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Or we could shut the fuck up and stop wasting our money on the other side of the world.
and invest it in a good healthcare for example
No no. No stars plz. Ambiguous on it's own and seems rude
keyword "invest", not "waste money"
cause that's one of the rudimentary things a country needs
@Jhawins Well, wasting is debatable... Our Government is the largest suppliers of American jobs, and Government jobs can exist in surplus with our hands in other Governments across the globe
do you guys think Steve Jobs really used a hole in the law system to get a new pancreas/liver?
Y'know, I must have been drunk or really tired or maybe just playing devil's advocate with myself (!!s/devil's advocate//) but an odd thought crossed my mind last week: If we have the biggest military anyway, we might as well use it. Just as long as we don't call it "defense".
@Zirak have they taken the hobits to isengard?
To Isengard!
anyone here know what master chef is?
@RyanKinal if you use your military, people will die
you kind of don't want that
gordon ramsey
how did we come to this topic
Unless you're an Ebenezer Scrooge and want to get rid of the surplus population
Actually, I really don't want that. This isn't my general viewpoint, which is why I figure I must have been drunk or tired or something.
@RobertSteinerIII Well, my point right here is that a foreign airline's plane crashed or was shot down in another foreign country, while on it's way to a different foreign country, none of which involved us. I don't rush to car accidents across the state for other people but if one happens in front of me I'll go help somebody out.
@zigi I couldn't come to this topic.
@KendallFrey i c wut u did there
@KendallFrey haha
holy shit
So (Not USA -> Not USA -> Not USA -> USA's money -> Wait wut)
lol phail
Happy balls, kendall
@KendallFrey it's FRIDAY BALLS (source)
I need some Friday balls
@RalphWiggum Oh they are. But not because of this conversation.
@Jhawins Ah I see what you're saying. Aggravating that it is all over the news right now, and nothing else.. lol
Mar 13 '13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
@RobertSteinerIII lol yeah that's annoying. But I'm sure people are being shot and eaten by each other all across the nation still they're just distracting us.
@CapricaSix disgusting dude
How bout fedex? Shoot one of their planes down and you'll apparently score tons of illegal drugs?
May 29 at 19:17, by Jhawins
Oh man, this one time I pooped from the top of a 120ft silo into a bunch of water at the bottom. One of my favorite memories from Canada.
@Jhawins lmfao Yea, but you know where this is leading us....
Kill rebecca!
Alternative Friday celebration video
man this week has been fucking awesome
ALways this video every Friday
learned so much new shit
@MirkoCianfarani every friday, but its already been posted today
I think node has replaced my defacto server language fully now
@RobertSteinerIII To space!
since learning db shit with it
@CapricaSix can you not post such stuff, it's disgusting
@Jhawins Next thing you know, America will pass a law allowing FedEx, UPS, etc to check our packages and well 'invade our privacy'
No. I have absolutely no idea where it's leading us.
@zigi sorry, culture differences.
@RobertSteinerIII No, actually they already can.
haha ok
USPS is the only form of shipping where an actual search warrant has to be issued to open the package.
but you just said it doesn't justify to do bad to bad?
@Jhawins Holy shit I did not know that...
FedEx, UPS and other private shipping companies can be forced to release a package to the gov. on probable cause, or can take a peak themselves for just about any reason.
in the Netherlands a few years back they caught a cargo with like 10 tons of coke
@Jhawins yyou heard about the french blogger??
and there were people working on the harbor involved
Look this history @DrogoNevets chat.stackoverflow.com/…
not many people know that but I do cause my brother worked for the EU comission
@DrogoNevets ha, that was funny (the repercussions)
@RobertSteinerIII Yup. Not what you'd expect
@DrogoNevets No?
posted on July 18, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}

tl;dr a blogger got sued for a bad review, so people spammed the g+ page with bad reviews
@rlemon in which country?
read the link
Haha sweet
its a little scary that the internet has come to this
Anyways, I can't work with this chat open... lmao Dipping out, peace guys
You know, in Bulgaria, if someone plays music out loud, and you go to tell him politely to lower it down he will start swearing at you and if you try to call the police they would say they would send someone but no one comes so the only reasonable thing to do is to play music loud too to not hear his shit.
