr_Green I won't open that... I won't join your sins!!
@JanDvorak would you care if I convince you to?
@AwalGarg you can try
Wait a minute, I'm lost. Who gives a fuck?
@monners about bandwidth? Those with mobile internet connections do.
@AwalGarg How is that a sin?
No, about all the other things
Ugh, Coffee time.
any ETA on speech synthesis API in Firefox?
Ok I am leaving.. go to go..
@JanDvorak would be cool.
any ETA on when the "notifications only survive for 2 seconds" firefox bug gets fixed?
@JanDvorak do you know that for every single kb of bandwidth you waste, silicon chips degrade by a fractional amount, those silicon chips can't be repaired when exhausted, they are dumped in soil, they degrade soil quality, release (extremely) harmful silicon oxides in air which clog human oxygen and blood vessels. Poor children are caught by life threatening diseases in Seema Puri every year due to this. (And bandwidth in here is not cheap!)
Age of Empires HD has an insane 500 people population limit
i kinda tested it
@AwalGarg the effects due to this are negligible, but nice try
@JanDvorak they seem to be negligible, but videos you see, get cached! its not only your own chip you are damaging, its the one of the server, and the different places its on, on the server. And joining the effect of millions of people like you, it is NOT negligible.
but i won only with 155
though 90% were cavalary and rest seige <3 @Loktar ^ comon man play aoe
the huns are unbeatable now though :-(
posted on August 07, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by steve steve steve */

@JanDvorak and also, this is just one of the harms, there are many others.
Hi can any of you guys help me out with a parsing a massive JSON file with Node.js?
I'm having a lot of trouble and been tearing my hair out
@AwalGarg By that logic every character you've chosen to share with the room is an unjustifiable waste of the planet.
@monners no because it might result in you people not wasting bandwidth. it is like an investment... and also, I am not telling anyone to stop doing what they do (heck, I am not anyone to tell you guys what to do). But things which can be done in a fashion to save bandwidth, should be done in that fashion.
Hi guys. Need help
I have this error when trying to load javascript files In my HTML file
And, I get this error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
@AwalGarg Or we could just, you know, recycle.
for each <script src="blalba">
@SJD is that inside the javascript file?
@JanDvorak nope.
I have something like this:
<link href="/Content/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="/Content/Site.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.js" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/bootstrap.min.js" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/bootstrap.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/modernizr-2.6.2.js" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/Layout/menu.js" ></script>
this looks like a syntax error inside the script file
and I get for each file something like this (errors in console):
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < localhost:2064/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.js:1
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < localhost:2064/Scripts/bootstrap.min.js:1
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < localhost:2064/Scripts/bootstrap.js:1
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < localhost:2064/Scripts/modernizr-2.6.2.js:1
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < localhost:2064/Scripts/Layout/menu.js:1
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < localhost:2064/app/app.js:1
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < localhost:2064/app/controllers/indexController.js:1
is your server inserting weird stuff inside every file it's sending?
@monners further, even if I sum up all the messages, ok, all my activity on SE, its still not even equal to one 5 minute youtube video.
Nope...Just cannot render
HOwever I have to mention that the Html file is situated in an ASP.NET project (root)
@AwalGarg I'm going to stream HD pornography all night purely in spite of the planet.
@monners we can't. because silicon can't be recycled, atleast not until it is provided like 5000000 kelvin.
@SJD check the network tab to see if the response is what you expect
@monners I can't stop you, but I would have if I could have.
@JanDvorak Oh. It loads fine. All the files are OK 202
Usually it's 200
200 sorry
check the content too. Some webservers like sending error pages under 200
@AwalGarg This is quite possibly the craziest assertion I've ever seen. You'd stop me from wasting bandwidth because of its effects on the planet? Hmmmm. Best you give Google a call.
@monners I won't stop you, I am no one to stop you. You can do whatever you want.
And I shall.
sure. :)
@monners @monners I won't stop you, I am no one to stop you. You can do whomever you want. (source)
@monners ew
Don't judge.
You're putting words in people's mouths. And I can't help but wonder what else you are putting and where.
@JanDvorak Well, if you'd rather not speculate.... ;)
i have an samsung duos android without rooted battery issue. the battery percentage drop randomly when I remove the battery and reinsert it. anyone facing this issue?
is that a battery problem or device?
@AwalGarg Sorry, what? I was busy imagining @JanDvorak in compromising situations.
@monners why?
Aaaaan it's home time. Ciao.
@vzhen sometimes if I power-cycle my mother's camera it shows one more bar
@JanDvorak Oh. Have some news for you: 304
Not Modified
@JanDvorak what is the problem? battery or device? can I fix this by simply replace a new battery ?
When I check the content it is the SAME with my HTML file.
@vzhen I wouldn't call this a problem. Telling the battery charge is always part guesswork, part magic
especially if it's just been plugged in

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