@DrogoNevets Ever seen child porn? The internet has worse.
@jhawins, insult me, then i can sue you and pay for my wedding!
@Zirak i meant the censorship! although censorship of that is good, and thankfully, no i never have!
I haven't seen anyone being sued for slander in my country
or for being racist
@Zirak Worse than child porn??
Oh, yes, PHP
@DrogoNevets You swine
Oh hai @copy-
Hi @OctavianDamiean
@copy what about Phalcon PHP
How's life?
@Jhawins right, now, how do i sue someone in a different country?
It's a student's life, so pretty relaxed
Good to hear.
@DrogoNevets Umm. Call... Apple or Samsung. They do a lot of this stuff
PHP is worse than child pornography?
@OctavianDamiean Better with cinnamon
so I notice TJ doesn't really use the module system.
@copy my student life was the most hectic thing in my life
just has a global app and requires everything to the main
@OctavianDamiean How about you? Haven't seen you in a while
@rlemon thats naughty
well, he did write most of the code :P I mean, he has to have a good reason for it
@copy Welp, I'm fine too. Doing stuff and when I'm not doing stuff I'm usually in internet spaceships.
take a look how he structures this github.com/visionmedia/screenshot-app
@rlemon i assume using app instead of modules would be faster?
it is just so against what i've been told :P
@OctavianDamiean I'm in local spaceships
@KendallFrey damn, that sounds interesting.
that guy wrote most code for everything node
@rlemon ditto
Can't wait until KSP multiplayer
@Loktar yea which is why i'm giving it some thought.
heh there is a big conspiracy theory that he is fake
I mean, if he structures it like that.. are we supposed to be as well?
people say they have never met him at any conference
and its weird that he's just up and moving to GO to build hype
@OctavianDamiean Where do you find these … Internet Spaceships?
In EVE Online.
A: get div corners pixel positions after rotation

kidwon This is about geometry. If we assume that a = 5px and b = 3px obviously point B is 2px vertically and 2px horisontally to your starting point A. Ofcourse we assume that your rotation point is the center. a = divWidth/2 and b = divHeight/2 In the same manner you can calculate the other corner...

Isn't EVE really... unrealistic?
I can't get into flying spaceships like airplanes
@KendallFrey oh, it's not about the physics as it's not supposed to be a flight simulation.
It's about the social and market simulation.
I don't do that stuff.
"Nerd rap"...................... I was just doing dots while I thought of something to say. That shit is plain stupid.
I like a society/economy in an otherwise good game, but by itself... meh
@Jhawins eating tapas drinking beer going to see a show.. Beer wasn't cold so I had to drink another.
Things are OK, media is crazy
No it doesn't obviously a and b are the halves of his div width and height respectfully. Go easy with the downvotes when somebody have done the effort to help. — kidwon 2 hours ago
Coworkers music has never been this annoying.
so just putting effort into an answer lands you upvotes?
even if the answer isn't correct?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Aww damn man they even messed up the beer? :(
sheit.. I've been doing it all wrong!
Yup :(
I blame Gaza
I'm sure they are not too happy with you either :P
Anyway, back to beer, friends are getting edgy since I'm on my phone
What are your guys feelings about JS apps on Phones
even more annoyingly, the OP can't even tell that the answer he's accepted is wrong :(
Ttyl, don't worry
@BenjaminGruenbaum be safe
@Alnitak maybe later
@Alnitak well the question should probably be closed as well
@rlemon as unclear?
unclear / too broad
I wish there was a "lazy" reason
or a "tried nothing" reason
haha found this one i.imgur.com/ZHCjln6.jpg
@zigi don't ... seriously ...
Phones are utter shite.
@OctavianDamiean I hate it too, but my colleague who thinks promises are stupid
thinks you could do everything with Sencha Touch
@rlemon lol sure
@zigi promises are not stupid
Whoever thought it would be cool to have a weird computer-phone mash up was an idiot.
@OctavianDamiean but its given us higher paid jobs :) thats good
haha he said, why do we need them, when I have implemented this loader class that checks every 100 ms if all the async functions are completed and fires an event if not
he also said
it's essentially the same
tell him to read the BlueBird source code
@zigi tell him he's bad and he should feel bad.
and he's my senior dev
a hundred fricking millseconds?
so supposedly he knows better
He's essentially an idiot.
It pretty much boils down to that.
yes I don't want to tell him cause he's also sensitive to such topics
and get agitated
@zigi invite him into the chat.....we'll tell him for you
haha that'd would be great
and whilst your at it, invite your boss in
haha :D
he won't come
> Your employee thinks you are an idiot
he's kind of old fashined
But if there is one valuable lesson I've learned on SO the past 4 years it's that you can't fix people and that you shouldn't even try.
I totally agree
@rlemon the question is clear, and the answer not trivial unless you've got at least a modest amount of math (unlike the guy whose answer got accepted...)
@OctavianDamiean you can fix people, you can't fix stupid.
I actually think that people are stupid. Mostly.
@OctavianDamiean For people to be "fixed", they have to want it.
we have a saying in my country "Stupidity is running amongst people not amongst the trees"
@Alnitak don't we generally like the OP to do... you know.. some work?
instead of asking for the codez?
@OctavianDamiean I usually have the same assumption
but then again that's cause IT people like being rational
Craving knowledge and learning is a must for self-improvement.
and we think we are better than the rest
cause we are critical and thinking
We are better
have you guys watched Transcedence
OH: Responsive design so it works with every browser.
Is that movie even good?
@Mr.Hargrove Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Mr.Hargrove better than my expectations
and I usually have high expectations
I am a sci-fi geek
Alrighty, I heard mixed reviews. Mostly that it was bad haha
haha but then again
I'll have to check it out though
I live in europe
@Zirak and for continued emplyment in software of any description
look at this comment snippet
I would expect that Transcendence will do better in countries where there is more critical thinking, such as Japan or most of Europe.
hahaha lol
@zigi That's a nice joke
Okay, so. Problem: In an Angular app, I have some YouTube embed code (iframe), retrieved from the server via API. The iframe/video is displayed in a modal, and works fine. However, when I close the modal, the video still plays. Here's a fiddle - any suggestions would be appreciated.
I will definitely check it out though.
@Zirak haha well it might be to you :D
Critical thinking in Japan? WTF!
@RyanKinal ill have a gander
@Mr.Hargrove also watch Dark City from 1997 it has inspired the matrix movies
@zigi I'm critical, Zirak's thinking.
@Mr.Hargrove and the Thirteent floor
In that order.
@OctavianDamiean haha that's good, you are a team
@RyanKinal video stops (or at least sound does) when i click close
@DrogoNevets Browser?
yeah, @RyanKinal it stops for me
Bah. It's a Chrome thing, then
@zigi will do
@RyanKinal FF/Auroua
how many of you touched the new chrome 36?
ill test in chrome
its new profile management system is truly fucking AWESOME
@Mr.Hargrove you won't regret it if you like smart movies/ sci-fi movies
@RyanKinal Is that "such great heights" a JKS cover of the postal service? (no sound right now but I like that song :P)
if you don't check it out today, they you are not living your life...
@AwalGarg I did but as a gentleman I'd rather keep the details to myself.
@Mr.Hargrove also whatch limitless if you can
@zigi then I definitely won't!
@Jhawins Yes it is :-)
yup its chrome
@zigi love limitless
And it's brilliant
thought i might be able to help you still
@RyanKinal Oh man I bet it's awesome haha. Save for later
@Mr.Hargrove I also recommend Source Code
i think all the close modal does is hide it.......not remove it.....try removing the modal from the DOM?
@Jhawins They're one of my favorite bands right now
@DrogoNevets saw the new profile management and "session lock" system?
@AwalGarg huh??
and Elysium
@zigi that's another one I didn't know if it was good or not, same with elysium
FWIW, IE11 also does not stop the video
@DrogoNevets you said its chrome...
the idea is quite smart it won't disappoint you
@AwalGarg He was talking about my video issue
@zigi sweet, movie day soon hahah
oh crappp.
@Mr.Hargrove watch if you can Snowpiercer
it's also based on a japanese movie
@RyanKinal Nice. I've for some reason gotten stuck on The Neighborhood, Two Door Cinema Club and Rob Thomas this week? They're not even my style.
Hah, nice
@Mr.Hargrove I am expecting Lucy the movie to come it'd be x10 better than Limitless
I just saw Lake Street Dive live last night.
@zigi oo, nice
It was so good.
But it works. The kickers in my truck are bausse haha
People keep asking me if I have subs XD // I do not
@zigi YES! I want to see that so bad haha
looks pretty cool
haha no shit
the last trannsformers were much better than I expected too
@zigi Looks so silly lol. That whole 10% thing has been stupid forever
the one will wallburger?
Mmmm. Wall-burger.
@Jhawins Actually I can explain something that I can prove and it will blow your mind
I watch a lot of movies cause I have this Unlimited Gold card like 20 euros per month and can go whenever I want
@zigi Me too
Don't try to base a cool movie plot on a terribly stupid misconception of the entire human brain that lasted too long.
@zigi lucky
Did you know that the sum of all positive integers is equal to -1/12?
@zigi That'd be cool. We don't have that
@KendallFrey under which normalization scheme?
The entire human brain mass is made of two main types of cells - neurons and glial cells
There is 1 theater within 45 minutes of me... And it's terrible and costs like $11.
@Jhawins also I get 40% off all purchases of food inside
lol welcome to my town, except its 20 mins away
and get to watch the pre-premiers with free food provided from the cinema
@Jhawins The entire human brain mass is made of two main types of cells - neurons and neuroglia cells (source)
@JanDvorak What's that?
@zigi What about the water?
@Jhawins But if you do it, at least do it with a hot main character
@Jhawins same thing
so 10% neurons and 90% neuroglia
@copy Yeah I don't find her attractive. At all.
The face. I can't quite pinpoint what but she looks like some small animal. Maybe like a smashed up pug face mixed with... Not sure yet.
so if you know about it
@copy I think her hair makes her look terrible haha. Shes hot in Don Jon
and her voice
@Jhawins cause she's from Danish descent
@Jhawins Well, that's taste
@zigi Well, that's not quite true. What's your point?
is it just dutch women you hate? or all dutch?
Please don't discuss that now
@rlemon What do the Danes have to do with the Dutch?
@rlemon Danish != Dutch
@zigi you said you could prove this. No one can prove whether there's 10/90 or 1/99
I misread
you bash on the dutch alot it seems
Were you going to tell me something? Or what
@copy ...Cool
@rlemon cause I have interacted a lot and I can say that the majority is made of people who had nice lives, care free lives and are not interested in almost anything besides mainstream stuff, beer and pot
which I really hate cause that's not the way people around the world should behave
@Jhawins Sorry about that, I wanted to move the whole thing and failed
I live and have lived with them
so it is strange I know
@zigi The majority of people care about mainstream stuff? WHO KNEW???
unfortunately I can say the same for many Bulgarians too
@zigi What the hell man. You just condemned an entire race as mainstream carefree alcoholic potheads.
back to acceptability, you can have your own views. but bashing them publicly here isn't appreciated.
lol @zigi thats the entire US teenage population
sorry once more
can I bash Bulgarians then?
I am bulgarian?
soon to be Dutch
don't bash anyone!
how hard is that?
@Jhawins He never even mentioned NASCAR, silly
sorry, joke
@rlemon ... phrasing
yeah I kind of sound like a winey bitch don't I
@KendallFrey Hahaha
<insert Bubba J joke here>
!!s/how ha/my cheese how ha/
@zigi my cheese how hard is that? (source)
@KendallFrey Need more vagisil for race day
de turk a durp
> Fuuuuuck you Danika Patrick Imma drive fast an tuurrrrnnnn to da left sometimes
@BenjaminGruenbaum ...
I didn't know there was really such a thing called vagisil
@rlemon I am not bashing, I am saying from what I have seen so far, so from the sample of like 100 people 60-70 were like that
this doesn't mean all of them are like that
just most of the ones I have seen
@monners was really into CoD but not zombies in particular
After getting a Formula 1 racing game, My opinion of NASCAR is much lower.
and that's not bashing, that's reality
didn't have people to play with
I was only a big fan of the WWII ones, and Blops2
@zigi your sense of reality is strange.
@KendallFrey Yeah but Formula 1 is too silly with all the insane rules.
in either case, keep it too yourself.
@Jhawins such as what?
Course the power they generate on a car that weighs as much as a VW beetle justifies them
in pure javascript how can I check if element has not certain class?
@Arash Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
4 messages moved to Trash
@rlemon why did you remove them?
@Arash Do you need to support ie8?
I was complimenting you
@Arash depends on browser support
you can use .classList if it is available.
yes, pure javascript working with ie6 +
LOL @those binned messages
then you need to check against the string
ie6+? Just kill yourself
please help
@Kendall oh those are historic haha. There are a lot of meticulous petty rules now though too
@shortCircuit 3
var classes = elem.className.split(" ");
then compare string within a loop, or soemthing
function hasClass(selector) {
    var className = " " + selector + " ",
        i = 0,
        l = this.length;
    for (; i < l; i++) {
        if (this[i].nodeType === 1 && (" " + this[i].className + " ").replace(/[\t\r\n\f]/g, " ").indexOf(className) >= 0) {
            return true;
    return false;
just look at the jQuery source code and determine how to write it yourself.
special thanks
It's funny how getting more gas isn't allowed in F1 lol
this room should have a alert button .. Click to confirm you are ie6+
I wrote that forever ago
shrugs could probably rip out the stuff about searching the doc
and apply it to one element
/me had to support IE6 in 2011 and 2012
@rlemon this function has just one argument
i ripped it out of jQuery
but I have 1- element and 2- class name!!!
your job is to make it work for you
@shortCircuit china still uses IE6 quite a lot
deleted not helping a vamp
> I need all the code exactly how I want it!
@Loktar getByTagName('*')
IE6 supported that
Y U NO document.all
Then it must be a different ie6 , because that's how they do it
@Jhawins Yeah, like what?
@rlemon lol probably didn't know about it in 2011
@KendallFrey Dude. Use your googler or try to do a full on simulation race and see how many times you get disqualified and don't know why
it is horrible. I'm joking :P
grabs ALL elements
that's sums up what I do
@Jhawins I don't get disqualified.
I only get penalties, but that's because I drive like a moron
ProTip: Canadians don't put up with any more shit than anyone else. We just don't see the point in being a dick needlessly
lol yea
why do south park creators make so much fun of you guys?
because it is a funny joke
@zigi cause they won't do anything about it
I only like racing games if they will allow me to turn around and collide head on with another car
both of the creators have gone on record saying they love canada
Because sometimes that's just what I wanna do.
@zigi have you ever been to Canada?
I have to come see Canada ...
No, I have a really good Canadian friend though
only if I had some money
I have a black friend
@NickDugger how is that related, isn't it racist cause you mention he's black?
How black are we talkinh
@shortCircuit oh, same thing!
girlfriends best friend is from canada
Like coal black or tar black or pitch black or like epic black
@Jhawins You can do that too, but expect to get black-flagged

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